How Can You Inspire Your Partner for Facials?

There is hard­ly a sex­u­al top­ic that is dis­cussed between man and woman as con­tro­ver­sial­ly as facial insemination.

Pho­tos and videos with cum-cov­ered faces make the blood boil in the veins of every man with­out excep­tion. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the major­i­ty of women, on the oth­er hand, can­not share this fas­ci­na­tion at all. Neg­a­tive key expe­ri­ences ensure that sperm con­tact in the face and mouth is strict­ly rejected.

In this guide, we explain to you why men are so keen on facials and why women, on the oth­er hand, can’t get any­thing out of them. We give tips on how a man should pro­ceed strate­gi­cal­ly cor­rect to inspire his part­ner for facial insem­i­na­tion. In addi­tion, we would like to inform you about how to per­form a facial cor­rect­ly and which posi­tions and insem­i­na­tion angles should be observed.

What Is a Facial?

Cum on glasses - Sperm on spectacle
Cum on glass­es — Sperm on spectacle

The word “Facial” is the term to describe oral and facial insem­i­na­tion with cum.

After stim­u­la­tion by a hand or a mouth, the man ejac­u­lates dur­ing his orgasm on the fore­head, cheeks, nose, mouth, and chin of the woman. 

The splash­es of semen are referred to as a cumshot. “Cum” is a syn­onym for sperm, and “shot” stands for ejac­u­la­tion with a penis.

Depend­ing on the angle of the cumshot, sperm can be deposit­ed over a large area or in a tar­get­ed man­ner. Oxy­gen con­tact imme­di­ate­ly sets off semen liq­ue­fac­tion, caus­ing cum to run down the face at vary­ing speeds.

It can then run down in long, sperm threads down the chin onto the cleavage.


Where Does the Desire to Ejaculate in a Woman’s Face Come From?

About 90% of men love videos and pho­tos with insem­i­nat­ed wom­en’s faces. Hard­ly any porn ends with­out the final cumshot to the face. Espe­cial­ly bukkake pic­tures and clips with abun­dant mass insem­i­na­tions at gang­bangs are in great demand.

If a teenage male sees a pho­to or a porn video with a facial insem­i­na­tion for the first time, this sight usu­al­ly strikes his brain like a light­ning bolt. A great desire devel­ops to dec­o­rate the beloved face of his girl­friend in such a breath­tak­ing way as well.

Sur­veys have shown that men them­selves can­not explain why such images stim­u­late them so vio­lent­ly sex­u­al­ly. Even if you research exten­sive­ly on the Inter­net, you will not find a clear answer to what makes facial insem­i­na­tion so appealing.

Reasons for Insemination of the Face:

  • Many peo­ple believe that facials are an inven­tion of the porn scene and are vir­tu­al­ly a fad. How­ev­er, in ancient images, fres­coes, and clay sculp­tures, you can find clear scenes with men ejac­u­lat­ing on wom­en’s faces. So facial adorn­ment has deep­er psy­cho­log­i­cal and his­tor­i­cal roots.
  • The sec­ond, fre­quent­ly stat­ed the­sis is that men are implied to con­sid­er sperm facials as pos­sess­ing, dom­i­nat­ing, or humil­i­at­ing a woman. The man is sup­posed to feel pow­er­ful when a woman takes his semen on her face. How­ev­er, this the­o­ry applies more to dom­i­nant alpha males and could explain the behav­ior of hotwifes. How­ev­er, most men are not con­cerned with dominance.
  • It is also very like­ly that the urge to insem­i­nate has to do with a wom­an’s beau­ty. Cum on a wom­an’s face enhances the appeal of her eyes, facial area, eye­brows, lips, nose and cheek region. The pret­ti­er and more sex­u­al­ly attrac­tive a man finds his part­ner, the stronger his desire to cum on her face.
  • Anoth­er log­i­cal the­o­ry is a dri­ve from pre­his­toric times: the male at that time showed a mark­ing behav­ior that we know from mam­mals in the ani­mal king­dom. He left sex­u­al scent marks on “his” female, which were sup­posed to keep oth­er males away. Over many gen­er­a­tions, the instinct to leave a facial mark devel­oped into a genet­ic trait, the instinct of which has been pre­served in our genes to this day.
The pretty face of a hotwife was refined with horny sperm.
The pret­ty face of a hotwife was refined with horny sperm.

A Man Should Train His Sperm Quantity and Taste!

After explain­ing pos­si­ble rea­sons of men for facial insem­i­na­tion, we now deal with the ques­tion of why many women don’t like facials.

Accord­ing to sur­veys, only a few men are allowed to insem­i­nate their part­ner’s face. Very many men react uncom­pre­hend­ing and dis­ap­point­ed that the woman refus­es facial and oral insem­i­na­tions. This builds up pres­sure on some women, and they tol­er­ate it with a pinched face when the man keeps ask­ing for it or demand­ing it.

We Have Found Seven Reasons Why Women Don’t Like Cum on Their Face:

  1. Most women care a lot about their faces. Their face is metic­u­lous­ly made up, creamed, and groomed. It does­n’t fit into their world­view at all that some­thing as dirty as sperm cov­ers their face and drips in long, bizarre threads from eye­brows, cheeks, and chin. 
  2. More­over, sperm on the face is reject­ed because most women are afraid of the uncon­trolled splash­ing in the eyes. Semen is alka­line and stings the eyes. Painful mucous mem­brane irri­ta­tion and red­ness may occur.
  3. Sperm-stuck hair is a hor­ror for women. A nice hair­style is extreme­ly impor­tant to most women. They don’t want the semen to ruin the hair and fear that it won’t come out despite wash­ing, comb­ing, and brushing.
  4. A big fear is also due to the fact that the amount of sperm is unpre­dictably large. They feel over­whelmed with too much semen in their mouths. 
  5. Some ladies feel humil­i­at­ed by the sperm on their faces and do not want this torment.
  6. Almost all women are afraid of bad sperm taste. Most of them have had semen forcibly inject­ed into their mouths when they were young and find the smell, taste, and con­sis­ten­cy dis­gust­ing. Some even get a gag reflex.
  7. If sperm is expelled dur­ing an orgasm, it usu­al­ly hap­pens with four strong and four weak­er sperm spurts. Some men can squirt for half a meter. Although most women like impres­sive cum squirts, many find the squirt­ing pres­sure on their faces too much. The loss of con­trol — pro­tect­ing their eyes, nos­trils, mouth, and hair — scares a lot of women.

Why Does Hotwifes Like Facial Cum?

Sex­u­al­ly open-mind­ed cuck­old, wife­shar­ing, and swinger women don’t see semen as some­thing dis­gust­ing, but as some­thing extreme­ly horny. Since sperm con­tact is not forced/expected by the man but is vol­un­tary on the part of the woman, it results in a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent con­di­tion­ing and learn­ing effect. Hotwifes have got­ten used to the smell, taste and con­sis­ten­cy of cum in a longer, sex­u­al devel­op­ment process.

Con­trary to most 0815 vanil­la sex cou­ples, many women in cuck­old rela­tion­ships allow their men to cum on their faces. Cuck­olds love and desire their wives with all their hearts and per­ma­nent­ly feel the desire to ejac­u­late into the wife’s beau­ti­ful face. Mas­ter­ful­ly, the wife uses facial insem­i­na­tion as a “reward for a good deed”. The insem­i­na­tion desire of the Cuck­old inten­si­fies increas­ing­ly after sev­er­al days or weeks of absti­nence (e.g. through tease and denial train­ing, prostate train­ing, orgasm con­trol, chasti­ty hold­ing, or chasti­ty belt).

But also, the Bull or the Lover has the urge to squirt in the face of their unin­hib­it­ed sex­u­al part­ner — Which she usu­al­ly grants them very willingly.

MILF enjoys her Facial at a Bukkake Party
MILF enjoys her Facial at a Bukkake Party

This Is How a Perfect Facial Is Done

Cum facials are about affirm­ing love and desire, not humil­i­a­tion or degra­da­tion. Accord­ing­ly, a man should have under­stood, inter­nal­ized, and accept­ed the above points “1 — 7”. 

  • Hold­ing the head is a no-go! The woman should always have the free­dom to evade.
  • Promise your wife to explic­it­ly watch out that noth­ing gets into her eyes. Try not to ejac­u­late into her hair.
  • Do not ejac­u­late com­plete­ly into her mouth.
  • The woman should not lie on her back, but should be able to move freely.
  • A woman nev­er has to swal­low, but is explic­it­ly allowed to let it all run onto her breasts.
  • Ejac­u­lat­ing indis­crim­i­nate­ly into a wom­an’s face is a mis­take. A facial insem­i­na­tion is only cor­rect if the entire face is dec­o­rat­ed with sperm over a large area.
  • Squirt­ing only on lips, in the mouth, or on the chin is also not a cor­rect facial.

The Man Should Stand, and the Woman Kneels

The best posi­tion is when the woman kneels, and the man stands. The woman should tilt her head back 45 degrees, tilt her back about 20 degrees, and stick her tongue out slight­ly. The penis is about 30 cm above the chin, and the tar­get is the wom­an’s fore­head. Since each ejac­u­la­tion is dif­fer­ent and each suc­ces­sive splash of semen decreas­es in speed and thick­ness, the man can aim optimally.

Usu­al­ly, five to eight sperm splash­es are squirt­ed. If the ejac­u­la­tion sets in by blowjob or hand­job, the penis is aimed first at the fore­head, then at the nose and final­ly at the cheeks, and final­ly at the mouth dur­ing facial squirting. 

After the suc­cess­ful facial insem­i­na­tion, the woman won­ders how to act now and wants to reach for the tis­sue box or take a show­er. Pre­vent this by offer­ing her at least the male breast to snug­gle up to. It is bet­ter to kiss and caress her pas­sion­ate­ly right away. Cuck­olds should start with­out com­ment to lick the full-sauced cum face clean and thank the hotwife with hot cum kiss­es, horny snow­balling, and greedy cum games.

A Man Should Train His Sperm Quantity and Taste!

It is actu­al­ly pos­si­ble to opti­mize sperm. You can improve sperm taste and increase sperm quan­ti­ty by eat­ing the right foods, exer­cis­ing the right mus­cles, and using build­ing techniques.

To make facial or oral cum­ing eas­i­er for your part­ner, make some changes to your mas­tur­ba­tion and dietary habits.

  • Before the facial insem­i­na­tion, abstain from foods with gar­lic and onions as well as high-proof alco­hol five days before.
  • Eat half a fresh pineap­ple and drink a liter of pineap­ple juice every day for five days.
  • Moti­vate your­self to exer­cise 2x a week.
  • Eat pro­tein-rich food (eggs, poul­try), lots of fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink a 500 ml pro­tein shake (pro­tein shake).
  • Inject sev­en days before facial insem­i­na­tion two days in a row. The oth­er five days, you may mas­tur­bate but not cum. Dai­ly tease & denial train­ing, penis pumps, and orgasm con­trol are perfect.
  • Do pelvic floor exer­cis­es daily.
  • Take 15 mg of zinc dai­ly as a sup­ple­ment / dietary sup­ple­ment for 30 days. Maca and Pygeum cap­sules or Ortho­mol fer­til plus as well as Mas­cuPRO, also improve sperm con­sis­ten­cy significantly.

Jesseloads Monsterfacials
Jes­se­loads Mon­ster Facials

Conclusion: Facials Can Improve Your Sex Life

Prob­a­bly the great­est desire of a man is to dec­o­rate the pret­ty face of his beloved wife, girl­friend, or life part­ner with his love juice. But to achieve this, the man must rec­og­nize, under­stand and accept the wom­an’s fears.

Hotwifes love foreign insemination with abundant sperm
Hotwifes love for­eign insem­i­na­tion with abun­dant sperm 

With the right approach and cum tech­nique, facial insem­i­na­tion can make love­mak­ing more fun and excit­ing for both partners 

Explain your desire to your wife open­ly and hon­est­ly. Absolute trust on both sides is a basic require­ment for a suc­cess­ful facial key experience.

The man should opti­mize his sperm con­sis­ten­cy and sperm taste before insem­i­na­tion through poten­cy train­ing, sports, pineap­ple, zinc sup­ple­ments, and pro­tein-con­tain­ing food.

Don’t make your insem­i­nat­ed woman run to the bath­room to wash off her sperm, but cud­dle and kiss her. For Cuck­olds, it goes with­out say­ing that he also thor­ough­ly licks the splat­tered sperm off his hotwife’s face, and thanks her for it.

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