How to Decently Lick Clean a Horny Cum Cunt?

By default, every cuck­old has the task to always lick clean the ful­ly cummed vagi­na of his part­ner after sex­u­al inter­course with­out excep­tion. The same applies if the bull has fucked his hotwife hard and refu­eled abun­dant­ly with his horny cum.

But also wife­shar­ers, cuck­queans, bisex­u­al women and sex­u­al­ly open-mind­ed hus­bands (or life part­ners) also occa­sion­al­ly get into the sit­u­a­tion to clean the so-called “creampie” thor­ough­ly and decent­ly again.

Sure­ly you think to your­self: “Hmm… What’s the point of this arti­cle? That’s quite sim­ple!”. But far from it! A lot of creamp­ies end up on sheets, bed­spreads, and at worst in tis­sues, toi­let paper and toi­let — because the pro­ce­dure of clean­ing a horny cum cunt is sim­ply wrong.

In this tuto­r­i­al, we’ll explain how you can col­lect as much cum as pos­si­ble from a fresh­ly fucked pussy and how the full cum cunt looks sparkling clean again after­ward. We’ll give you prac­ti­cal tips on how to coun­ter­act your loss of moti­va­tion after cum­ing and how to react clev­er­ly when the amount of cum is a bit too much for you.

Your Race Against the Time: Every Second Counts!

Cleanup creampie pussy
Cleanup creampie pussy

If you have decid­ed to be a reli­able cuck­old, you should be aware that creampie cleanup is one of your main tasks. This is inde­pen­dent of whether you are a C1, C2 or C3 cuck­old. The same is true for any cuck­quean.

If you are not thor­ough or fast enough and cum stains or even pud­dles are left on the sheets, you can expect real trou­ble, painful con­se­quences and maybe even clo­sure by a penis cage!

So you have to be extreme­ly fast, know your ene­mies, and mas­ter the right lick­ing tech­nique so that no cum is wasted.

Wife­shar­ers often feel it impor­tant out of decen­cy to clean up again — what one(s) has cum all over. Swingers as well as bisex­u­al women are also often anx­ious to clean up an insem­i­nat­ed pussy again with nim­ble tongues. Although team­work and help­ing each oth­er is the order of the day, the fol­low­ing prob­lems are the same as with the cuckold:


Problem 1: The Liquefaction of the Sperm

Absolute­ly clear: Real­ly rich, strong, snow-white, and thick sperm splash­es are an opti­cal dream for fel­low fuck­ers, bull, hotwife, and cuck­old. But the horny sight lasts only a short time. Imme­di­ate­ly after squirt­ing, the dis­in­te­gra­tion of the horny cum already begins with air contact. 

Cuck­old eats his own cum

Your main ene­my is the rapid sperm trans­for­ma­tion into a watery con­sis­ten­cy. Sperm drops run as fast as water over your wife’s skin, and you can’t react as fast as the liq­uid sperm dis­ap­pears between your wife’s butt cheeks.

Problem 2: Gravity

Arch-ene­my num­ber two is grav­i­ty. Espe­cial­ly if your wife is still kneel­ing or stand­ing, it only takes a few sec­onds, and the horny cream is already drip­ping out between the labia or run­ning down the thighs.

In the lying on your back posi­tion, you have con­sid­er­ably more time to take care of the creampie. But in any case, you should trick gravity.

Problem 3: The Vaginal Muscles

The vagi­nal mus­cles of your wife are very dan­ger­ous for the creampie. Although it is a hol­low organ and the pussy loves sperm, it will squeeze out the fresh cum with gen­tle pres­sure with­out mer­cy. Air forced in dur­ing sex enhances the effect with embar­rass­ing pussy poops.

If you think that after a long gang­bang or a big penis (BBC), you have more time to lick clean, you are wrong. Here, the mus­cles of the vagi­nal entrance are so dilat­ed that they, in turn, can­not hold back the sperm.

Problem 4: Your Own Loss of Motivation When You Have Cum

Die dominante Stellung 69 hilft gegen Motivatinsverlust
The dom­i­nant posi­tion 69 helps against loss of motivation

An absolute­ly not to be under­es­ti­mat­ed prob­lem is your own change of mind when you have ejac­u­lat­ed your­self! As excit­ing as the idea of eat­ing cum is.… After you have ejac­u­lat­ed, your mind kicks in again! Your desires evap­o­rate in seconds.

It requires psy­cho­log­i­cal tricks. Dom­i­nance by your wife, face­sit­ting or posi­tion 69 as well as con­stant rep­e­ti­tion help to keep you inter­est­ed in swal­low­ing the sperm after ejaculation.

What Is the Most Effective Way to Clean a Creampie?

Now that we have clar­i­fied the prob­lems, let’s think about how to lick the horny cum cunt clean most effectively.

Solution a) Be lightning fast!

As already men­tioned sev­er­al times, speed is enor­mous­ly important!

  • When you cum all over the vagi­na your­self, you are in con­trol of the sched­ule. Also, if you are out of breath and pow­er­less and you want to cud­dle.… Be hard on your­self and dive down to the pussy imme­di­ate­ly and start your clean­ing job right away.
  • If the bull or gang­bang broth­ers fuck your wife horny one after anoth­er, a fuck­er will even­tu­al­ly start moan­ing loud­ly and thrust­ing even hard­er!
    You have to detach your­self from the horny sight and posi­tion your­self below or right next to the pussy!
    Since you can not influ­ence the actions on your wife, her posi­tion, and the hard­ness of the fuck, the use of aids below is strong­ly advised! It can quick­ly occur enor­mous amounts of cum!

By act­ing atten­tive­ly and quick­ly, you can effec­tive­ly pre­vent the uncon­trolled flow of the creampie from the vagina 

Solution b) Immediately put your wife’s feet over her head!

Prob­a­bly the most effec­tive method against sperm waste is: “Grab the wom­an’s legs and push them over her shoul­ders”. Ask your fel­low fuck­ers or your wife to put a pil­low under her butt.

You kill three birds with one stone:

  • Noth­ing more leaks out of your pussy.
  • No watery sperm runs between the but­tocks along on the sheet.
  • You can start with your lick­ing work in a neck-friend­ly way.
  • Your part­ner can watch you lick­ing clean.

Whether this is fea­si­ble in a gang­bang, you have to look. Ask one of your fel­low fuck­ers to hold your legs while you are cleaning.

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Solution c) Lick from the butt upwards to the belly!

Creampie eating
Creampie eat­ing lick from the bot­tom up!

Many cuck­olds imme­di­ate­ly rush to the cli­toris after insem­i­na­tion to give their woman anoth­er orgasm. This is a mis­take! Start between the but­tocks above the anus and lick the cum up the Venus mound.

If you want to avoid tongue con­tact with the butt hole, use a thumb or index fin­ger, or a spoon to help.

This creampie cleanup-lick­ing tech­nique helps to absorb already liq­ue­fied cum at the last sec­ond and avoid traces on the sheet! Your wife can watch you col­lect the cum on the mound.

Besides, you can dose the amount of cum well and cheat a lit­tle in case of emer­gency, if it seems too much for you.

Solution d) The hotwife squats over your face!

Creampie drip­ping from the pussy

For advanced sperm swal­low­ers is the absolute­ly inescapable method. It is also called “Creampie waterfall”:

Your woman mobi­lizes her forces after the insem­i­na­tion and squats over your face. She will force you to open your mouth wide and insert your tongue deep.

She will squeeze the creampie out of the pussy in a gush, fin­ger­ing the pussy with ten­sion of the pelvic floor muscles.

This process exerts an enor­mous kick on the hotwife’s brain, so she might start rub­bing the clit above your face until orgasm while you do your licking.

Begin­ners will be com­plete­ly over­whelmed by this method. It is a lot of cum at once, plus pussy juice.

Solution e) Ask your wife before sex to be unforgiving with the cleaning!

An extreme­ly effec­tive method is to seri­ous­ly ask your wife before your sex night not to be slop­py or indulgent.

Tell her about your moti­va­tion prob­lem after your orgasm. Tell her that you want to work with her on this prob­lem and that she should help you over­come it with­out mer­cy and with­out exception.

You can be more than sure that your part­ner will like it very quick­ly. She will be hap­py to dom­i­nate you, train you to eat sperm, and force you to swal­low it. 😉

Small but Effective Tools

Nei­ther the bull, nor your hotwife and not even your gang­bang broth­ers will have any­thing against it if you reach for aids. There are kitchen uten­sils that make tam­ing your cum much eas­i­er. They call sperm col­lect­ing in the Eng­lish lan­guage “cum col­lect­ing” or “cum collect”.

  • Mar­ti­ni glass:
    Keep a mar­ti­ni glass handy if you see creampie leak­ing uncon­trol­lably out of your fuck cunt very quick­ly. Your hotwife will decide if you can drink the love juices with a shot of juice or champagne.
  • black egg spoon or tea­spoon
    Have a small spoon ready to pick up liq­ue­fied sperm in a flash.
  • long-han­dled ice cream, long drink, or lat­te mac­chi­a­to spoon to scoop out cum:
    When the dan­ger is gone, you use the ice cream spoon to spoon cum out of the cum fuck hole very gen­tly and in a con­trolled man­ner. You can col­lect the sperm-pussy juice cock­tail in your mouth at your leisure and swal­low it.
  • small cans, egg cups, or shot glass­es
    Very effec­tive and yet dis­creet and are small con­tain­ers with which you can col­lect larg­er amounts of sperm quick­ly. If your hotwife wish­es, you can also use them to make sperm ice cream later.
  • black bowls
    If your part­ner has to squirt dur­ing hard sex, it makes sense anyway,
  • black plates or saucers
    Col­lect­ing sperm with saucers and break­fast plates is very effective.

Conclusion: Creampie Cleanup — Work Against Time!

A thor­ough cleanup of the creampie with­out any sperm waste is pos­si­ble with a lit­tle practice.

Creampie eating
Creampie eat­ing

Set your­self the goal to nev­er waste a creampie again. Your part­ner will feel the high­est sex­u­al plea­sure in it every time.

If you keep los­ing the moti­va­tion to lick clean after ejac­u­lat­ing, then ask your wife (before sex) to train you with dom­i­nance over and over again inescapably to lick your own cum out of her sperm pussy.

Tell her to sit on your face in an emer­gency if you don’t par­ry or lick thor­ough­ly enough.

If you man­age to swal­low your own sperm with­out any prob­lems, you can dare to swal­low for­eign sperm of your bull or gang­bang broth­ers. But be smart and use tools to catch the creampie. Already when heat­ing up the mood, you should “take pre­cau­tions” and keep your­self ready to catch the horny cum skillfully.

Your thor­ough­ness to lick out your cum slow­ly will pay off, and you will reap a lot of plus points with Bull and Hotwife dur­ing every sex.

You can expect to need three to six months before you can eat your own creampie out of pussy. Take all the time you need and keep prac­tic­ing. One day, you will over­come the resis­tance inside you, and you will learn to love it! 

Licking clean is Cuckold's duty and reward at the same time
Lick­ing clean is Cuck­old’s duty and reward at the same time

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