Guide for Men: Strategic Tips for a Successful Cuckold Coming-Out Towards Your Wife

Sex with more than two peo­ple is a fan­ta­sy that is more com­mon among many men and women than many think.

For exam­ple, one of the clas­sic male dreams is “sex with 2 women”. To make this dream come true, you must have a very above-aver­age sex­u­al charis­ma and access to cor­re­spond­ing­ly open-mind­ed cir­cles. Sor­ry guys… This is high­ly unre­al­is­tic in most cases. 😉

The oppo­site con­stel­la­tion, “a woman has sex with two men or more” makes just as many guys horny. For men who dream of such a thing, there is good news: Also, very many ladies fan­ta­size about being fucked by two men, by a stranger, or even by a group of men.

In this blog arti­cle, we deal with “cuck­old com­ing-out” for men. We will give you prac­ti­cal­ly proven tips and ask you to com­ment on how you man­aged to get your wife excit­ed about cuck­old­ing. Read also: Hotwife com­ing out — how to tell my hus­band.

But… Attention, Minefield!

Sex in threesome: A fantasy not only for cuckolds! Very many women dream of MMF threesome.
Sex in three­some: A fan­ta­sy not only for cuck­olds! Very many women dream of MMF threesomes.

Do not imag­ine it so easy to make your wife have sex with strange men. The shame thresh­old with deep roots into child­hood is incred­i­bly high!

You can’t, out of an alco­holic mood, sug­gest to your wife to bring your best bud­dy “just once” to the next sex! For­get about such plans!

The effect of this announce­ment could be as dis­as­trous to your rela­tion­ship as step­ping on a mine. There are worlds between what women dream about and what they do. This is due to the dou­ble stan­dards of society:

  • Men are admired by their boyfriends if they have many (and attrac­tive) girlfriends.
  • Women, on the oth­er hand, are expect­ed even today to play a rather pas­sive, shy and reserved role in sex­u­al mat­ters. A three­some or even a gang­bang? No decent woman does that!

This opin­ion is still wide­spread today and is prac­ti­cal­ly engraved into the brains of young women at the lat­est from the time they enter puber­ty. Women who do it any­way are called sluts, tramps, whores, or hook­ers, used by men and despised (and secret­ly envied) by oth­er women.

It is entire­ly up to you to intro­duce your part­ner to the sub­ject care­ful­ly and tac­ti­cal­ly. But also remem­ber that you have to live with the con­se­quences if you have opened Pan­do­ra’s box 😉

Wife sharing: Convincing a woman to have sex with strangers
Wife shar­ing: Con­vinc­ing a woman to have sex with strangers
sexy cuckold review

Cuckold Coming-Out: How Can You Convince Your Wife to Cuckold?

To con­vince your wife, girl­friend or life part­ner to have sex with strangers, you have to pro­ceed slow­ly and care­ful­ly. The fol­low­ing pro­ce­dure is rec­om­mend­ed again and again in Eng­lish-speak­ing and Ger­man men’s forums:

Step 1: Make Sure Your Partnership Is Sexually Uninhibited

If you are not already doing so, get into the habit of talk­ing more open­ly about sex­u­al top­ics with your part­ner. Sur­prise her with lin­gerie and erot­ic gifts. Tip: Read sex toy reviews before­hand. Ensure many orgasms and fun dur­ing sex.

Espe­cial­ly in long-term rela­tion­ships, it is very impor­tant to break up monot­o­nous behav­ior pat­terns. Oth­er­wise, you have no chance!

Mas­sage evenings with fra­grant mas­sage oil and can­dle­light fol­lowed by sex are per­fect to rekin­dle the pas­sion that has fall­en asleep a bit.

Step 2: Talk Is Silver, Silence Is Gold!

If you want to get back into the swing of things in bed, the sec­ond step is to find out what your part­ner is secret­ly into sex­u­al­ly. You have to dig one lev­el deep­er than the last years! Try to elic­it her sex­u­al fan­tasies. This valu­able knowl­edge is very valu­able for fur­ther strate­gic planning!

It is best to talk about gen­er­al sex top­ics while walk­ing, because if it becomes uncom­fort­able, you can dis­tract skill­ful­ly. Avoid direct eye con­tact dur­ing this con­ver­sa­tion. In the restau­rant or at the kitchen table, such top­ics are rather unsuitable.

Address your desired top­ics innocu­ous­ly at first and grad­u­al­ly go into more depth “walk by walk”.

Long and relaxed walks without many distractions are perfect for a gradual cuckold coming out
Long and relaxed walks with­out many dis­trac­tions are per­fect for a grad­ual cuck­old com­ing out.

Don’t come around the cor­ner with clum­sy ques­tions about “group sex”, because that will spoil any fur­ther basis for con­ver­sa­tion. Taboo are the top­ics “porn”, “sex with ex-part­ners”, “facial insem­i­na­tion”, “sperm in the mouth”, “bisex­u­al­i­ty” and also don’t ask about their “no-go’s”. Avoid stu­pid male say­ings and lewd remarks.

Do not talk too much about your­self, but let your part­ner talk or rather direct the con­ver­sa­tion back to innocu­ous top­ics. Women remem­ber every­thing you say.

Step 3: Introduce Them to the Topic of “Threesome Sex” for the First Time.

Plan a hot sex evening! It’s best to choose a time when she is relaxed and feel­ing good. You open a bot­tle of wine, put choco­late and snacks ready, and you watch a pre-select­ed porn togeth­er. NO Porn­Tube yet — that might scare her off!

Good basis for a cuckold coming out: Watch porn together
Good basis for a cuck­old com­ing out: Watch porn together

Choose a porn for women that you are sure she will like. While doing so, caress her and mas­sage her feet.

Next, choose a porn where the actress has sex with 2 men (hint: she should­n’t look too attrac­tive, prefer­ably an ama­teur actress).

Watch her reac­tion care­ful­ly. If she finds it horny, bump her “acci­den­tal­ly” with your hard cock and seduce her for sex.

After her cli­max, you can unob­tru­sive­ly ask her if the movie was pleas­ant. Leave it at that, be secret­ly hap­py, and don’t probe fur­ther. Repeat such a pos­i­tive evening!

Step 4: Speak to Your Wife About Swingers Clubs

Dur­ing anoth­er walk, you could ask her if you want to go to a swingers club some­time. Promise her firm­ly that you will just watch. To reas­sure her that no acquain­tances will see her, you can order her a Venet­ian eye mask, for example.

In any case, pro­ceed gen­tly and do not push her to thoughts that cause dis­com­fort! Very, very impor­tant is to let her under­stand that YOU are NOT inter­est­ed in fuck­ing oth­er women!!!!

If she real­ly gets the urge to vis­it a swingers club, she will make it clear to you. Don’t keep nag­ging her with your ques­tions! Trig­ger­ing once is enough!

Selfcum: Self cum - Review

Which Men Are Suitable as a Second Sex Partner?

Did the first swingers club vis­it go well? Is her inter­est in swingers sex and strange skin aroused? Congratulations!

If you want to start sug­gest­ing spe­cif­ic men to your part­ner, how­ev­er, you still have to be high­ly sen­si­tive! You can still com­plete­ly mess it up in this situation!!!

Under no cir­cum­stances should you sug­gest men from your social envi­ron­ment! Nei­ther your best bud­dy, nor a work col­league or even the neigh­bor. Not a school friend, not an ex! If you share your wife with a good acquain­tance or even friend, it will always lead to ten­sion and jeal­ousy. You will not feel good!

The best part­ners are strangers, but they have the same atti­tude. You can find the best part­ners direct­ly in swingers clubs or in forums for swingers, wife­shar­ing, or cuckolds.

Everything is done right: The woman is happy and relaxed during wife sharing.
Every­thing is done right: The woman is hap­py and relaxed dur­ing wife sharing.

Make sure that the oth­er is about equal to you in physique and age. It is ide­al if he lives far away from you, so that you do not meet in every­day life.

At the first real meet­ing with Inter­net acquain­tances you should observe the usu­al pre­cau­tions: always meet first in a pub­lic place (restau­rant, café, park) and get to know each oth­er a little.

Nev­er meet in your own apart­ment. A hotel, apart­ment or swingers club are safer, more com­fort­able, and discreet.

Keep your hands off (at first) very dom­i­nant men, BBC Bulls (black men with XXL penis) and migrants. You must be in con­trol of the sit­u­a­tion at all times dur­ing sex. You are respon­si­ble for the safe­ty and well-being of your woman in such a high­ly sen­si­tive and vul­ner­a­ble situation.

In the begin­ning, it should be only ONE man. Despite all the wild gang­bang fan­tasies.… Start slow­ly and cau­tious­ly with the top­ic and then increase lat­er if you like it. Tell the guy in advance that he should not bring up the top­ics of “sperm” and “facial insem­i­na­tion” for the time being. The horni­ness on abun­dant sperm grows with the vast major­i­ty of hotwifes name­ly com­plete­ly auto­mat­i­cal­ly. Shift down a gear in this regard, and do not smash any porcelain.

And one more thing: Don’t tell any­one that you want to take pho­tos and videos of the fuck events one day. Women react very aller­gic to that. Take your time in this regard. One day your wife will sug­gest it on her own 😉 Oth­er­wise, you will spoil this wish in this frag­ile phase “once and for all”!


Conclusion — The Confession of the Cuckold: Strategy and Prudence Lead to the Goal

If you want to share your wife with anoth­er man, you first have to find out how she feels about it. She will (unfor­tu­nate­ly) auto­mat­i­cal­ly deny this at the begin­ning — This is in the nature of things! Stay relaxed! How­ev­er, if she is angry or vehe­ment­ly refus­es, it is best not to pur­sue the issue any fur­ther, as it can lead to the breakup of the relationship.

If she should not be com­plete­ly averse, lead you slow­ly and gen­tly to the topic.

Amateur couple during sensual cuckolding: The wife enjoys the threesome sex.
Ama­teur cou­ple dur­ing sen­su­al cuck­old­ing: The wife enjoys the three­some sex.

It is impor­tant not to over­whelm your part­ner. Rather use the Sala­mi slic­ing tac­tics and lead her gen­tly to the top­ic. Pro­voke, pull back a bit, wait for the reac­tion and then con­tin­ue a lit­tle bit. Do not over­whelm or annoy them! Remain reserved.

Watch togeth­er with her appeal­ing, wise­ly pre­s­e­lect­ed porn. Give her an erot­ic book about wife­shar­ing from Ama­zon (skim it before­hand / read it your­self!). Go with her to a swingers club, of course “just to watch”.

Your Cuckold Coming-Out Is the Prerequisite for the Fulfillment of Your Fantasies

Avoid the top­ics of facial insem­i­na­tion, anal sex, cum swal­low­ing, BDSM, sex with­out a con­dom, and black men (BBC) in your ini­tial con­ver­sa­tions. These top­ics hold mas­sive poten­tial for “prej­u­dice” and will come up com­plete­ly auto­mat­i­cal­ly lat­er any­way, when you’re deep­er into the sub­ject matter. 😉

You can also get her inter­est­ed in fan­cy sex games by buy­ing her sexy lin­gerie (no cheap stuff please!) and telling her how attrac­tive she looks in it. Make sure you have a good and beau­ti­ful sex life. Buy var­i­ous sex toys!

Patience and empa­thy will bring you to the goal of your desires. But no pain, no gain! Your pri­ma­ry goal should be to pre­pare your wife or part­ner for a beau­ti­ful and unfor­get­table “first time”! The rest will hap­pen all by itself.

Please share your expe­ri­ences and tips for a suc­cess­ful cuck­old com­ing out below. Have you man­aged to turn your fan­tasies into real­i­ty, or are you engag­ing in Fan­ta­sy Cuck­old­ing.

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