On Gangbang Creampie Cum Creampies Are Caught With Glasses

While hotwifes can find out about new game ideas for the cuck­old in our reviews MenIn­Pain or Fem­domEm­pire, gang­bang sites like CreampieGangbang.com also give you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn many things.

For wife­shar­ers and cuck­olds alike, it is the most heart­felt wish to have the beloved wife or life part­ner horni­ly fucked by a potent group of men with­out a con­dom and to be insem­i­nat­ed prop­er­ly by others 

Secret­ly, some women wish to be fucked at least once in a while a lit­tle more pas­sion­ate­ly and unin­hib­it­ed­ly by strange men. How­ev­er, since most of them are ashamed, only a few are will­ing to par­tic­i­pate in a gang­bang and even few­er are will­ing to be filmed doing so.

For­tu­nate­ly, there are porn stu­dios that find brave hotwifes, suit­able loca­tions and potent ama­teur fuck­ers and shoot extreme­ly horny porn. One of the horni­est pro­duc­ers, besides Ger­man­Goo­Girls and Sper­maS­tu­dio, is the sex site CreampieGangbang.com, which I would like to intro­duce to you in this porn site review.

We have vis­it­ed this erot­ic site and sum­ma­rized our expe­ri­ences in a review from a cuck­old’s point of view. As always, we will not only dis­cuss the advan­tages, but also the dis­ad­van­tages. Have you ever been a mem­ber of Gang­bang Creampie? Then please share your per­son­al expe­ri­ences and opin­ions with us in the com­ments sec­tion below the review.

Vis­it GangbangCreampie.com

The Preview Area of GangbangCreampie.com

When you vis­it the CreampieGangbang.com sex site for the first time, you will be direct­ly greet­ed by a fresh­ly insem­i­nat­ed pussy on the home­page, from which sperm is ooz­ing and against which a stiff cock is pressed 

Besides Ger­man­Goo­Girls, Sper­m­Ma­nia and Sper­maS­tu­dio, this is anoth­er porn site that comes in a com­plete­ly black look.

If you scroll down a bit, you will see eigh­teen pic­tures with the lat­est gang­bang porn released. You can hov­er over the screen­shots to see a slideshow and more thumb­nails. Click­ing on it will take you direct­ly to the video detail page where you will find a large pho­to, info about the mod­el and more infor­ma­tion about the movie.

If you scroll down fur­ther on the home page, you will learn in a wel­come text that the search for high-qual­i­ty gang­bang and creampie con­tent is over. This is fol­lowed by twelve pho­tos of the most pop­u­lar porn stars.

What’s cool is that you can nav­i­gate deep­er into the pre­view area via the menu items Videos, Free Pics (free pho­tos), Tal­ents (list of porn per­form­ers) and Nich­es (cat­e­gories) to be com­plete­ly con­vinced by the content.

Facts and Figures About Gangbang Creampie Website

CreampieGangbang.com has been online since June 2015. The oper­a­tor is Nomad Media Inc, which is also known under the labels Buzz Aziani or AZIANI 

The porn stu­dio oper­ates four oth­er web­sites in a net­work called Aziani. The porn sites Glo­ry­holeS­e­crets, Porta­Glo­ry­hole (Mobile Glo­ri­hole Box) and POV­Train are also con­nect­ed there. The porn label also offers numer­ous porn movies as DVD ver­sions for purchase.

As in every web­site review, the infor­ma­tion about the costs and options of the mem­ber­ship should not be miss­ing in this one. They are stag­gered in three dis­count levels:

  • 30 days: 29.95 US $
  • 90 days: 59,95 US $
  • 1 year: 99,95 US $

Pay­ment can be made with Visa Card, Mas­ter­Card or var­i­ous gift cards.

Test Report of the Members Area of GangbangCreampie.com

Site Structure, Content and Special Features

The mem­bers area looks 1:1 like the pre­view area. How­ev­er, all fea­tures are now unlocked.

Cur­rent­ly there are about 800 videos online, all in crys­tal clear full HD res­o­lu­tion. The clips can be down­loaded and streamed. In addi­tion, the oper­a­tor pro­vides more than 300 pho­to gal­leries, also in high res­o­lu­tion. Each gallery has just under 90 pho­tos. The con­tent is exclu­sive to Gang­bang Creampie.

A selec­tion of more than 280 mod­els is wait­ing for you, who are fucked from one orgasm to the next by a horde of aes­thet­ic, well-built men. There are pop­u­lar porn actress­es, but also ama­teur women — who some­times hide their faces behind eye masks.

In the videos it goes some­thing like this, that the beau­ty is real­ly sur­round­ed by cocks from all sides. At the begin­ning she is ful­ly occu­pied with blow­ing them stiff. When the time comes, she either lies down on her back and spreads her legs or gets on all fours and stretch­es her ass in the air 

One cock after anoth­er pen­e­trates her and fucks her pussy until the cum pours deep inside her. The girl is not allowed a break. Only when all men have cum, the gang­bang is over. Again and again the creampie is caught with a mar­ti­ni glass. Nasty sperm games included.

Incredibly Horny Gangbang Action With Breathtaking Perspectives

At the end of the gang­bang the women squat over the sperm glass and squeeze as much sperm as pos­si­ble out of their vagi­na. The sight is more than just horny! This cock­tail with man juice she may slurp to the crown­ing conclusion.

Espe­cial­ly inter­est­ing I found in my review that real ama­teur women are on the site. Before the shoot, they are most­ly inter­viewed. They are asked about their sex life and it is explained to them exact­ly what is in store for them.

In Gang­bang Creampie, the women are basi­cal­ly fucked with­out a con­dom. Inject­ing is not only allowed, it is even manda­to­ry! Of course, the but­tocks and mouth are also released for use 

The creamp­ies, cumshots and bukkakes are always very well lit and are caught on cam­era from great perspectives.

As a view­er, you can feel great in the group sex action due to the razor sharp res­o­lu­tion, the like­able — but not over­styled actors and actress­es. Some­how you feel as if you are live at the insemination!

Gangbangs Imprint Themselves Deeply Into the Pleasure Center of the Brain

A group sex event is basi­cal­ly an incred­i­bly dras­tic expe­ri­ence for all par­tic­i­pants, which they will not for­get again so quickly 

As a man, sim­ply being allowed to fuck hard with­out much pre­lim­i­nar­ies and watch­ing oth­er guys squirt into the same pussy is a very pow­er­ful desire for many men.

Many times there is an assump­tion that women find gang­bangs fun­da­men­tal­ly repul­sive or only do it for the mon­ey. How­ev­er, this is not true 

Regard­less of age, social sta­tus and cul­ture, many women also have extreme­ly dirty fan­tasies about being fucked by sev­er­al strange men with­out restraint and being insem­i­nat­ed abun­dant­ly. How­ev­er, they rarely talk about it, because nowa­days such a “dirty” thing is out­lawed for reli­gious and social reasons.

Accord­ing to sur­veys, the 86 per­cent of peo­ple want to repeat group sex very soon. I think that says it all 😉

Advantages of the Sex Site

Gang­bang Creampie porn is absolute­ly awe­some. The wom­en’s pussies are lit­er­al­ly over­flow­ing from all the cum and the creamp­ies are won­der­ful­ly lit and staged in high definition 

I also like that the men look good as well. In com­pa­ra­ble group sex videos, many old­er guys with pot bel­lies and bald heads are at work. On Gang­bang Creampie, on the oth­er hand, the guys are also young, tight and equipped with big dicks. Some of them can ejac­u­late very pow­er­ful­ly. There are even ath­let­ic, exot­ic men with big penis­es(Big black cock — BBC)!

As an atten­tive cuck­old, one notices that some of them are even mul­ti­ple squirters and “per­form” mul­ti­ple times.

Anoth­er pos­i­tive thing I noticed dur­ing my review is that the web­site is updat­ed very fre­quent­ly. The newest videos are always only a few days old.

Disadvantages of the Porn Site

I have to men­tion a few neg­a­tive things in my review as well. While there are plen­ty of videos pre­sent­ed with screen­shots in the pre­view sec­tion, there are no trailers 

Also a tri­al sub­scrip­tion is not offered. All sub­scrip­tions are auto­mat­i­cal­ly renewed.

Review Conclusion: Is GangbangCreampie.com Recommendable?

My review turns out to be above aver­age pos­i­tive for CreampieGangbang.com. The pro­duc­ers know how to stage cum and gang­bang properly 

As a cuck­old, wife­shar­er but also as a hotwife and bull this porn site is def­i­nite­ly a must! Even Bulls can still learn some­thing here and there in the scenes to fuck a Hotwife so real­ly horny.

The cam­era angles, set con­struc­tions as well as the tech­ni­cal real­iza­tion and also the kind of insem­i­na­tions can be described as very pro­fes­sion­al. It is extreme­ly fun to watch how the shy lit­tle mice become such unin­hib­it­ed and cock-hun­gry vamps 😉

Both the gang­bang and the vio­lent creamp­ies and bukkakes are incred­i­bly stimulating.

The films often fol­low the same pat­tern, but still they hit the brain like a bomb! You can go into a fren­zy from one porn to the next, for­get­ting the time and every­thing around you.

Vis­it GangbangCreampie.com

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