RealGangbangs: Uninhibited Group Sex at Sex Parties in Germany

Watch­ing porn is no longer a big taboo thanks to the Inter­net. Just 20 years ago, it would have been unthink­able that so many women enjoyed watch­ing sex movies . Numer­ous cou­ples nowa­days find it com­plete­ly nor­mal to play with sex toys and fuck horny dur­ing porn evenings together


Gang­bangs and group sex are among the pop­u­lar sex­u­al fan­tasies. Very many women would like to be tak­en real­ly hard by a group of strange men at least once in their life and be used as a plea­sure object

The most pop­u­lar gang­bangs world­wide are filmed by Ger­man porn labels such as John Thomp­son or Sper­ma Stu­dio. Anoth­er very pop­u­lar porn site is There you will get insight into Ger­man wife­shar­ing parties

We have put Real Gang­bangs through an erot­ic site test and gath­ered all the rel­e­vant facts. In the fol­low­ing review we com­pare the advan­tages with the dis­ad­van­tages and explain whether a mem­ber­ship is worth­while. Below the review you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to rate the test report and share your own ques­tions, com­ments, expe­ri­ences and opin­ions with us.


What is a Gangbang?

If there are no finan­cial inten­tions behind it, the desire for group sex or a gang­bang in most cas­es curi­ous­ly comes from the woman. She is then between 35 and 60 and wish­es “every now and then” per­sis­tent, var­ied and very kinky sex with strange men

Foreign insemination of a German amateur
For­eign insem­i­na­tion of a Ger­man amateur

The women explic­it­ly want to stay togeth­er with their life part­ner, hus­band or boyfriend and that he is present dur­ing group sex. If her hus­band fucks along him­self, he is called wife­shar­er. If he is only allowed to watch, he is often a cuck­old.

The hotwife makes her­self avail­able to a group of men to fuck and insem­i­nate in a swingers club, hotel room, vaca­tion home or even at home. The many cocks, their orgasms and hard sex sat­is­fies their weeks of pent-up lust. Since the men are in a kind of com­pe­ti­tion, every­one wants to prove that he is the hard­est, most cre­ative and most per­sis­tent fuck­er. This ben­e­fits the woman a lot!

Sperm squirts from all direc­tions dur­ing group sex. The most pop­u­lar insem­i­na­tion tar­gets are vagi­na, labia, mons vener­is, pubic hair, face and mouth. Also on the body is ejac­u­lat­ed with plea­sure. Here main­ly bel­ly, breasts and nip­ples, armpits are inseminated.

It can only be spec­u­lat­ed why in so many men and women the desire for mas­sive for­eign and mass insem­i­na­tion is so incred­i­bly strong. Pre­sum­ably, this has genet­ic rea­sons that have been deeply root­ed in our sub­con­scious well before our reli­gious and soci­etal moral codes.

Realgangbangs: Real German amateurs
Real­gang­bangs: Real Ger­man amateurs

Test Report: The Website Briefly Introduced

Facts and Figures about the Website has been online since 2015. The name of the web­site says it all. The Ger­man web­site is all about gang­bangs or sex orgies. The site is one of the most pop­u­lar porn sites of this kind. Ger­man group sex porn is also very pop­u­lar out­side Germany

Orgasm on a sexparty
Vio­lent orgasm at sex party

The suc­cess of Ger­man gang­bang sites is due to the fact that real ama­teurs meet in the stu­dio and the horny fuck­ing is filmed. There is nei­ther a plot nor a script. All the par­tic­i­pants are just nor­mal peo­ple who come because they sim­ply enjoy such sex orgies

Although Real Gang­bangs is not a web­site specif­i­cal­ly for cuck­olds and hotwifes, it does have its appeal. After all, every hotwife wants to be fucked by a bunch of strange men in front of her husband/life part­ner and have her holes pumped full of cum

Some­times two or three women take part in the orgies at the same time, hav­ing a horny snow­ball fight(snow­balling), kiss­ing each oth­er with cum and lick­ing out each oth­er’s cum pussies. is one of 105 porn net­works. You are allowed to vis­it these sites for free as part of your membership

The Costs

The fol­low­ing mem­ber­ships are avail­able at Real­Gang­bangs. com:

  • 30 days: $29.95
  • 90 days: $49.95
  • 180 days: $89.95 (with­out auto­mat­ic renewal)

You can pay by cred­it card (Visa and Mas­ter­Card), direct deb­it, Pay­Pal or cryptocurrencies.

The Preview Area

In my review, the pre­view area of makes a very good impres­sion. On the home­page, all ele­ments are clear­ly under­stand­able and in German.

There are no trail­ers avail­able there, but there are count­less scene pho­tos that give you an impres­sion of what awaits you in the mem­bers area

The menu items Movies and Actors are inter­est­ing. Although the pic­tures are pix­e­lat­ed for youth pro­tec­tion rea­sons, you can guess what is hid­den behind the graphics.

The men are most­ly around forty to fifty. There are also many mature women over 40, but there are also very young ones who have just turned 18.

Fur­ther down, as you scroll, you will come across a gallery of the best per­form­ers and the best movies of the day.

Orgasm while group sex
Group sex orgasm

Porn Site Test Report: The Members Area of

Page Design, Content and Special Features

After log­ging in it took me a bit to find my way around. First, you are greet­ed by an overview of the lat­est movies, a selec­tion of gang­bang girls and the announce­ment of upcom­ing videos.

You can get to the porn by click­ing on the “Movie” but­ton. There, horny ama­teur porn is wait­ing for you. It is a plea­sure to watch how mature women, but also teens, are fucked by bulging cocks to vio­lent orgasms and almost faint with pleasure.

You can expect a lot of cum cunts, facial and body insem­i­na­tions. There are count­less scenes with extreme­ly kinky scenes like dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion (dou­ble vagi­nal or anal + vagi­nal) and vio­lent­ly horny sperm games.

Very Kinky Gangbang Scenes

Many women are still a bit reluc­tant at the begin­ning. But already after a good quar­ter of an hour they fuck all very unin­hib­it­ed and let them­selves be fremdbe­samen with plea­sure and strong excitement

With some ladies a fuse burns out and they for­get the cam­eras and social morals. They want to milk down greed­i­ly only one cock after the oth­er in and on themselves.

German Gangbang
Ger­man Gangbang

There are more than 300 videos avail­able for stream­ing and down­load­ing on the web­site. The porn is exclu­sive in-house pro­duc­tions and of excel­lent qual­i­ty. They were shot in full HD and are on aver­age 40 min­utes long

In total, you have more than 10,000 videos with at least 8,000 per­form­ers and more than 500,000 pho­tos and screen­shots at your dis­pos­al. In addi­tion, there is a large num­ber of live web­cams. What­ev­er your pref­er­ence is, on or its part­ner sites you will find videos that you like.

What is very cool about is that you don’t have to leave it at watch­ing, you can con­tact the provider and apply. Men and women are con­stant­ly being sought as performers.

The Advantages of the Porn Site

  • The porn is real­ly hot. They are among the best gang­bang porn sites on the net.
  • You can feel that every­one, includ­ing the gang­bang girls, fucks out of lust, not because of the pay
  • More­over, you can iden­ti­fy with the per­form­ers. They look like a neigh­bor or the col­league at work. This makes the porn authentic
  • On oth­er web­sites the mod­els may look bet­ter, but on the oth­er hand they look unnat­ur­al and artificial.
  • The pro­duc­tion was made in Germany
  • ger­man language
  • All videos are record­ed with full HD cameras.
  • Pay­ment via Pay­Pal and direct deb­it possible.

The Disadvantages of the Sex Site

  • It is a pity that there are no free trailers.
  • The web­site is rather intend­ed for inter­na­tion­al users. For exam­ple, the prices are dis­played in US dol­lars, not in euros.
Mens surplus party
Men’s sur­plus party

Review Conclusion: Is Recommendable?

If you are into hard sex with creamp­ies, mass insem­i­na­tion, fetish and BDSM, you will enjoy Cuck­olds and hotwifes will also have a lot of fun at the sex site

Real Gangbangs
Real Gang­bangs

Here real Ger­man porn­stars and ama­teur girls get fucked by a mas­sive group of kinky men. Some women are very gang­bang expe­ri­enced and enjoy the kinky mess­es and hard fucks to the fullest

Oth­ers of them are curi­ous to try this kind of sex­u­al expe­ri­ence and are all sur­prised how horny a gang­bang real­ly is.

For the users from Ger­many, it is very pleas­ant that the Real Gang­bangs porn site offer their exclu­sive con­tent in the Ger­man lan­guage and that you can pay via Paypal.

All in all, this erot­ic site can be rec­om­mend­ed with a very good con­science. You will love it as much as we do 😉


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