DoTheWife offers extremely kinky cuckold videos of the extra class
As far as the domain name is conยญcerned, the webยญsite seems to have nothยญing to do with cuckยญoldยญing. Howยญevยญer, if you take a closยญer look at the conยญtent, it quickยญly becomes clear that this is all about cuckolding
You can see beauยญtiยญful midยญdle-aged women (MILยญFs), some of whom are sexยญiยญly dressed and being fucked hard in the pussy and butt by their bull or sevยญerยญal lovers. The hotwifes enjoy the sex to the fullest. Their boyfriend or husยญband usuยญalยญly stays in the backยญground. Someยญtimes he even lies under his hotwife and waits for the bull to cum, so he can lick out his wifeโs freshยญly insemยญiยญnatยญed cunt.
In the porn, budยญding cuckยญolds and wifeยญsharยญers can fuel their fanยญtasies of how their own wives get horny alien fucked and alien insemยญiยญnatยญed. But hotwifes can also slip into the role of actresses.
We took a closยญer look at the Do The Wife project for this review and tell you whether it is worth bookยญing a memยญberยญship. Find out in our review the advanยญtages and disยญadยญvanยญtages of this cuckยญoldยญing sex site and what conยญtent the memยญbers area conยญtains. If you know the project, you can tell us your opinยญions and expeยญriยญences below the review.
Visยญit Dothewife.comThe preview area of Do The Wife
The webยญsite has been online since May 2016. As always, I look at the preยญview area first for everyยญone in the webยญsite test (called Review in English).
Despite the no-frills design, this one is realยญly well done. You get a pretยญty good impresยญsion of what to expect in the memยญbers area of Do the Wife
A variยญety of gorยญgeous modยญels are disยญplayed on neuยญtral black, enjoyยญing themยญselves with a bull or sevยญerยญal lovers. Their husยญband, life partยญner or boyfriend sits next to them and watchยญes the action with enthuยญsiยญasm or dismay
Whatโs great is that the search funcยญtion works comยญpleteยญly and you can navยญiยญgate all the way to the gallery pages. Forยญmuยญlatยญed texts and inforยญmaยญtion about the modยญels motiยญvate you to browse and click around.
At the botยญtom of the page you can find the link to the cusยญtomer supยญport and the terms and conditions.
The costs
DoTheWife is a pay site. Thereยญfore, in my porn site test report, the prices for the memยญberยญship should not be missing:
- Subยญscripยญtion term 1 month: $19.99
- Subยญscripยญtion periยญod 3 months: $44.99
Credยญit cards (Visa and MasยญterยญCard) are acceptยญed as means of payยญment. Memยญbers get access to othยญer webยญsites of the Smut Pupยญpet netยญwork through their subยญscripยญtion. These include such sites as:
- Dark Sodomy: white sluts get fucked in the ass by black studs
- Teen Erotยญiยญca: petite girls get cunt or ass stuffed
- Mature fucks teen: old men have sex with young women
- Black and Big: white women get acquaintยญed with huge black cocks
- Team fucks Girl: this webยญsite is about gangbang
Test report: of the members area of
Site structure, content and special features
It is a porn site with more than 180 galยญleries and more than 30,000 videos. In addiยญtion, there are numerยญous phoยญtos, which are mostยญly screenยญshots of the horniยญest scenes.
For cuckยญolds, for examยญple, the video โWantยญed: Black Guyโฆโ should be very interยญestยญing. In it, itโs about a white couยญple driยญving through the city and askยญing burly black men if they would like to fuck the woman while the man watches
Othยญer galยญleries are about petite women havยญing anal sex for the first time while the husยญband or boyfriend watchยญes. Othยญer videos are about the wife cravยญing sex with a realยญly big cock and applyยญing to be a porn actress for it. The husยญband gets to watch her get fucked and almost swoon with lust.
In my review, I noticed that while is clearยญly a cuckยญold webยญsite, itโs not all about interยญraยญcial sex. Sure, many videos feaยญture white women havยญing sex with black men, but not all of them
Itโs also noticeยญable that almost all the modยญels are white. Only 2 or 3 Latiยญnas, but no black women are there. In the preยญview area you can search the modยญels by name or popยญuยญlarยญiยญty and click on the thumbยญnails of the videos. A brief sumยญmaยญry of the conยญtent will appear below the screenshot.
Advantages of the porn site
- In my webยญsite review, I espeยญcialยญly like that is very verยญsaยญtile. Sexy dressed women are fucked and insemยญiยญnatยญed by huge cocks. It immeยญdiยญateยญly makes you want to watch more
- All videos are shot in HD
- More than 100 phoยญtos, mostยญly as screenยญshots, are availยญable for each video
- Numerยญous bonus pages are includยญed in the membership
- There is no limยญit to streamยญing or downยญloadยญing the videos and photos
- The 3โmonth subยญscripยญtion does not renew automatically.
Disadvantages of the sex site
In my test report, I noticed negยญaยญtive points, of course
- The domain name is not meaningful.
- There is no triยญal subscription.
- A preยญview of the videos is not offered
- It does not say when the videos were uploaded
- It is unclear how often the porn site is updated.
Review Summary: Is the cuckold porn site recommendable?
The verยญdict of my review of is posยญiยญtive across the board. It is realยญly a lot of fun to browse the well-strucยญtured memยญbers area for horny sex videos and porn photos
The videos offered are very stimยญuยญlatยญing and make the heart of every hotwife and cuckยญold beat faster. You can perยญfectยญly put yourยญself in the sitยญuยญaยญtion of the porn actors durยญing the authenยญtic actions. This is exactยญly how you imagยญine your own cuckยญold and hotwife sex! The sex movies are very suitยญable for watchยญing togethยญer in a cozy porn evening.
Very horny is the high proยญporยญtion of Black Bulls with BBC and also the Creampie Cleanup โ scenes make every viewยญer aniยญmal on. The very high qualยญiยญty of the porn is strikยญing. The resยญoยญluยญtion is razor sharp and both the camยญera work and the video editยญing are very professional.
The fact that you also get to know the name of the porn actress and that you can find their othยญer porn of the Smut Pupยญpet netยญwork is very convenient.
Finalยญly, since you are cerยญtainยญly a friend of cuckยญold porn, we give you the tip to also check out the CuckยญoldยญSesยญsions review, the CumEatยญingCuckยญolds review, the CreamยญpieCathy review and the CuckยญHunter review. Very cool is also the VoD porยญtal AEBN.
Visยญit Dothewife.comRelated Links:
- Review Dothewife
- Dothewife Review
- Do The Wife
Do The Wife Review
Design Vorschaubereยญich โ 90%
Design Mitยญgliederยญbereยญich โ 90%
Navยญiยญgaยญtion โ 90%
Videoยญqualยญitรคt โ 100%
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Conยญtentยญmenge โ 90%
Updates โ 90%
Erotikยญdarsteller โ 100%
Sexยญuelle Anreยญgung โ 100%
Authenยญtisยญche Gefรผhยญle โ 90%
Abwechยญslung โ 90%
Preisยญtransยญparenz โ 90%
Buchungยญsprozess โ 90%
Abo-Stornierung โ 60%
Preis-Leisยญtungsverยญhรคltยญnis โ 100%