Guide for Men: Strategic Tips for a Successful Cuckold Coming-Out Towards Your Wife

Sex with more than two peoยญple is a fanยญtaยญsy that is more comยญmon among many men and women than many think.

For examยญple, one of the clasยญsic male dreams is โ€œsex with 2 womenโ€. To make this dream come true, you must have a very above-averยญage sexยญuยญal charisยญma and access to corยญreยญspondยญingยญly open-mindยญed cirยญcles. Sorยญry guysโ€ฆ This is highยญly unreยญalยญisยญtic in most cases. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The oppoยญsite conยญstelยญlaยญtion, โ€œa woman has sex with two men or moreโ€ makes just as many guys horny. For men who dream of such a thing, there is good news: Also, very many ladies fanยญtaยญsize about being fucked by two men, by a stranger, or even by a group of men.

In this blog artiยญcle, we deal with โ€œcuckยญold comยญing-outโ€ for men. We will give you pracยญtiยญcalยญly proven tips and ask you to comยญment on how you manยญaged to get your wife excitยญed about cuckยญoldยญing. Read also: Hotwife comยญing out โ€” how to tell my husยญband.

Butโ€ฆ Attention, Minefield!

Sex in threesome: A fantasy not only for cuckolds! Very many women dream of MMF threesome.
Sex in threeยญsome: A fanยญtaยญsy not only for cuckยญolds! Very many women dream of MMF threesomes.

Do not imagยญine it so easy to make your wife have sex with strange men. The shame threshยญold with deep roots into childยญhood is incredยญiยญbly high!

You canโ€™t, out of an alcoยญholic mood, sugยญgest to your wife to bring your best budยญdy โ€œjust onceโ€ to the next sex! Forยญget about such plans!

The effect of this announceยญment could be as disยญasยญtrous to your relaยญtionยญship as stepยญping on a mine. There are worlds between what women dream about and what they do. This is due to the douยญble stanยญdards of society:

  • Men are admired by their boyfriends if they have many (and attracยญtive) girlfriends.
  • Women, on the othยญer hand, are expectยญed even today to play a rather pasยญsive, shy and reserved role in sexยญuยญal matยญters. A threeยญsome or even a gangยญbang? No decent woman does that!

This opinยญion is still wideยญspread today and is pracยญtiยญcalยญly engraved into the brains of young women at the latยญest from the time they enter puberยญty. Women who do it anyยญway are called sluts, tramps, whores, or hookยญers, used by men and despised (and secretยญly envied) by othยญer women.

It is entireยญly up to you to introยญduce your partยญner to the subยญject careยญfulยญly and tacยญtiยญcalยญly. But also rememยญber that you have to live with the conยญseยญquences if you have opened Panยญdoยญraโ€™s box ๐Ÿ˜‰

Wife sharing: Convincing a woman to have sex with strangers
Wife sharยญing: Conยญvincยญing a woman to have sex with strangers

Cuckold Coming-Out: How Can You Convince Your Wife to Cuckold?

To conยญvince your wife, girlยญfriend or life partยญner to have sex with strangers, you have to proยญceed slowยญly and careยญfulยญly. The folยญlowยญing proยญceยญdure is recยญomยญmendยญed again and again in Engยญlish-speakยญing and Gerยญman menโ€™s forums:

Step 1: Make Sure Your Partnership Is Sexually Uninhibited

If you are not already doing so, get into the habit of talkยญing more openยญly about sexยญuยญal topยญics with your partยญner. Surยญprise her with linยญgerie and erotยญic gifts. Tip: Read sex toy reviews beforeยญhand. Ensure many orgasms and fun durยญing sex.

Espeยญcialยญly in long-term relaยญtionยญships, it is very imporยญtant to break up monotยญoยญnous behavยญior patยญterns. Othยญerยญwise, you have no chance!

Masยญsage evenings with fraยญgrant masยญsage oil and canยญdleยญlight folยญlowed by sex are perยญfect to rekinยญdle the pasยญsion that has fallยญen asleep a bit.

Step 2: Talk Is Silver, Silence Is Gold!

If you want to get back into the swing of things in bed, the secยญond step is to find out what your partยญner is secretยญly into sexยญuยญalยญly. You have to dig one levยญel deepยญer than the last years! Try to elicยญit her sexยญuยญal fanยญtasies. This valuยญable knowlยญedge is very valuยญable for furยญther strateยญgic planning!

It is best to talk about genยญerยญal sex topยญics while walkยญing, because if it becomes uncomยญfortยญable, you can disยญtract skillยญfulยญly. Avoid direct eye conยญtact durยญing this conยญverยญsaยญtion. In the restauยญrant or at the kitchen table, such topยญics are rather unsuitable.

Address your desired topยญics innocuยญousยญly at first and gradยญuยญalยญly go into more depth โ€œwalk by walkโ€.

Long and relaxed walks without many distractions are perfect for a gradual cuckold coming out
Long and relaxed walks withยญout many disยญtracยญtions are perยญfect for a gradยญual cuckยญold comยญing out.

Donโ€™t come around the corยญner with clumยญsy quesยญtions about โ€œgroup sexโ€, because that will spoil any furยญther basis for conยญverยญsaยญtion. Taboo are the topยญics โ€œpornโ€, โ€œsex with ex-partยญnersโ€, โ€œfacial insemยญiยญnaยญtionโ€, โ€œsperm in the mouthโ€, โ€œbisexยญuยญalยญiยญtyโ€ and also donโ€™t ask about their โ€œno-goโ€™sโ€. Avoid stuยญpid male sayยญings and lewd remarks.

Do not talk too much about yourยญself, but let your partยญner talk or rather direct the conยญverยญsaยญtion back to innocuยญous topยญics. Women rememยญber everyยญthing you say.

Step 3: Introduce Them to the Topic of โ€œThreesome Sexโ€ for the First Time.

Plan a hot sex evening! Itโ€™s best to choose a time when she is relaxed and feelยญing good. You open a botยญtle of wine, put chocoยญlate and snacks ready, and you watch a pre-selectยญed porn togethยญer. NO PornยญTube yet โ€” that might scare her off!

Good basis for a cuckold coming out: Watch porn together
Good basis for a cuckยญold comยญing out: Watch porn together

Choose a porn for women that you are sure she will like. While doing so, caress her and masยญsage her feet.

Next, choose a porn where the actress has sex with 2 men (hint: she shouldยญnโ€™t look too attracยญtive, preferยญably an amaยญteur actress).

Watch her reacยญtion careยญfulยญly. If she finds it horny, bump her โ€œacciยญdenยญtalยญlyโ€ with your hard cock and seduce her for sex.

After her cliยญmax, you can unobยญtruยญsiveยญly ask her if the movie was pleasยญant. Leave it at that, be secretยญly hapยญpy, and donโ€™t probe furยญther. Repeat such a posยญiยญtive evening!

Step 4: Speak to Your Wife About Swingers Clubs

Durยญing anothยญer walk, you could ask her if you want to go to a swingers club someยญtime. Promise her firmยญly that you will just watch. To reasยญsure her that no acquainยญtances will see her, you can order her a Venetยญian eye mask, for example.

In any case, proยญceed genยญtly and do not push her to thoughts that cause disยญcomยญfort! Very, very imporยญtant is to let her underยญstand that YOU are NOT interยญestยญed in fuckยญing othยญer women!!!!

If she realยญly gets the urge to visยญit a swingers club, she will make it clear to you. Donโ€™t keep nagยญging her with your quesยญtions! Trigยญgerยญing once is enough!

make him cuckold

Which Men Are Suitable as a Second Sex Partner?

Did the first swingers club visยญit go well? Is her interยญest in swingers sex and strange skin aroused? Congratulations!

If you want to start sugยญgestยญing speยญcifยญic men to your partยญner, howยญevยญer, you still have to be highยญly senยญsiยญtive! You can still comยญpleteยญly mess it up in this situation!!!

Under no cirยญcumยญstances should you sugยญgest men from your social enviยญronยญment! Neiยญther your best budยญdy, nor a work colยญleague or even the neighยญbor. Not a school friend, not an ex! If you share your wife with a good acquainยญtance or even friend, it will always lead to tenยญsion and jealยญousy. You will not feel good!

The best partยญners are strangers, but they have the same attiยญtude. You can find the best partยญners directยญly in swingers clubs or in forums for swingers, wifeยญsharยญing, or cuckolds.

Everything is done right: The woman is happy and relaxed during wife sharing.
Everyยญthing is done right: The woman is hapยญpy and relaxed durยญing wife sharing.

Make sure that the othยญer is about equal to you in physique and age. It is ideยญal if he lives far away from you, so that you do not meet in everyยญday life.

At the first real meetยญing with Interยญnet acquainยญtances you should observe the usuยญal preยญcauยญtions: always meet first in a pubยญlic place (restauยญrant, cafรฉ, park) and get to know each othยญer a little.

Nevยญer meet in your own apartยญment. A hotel, apartยญment or swingers club are safer, more comยญfortยญable, and discreet.

Keep your hands off (at first) very domยญiยญnant men, BBC Bulls (black men with XXL penis) and migrants. You must be in conยญtrol of the sitยญuยญaยญtion at all times durยญing sex. You are responยญsiยญble for the safeยญty and well-being of your woman in such a highยญly senยญsiยญtive and vulยญnerยญaยญble situation.

In the beginยญning, it should be only ONE man. Despite all the wild gangยญbang fanยญtasies.โ€ฆ Start slowยญly and cauยญtiousยญly with the topยญic and then increase latยญer if you like it. Tell the guy in advance that he should not bring up the topยญics of โ€œspermโ€ and โ€œfacial insemยญiยญnaยญtionโ€ for the time being. The horniยญness on abunยญdant sperm grows with the vast majorยญiยญty of hotwifes nameยญly comยญpleteยญly autoยญmatยญiยญcalยญly. Shift down a gear in this regard, and do not smash any porcelain.

And one more thing: Donโ€™t tell anyยญone that you want to take phoยญtos and videos of the fuck events one day. Women react very allerยญgic to that. Take your time in this regard. One day your wife will sugยญgest it on her own ๐Ÿ˜‰ Othยญerยญwise, you will spoil this wish in this fragยญile phase โ€œonce and for allโ€!

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Conclusion โ€” The Confession of the Cuckold: Strategy and Prudence Lead to the Goal

If you want to share your wife with anothยญer man, you first have to find out how she feels about it. She will (unforยญtuยญnateยญly) autoยญmatยญiยญcalยญly deny this at the beginยญning โ€” This is in the nature of things! Stay relaxed! Howยญevยญer, if she is angry or veheยญmentยญly refusยญes, it is best not to purยญsue the issue any furยญther, as it can lead to the breakup of the relationship.

If she should not be comยญpleteยญly averse, lead you slowยญly and genยญtly to the topic.

Amateur couple during sensual cuckolding: The wife enjoys the threesome sex.
Amaยญteur couยญple durยญing senยญsuยญal cuckยญoldยญing: The wife enjoys the threeยญsome sex.

It is imporยญtant not to overยญwhelm your partยญner. Rather use the Salaยญmi slicยญing tacยญtics and lead her genยญtly to the topยญic. Proยญvoke, pull back a bit, wait for the reacยญtion and then conยญtinยญue a litยญtle bit. Do not overยญwhelm or annoy them! Remain reserved.

Watch togethยญer with her appealยญing, wiseยญly preยญsยญeยญlectยญed porn. Give her an erotยญic book about wifeยญsharยญing from Amaยญzon (skim it beforeยญhand / read it yourยญself!). Go with her to a swingers club, of course โ€œjust to watchโ€.

Your Cuckold Coming-Out Is the Prerequisite for the Fulfillment of Your Fantasies

Avoid the topยญics of facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion, anal sex, cum swalยญlowยญing, BDSM, sex withยญout a conยญdom, and black men (BBC) in your iniยญtial conยญverยญsaยญtions. These topยญics hold masยญsive potenยญtial for โ€œprejยญuยญdiceโ€ and will come up comยญpleteยญly autoยญmatยญiยญcalยญly latยญer anyยญway, when youโ€™re deepยญer into the subยญject matter. ๐Ÿ˜‰

You can also get her interยญestยญed in fanยญcy sex games by buyยญing her sexy linยญgerie (no cheap stuff please!) and telling her how attracยญtive she looks in it. Make sure you have a good and beauยญtiยญful sex life. Buy varยญiยญous sex toys!

Patience and empaยญthy will bring you to the goal of your desires. But no pain, no gain! Your priยญmaยญry goal should be to preยญpare your wife or partยญner for a beauยญtiยญful and unforยญgetยญtable โ€œfirst timeโ€! The rest will hapยญpen all by itself.

Please share your expeยญriยญences and tips for a sucยญcessยญful cuckยญold comยญing out below. Have you manยญaged to turn your fanยญtasies into realยญiยญty, or are you engagยญing in Fanยญtaยญsy Cuckยญoldยญing.

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