Not All Fantasies Have to Be Realized in Real Life When Cuckolding

Mil­lions of men and women have sex­u­al fan­tasies every day. Main­ly it is about sex with strangers or peo­ple in the cir­cle of work col­leagues and friends. Very pop­u­lar is the com­bi­na­tion of group sex and sex in unusu­al places as well as dom­i­na­tion and sub­mis­sion fantasies.

Com­mon female fan­tasies also include mus­cu­lar, dom­i­nant men with large penis­es who can shoot a lot of cum. Men, on the oth­er hand, like to dream about gang­bangs, part­ner swap­ping, and the for­eign insem­i­na­tion of the wife or life part­ner. Extreme­ly many men wish to per­form facial insem­i­na­tion occasionally.

Nowa­days, we are lucky that many cou­ples open­ly talk about their fan­tasies. They then admit to each oth­er’s head cin­e­ma. Often they mas­tur­bate togeth­er while watch­ing porn togeth­er and embell­ish their fan­tasies together.

In most cas­es, how­ev­er, the cou­ples do not even wish to actu­al­ly turn the fan­tasies into real­i­ty but enjoy the head cin­e­ma togeth­er. This is the top­ic of this arti­cle: Fan­ta­sy Cuckolding.

The Triggers of Wifesharing and Cuckolding Fantasies

For out­siders, it is hard to under­stand what a man should get out of allow­ing his wife to have sex with strangers. But there are sev­er­al rea­sons to accom­pa­ny his wife, life part­ner, or girl­friend in their sen­su­al adven­tures as a pas­sive spec­ta­tor. The cuck­old world is very diverse.

Cuckold couple watches porn together
Cuck­old cou­ple watch­es porn together
  • A cuck­old or wife­shar­er enjoys the sit­u­a­tion that his wife appears so appeal­ing not only to him, but also to oth­er men that they want to fuck and for­eign-insam­i­na­tion her very hard and passionately.
  • He allows his wife that the men are allowed to skill­ful­ly unleash their lust with var­i­ous types of games and lead them into ecsta­sy. In the process, he wants to share how she enjoys plea­sure, pas­sion, and abun­dant orgasms.
  • Despite the dis­tance, the cuck­old cou­ple feels a very close bond with each oth­er, which para­dox­i­cal­ly strength­ens their love extremely.
  • The woman enjoys the pres­ence of her part­ner despite hav­ing sex with the numer­ous men.
  • While watch­ing, the man feels the great­est plea­sure and has to masturbate.
  • Cuck­old cou­ples enjoy the high­ly excit­ing plan­ning for a sex event. They play this out in fan­ta­sy dozens of times.
  • A wife­shar­er or swinger also finds great plea­sure in the thought of their wife being copi­ous­ly insem­i­nat­ed with­out a con­dom. They find the sight of their part­ner com­plete­ly dec­o­rat­ed with sperm high­ly erotic.
  • The cou­ple feels the desire to push the boundaries.
  • Advanced cuck­olds want to lick their woman clean after insem­i­na­tion. This extreme­ly stim­u­lates both the man and the woman.

Polyamory: The Key to Long Relationship Happiness?

It is a cliché that men basi­cal­ly want to have a lot of sex with chang­ing women. Rather, it depends on the type: Alpha men are indeed per­ma­nent­ly look­ing for “will­ing females” to insem­i­nate. How­ev­er, the major­i­ty of men are beta males, who want to live their every­day life with a steady life part­ner or wife.

Since beta males are also very libidi­nous, they often devel­op a par­al­lel sex­u­al incli­na­tion towards wife­shar­ing, swing­ing, or cuck­old­ing in addi­tion to the clas­sic part­nered sex. They explic­it­ly want their part­ner to have sex with strange men.

Cuckolding: Husband watches, jerks off and takes pictures
Cuck­old­ing: Hus­band watch­es, jerks off and takes pictures

Women are also attract­ed to the thought of sex with strange men. Espe­cial­ly, short­ly before the month­ly ovu­la­tion, these fan­tasies become notice­ably stronger.

How­ev­er, it is still a very long, rocky road to real­ly get a woman excit­ed about polyamory thoughts. Most women are ashamed of their thoughts and do not talk about them.

Of course, it would be opti­mal if both man and woman come to terms with the idea that they would like to cheat in their fan­tasies. Explor­ing desires, real­is­tic and unre­al­is­tic fan­tasies, and sex­u­al incli­na­tions can be the key to a life­long part­ner­ship, with­out secret lying and cheat­ing. It is worth­while for every man to pre­pare a strate­gi­cal­ly smart com­ing-out.

Ten Golden Rules for Living Out Cuckolding Fantasies Together

If the com­ing-out has worked out suc­cess­ful­ly, the way is free to con­tin­ue spin­ning the wife­shar­ing, swinger, and cuck­old thoughts togeth­er. A new and very excit­ing time begins.

How­ev­er, the fam­i­ly sit­u­a­tion, the stress­ful pro­fes­sion­al life as well as social and emo­tion­al rea­sons usu­al­ly ensure that sex­u­al fan­tasies are “played” togeth­er in fan­ta­sy or in role-play­ing games, but not real­ly put into prac­tice in reality.

Get rid of the pres­sure! It’s per­fect­ly okay to engage in “fan­ta­sy cuck­old­ing”. Below we will give you tips on how to engage in cuck­old­ing even with­out real male sex partners.

1. Watch Porn Movies and Sex Photos Together: Fodder for the Imagination

Sex movies and sex pho­tos are an absolute must for cuck­old cou­ples. Watch­ing them togeth­er is not only very appe­tiz­ing for both part­ners, but also a per­fect source for sex­u­al prac­tices and fantasies.

You should indulge each oth­er while watch­ing porn, play with sex toys and dare sex­u­al exper­i­ments. The man’s orgasm should be saved until the end of your lovemaking.

Porn movies are still por­trayed as “dirty” and “for­bid­den” nowa­days — But there is no study that could prove that watch­ing sex­u­al con­tent would have a neg­a­tive impact on the psy­che or phys­i­cal integri­ty. After all, watch­ing crime or hor­ror movies does­n’t turn us into psy­chopaths either!

Fantasy cuckolding: Watching porn together is an absolute must for wifesharing and cuckold couples
Fan­ta­sy cuck­old­ing: Watch­ing porn togeth­er is an absolute must for wife­shar­ing and cuck­old couples

2. Looking For Like-Minded Couples and Bulls Together

Even if you don’t plan to get real­ly sex­u­al­ly active with strangers, we rec­om­mend you to look for like-mind­ed peo­ple. The plat­forms Joy­club, Augen­wei­de, Pop­pen, Xham­ster, and Cuck­fo­rum are high­ly recommended.

Cre­ate a note­book account togeth­er and let your­self be inspired first 

How­ev­er, do not send any­one pho­tos in which your faces are clear­ly vis­i­ble. Face recog­ni­tion makes it easy to find your real iden­ti­ty on Face­book etc. Don’t let the many men pres­sure you because you are not in a hur­ry at all.

3. Orgasm Control for the Man + Orgasm Ban for Several Days

Accord­ing to expe­ri­ence, hotwifes are per­ma­nent­ly horny on their jour­ney of dis­cov­ery, con­stant­ly wet, and have the wildest fan­tasies. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this plea­sure plateau in men after his orgasm for a few days. There­fore, he must be “kept horny” at the same lev­el as the woman.

Ruining Orgasm: Extremely intense... but very effective!
Ruin­ing Orgasm: Extreme­ly intense… but very effective!

This only works if the man no longer comes to orgasm on his own author­i­ty when mas­tur­bat­ing and fuck­ing! In the future, the woman should always decide when, where and how often the man may come to orgasm. This will sig­nif­i­cant­ly increase the man’s desire as well as his sex­u­al attention.

So the cou­ple should decide togeth­er in which peri­ods the man is only allowed to cum. Besides an agreed basic rule (e.g., no orgasm for sev­en days), the cock may and must nev­er­the­less be con­stant­ly played with by edg­ing (orgasm control).

In par­al­lel, male orgasms should be ruined as often as pos­si­ble, in advance about 1 to 5 times. This so-called“ruin­ing orgasm” can be eas­i­ly learned by the cuck­old couple.

In addi­tion, the cuck­old cou­ple must prac­tice swal­low­ing sperm togeth­er. The milked love nec­tar is no longer dis­posed of in paper tow­els accord­ing to points 4 and 5, but must always be uti­lized in the future!

4. Sperm, Precum, Desire Drops, Squirt, and Pussy Juice Are Always Collected!

Even if it feels strange at the begin­ning: You should get used to it step by step, nei­ther to waste pussy juice, nor squirt, long­ing drops, pre­cum or sperm! 

Every cuck­old has to learn to swal­low his own cum any­way. If the hotwife forces him to swal­low his pre­cum and long­ing drops direct­ly, it goes very fast.

Plates and bowls are very help­ful uten­sils to catch love juices. For this pur­pose, order black bowls, black plates, and lat­te mac­chi­a­to spoons from Amazon.

You can also freeze cum, squirt, and pussy juice in a freez­er. The cum ice cubes, cum lol­lipops or cum snow are then great to defrost at anoth­er time for play.

Shared Sex Games: Cuckold games with cum plate and spoon: orgasm control & orgasm ruining
Shared Sex Games: Cuck­old games with cum plate and spoon: orgasm con­trol & orgasm ruining

5. Man Must Learn to Swallow Cum, Squirt and Pussy Juice (And Practice Over and Over)

To fan­ta­sy cuck­old­ing is anoth­er main goal, and to the firm rule that no more sperm, pussy juice and squirt should be wast­ed! Every hotwife should one day no longer accept that the cuck­old or wife­shar­er dis­cuss­es around whether he wants to lick his sperm from her body or clean-up the creampie.

Licking clean is Cucki's duty!
Lick­ing clean is Cuck­i’s duty!

So the hotwife should grad­u­al­ly force her man thus more and more often to lick the sperm pussy, insem­i­nat­ed breasts, bel­ly, or face clean. After that, prac­tice togeth­er over and over again sperm kiss­es and snow­balling.

It should be sec­ond nature one day. Even a fan­ta­sy cuck­old always has to lick the woman clean! Most wife­shar­ers do it as well.

Very horny and help­ful is the insem­i­na­tion of food like piz­za, ice cream, choco­late pud­ding, muffins, and choco­late cake.

6. Licking Pussy and Playing With Toys & Learning to Squirt

“Pussy lick­ing” is the 1x1 in fan­ta­sy cuck­old­ing. Every man should train over and over again to lick his beloved to orgasm. Whether watch­ing TV, get­ting up in the morn­ing, going to bed, after sex or dur­ing a horny fuck.… It is always a great plea­sure for the woman to be exten­sive­ly licked, oral­ly caressed, and sucked on the clit, labia, and vagi­nal entrance.

Sperm ice cubes were filled into the sperm cunt with a speculum
Sperm ice cubes were filled into the sperm cunt with a speculum

Play­ing on the pussy with fin­gers and sex toys is also pure plea­sure. Auf­pumpdil­dos, thick dil­dos, horny vibra­tors, mas­sagers and toys for G‑spot stim­u­la­tion, a specu­lum should not be miss­ing in any toy box. Try a cucum­ber, zuc­chi­ni, sev­er­al car­rots, can­dles, and an eggplant.

Watch porn about squirt­ing and imi­tate the tech­niques. Catch the squirt with a switch and rub every­thing on the wom­an’s body. It smells not only mega horny, but also looks incred­i­bly hot.

Espe­cial­ly after the insem­i­na­tion every man should find the ener­gy and com­plete his start­ed work! He should con­sid­er it his duty to give his wife a final, horny orgasm! So men, fuck your women again very hard with a dil­do while she holds a vibra­tor to the cli­toris. She will adore you!

Go on a dis­cov­ery tour, how horny an insem­i­nat­ed pussy looks, and take pho­tos and play with the sperm and pussy juice. Lick every­thing up and share your love juices while kiss­ing! Also extreme­ly thick XXL dil­dos and fist­ing are mega cool. As a lubri­cant, you can use frozen sperm ice cubes.

7. The Insemination of the Pussy: Ejaculate Directly Into the Pussy

Ejac­u­lat­ing into the vagi­na is the most nat­ur­al, and at the same time, the horni­est and most com­mon way to insem­i­nate a woman. Even dur­ing a gang­bang, the vast major­i­ty of guys ejac­u­late direct­ly into the pussy and cre­ate a fan­tas­tic creampie together.

The classic: Pussy insemination and creampie
The clas­sic: Pussy insem­i­na­tion and creampie

In fact, the pussy man­ages to put all the actors — the woman includ­ed — in a kind of intox­i­cat­ed state with an addic­tive character.

How­ev­er, pussy insem­i­na­tion has a huge dis­ad­van­tage: you can’t watch dur­ing male ejac­u­la­tion. That’s why in porn the penis is usu­al­ly pulled out of the pussy and even­tu­al­ly squirt­ed onto the wom­an’s body.

The squirt­ing is also horny for the woman, but she miss­es the “pas­sion­ate finale” of the man fuck­ing her brains out in his orgasm.

So dis­cuss whether the cock may cum in the pussy and link this with the oblig­a­tion that the man must lick the cum creampie clean.

8. Body Insemination: Cum on the Woman’s Pussy, Belly, and Breasts

Real­ly every hotwife loves to be cummed all over by her lovers. She enjoys the horny sperm scent and greed­i­ly rubs her skin with the fresh cum. If she is there­by sprayed with her body insem­i­na­tion with par­tic­u­lar­ly pow­er­ful foun­tains, the sight can even have an orgasm-enhanc­ing effect for her.

This meets well because strong­ly aroused men very often feel the incred­i­bly strong urge to want to cum on the woman while fuck­ing. They pull the cock out of the pussy and like to unload their cum splash­es on the bel­ly, pubic mound, and breasts.

Body cum shot: Cum on breasts & belly.
Body cum shot: Cum on breasts & belly.

The more excit­ed and pow­er­ful the fuck­er can cum on her body with his semen, the greater the feel­ing of his satisfaction.

The man tries by show­ing and “to show” his ejac­u­la­tion on the body of the woman, to demon­strate his mas­culin­i­ty. If he has ensured a strong soak­ing effect, he is usu­al­ly very proud.

From there it is a mat­ter of course that the insem­i­na­tion of the female body belongs to the stan­dard reper­toire. Like­wise, how­ev­er, also the clean lick­ing of the sperm!

9. The Facial / The Facial Insemination

The face of a woman is a sign of beau­ty, fem­i­nin­i­ty and per­son­al­i­ty. The sperm, on the oth­er hand, stands for mas­culin­i­ty, strength, poten­cy and fer­til­i­ty. This mix­ture exerts an incred­i­bly strong attrac­tion on men dur­ing a facial insem­i­na­tion. Even though it is strict­ly reject­ed by most vanil­la women, over 80% of men wish to ejac­u­late on wom­en’s faces.

Cuckold & wifesharing couples often enjoy their cucmshot and facial training a lot
Cuck­old & wife­shar­ing cou­ples often enjoy their cucmshot and facial train­ing a lot

The moment when he spurts out the first foun­tain of cum is absolute­ly incred­i­ble for both man and woman! In no oth­er part of the body can the woman feel and taste the pow­er­ful explo­sion of the man more intense. If a facial insem­i­na­tion suc­ceeds, it is very inti­mate and high­ly emo­tion­al. How­ev­er, the requires some prac­tice and confidence!

Every cuck­old, wife­shar­ing, and swinger cou­ple should occa­sion­al­ly prac­tice facial insem­i­na­tion. It should be dis­cussed in advance, with which tech­nique the insem­i­na­tion is per­formed. Opti­mal­ly, the woman kneels on the floor, and the facial insem­i­na­tor stands. He should promise not to ejac­u­late into the eyes. The woman is wel­come to watch with a hand mir­ror. The results should be record­ed as a pho­to or video.

The goal should be to squirt a nice facial. If the cum is deposit­ed par­tic­u­lar­ly well in the face, his orgasm may be enhanced by this visu­al stimulus.

Excit­ing is that each cum in the face of the same woman looks dif­fer­ent. It is inter­est­ing every time, what one has squirt­ed because today so Geiles. The facial insem­i­na­tor should devel­op sport­ing ambi­tion to squirt dif­fer­ent results. The cou­ple could train the pro­fes­sion­al insem­i­na­tion or try to cre­ate a cer­tain squirt face, or recre­ate a horny facial pho­tos in reality.

10. Prostate Games, Prostate Stimulation With Toys, Milking Prostate Gland

Anoth­er very impor­tant part in terms of fan­ta­sy cuck­old­ing for advanced cuck­old cou­ples is the milk­ing and play­ing with the prostate.

Milking the prostate without orgasm
Milk­ing the prostate with­out orgasm

Even if this method of play seems com­plete­ly absurd for begin­ners, it can give the man incred­i­ble feel­ings of plea­sure and ham­mer orgasms.

There are horny anal plugs, dil­dos and vibra­tors espe­cial­ly for the male prostate, with which the man can be cat­a­pult­ed into mad­ness and orgasm heav­en with and with­out orgasm.

Pro­fes­sion­als put strap-on dil­dos (called strap-on) with which the hotwife can fuck the man vio­lent­ly to orgasm.

Through tease & denial play and pres­sure on the prostate, “pre­cum” comes out. It is also called pre­cum, pre-ejac­u­late or pre-juice and tastes very sweet and pleas­ant. This is where the term “cock milk­ing” or “penis milk­ing” comes from.

In any case, a black plate or a sperm bowl belongs under the cock when you milk it.


Conclusion: “Fantasy Cuckolding” as an Alternative Way to Have Sex With Strangers

If the wife­shar­ing or cuck­old cou­ple has decid­ed to keep to them­selves (for now), there are count­less play options to enjoy horny group sex for two in your head. In the con­text of a “fan­ta­sy cuck­old­ing” the cou­ple lives out their incli­na­tions and fan­tasies in their com­mon cuck­old world.

Cuckold cum cleanup: Sperm contact must be practiced permanently!
Cuck­old cum cleanup: Sperm con­tact must be prac­ticed permanently!

The be-all and end-all after a suc­cess­ful com­ing-out should be the with­draw­al of the male orgasms to put the wife­shar­er or cuck­old into a per­ma­nent horni­ness mode. Because when the man jerks off, it’s usu­al­ly over with all play­ful­ness right after that.

The man learns the reg­u­lar pussy lick­ing, and togeth­er porn is watched and chat­ted with bulls. Small clips and horny pho­tos of them­selves are made.

Fur­ther­more, both part­ners must learn that sperm is no longer dis­gust­ing at all, but just extreme­ly horny. Since men are almost always very coy, they must be strict­ly taught to swal­low the sperm sour, creampie, his own pre juice (pre­cum), and long­ing drops them­selves. Lick­ing squirt and pussy juice clean is also part of his new responsibilities.

The cou­ple also trains BDSM games on nip­ples, labia, and cli­toris in addi­tion to cum kiss­ing and cum swal­low­ing. Orgasm ruin­ing and facial insem­i­na­tions are part of the train­ing program.

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