Download horny porn on without limits

Many men and women watch porn reg­u­lar­ly, even joint porn evenings are not uncommon. 

Often free porn tube por­tals are pre­ferred. Most­ly, on these sites you are bom­bard­ed with adver­tise­ments while watch­ing, anoth­er dan­ger, are virus­es or malware.

On porn stream­ing por­tals like, which I vis­it­ed as part of my porn site test, this can­not hap­pen to you. All videos are ad-free, legal and con­tain nei­ther virus­es nor malware.

In our review, we want­ed to know what is behind the porn stream­ing ser­vice and whether it is worth sign­ing up for a mem­ber­ship there. We com­pare the plat­form with AEBN, FlixOne,, Adul­tEm­pire and Hot­movies. You are wel­come to share your per­son­al expe­ri­ences, ques­tions or opin­ions below the review.


Porn site test report: briefly introduced

Facts and figures about the website

The porn fla­trate por­tal has been online since 1999. The oper­a­tor is the Aus­tri­an com­pa­ny Won­do Dien­stleis­tungs GmbH, which has its head­quar­ters in Vienna. 

It is an online video library for hard­core erot­ic movies. You can find over 4,500 porn DVDs on xLOADz, which are divid­ed into eas­i­ly and quick­ly down­load­able scenes. Mem­bers can down­load the sex porn in MP4 for­mat to their hard dri­ve and thus cre­ate their own erot­ic movie collection.


Xload­z’s pay­ment sys­tem is unusu­al: the com­pa­ny offers its cus­tomers a month­ly sub­scrip­tion in the form of a real porn flat rate. For the month­ly price, you can watch and down­load as many porn movies as you want.

Cur­rent­ly, this online video store offers porn movies from over 80 porn stu­dios. The focus is on Ger­man-lan­guage videos, such as Mag­ma Film with 260 porn DVDs. How­ev­er, numer­ous Amer­i­can and Euro­pean porn labels are also represented.

At the end of 2020, a long-over­due relaunch was car­ried out, so the porn site now has a mod­ern look.

The costs

At the moment, offers 2 sub­scrip­tions to choose from:

  • 1 month with auto­mat­ic renew­al: €39.90
  • 3 months with auto­mat­ic renew­al: €79.90 (€26.64/month)

There are no hid­den fees included.

The preview area of

As in all our oth­er porn site reviews, we first take a look at the project as a guest. When you vis­it for the first time, you are greet­ed by a well-struc­tured home­page. Cur­rent erot­ic movies from pop­u­lar stu­dios are adver­tised in top qual­i­ty for unlim­it­ed download. 

It is a por­tal from the Ger­man-speak­ing area. All texts are in Ger­man, but also in English.

From the home­page you can surf into many porn movies and watch the scenes. It is fun to browse the video library and search videos by title, cat­e­go­ry, per­former or stu­dio. Oth­er fil­ters are rat­ing and recency.

The entire pre­view area does­n’t look clut­tered and is free of ads. This is a major excep­tion in the indus­try. For rea­sons of Euro­pean youth pro­tec­tion, sex­u­al organs are either not shown at all or only pix­e­lat­ed in the pre­view area.

Porn site test report: The members area of

Site structure, content and special features

As a mem­ber, one is curi­ous about the con­tent of the porn por­tal after log­ging in. The provider has not promised too much! Sur­pris­ing­ly, it real­ly is a real, unre­strict­ed porn flatrate!

The mem­bers area hard­ly dif­fers from the pre­view. xLOADz does with­out super­flu­ous bells and whis­tles and focus­es entire­ly on the movies. 

These have fea­ture film length with run­ning times from 70 min­utes to more than 4 hours! Awe­some. The range is tru­ly remark­able. In the Ger­man cat­e­go­ry alone, there are almost 600 videos on offer, includ­ing some from the well-known stu­dios Mag­ma Film and BEX Studios. 

You can down­load the whole movie or just sin­gle scenes. The flicks are avail­able in min­i­mum DVD qual­i­ty and can be down­loaded instant­ly. There are no restric­tions or lim­its. Once down­loaded, users can watch the movies as many times as they want, burn them to CD or DVD and keep them forever. 

Both the texts on the web­site and the FAQs and cus­tomer sup­port are in Ger­man, which will please most porn lovers in this country. 

Con­stant updates ensure sat­is­fied cus­tomers in the long run. Pro­vid­ed you have a fast inter­net con­nec­tion, the down­load is very quick.

The advantages of the sex site

  • The videos are in DVD qual­i­ty and com­pat­i­ble with all oper­at­ing systems 
  • The videos have no copy pro­tec­tion. This means you can burn them to DVD and cre­ate your own archive 
  • Most of the videos are hard­core or fetish videos. The cat­e­gories range from anal to tranny 
  • A short pre­view (about 30 sec­onds) and a detailed descrip­tion is avail­able for each movie.
  • Com­pared to pay­ing per movie or per minute, which is com­mon on most VoD porn por­tals, a month­ly fixed price is worth it for users who watch porn often and regularly.
  • Fast down­load
  • Site is com­plete­ly in German
  • Lots of Ger­man porn
  • no parental controls

The disadvantages of the porn site

  • I noticed dur­ing my review that there is no search by freely selec­table key­words. This makes it dif­fi­cult to find movies that match your own taste 
  • I also have to note neg­a­tive­ly that the only pay­ment option offered is direct deb­it and no cred­it card.
  • Many porn videos are already older.
  • Only four scenes in the cuck­old category.
  • No stream­ing
  • no full mobile support

Review conclusion: Is recommendable?

In my opin­ion, xLOADz porn flat rate is worth it! It is a good alter­na­tive to the video-on-demand stream­ing por­tals where you have to pay per minute. 

The offer is worth it just because of the over 250 Mag­ma porn movies. Mag­mafilm is a porn stu­dio from Berlin that pro­duces Ger­man porn. Imag­ine this amount in your closet 😉

I rec­om­mend that you make the effort and save the sex movies rea­son­ably cat­e­go­rized on your hard dri­ve. This way you can save a lot of mon­ey and you don’t have to order porn DVDs online and store them hidden.

It would be desir­able if the oper­a­tor also brings oth­er porn stu­dios from Ger­many and the EU on board, such as Vide­o­ra­ma, Infla­granti, MMV, Muschi Movie, Mag­ma, Her­zog and GGG(Ger­man Goo Girls).

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, we found only four scenes in the cuck­old cat­e­go­ry. If you are look­ing for cuck­old­ing porn, you will not find it here. How­ev­er, you will find plen­ty of Ger­man cum porn and gang­bang porn.


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