Dominant Education One Cum Cuckolds in Five Steps

This is a lesยญson in female domยญiยญnance and respectยญing your man.

Men almost always want to be in charge of sex. They love their penis and always want to decยญoยญrate their partยญnerโ€™s body abunยญdantยญly with sperm and fill as many female oriยญfices as posยญsiยญble. Curiยญousยญly, howยญevยญer, 98% of men would NEVER want to swalยญlow their sperm voluntarily.

But did you know that sperm is an excelยญlent eduยญcaยญtionยญal tool? There are actuยญalยญly men who do it at the request or comยญmand of their partยญner after all.

So just turn the tables and demand in the future that HE swalยญlows his cum himยญself! If he does it, enjoy it. Make sure it is always a posยญiยญtive event. This will train his brain to do it autoยญmatยญiยญcalยญly at some point.

With the folยญlowยญing 5โ€‘step plan, you will manยญage to train your man to swalยญlow cum. Be curiยญous which stage your man will reach.

Stage 1 โ€” Gentle Motivation With Desire Drops (Pre-cum)

The first stage is first of all about getยญting your man used to sperm conยญtact slowยญly and withยญout negยญaยญtive feelings.

You know those crysยญtal-clear drops of longยญing when your man is aroused? When one forms, catch it with your index finยญger and let him lick it off.

After sex, take a sperm-drop on one finยญger and lick it off lustยญfulยญly. Look deep into his eyes while doing so. Now itโ€™s his turn: hold his chin, so he canโ€™t get out of the way. Give him a blob in his mouth and kiss him immediately.

Kiss him more and more often after you have licked his penis.

If he doesยญnโ€™t resist (anyยญmore), go to stage 2.


Stage 2 โ€” Light Coercion by Licking off โ€œSomeโ€ Semen

Pre ejaculate
Pre-ejacยญuยญlate (drop of desire) leaks from the penis

Since he reactยญed posยญiยญtiveยญly to your first attempts, you should now increase the amount of semen.

Pick up plenยญty of semen with your index, midยญdle and ring finยญgers and force it into his mouth. He may turn his head away. So always hold his chin roughly!

Take his sperm in your palm and rub it strokingยญly on his face. Look into his eyes and tell him, for examยญple, how forยญbidยญden horny his skin shines.

Do not force him to swalยญlow at the beginยญning! This could be too much for him. Praise him and caress / kiss his face!

Does he stick out his tongue to you volยญunยญtarยญiยญly at some point? Conยญgratยญuยญlaยญtions! Then stage 3 is waitยญing for him!

Stage 3 โ€” Gentle Threat: No More Sex Without Cleaning Creampie!

From now on, a new rule applies: your man may only cum in and on you if he also licks you thorยญoughยญly clean again. He must underยญstand and accept that every creampie, every facial ins emaยญnaยญtion, and also every body insemยญiยญnaยญtion must be licked up by him in the future if he wants to conยญtinยญue havยญing sex with you!

Show it to him that you mean it! Think of a punยญishยญment. For examยญple, 10 slaps on the butt, threats of pain, or a sharp tone in your voice are enough. Then he will already parry.

Men preยญfer to squirt their wives in their mouths. If he wants to cum in your mouth again, threatยญen him iciยญly that you will spit the whole load into HIS mouth to swallow!

Eat own creampie
Eat own creampie means eat your own creampie.

When he cums in your pussy, from now on let him ALWAYS clean up the comยญplete creampie out of you, and then he has to lick your labia clean.

To do this, kneel over his face and push a litยญtle. You can also use your finยญgers. NEVER give in and demand thorยญoughยญness to the last drop!

Your man will want to move to your breasts, armpits, and belยญly. But tough luck! Press his head down roughยญly withยญout a word to clean the cum! Grab him firmยญly by the hair. Withยญout yieldยญing, ALWAYS let him lick your body clean.

When you lick the penis clean, you no longer swalยญlow the sperm yourยญself, but simยญply spit it into the mouth of her husband.

Always say in a seriยญous voice, โ€œAnd now swalยญlow niceยญly!โ€ or point with your index finยญger, โ€œThereโ€™s still some!โ€ If he did it well, you should praise, praise, praise him!

Stage 4 โ€” Full Surrender: Practice Swallowing Sperm Regularly!

After a few weeks, you should already be able to domยญiยญnate your man sexยญuยญalยญly in an excelยญlent way. Probยญaยญbly he will do everyยญthing you say!

He should be trained from now on to be able to swalยญlow a comยญplete sperm load withยญout any probยญlems and withยญout comยญplainยญing! Make it clear to him that โ€œeveryยญthing that is proยญduced must also be conยญsumed againโ€ and do not tolยญerยญate any discussions.

Autยญofelยญlaยญtio: This method is excellent!

Have him squirt his semen into a glass and comยญmand him to drink it. If he is wearยญing a conยญdom, always pour the entire conยญtents into his mouth now. A plate and spoon are also good for swalยญlowยญing the whole load.

Tie his legs over his head, back against the wall, and let him ejacยญuยญlate into his own mouth. This pracยญtice is called autยญofelยญlaยญtio and is highยญly successful!

Order him to freeze his sperm splashยญes โ€œdurยญing the weekโ€ in the freezยญer as sperm ice cubes! When you have fun togethยญer again, he can melt them in his mouth or your vagina.

Someยญtimes it makes it easยญiยญer for him to swalยญlow the cum with someยญthing sweet. Be creยญative in how you can make it easยญiยญer for Him to swalยญlow the comยญplete cum load.

Creampie Cathy

Stage 5 โ€” Complete Domination: Husband Licks up His Cum on His Own Without Prompting

Creampie eating
Creampie eatยญing: a win-win for both husยญband and wife

By now, you and he should have found fun in the domยญiยญnant afterยญglow. If you have reached levยญel 5, it is time to set stricter rules and proยญvoke him husยญband further.

Forยญbid your man to cum while secretยญly masยญturยญbatยญing โ€œdurยญing the weekโ€. From now on, they will only cum togethยญer with you, if you allow it.

Delay cumยญing for sevยญerยญal hours by playยญfulยญly trainยญing his orgasm (mulยญtiยญple orgasm ruinยญing). Proยญhibยญit him from doing the usuยญal 5โ€‘minute numยญbers that you have nothยญing of.

Put on panties after insemยญiยญnatยญing your pussy, and postยญpone the cleanup for a few hours. (A night out, a walk, going shopping)

Put on a strap-on, wet it with plenยญty of sperm / thawed cum ice cream, and let it suck clean. While youโ€™re at it, tell him itโ€™s someยญone elseโ€™s cock. Then fuck him again vioยญlentยญly in the ass!

If you wish, you can address durยญing sex that the thought makes you comยญpleteยญly horny if strange men were allowed to fuck you and cum inside you. Ask him if he allows stranger fuckยญing and stranger insemยญiยญnaยญtion. Also, boldยญly go one step furยญther and ask him if he would conยญtinยญue to lick you clean so niceยญly even if you had stranger cum.

Cum eating cuckold
Cum eatยญing cuckยญold: creampie clean lickยญing is a cuckยญold duty and must be trained regularly

Are You Wondering What You Should Get Out of It When the Man Swallows His Sperm?

Very simยญple: Itโ€™s pracยญtiยญcal! ๐Ÿ™‚ The quesยญtion โ€œWhere to put the spermโ€ has become superยญfluยญous. Your man is from now on ALWAYS responยญsiยญble for that. Your pussy is almost clean, and you no longer have to run to the bathยญroom in a panic.

It feels crazy pleasยญant when his tongue driยญves over your excitยญed skin for anothยญer five to ten minยญutes. Enjoy the relaxยญing and tinยญgling feeling!

You will get one or two lickยญing orgasms after sex, and it is a pleasยญant feelยญing of powยญer and conยญtrol over your partยญner as a woman. Your man feels comยญpleteยญly subยญjuยญgatยญed and does the โ€œlickยญing up fuck juiceโ€ only for your love.

The pussy lickยญing clean is a crownยญing finale for a horny sex number.

You now have the reins in your hands sexยญuยญalยญly and comยญpleteยญly unconยญsciousยญly made your sex life more excitยญing. Have you noticed that you have become much more imagยญiยญnaยญtive, and your man prefers to enjoy himยญself with you for sevยญerยญal hours instead of doing his stanยญdard number?

Even if you donโ€™t believe it curยญrentยญly, but one day between you and your cuckยญold the subยญject of sperm will be so norยญmal that even pasยญsionยญate, very intiยญmate sperm kissยญes with snowยญballing and horny sperm games will simยญply be part of good sex.

Pussy cleanup: Muschi sauberlecken
Pussy cleanup of a mature amaยญteur couยญple: Hotwife finds the cleanup lickยญing of her insemยญiยญnatยญed cum cunt very horny.

Conclusion: Swallowing Sperm by Yourself Can Be Learned by Every Man!

Even if it seems almost inhuยญman for every cuckยญold newยญbie at the beginยญning โ€” It is actuยญalยญly posยญsiยญble withยญout any probยญlems as a woman to teach the husยญband or partยญner to swalยญlow sperm.

Through the powยญer of femยญiยญninยญiยญty, every woman manยญages to break the will of every man. With varยญiยญous rules, โ€œsugยญar loaf and whipโ€, but also through respect, the man will gradยญuยญalยญly lose the fear of his own cum 

Regยญuยญlarยญiยญty and conยญsisยญtenยญcy are also imporยญtant when he wants to escape or evade.

Winยญners are both partยญners because after a few months, the โ€œcreampie cleanupโ€ with attached horny sperm kissยญes, snowยญballing, and sperm games will be comยญpleteยญly norยญmal the icing on the cake after a horny sex act. The man will be able to eat his creampie out of his pussy in three to six months.

Other Sources on the Topic โ€œThe Man Must Swallow Spermโ€:

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