DoTheWife offers extremely kinky cuckold videos of the extra class

As far as the domain name is con­cerned, the web­site seems to have noth­ing to do with cuck­old­ing. How­ev­er, if you take a clos­er look at the con­tent, it quick­ly becomes clear that this is all about cuckolding 

You can see beau­ti­ful mid­dle-aged women (MIL­Fs), some of whom are sex­i­ly dressed and being fucked hard in the pussy and butt by their bull or sev­er­al lovers. The hotwifes enjoy the sex to the fullest. Their boyfriend or hus­band usu­al­ly stays in the back­ground. Some­times he even lies under his hotwife and waits for the bull to cum, so he can lick out his wife’s fresh­ly insem­i­nat­ed cunt. 

In the porn, bud­ding cuck­olds and wife­shar­ers can fuel their fan­tasies of how their own wives get horny alien fucked and alien insem­i­nat­ed. But hotwifes can also slip into the role of actresses.

We took a clos­er look at the Do The Wife project for this review and tell you whether it is worth book­ing a mem­ber­ship. Find out in our review the advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages of this cuck­old­ing sex site and what con­tent the mem­bers area con­tains. If you know the project, you can tell us your opin­ions and expe­ri­ences below the review.


The preview area of Do The Wife

The web­site has been online since May 2016. As always, I look at the pre­view area first for every­one in the web­site test (called Review in English).

Despite the no-frills design, this one is real­ly well done. You get a pret­ty good impres­sion of what to expect in the mem­bers area of Do the Wife 

A vari­ety of gor­geous mod­els are dis­played on neu­tral black, enjoy­ing them­selves with a bull or sev­er­al lovers. Their hus­band, life part­ner or boyfriend sits next to them and watch­es the action with enthu­si­asm or dismay 

What’s great is that the search func­tion works com­plete­ly and you can nav­i­gate all the way to the gallery pages. For­mu­lat­ed texts and infor­ma­tion about the mod­els moti­vate you to browse and click around.

At the bot­tom of the page you can find the link to the cus­tomer sup­port and the terms and conditions.

The costs

DoTheWife is a pay site. There­fore, in my porn site test report, the prices for the mem­ber­ship should not be missing:

  • Sub­scrip­tion term 1 month: $19.99
  • Sub­scrip­tion peri­od 3 months: $44.99

Cred­it cards (Visa and Mas­ter­Card) are accept­ed as means of pay­ment. Mem­bers get access to oth­er web­sites of the Smut Pup­pet net­work through their sub­scrip­tion. These include such sites as:

  • Dark Sodomy: white sluts get fucked in the ass by black studs
  • Teen Erot­i­ca: petite girls get cunt or ass stuffed
  • Mature fucks teen: old men have sex with young women
  • Black and Big: white women get acquaint­ed with huge black cocks
  • Team fucks Girl: this web­site is about gangbang

Test report: of the members area of

Site structure, content and special features 

It is a porn site with more than 180 gal­leries and more than 30,000 videos. In addi­tion, there are numer­ous pho­tos, which are most­ly screen­shots of the horni­est scenes.

For cuck­olds, for exam­ple, the video “Want­ed: Black Guy…” should be very inter­est­ing. In it, it’s about a white cou­ple dri­ving through the city and ask­ing burly black men if they would like to fuck the woman while the man watches 

Oth­er gal­leries are about petite women hav­ing anal sex for the first time while the hus­band or boyfriend watch­es. Oth­er videos are about the wife crav­ing sex with a real­ly big cock and apply­ing to be a porn actress for it. The hus­band gets to watch her get fucked and almost swoon with lust.

In my review, I noticed that while is clear­ly a cuck­old web­site, it’s not all about inter­ra­cial sex. Sure, many videos fea­ture white women hav­ing sex with black men, but not all of them 

It’s also notice­able that almost all the mod­els are white. Only 2 or 3 Lati­nas, but no black women are there. In the pre­view area you can search the mod­els by name or pop­u­lar­i­ty and click on the thumb­nails of the videos. A brief sum­ma­ry of the con­tent will appear below the screenshot.

Advantages of the porn site

  • In my web­site review, I espe­cial­ly like that is very ver­sa­tile. Sexy dressed women are fucked and insem­i­nat­ed by huge cocks. It imme­di­ate­ly makes you want to watch more 
  • All videos are shot in HD 
  • More than 100 pho­tos, most­ly as screen­shots, are avail­able for each video 
  • Numer­ous bonus pages are includ­ed in the membership 
  • There is no lim­it to stream­ing or down­load­ing the videos and photos 
  • The 3‑month sub­scrip­tion does not renew automatically.

Disadvantages of the sex site

In my test report, I noticed neg­a­tive points, of course 

  • The domain name is not meaningful.
  • There is no tri­al subscription.
  • A pre­view of the videos is not offered 
  • It does not say when the videos were uploaded 
  • It is unclear how often the porn site is updated.

Review Summary: Is the cuckold porn site recommendable?

The ver­dict of my review of is pos­i­tive across the board. It is real­ly a lot of fun to browse the well-struc­tured mem­bers area for horny sex videos and porn photos 

The videos offered are very stim­u­lat­ing and make the heart of every hotwife and cuck­old beat faster. You can per­fect­ly put your­self in the sit­u­a­tion of the porn actors dur­ing the authen­tic actions. This is exact­ly how you imag­ine your own cuck­old and hotwife sex! The sex movies are very suit­able for watch­ing togeth­er in a cozy porn evening.

Very horny is the high pro­por­tion of Black Bulls with BBC and also the Creampie Cleanup — scenes make every view­er ani­mal on. The very high qual­i­ty of the porn is strik­ing. The res­o­lu­tion is razor sharp and both the cam­era work and the video edit­ing are very professional.

The fact that you also get to know the name of the porn actress and that you can find their oth­er porn of the Smut Pup­pet net­work is very convenient.

Final­ly, since you are cer­tain­ly a friend of cuck­old porn, we give you the tip to also check out the Cuck­old­Ses­sions review, the CumEat­ingCuck­olds review, the Cream­pieCathy review and the Cuck­Hunter review. Very cool is also the VoD por­tal AEBN.


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Do The Wife Review 
  • Design Vorschaubere­ich — 90%
  • Design Mit­glieder­bere­ich — 90%
  • Nav­i­ga­tion — 90%
  • Video­qual­ität — 100%
  • Ton­qual­ität — 100%
  • Con­tent­menge — 90%
  • Updates — 90%
  • Erotik­darsteller — 100%
  • Sex­uelle Anre­gung — 100%
  • Authen­tis­che Gefüh­le — 90%
  • Abwech­slung — 90%
  • Preis­trans­parenz — 90%
  • Buchung­sprozess — 90%
  • Abo-Stornierung — 60%
  • Preis-Leis­tungsver­hält­nis — 100%
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