Acting Out a Gangbang With Dildos and Frozen Sperm

Probยญaยญbly every cuckยญold couยญple has wonยญdered how to reenยญact a gangยญbang. The main probยญlem is always: you donโ€™t have enough sperm!

Artificial insemination: Massive pussy tanking with 200ml artificial sperm
Artiยญfiยญcial insemยญiยญnaยญtion: Masยญsive pussy tankยญing with 200ml artiยญfiยญcial sperm

Surยญprisยญingยญly many couยญples replay their gangยญbangs in panยญdemยญic times with varยญiยญous dilยญdos and porn (fanยญtaยญsy cuckยญoldยญing). Many are lookยญing for a soluยญtion to insemยญiยญnate their pussy with sperm.

In an Engยญlish cuckยญold forum, a liveยญly disยญcusยญsion on the subยญject of โ€œartiยญfiยญcial insemยญiยญnaยญtionโ€ arose in this regard in a Coroยญna thread. Three posยญsiยญbilยญiยญties were favored in summary:

  • Artiยญfiยญcial semen (e.g. from Amaยญzon, see phoยญto on the right) 
  • Forยญeign sperm from bulls, lovers, and interยญnet acquainยญtances by packยญage disยญpatch / delivยญery at the front door
  • Cuckยญold sperm colยญlecยญtion in the freezer

We have dealt with the topยญic โ€œArtiยญfiยญcial Insemยญiยญnaยญtionโ€ and colยญlectยญed the most relยญeยญvant inforยญmaยญtion in this Cuckยญold Guide. If you have any quesยญtions, own ideas, or sugยญgesยญtions, please write us a comยญment below this text.

Why Collect Sperm and Artificially Inseminate a Pussy?

Espeยญcialยญly in the Coroยญna panยญdemยญic, many couยญples had to come up with new ways to satยญisยญfy the hotwife. In our artiยญcle Overยญcomยญing Idle Phasยญes in Swingยญing, Wifeยญsharยญing and Cuckยญoldยญing, we pointยญed out varยญiยญous alternatives.

A cuckold meal: 20 ml of thawed cum is inserted into the vagina with a syringe
A cuckยญold meal: 20 ml of thawed cum is insertยญed into the vagiยญna with a syringe

Howยญevยญer, there are also cuckยญold and wifeยญsharยญing couยญples who do not want to expeยญriยญence their incliยญnaยญtions in realยญiยญty at all, but only in their shared fantasy.

For outยญsiders it is difยญfiยญcult to underยญstand that espeยญcialยญly in the wifeยญsharยญing and cuckยญold area not only the โ€œsex actโ€ with strangers is imporยญtant, but also the abunยญdant insemยญiยญnaยญtion of the vagiยญna and the body of the hotwife with forยญeign sperm plays a very sigยญnifยญiยญcant role.

To be able to simยญuยญlate the forยญeign insemยญiยญnaยญtion, there are only the three posยญsiยญbilยญiยญties: Artiยญfiยญcial semen, forยญeign semen or cuckยญold semen. The colยญlectยญed semen is insertยญed into the vagina.

Cuckยญold as well as hotwife can play with the sperm lubriยญcant excelยญlent durยญing fistยญing or dilยญdo play.

The cuckยญold can fulยญfill his cenยญtral role after artiยญfiยญcial insemยญiยญnaยญtion to clean lick the sperm pussy and also clean lick the full dilยญdos. Simยญuยญlatยญed sperm is also a very good lubriยญcant for fuck machine fucks.

The realยญisยญtic leakยญage of sperm durยญing dilยญdo fuck conยญtributes sigยญnifยญiยญcantยญly to the increase in pleaยญsure of the couple.


How to Harvest and Collect Sperm?

Variant 1: Collecting Sperm Through the Cuckold (Cum Collecting)

Comยญpared to storยญage, milkยญing cum is comยญparยญaยญtiveยญly easy. The cuckยญold can harยญvest a conยญsidยญerยญable amount of preยญcum already in a week by daiยญly mulยญtiยญple orgasm ruinยญing (edgยญing).

The colยญlecยญtion of his love juices must necยญesยญsarยญiยญly be done in the iceยญbox or freezยญer. You can preยญpare sperm snow, sperm ice cubes or sperm lolยญlipops. It is not enough to store sperm in a norยญmal refrigerator.

Variant 2: Collect Sperm From Internet Acquaintances, Bulls or Lovers

If, on the othยญer hand, the hotwife wishยญes to colยญlect sperm from strangers, it becomes much more difยญfiยญcult. Because the cold chain must not be interยญruptยญed. It is funยญdaยญmenยญtalยญly required a close coopยญerยญaยญtion of the stranger donor.

External insemination of the pussy with funnel (cum funnel)
Exterยญnal insemยญiยญnaยญtion of the pussy with funยญnel (cum funnel)

We strongยญly do not recยญomยญmend you to purยญsue the idea that a stranger sends you sperm by mail or parยญcel in knotยญted conยญdoms or simยญiยญlar. The result is anyยญthing but erotic.

Look for a sperm donor in your town or nearยญest big city. Either he will folยญlow the above proยญceยญdure of the cuckยญold and freeze sperm or he will delivยญer it to you fresh in a coolยญer with cold packs withยญin 1 โ€” 2 hours after ejaculation.

How to Freeze Sperm?

There is a lot you can do wrong when freezยญing sperm. Donโ€™t make up the ideas of ejacยญuยญlatยญing into a large Tupยญperยญware over and over again. The result when thawed is absoluteยญly not what you hope for!

Sperm games with 50 loads of frozen sperm
Sperm games with 50 loads of frozen sperm

We strongยญly recยญomยญmend you the variยญant with the sperm snow in small aluยญminum zip bags. Per ejacยญuยญlaยญtion / orgasm ruinaยญtion realยญly use only ONE bag, so that the frozen sperm does not thaw again. Make sure that the presยญsure seal is comยญpleteยญly closed and that no air can enter.

Against freezยญer burn you should store the small zipยญper bags again in a Tupยญperยญware, as deep in the freezยญer as possible.

A very good alterยญnaยญtive is a so-called dosยญing syringe, or insemยญiยญnaยญtion syringe. Either you suck up your sperm before freezยญing or you pull out the plunger to the back and inject from behind into the syringe. Again: Only one insemยญiยญnaยญtion per syringe! And also here: Store your sperm syringes in a Tupยญperยญware conยญtainยญer or an airยญtight large zipยญper bag.

How Do You Fill Sperm in Your Pussy?

If youโ€™ve colยญlectยญed sperm ice cream in the freezยญer, there are five ways to get it into your pussy. Howยญevยญer, we clearยญly recยญomยญmend variยญant a).

Keep in mind in advance that as a man, you usuยญalยญly only have one shot to get a woman excitยญed about such dirty sperm games. Say: The first attempt must work 100%! Take your time to plan the artiยญfiยญcial insemination.

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a) Dosing Syringe / Bladder Syringe

To inject the thawed sperm into the pussy, you have two options 

Cucki injects his Wife with a syringe deep frozen sperm deep into her pussy
Cucยญki injects his Wife with a syringe deep frozen sperm deep into her pussy

If you decide to use the small syringe, you should first thaw the sperm ice in a black sperm bowl.

Slide a pilยญlow under the hotwifeโ€™s butt or tie her up with calf wrist cuffs or a spreadยญer bar hangยญing from the ceiling.

Suck the cum into the syringe and apply the entire load into the pussy. Then put on a vibraยญtor and let her orgasm first. Then you can start with dilยญdo fucks.

With a big syringe, pull out the plunger at the back and drop in sperm ice cubes or sperm snow. Proยญceed as described above once the cum has thawed. If you want to use a hose, cut it to 5 cm so that not too much sperm is wastยญed in the hose.

b) Funnel

A funยญnel insemยญiยญnaยญtion is ideยญal if the sperm should run very slowยญly but steadiยญly into the pussy. For examยญple, in comยญbiยญnaยญtion with a BDSM session.

Frozen sperm is introduced with a funnel
Frozen sperm is introยญduced with a funnel

If you want to fill the pussy with sperm using a funยญnel, we recยญomยญmend a modยญel that has no tip. Because this could hurt the woman durยญing inserยญtion. We recยญomยญmend a stainยญless-steel funยญnel with a long filler neck.

Before the artiยญfiยญcial insemยญiยญnaยญtion, you have to fix the hotwife with calf-wrist cuffs or a spreadยญer bar hangยญing from the ceilยญing so that the pussy stands steeply upwards. Also in the dogยญgy posiยญtion, the pussy can be filled well with a funnel.

Insert the warmed funยญnel careยญfulยญly and then add the thawed sperm ice cubes, or the sperm ice. The sperm slush will find its way by itself.

Because there is a lot of sperm at the entrance of the vagiยญna and does not go deep, you should defยญiยญniteยญly have a sperm bowl or sperm plate ready! There are huge amounts of creampie runยญning out of the pussy in long threads. With a bowl, you can easยญiยญly colยญlect the mess and refill the funยญnel fresh again and again. ๐Ÿ™‚ 

With a funยญnel, it is a lot of fun to play totalยญly kinky creampie cum games. You should stimยญuยญlate the cliยญtoris with a vibrator.

c) Speculum

A specuยญlum insemยญiยญnaยญtion is excelยญlent if you want the pussy to be insemยญiยญnatยญed very deep and the leakยญage of the creampie should be reduced to a minยญiยญmum. In addiยญtion, you have a great insight into the sperm pussy.

We recยญomยญmend you to avoid cheap specยญuยญla, but to buy the Collins specuยญlum because the vagiยญna is expandยญed laterally.

Cum of a bull is applied via speculum
Cum of a bull is applied via speculum

The butยญtocks of the hotwife should in any case seein eleยญvatยญed before fillยญing with a pilยญlow. It is also optiยญmal if the legs are eleยญvatยญed as on a gyn couch / gyn chair. 

Careยญfulยญly insert the pre-warmed specuยญlum, spread the vagiยญna and fill the half-thawed sperm directยญly into the pussy.

Alterยญnaยญtiveยญly, you can also apply the sperm using a sperm bowl and sperm spoon or sperm syringe.

d) Syringe for insemination / home insemination

Insemination of 10 sperm loads using insemination syringe
Insemยญiยญnaยญtion of 10 sperm loads using insemยญiยญnaยญtion syringe

Sevยญerยญal times you can find on an Engยญlish cuckยญold blog and a wifeยญsharยญing forum the tip to use syringes for insemยญiยญnaยญtion (artiยญfiยญcial insemยญiยญnaยญtion at home / home insemination).

Although the cum should not enter the uterus, but the syringe type is highยญly recยญomยญmendยญed when sperm should be applied very deep into the vagina.

Comยญpared to the funยญnel method or norยญmal syringes, the creampie will be less intense.

A hint from us: With three syringes of thawed frozen cum you have the amount of 20 men! ๐Ÿ™‚ You can simยญuยญlate a huge gangยญbang parยญty while watchยญing porn movies and play creamy cum games dirty, with sevยญerยญal dildos.

e) Lubricant Applicator

In a gangยญbang forum, I read to use a so-called lubriยญcant appliยญcaยญtor. Amaยญzon also has an interยญestยญing modยญel on offer.

The advanยญtage is that this variยญant does not look too mecine and the appliยญcaยญtor is not transยญparยญent. This could be a plus point for your wife in terms of aesthetics.

Proยญceed accordยญing to instrucยญtion a).


f) Insemination With a Whisk

Comยญpleteยญly crazy, but highยญly effiยญcient is the insemยญiยญnaยญtion of the pussy with a whisk. Not only is a whisk excelยญlent for inducยญing a vagiยญnal squirtยญing orgasm โ€” it spreads the entire vagiยญna comยญpleteยญly, so that the filled sperm can be disยญtribยญuted very well over the entire area.

You can choose this insemยญiยญnaยญtion method if you want a nice insight into the pussy, and you want to fill in plenยญty of sperm (approx. 100 โ€” 200 ml = giant gangยญbang with 40 โ€” 50 men). It runs with this method no sperm next to it and pure pleaยญsure is guarยญanยญteed to the woman at the whisk fuck. 

Hint: You should hold a strong cliยญtoral vibraยญtor to the clit durยญing the whisk fuck. Try to deny the female orgasm two or three times before she is allowed to climax.

Artificial insemination with whisk and sperm syringe. The horny smelling sperm cunt is fucked with the whisk horny until orgasm nice creamy and hard
Artiยญfiยญcial insemยญiยญnaยญtion with whisk and sperm syringe. The horny smelling sperm cunt is fucked with the whisk horny until orgasm nice creamy and hard

g) Sperm Ice Cubes Frozen Stick in the Pussy

If you are very fast and have preยญpared sperm ice cubes, you could also super directยญly frozen push into the pussy. It is best that the woman lies down on a high pilยญlow with her legs bent so that the pussy is diagยญoยญnalยญly upwards. Othยญerยญwise, they always slip out and the cum runs between the butยญtocks on the sheet!

Pussy was filled with 5 sperm ice cubes. A huge sperm mess like a gangbang!
Pussy was filled with 5 sperm ice cubes. A huge sperm mess like a gangbang!

Then the man gets the sperm ice cube from the freezยญer or freezยญer. He dashยญes to the woman, takes one to three ice cubes out of the conยญtainยญer and sinks them into her pussy.

You should immeยญdiยญateยญly close the labia and play the filled pussy extenยญsiveยญly with a vibraยญtor until orgasm. After about 5 minยญutes, the love juice should be thawed, and you can fuck the sperm pussy nice and hard with a dildo.

The cream is very deep in the hotwife with her pussy up and the cuckยญold can lick the foamy fucked cum pussy clean very slowยญly and with pleaยญsure. With three cum cubes it will be mathยญeยญmatยญiยญcalยญly 12โ€“15 sperm loads with about 80 ml of sperm โ€” so a nice gangbang.

Fisting With Sperm

As a final thought, we would like to point out that the two soluยญtions forยญeign sperm and cuckยญold sperm are propยญaยญgatยญed and recยญomยญmendยญed again and again in relยญeยญvant cuckยญold and wifeยญsharยญing forums.

Espeยญcialยญly after gangยญbangs or a mass insemยญiยญnaยญtion at sex parยญties, many women report how stretchy and pleasยญantยญly โ€œsoftโ€ the pussy has become due to the many sperm.

It is defยญiยญniteยญly a great idea if you perยญform stretchยญing games with thawed frozen sperm durยญing your next pussy stretchยญing trainยญing with dilยญdos, pump-up plugs and inflatยญable dilยญdos. The same is true if you are planยญning a fistยญing evening.

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Conclusion: Artificial Insemination โ€” Simply Optimal for Horny Dildo Games 

Admitยญtedยญly, the method sounds very bizarre to fill the pussy with artiยญfiยญcial sperm, sperm ice cubes, thawed exterยญnal sperm, with a syringe, funยญnel, or specuยญlum.

Expeยญriยญenced cuckยญold couยญples know, howยญevยญer, that this is the only way to recreยญate a real gangยญbang in a fulยญly satยญisยญfyยญing way. Not only does the resultยญing insemยญiยญnaยญtion effect look realยญisยญtic with the foamy fucked cum, but the cuckยญold can also fulยญfill his cleanยญing duties.

The loss of real gangยญbangs due to coroยญna pandยญmie is painful for any hotwife and vagiยญna insemยญiยญnaยญtion is an optiยญmal alternative.

Other Sources


Fistยญing with artiยญfiยญcial sperm
Insemยญiยญnaยญtion with syringe and hose (5 ml of forยญeign sperm)
20 loads of frozen BBC sperm (frozen cum) poured in with funnel
20 ml is injectยญed into the cunt using a large bladยญder syringe with a tube
Sperm appliยญcaยญtion by speculum
Cuckยญold squirts into cum filled insemยญiยญnaยญtion syringe and squirts 10 ml of cum into his hotwife

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