How Can You Inspire Your Partner for Facials?

There is hardยญly a sexยญuยญal topยญic that is disยญcussed between man and woman as conยญtroยญverยญsialยญly as facial insemination.

Phoยญtos and videos with cum-covยญered faces make the blood boil in the veins of every man withยญout excepยญtion. Unforยญtuยญnateยญly, the majorยญiยญty of women, on the othยญer hand, canยญnot share this fasยญciยญnaยญtion at all. Negยญaยญtive key expeยญriยญences ensure that sperm conยญtact in the face and mouth is strictยญly rejected.

In this guide, we explain to you why men are so keen on facials and why women, on the othยญer hand, canโ€™t get anyยญthing out of them. We give tips on how a man should proยญceed strateยญgiยญcalยญly corยญrect to inspire his partยญner for facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion. In addiยญtion, we would like to inform you about how to perยญform a facial corยญrectยญly and which posiยญtions and insemยญiยญnaยญtion angles should be observed.

What Is a Facial?

Cum on glasses - Sperm on spectacle
Cum on glassยญes โ€” Sperm on spectacle

The word โ€œFacialโ€ is the term to describe oral and facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion with cum.

After stimยญuยญlaยญtion by a hand or a mouth, the man ejacยญuยญlates durยญing his orgasm on the foreยญhead, cheeks, nose, mouth, and chin of the woman. 

The splashยญes of semen are referred to as a cumshot. โ€œCumโ€ is a synยญonym for sperm, and โ€œshotโ€ stands for ejacยญuยญlaยญtion with a penis.

Dependยญing on the angle of the cumshot, sperm can be depositยญed over a large area or in a tarยญgetยญed manยญner. Oxyยญgen conยญtact immeยญdiยญateยญly sets off semen liqยญueยญfacยญtion, causยญing cum to run down the face at varyยญing speeds.

It can then run down in long, sperm threads down the chin onto the cleavage.

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Where Does the Desire to Ejaculate in a Womanโ€™s Face Come From?

About 90% of men love videos and phoยญtos with insemยญiยญnatยญed womยญenโ€™s faces. Hardยญly any porn ends withยญout the final cumshot to the face. Espeยญcialยญly bukkake picยญtures and clips with abunยญdant mass insemยญiยญnaยญtions at gangยญbangs are in great demand.

If a teenage male sees a phoยญto or a porn video with a facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion for the first time, this sight usuยญalยญly strikes his brain like a lightยญning bolt. A great desire develยญops to decยญoยญrate the beloved face of his girlยญfriend in such a breathยญtakยญing way as well.

Surยญveys have shown that men themยญselves canยญnot explain why such images stimยญuยญlate them so vioยญlentยญly sexยญuยญalยญly. Even if you research extenยญsiveยญly on the Interยญnet, you will not find a clear answer to what makes facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion so appealing.

Reasons for Insemination of the Face:

  • Many peoยญple believe that facials are an invenยญtion of the porn scene and are virยญtuยญalยญly a fad. Howยญevยญer, in ancient images, fresยญcoes, and clay sculpยญtures, you can find clear scenes with men ejacยญuยญlatยญing on womยญenโ€™s faces. So facial adornยญment has deepยญer psyยญchoยญlogยญiยญcal and hisยญtorยญiยญcal roots.
  • The secยญond, freยญquentยญly statยญed theยญsis is that men are implied to conยญsidยญer sperm facials as posยญsessยญing, domยญiยญnatยญing, or humilยญiยญatยญing a woman. The man is supยญposed to feel powยญerยญful when a woman takes his semen on her face. Howยญevยญer, this theยญoยญry applies more to domยญiยญnant alpha males and could explain the behavยญior of hotwifes. Howยญevยญer, most men are not conยญcerned with dominance.
  • It is also very likeยญly that the urge to insemยญiยญnate has to do with a womยญanโ€™s beauยญty. Cum on a womยญanโ€™s face enhances the appeal of her eyes, facial area, eyeยญbrows, lips, nose and cheek region. The pretยญtiยญer and more sexยญuยญalยญly attracยญtive a man finds his partยญner, the stronger his desire to cum on her face.
  • Anothยญer logยญiยญcal theยญoยญry is a driยญve from preยญhisยญtoric times: the male at that time showed a markยญing behavยญior that we know from mamยญmals in the aniยญmal kingยญdom. He left sexยญuยญal scent marks on โ€œhisโ€ female, which were supยญposed to keep othยญer males away. Over many genยญerยญaยญtions, the instinct to leave a facial mark develยญoped into a genetยญic trait, the instinct of which has been preยญserved in our genes to this day.
The pretty face of a hotwife was refined with horny sperm.
The pretยญty face of a hotwife was refined with horny sperm.
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A Man Should Train His Sperm Quantity and Taste!

After explainยญing posยญsiยญble reaยญsons of men for facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion, we now deal with the quesยญtion of why many women donโ€™t like facials.

Accordยญing to surยญveys, only a few men are allowed to insemยญiยญnate their partยญnerโ€™s face. Very many men react uncomยญpreยญhendยญing and disยญapยญpointยญed that the woman refusยญes facial and oral insemยญiยญnaยญtions. This builds up presยญsure on some women, and they tolยญerยญate it with a pinched face when the man keeps askยญing for it or demandยญing it.

We Have Found Seven Reasons Why Women Donโ€™t Like Cum on Their Face:

  1. Most women care a lot about their faces. Their face is meticยญuยญlousยญly made up, creamed, and groomed. It doesยญnโ€™t fit into their worldยญview at all that someยญthing as dirty as sperm covยญers their face and drips in long, bizarre threads from eyeยญbrows, cheeks, and chin. 
  2. Moreยญover, sperm on the face is rejectยญed because most women are afraid of the unconยญtrolled splashยญing in the eyes. Semen is alkaยญline and stings the eyes. Painful mucous memยญbrane irriยญtaยญtion and redยญness may occur.
  3. Sperm-stuck hair is a horยญror for women. A nice hairยญstyle is extremeยญly imporยญtant to most women. They donโ€™t want the semen to ruin the hair and fear that it wonโ€™t come out despite washยญing, combยญing, and brushing.
  4. A big fear is also due to the fact that the amount of sperm is unpreยญdictably large. They feel overยญwhelmed with too much semen in their mouths. 
  5. Some ladies feel humilยญiยญatยญed by the sperm on their faces and do not want this torment.
  6. Almost all women are afraid of bad sperm taste. Most of them have had semen forcibly injectยญed into their mouths when they were young and find the smell, taste, and conยญsisยญtenยญcy disยญgustยญing. Some even get a gag reflex.
  7. If sperm is expelled durยญing an orgasm, it usuยญalยญly hapยญpens with four strong and four weakยญer sperm spurts. Some men can squirt for half a meter. Although most women like impresยญsive cum squirts, many find the squirtยญing presยญsure on their faces too much. The loss of conยญtrol โ€” proยญtectยญing their eyes, nosยญtrils, mouth, and hair โ€” scares a lot of women.

Why Does Hotwifes Like Facial Cum?

Sexยญuยญalยญly open-mindยญed cuckยญold, wifeยญsharยญing, and swinger women donโ€™t see semen as someยญthing disยญgustยญing, but as someยญthing extremeยญly horny. Since sperm conยญtact is not forced/expected by the man but is volยญunยญtary on the part of the woman, it results in a comยญpleteยญly difยญferยญent conยญdiยญtionยญing and learnยญing effect. Hotwifes have gotยญten used to the smell, taste and conยญsisยญtenยญcy of cum in a longer, sexยญuยญal develยญopยญment process.

Conยญtrary to most 0815 vanilยญla sex couยญples, many women in cuckยญold relaยญtionยญships allow their men to cum on their faces. Cuckยญolds love and desire their wives with all their hearts and perยญmaยญnentยญly feel the desire to ejacยญuยญlate into the wifeโ€™s beauยญtiยญful face. Masยญterยญfulยญly, the wife uses facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion as a โ€œreward for a good deedโ€. The insemยญiยญnaยญtion desire of the Cuckยญold intenยญsiยญfies increasยญingยญly after sevยญerยญal days or weeks of abstiยญnence (e.g. through tease and denial trainยญing, prostate trainยญing, orgasm conยญtrol, chastiยญty holdยญing, or chastiยญty belt).

But also, the Bull or the Lover has the urge to squirt in the face of their uninยญhibยญitยญed sexยญuยญal partยญner โ€” Which she usuยญalยญly grants them very willingly.

MILF enjoys her Facial at a Bukkake Party
MILF enjoys her Facial at a Bukkake Party

This Is How a Perfect Facial Is Done

Cum facials are about affirmยญing love and desire, not humilยญiยญaยญtion or degraยญdaยญtion. Accordยญingยญly, a man should have underยญstood, interยญnalยญized, and acceptยญed the above points โ€œ1 โ€” 7โ€. 

  • Holdยญing the head is a no-go! The woman should always have the freeยญdom to evade.
  • Promise your wife to explicยญitยญly watch out that nothยญing gets into her eyes. Try not to ejacยญuยญlate into her hair.
  • Do not ejacยญuยญlate comยญpleteยญly into her mouth.
  • The woman should not lie on her back, but should be able to move freely.
  • A woman nevยญer has to swalยญlow, but is explicยญitยญly allowed to let it all run onto her breasts.
  • Ejacยญuยญlatยญing indisยญcrimยญiยญnateยญly into a womยญanโ€™s face is a misยญtake. A facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion is only corยญrect if the entire face is decยญoยญratยญed with sperm over a large area.
  • Squirtยญing only on lips, in the mouth, or on the chin is also not a corยญrect facial.

The Man Should Stand, and the Woman Kneels

The best posiยญtion is when the woman kneels, and the man stands. The woman should tilt her head back 45 degrees, tilt her back about 20 degrees, and stick her tongue out slightยญly. The penis is about 30 cm above the chin, and the tarยญget is the womยญanโ€™s foreยญhead. Since each ejacยญuยญlaยญtion is difยญferยญent and each sucยญcesยญsive splash of semen decreasยญes in speed and thickยญness, the man can aim optimally.

Usuยญalยญly, five to eight sperm splashยญes are squirtยญed. If the ejacยญuยญlaยญtion sets in by blowjob or handยญjob, the penis is aimed first at the foreยญhead, then at the nose and finalยญly at the cheeks, and finalยญly at the mouth durยญing facial squirting. 

After the sucยญcessยญful facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion, the woman wonยญders how to act now and wants to reach for the tisยญsue box or take a showยญer. Preยญvent this by offerยญing her at least the male breast to snugยญgle up to. It is betยญter to kiss and caress her pasยญsionยญateยญly right away. Cuckยญolds should start withยญout comยญment to lick the full-sauced cum face clean and thank the hotwife with hot cum kissยญes, horny snowยญballing, and greedy cum games.

A Man Should Train His Sperm Quantity and Taste!

It is actuยญalยญly posยญsiยญble to optiยญmize sperm. You can improve sperm taste and increase sperm quanยญtiยญty by eatยญing the right foods, exerยญcisยญing the right musยญcles, and using buildยญing techniques.

To make facial or oral cumยญing easยญiยญer for your partยญner, make some changes to your masยญturยญbaยญtion and dietary habits.

  • Before the facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion, abstain from foods with garยญlic and onions as well as high-proof alcoยญhol five days before.
  • Eat half a fresh pineapยญple and drink a liter of pineapยญple juice every day for five days.
  • Motiยญvate yourยญself to exerยญcise 2x a week.
  • Eat proยญtein-rich food (eggs, poulยญtry), lots of fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink a 500 ml proยญtein shake (proยญtein shake).
  • Inject sevยญen days before facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion two days in a row. The othยญer five days, you may masยญturยญbate but not cum. Daiยญly tease & denial trainยญing, penis pumps, and orgasm conยญtrol are perfect.
  • Do pelvic floor exerยญcisยญes daily.
  • Take 15 mg of zinc daiยญly as a supยญpleยญment / dietary supยญpleยญment for 30 days. Maca and Pygeum capยญsules or Orthoยญmol ferยญtil plus as well as MasยญcuPRO, also improve sperm conยญsisยญtenยญcy significantly.

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Jesยญseยญloads Monยญster Facials

Conclusion: Facials Can Improve Your Sex Life

Probยญaยญbly the greatยญest desire of a man is to decยญoยญrate the pretยญty face of his beloved wife, girlยญfriend, or life partยญner with his love juice. But to achieve this, the man must recยญogยญnize, underยญstand and accept the womยญanโ€™s fears.

Hotwifes love foreign insemination with abundant sperm
Hotwifes love forยญeign insemยญiยญnaยญtion with abunยญdant sperm 

With the right approach and cum techยญnique, facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion can make loveยญmakยญing more fun and excitยญing for both partners 

Explain your desire to your wife openยญly and honยญestยญly. Absolute trust on both sides is a basic requireยญment for a sucยญcessยญful facial key experience.

The man should optiยญmize his sperm conยญsisยญtenยญcy and sperm taste before insemยญiยญnaยญtion through potenยญcy trainยญing, sports, pineapยญple, zinc supยญpleยญments, and proยญtein-conยญtainยญing food.

Donโ€™t make your insemยญiยญnatยญed woman run to the bathยญroom to wash off her sperm, but cudยญdle and kiss her. For Cuckยญolds, it goes withยญout sayยญing that he also thorยญoughยญly licks the splatยญtered sperm off his hotwifeโ€™s face, and thanks her for it.

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