Cuckolds Score With Varied Love Techniques

Okay, okay… A cuck­old can nei­ther change his penis size nor keep up with the potent bulls. Nev­er­the­less, this is no rea­son to lie on the lazy skin and leave the fuck­ing entire­ly to the lover and Bulls!

Besides the sat­is­fac­tion of roman­tic needs, a cuck can def­i­nite­ly pro­vide euphor­ic enthu­si­asm, sex­u­al desire and loud orgasms in bed. All that is required is some dili­gence, dis­ci­pline, inge­nu­ity and experimentation.

What a cuck­old can do to cat­a­pult the hotwife into orgasm heav­en as well, we’ll explain to you in this guide.


How Do I Drive My Cuckoldress Out of Her Mind?

1. Stroking the Pussy Very Often

The con­sent to get qua­si unlim­it­ed access to the hotwife’s pussy should be obtained with min­i­mal persuasion.

Stroke the pussy on all occa­sions: When watch­ing TV, when going to bed in the evening, when get­ting up in the morn­ing, when your wife is read­ing a book, when she is sleep­ing, when watch­ing porn and whenever!

Don’t put it on it that the woman reach­es an orgasm. It should just feel good.

2. Lick Pussy Persistently and Very Often

A real­ly good cuck­old should set him­self the goal of becom­ing a very good pussy lick­er. Don’t tell your wife about your plan.

If you are allowed to stroke the pussy often, go to “lev­el 2” and lick your wife/partner/girlfriend. Remem­ber the tongue move­ments that do your part­ner par­tic­u­lar­ly good. Again, don’t try to make her orgasm in the beginning.

It is also said: The penis of a true cuck­old is his tongue! 😉 

3. Pussy Strong and Persistent Fingering

Pussy Orgasmus Fingerung
Pussy orgasm fingering

When your woman gets used to you stroking and lick­ing her fre­quent­ly, it’s time to mas­sage the vagi­na inter­mit­tent­ly and persistently.

Espe­cial­ly the front area of the pussy (G‑spot) is very recep­tive to mas­sages. Com­bine your licks and caress­es with hard fin­ger fucks and vagi­na massages.

Cut fin­ger­nails, lubri­cant and dis­pos­able black gloves if nec­es­sary are important.

4. Fisting, G‑Spot & Squirt Games

Have you man­aged to get your hotwife excit­ed about horny fin­ger­ing with up to three fin­gers? Does she love pussy fondling and your hour-long lick­ing? Then it’s time for lev­el “4”!

While fin­ger­ing, try to put more and more often also the 4th fin­ger in the fuck hole and prac­tice very slow stretch­es. One day you will man­age to make your cuck­ol­dress squirt. Get your woman excit­ed about stretch­ing, G‑spot and fist­ing games.

Creampie Cathy

5. Sex Toys

Do you have a birth­day or anniver­sary com­ing up? Buy your queen some effec­tive sex toys. Find out, for exam­ple, on, which love­toys are good.

Espe­cial­ly rec­om­mend­ed are: A strong wand vibra­tor, three dil­dos of dif­fer­ent thick­ness­es, nip­ple suck­ers and a mas­sager (Mag­ic Wand).

If you like the first love­toys, you should choose the sex toys togeth­er in the future.

6. Creampie Really Always Lick Clean

Creampie Cleanup: Lick sperm pussy clean

As a real cuck­old you can’t avoid learn­ing to swal­low sperm any­way. So give your­self a jerk and force your­self step by step to lick the creampie clean after the insem­i­na­tion of the pussy.

Your wife will be irri­tat­ed at first and even­tu­al­ly demand it from you after every sex.

Some self-dis­ci­pline and some dom­i­nance from the hotwife are required for cuck­olds to learn to eat their own creampie out of their pussy. Most men learn with­in three to six months.

7. Cum Very Hard and Abundantly

Think only bulls can cum copi­ous­ly and vig­or­ous­ly? Wrong! You can do even better!

The trick is sim­ple: don’t cum for 7–10 days and jerk off every day sev­er­al times to the point-of-no-return with­out ejac­u­lat­ing. Watch porn where a lot of sperm is squirt­ed, because that stim­u­lates sperm pro­duc­tion mas­sive­ly! You can get even more sperm and a snow-white col­or by tak­ing 10 mg of zinc daily.

Your wife will quick­ly love it when you squirt on her bel­ly and breasts and lick the mess clean again. It will stim­u­late her cuck­old fan­tasies massively!

Read more: Ejaac­u­late more cum 

8. Horny Sperm Taste Due to Pineapple

Bulls, unfor­tu­nate­ly, also have a sig­nif­i­cant advan­tage when it comes to “swal­low­ing cum”, “squirt­ing in your mouth” and “facial insem­i­na­tion”. But again, there is a very, very good solution!

Eat a quar­ter of a pineap­ple every day, some fruit and drink at least half a liter of pineap­ple juice (direct juice, no con­cen­trate!) per day. After just a few days, your cum will taste extreme­ly sweet. This makes it very easy for you to swal­low your own sperm and also arous­es your wife’s inter­est in enjoy­ing your cum as well. It real­ly works!

Read more: Improve sperm taste

9. Multiple Orgasms / Orgasm Ruining

You are jeal­ous because some bulls can fuck your wife two or even three times in a row? There’s a great solu­tion for that, too:

Play­ing with the penis, includ­ing orgasm con­trol, is also very plea­sur­able for the woman. It runs out sev­er­al times abun­dant­ly with­out orgasm!

Learn orgasm ruin­ing. You can ejac­u­late about five times with­out orgasm. By exer­cis­ing self-con­trol while edg­ing, you will sig­nif­i­cant­ly increase your part­ner’s esteem!

Most hotwifes like to play with a cuck­old penis and take thievish plea­sure in its orgasm con­trol.

You can train your­self to swal­low the escap­ing cum (called pre­cum or pre-juice). Very quick­ly, the hotwife will also get a taste for it, since the pre­cum is sweet and pleas­ant in the mouth.

10. Allow Prostate Play and Strapon Fucks

The prostate is prac­ti­cal­ly the G‑spot of the man. Its stim­u­la­tion with a fin­ger, a prostate stim­u­la­tor or anal dil­do can trig­ger incred­i­bly vio­lent orgasms.

It’s not uncom­mon for hotwifes to desire to sat­is­fy their cuck anal­ly. Fuck­ing with a strap-on dil­do is high­ly emo­tion­al­ly sat­is­fy­ing for Dom­i­nas and Hotwifes!

Every cuck­old should get involved in prostate games and enjoy the horny feel­ings while doing so. Prostate games can be excel­lent­ly com­bined with orgasm control.

11. Insemination of Objects, Photos, Plates, Pizza, Cookies & Chocolate Cake

Once you’ve got your part­ner excit­ed about your abun­dant and sweet-tast­ing cum, you’re bound to come up with the idea of mak­ing your dick cum on objects.

Cum on food: Nahrungsmittel besamen
Cum on food: insem­i­nate food

When mas­tur­bat­ing, say good­bye to jerk­ing off into your hand and dis­pos­ing of it with a paper tow­el. Cum on some­thing nice from now on! There will be some­thing that you find horny and would like to insem­i­nate. For exam­ple, a horny scent panties of your wife from the laun­dry box or horny pho­tos with facials and creampies.

If you have found plea­sure in insem­i­nat­ing objects, order a black plate or a black bowl from Ama­zon. Get into the habit of always ejac­u­lat­ing on objects or your sperm plate / bowl now.

Buy your­self an absorbent choco­late cake, Oreo cook­ies, a muf­fin. Cum on it on your sperm plate. Get used to eat­ing insem­i­nat­ed food (cum­food) soon.

If this also works, take a photo/video clip and send it to your wife. If you do not pro­ceed too clum­sy, it will excite her beast­ly and want to insem­i­nate togeth­er with you piz­za, cakes, cook­ies and their own panties.

12. Sperm Games With Sperm Ice Cubes

The last tip that you can use to dri­ve your woman crazy is to freeze cum and creamp­ies. This can be done as cum snow, cum ice cubes or cum lol­lipops.

You can thaw the sperm ice cream on an evening when you want to reen­act a gang­bang and use it with sev­er­al dil­dos as arti­fi­cial sperm lubri­cant.

Creampie Cathy

Conclusion: Kinky Shenanigans Inspire Every Hotwife

Being a cuck­old does­n’t mean that he should pure­ly stop engag­ing sex­u­al­ly with his wife, girl­friend or life part­ner. On the contrary.

The Bull and the Lover can only do one thing: fuck! A Cuck­old, on the oth­er hand, is much more imag­i­na­tive and can cat­a­pult the woman into orgasm heav­en with a wide vari­ety of pos­si­bil­i­ties and sur­prise her again and again with new messes.

We strong­ly advise every cuck to take pride not only in how long he can stay chaste — but also in what imag­i­na­tive ways he can make his hotwife happy.

The stakes have an enor­mous win-win effect: if the man skill­ful­ly inspires his part­ner with horny games again and again, she will inevitably come up with the idea of play­ing with his cock more often. Togeth­er they can let the abun­dant and sweet-tast­ing sperm cum on her body, var­i­ous objects and food and enjoy the cum together.

Because this way, she will nev­er lose inter­est in her life part­ner — no mat­ter how good the Bulls can fuck. Guaranteed!

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