Cum Harvest: Ruining the Male Orgasm Multiple Times and Milking the Penis in a Controlled Manner

Many sexยญuยญalยญly open-mindยญed women, hotwifes, and domยญiยญnaยญtriยญces love to playยญfulยญly tease their partยญner, husยญband, cuckยญold or slave. Tease and denial is a very popยญuยญlar type of play. Some also call it penis edgยญing, cum conยญtrol, or orgasm conยญtrol.

In this guide, we would like to give you varยญiยญous sugยญgesยญtions and tips on how you can have an unforยญgetยญtable hot edgยญing sesยญsion as a couple.

Penis abmelken
Tease and denial: ruin mulยญtiยญple orgasms and milk the penis very gently

The aim of this โ€˜cum harยญvestโ€™ edgยญing game is to ruin the manโ€™s orgasm three to five times. Pre-ejacยญuยญlate (preยญcum, pre-cum, pre cum) will run or squirt out of the penis, which is called โ€œmilkยญing the penisโ€ or โ€œharยญvestยญing spermโ€.

The duraยญtion of the game can be 30, 60, 90, or 120 minutes. 

You can use this edgยญing game as regยญuยญlar potenยญcy trainยญing, to pracยญtice swalยญlowยญing sperm, or to reward or punยญish the cuckold.

We hope you enjoy readยญing these instrucยญtions as well as copyยญing them and look forยญward to your comยญments, ideas, and tips.

1.) Plan the โ€œCum Harvestโ€ Edging Game and Set the Rules of the Game

Decide before you start the edgยญing game Cum Harvest:

  • Where and in what posiยญtion should the edgยญing game be played?
  • How often should the orgasm be ruined?
  • How long does the man have to endure the game?
  • Which sex toys will be used?
  • Should BDSM (e.g. penis bondage, nipยญple play, canยญdle wax) also be used?
  • Are anal toys, a strap-on fuck, or a prostate masยญsage desired?
  • How are love drops, preยญcum, and sperm collected?
  • Does the cuckยญold have to swalยญlow his own sperm?

Write down your rules, ideas, and wishยญes on a piece of paper and try to stick to them.


The Edging Position

The man should lie relaxed on his back on a bed or couch. He may well feel someยญwhat exposed. For examยญple, on two quilts foldยญed in four, or a pilยญlow under his botยญtom โ€” so that he lies a litยญtle higher. 

Advanced men can also kneel or sit on the edge of a chair, leanยญing backยญward with their legs spread wide apart and a pilยญlow behind them.

โ€œStandยญing up wonโ€™t work as well, as most men evenยญtuยญalยญly slump down.

Couยญple playยญing edgยญing in a kneelยญing posiยญtion. The orgasm is ruined twice over and the penis is milked for all itโ€™s worth. Utenยญsils: masยญturยญbaยญtor, rope, egg spoon

Bound and Isolate the Cuckold

We recยญomยญmend that the man should be tied up and blindยญfoldยญed in the Cum Harยญvest game. It is effecยญtive to tie his hands above or behind his head. In the FemยญDom area, tying the wrists to the thighs or lowยญer legs with bondage ropes is also popular.

The man can also be โ€œisoยญlatยญedโ€ with quiยญet music (trance, esoยญteric music, the sound of the sea) using headยญphones so that he can conยญcenยญtrate more on his senses.

Determine the Number of Orgasm Ruins

Orgasm ban: The woman decides whether and when the orgasm is allowed or ruined.

To make the edgยญing game a litยญtle chalยญlengยญing, we recยญomยญmend that you perยญform at least two orgasm ruins. 

Three ruins are ideยญal and even five orgasm ruins are realยญly cool for advanced playยญers in order to milk the penis comยญpleteยญly dry. 

From the fifth time onwards, โ€œmilkยญing the penisโ€ becomes a real torยญture, as the prostate is already empยญty. Howยญevยญer, more than six ruinaยญtions are not possible.

Determine the Duration of Edging

We recยญomยญmend that you perยญform the edgยญing for at least 30 minยญutes. Howยญevยญer, 60 to 90 minยญutes is ideยญal. Howยญevยญer, playยญful cuckยญold couยญples also enjoy 120 minutes.

You should set the time using a smartยญphone timer. It is bindยญing for the cuckยญold or slave! Preยญmaยญture โ€œcomยญing to orgasmโ€ will be sancยญtioned with a punishment!

You can also use an โ€œEdgยญing Heroโ€, โ€œCock Heroโ€ or โ€œEdge Heroโ€ webยญsite, where you can set times, jerk-off speeds, and interยญvals. For examยญple


The Three-Finger Rule

It is helpยญful if the couยญple agrees on the three-finยญger rule: 

  • Thumbs up = OK! All clear, no risk of cumming.
  • Thumb and index finยญger out = CAUTION! Stimยญuยญlate more careยญfulยญly! Othยญerยญwise, Iโ€™ll squirt. Recยญomยญmenยญdaยญtion: Switch to โ€œsix start-stop intervalsโ€.
  • Extend thumb, index finยญger, and midยญdle finยญger = DANGER! Only stimยญuยญlate very careยญfulยญly. Highยญest risk of cumยญming! Recยญomยญmenยญdaยญtion: Only โ€œthree start-stop intervalsโ€.

The STOP Rule

Analer Orgasmus durch Penis - Edging
Anal stimยญuยญlaยญtion of the prostate durยญing penis edgยญing (Source:

The most imporยญtant rule in the โ€œCum Harยญvestโ€ game is the STOP rule!

The man should be unmisยญtakยญably clear that he is not allowed to reach orgasm. He must shout โ€œStop!โ€ in good time at the onset of orgasm.

If the cuckยญold says or shouts โ€œSTOPโ€, the woman must IMMEDIATELY remove her hand from the penis and cease all stimยญuยญlaยญtion. In most casยญes, the release of preยญcum and unconยญtrolled twitchยญing and quivยญerยญing of the penis indiยญcates that an orgasm has been ruined.

Establish Cuckold Punishments:

To make sure the man realยญly sticks to the rules, you should set unpleasยญant sexยญuยญal punยญishยญments togethยญer. The worst punยญishยญment is if the man does not shout โ€œSTOPโ€ in time or orgasms withยญout permission.

Examยญples of punishments:

Penis Edging
Edgยญing: orgasm conยญtrol until the penis cries.
  • wearยญing clothesยญpins on the nipยญples for 10 minutes
  • a strap-on dilยญdo fuck
  • Anal fuckยญing with a dildo
  • Wearยญing a chastiยญty belt / penis cage
  • Slapยญping with a padยญdle or hand on the buttocks

Minor offensยญes could also result in minor punishments:

  • refusยญing to swalยญlow cum
  • Moanยญing
  • refusยญing something

2.) Prepare the โ€œCum Harvestโ€ Game

    Spermalรถffel : Sperma Lรถffel
    Sperm spoon for cum harยญvestยญing: Baby food spoons made of soft silยญiยญcone are great for colยญlectยญing preยญcum and sperm

It is imporยญtant that the man has not had an orgasm for a few days so that the prostate is well-filled. It makes sense for cuckยญolds to keep an orgasm calendar.

Once you have agreed on the day and time, you should preยญpare the game as follows:

  • The room should be at a warm temperature.
  • The man should lie, sit, or kneel in a relaxed and comยญfortยญable position.
  • Place a towยญel under his botยญtom! Plenยญty of sperm can squirt!
  • Before stimยญuยญlaยญtion, you can prepare: 
    • Masยญsage oil
    • Masยญsage device (e.g. Hitachi Magยญic Wand)
    • Masยญturยญbaยญtors (e.g. Tenยญga, Fleshยญlight)
    • Bondage ropes for penis bondage
    • sevยญerยญal penis rings
    • nipยญple toys if necยญesยญsary (e.g. nipยญple chain, nipยญple sucยญtion cups, woodยญen clothespins)
    • Womยญanโ€™s panties / knickers
    • Feathยญers to stroke
  • Sperm plate, sperm bowl, or sperm glass to colยญlect sperm
  • Sperm spoon to catch drops of desire, preยญcum, and sperm directly.
Three orgasms ruined in the Edge Hero game

3.) Instructions for the Woman: How to Play the Edging Game

Are you ready, is the cuckยญold fixed, are the toys, spoon, and bowl in place? Then you can finalยญly get startยญed with the Cum Harยญvest game:

Schwanzmassage Precum
Cock masยญsage with milked precum
  • Start the timer.
  • Spoil the penis at the start of the game. Cum, rub, knead, kiss, and blow the penis extenยญsiveยญly and slowยญly. The iniยญtial aim is to make the man feel relaxed and comfortable.
  • Start to wank the penis at lightยญning-fast interยญvals of 50. Then count to ten and start again.
  • When the cuckยญoldโ€™s breathยญing quickยญens, only jerk off in interยญvals of 30. Count to 5 and start again.
  • Once you have agreed on the three-finยญger rule, he will evenยญtuยญalยญly show โ€œ2โ€. From now on you have to be more attenยญtive!
    Only jerk off at 20-finยญger interยญvals with a 3โ€‘second break and observe whether the ureยญthral openยญing widens, the penis starts to twitch, pulยญsate, or if othยญer sigยญnals come from the man! Then stop all stimยญuยญlaยญtion and count to 5.

Here We Go! The First Orgasm Is Ruined!

  • It wonโ€™t be long before the cuckยญold is on the verge of orgasm. When he indiยญcates โ€œ3โ€ with his finยญgers, it gets exciting! 
  • Your goal is to hit the point of no return, i.e. the point where the orgasm can no longer be stopped!
  • Only jerk off in interยญvals of 10 with a 3โ€‘second break.
  • Feel your way closยญer and closยญer to orgasm. Reduce to interยญvals of 5 or 3 and extend the wankยญing breaks accordยญing to how you feel.
  • Strong signs of impendยญing ejacยญuยญlaยญtion are when the tesยญtiยญcles are very tightยญly conยญtractยญed, the glans looks deep red and shiny. The veins proยญtrude strongยญly and the openยญing of the vas defยญerยญens is wide open. A crysยญtal-clear drop of desire forms.
At the point of no return, STOP immeยญdiยญateยญly!!!
Harvest Your Cum
  • If you have the feelยญing that your man is about to orgasm, place a sperm bowl or a sperm plate under the penis.
  • As soon as the man shouts โ€œSTOPโ€ or the penis starts to twitch vioยญlentยญly, stop all stimยญuยญlaยญtion IMMEDIATELY. The incipยญiยญent orgasm must be stopped as soon as possible!
  • Your man may groan vioยญlentยญly and even rebel because this orgasm ruinยญing is realยญly agoยญnizยญingยญly intense. The penis can rotate unconยญtrolยญlably, bounce up and down and twitch vioยญlentยญly. Preยญcum and sperm can squirt out very far in 1โ€“3 breathยญtakยญingยญly vioยญlent spurts.
  • But itโ€™s imporยญtant to keep a cool head here! Donโ€™t be disยญtractยญed by all your husยญbandโ€™s fuss and conยญcenยญtrate on catchยญing his love nectar.
  • Your cuckยญold is in an extremeยญly highยญly aroused phase! Take advanยญtage of this and let him lick his own juice off the spoon or sperm plate. Sperm recyยญcling is imporยญtant to teach him to swalยญlow sperm. Donโ€™t accept any evaยญsion, if necยญesยญsary fixยญate his head and tell him in a seriยญous voice โ€œBe good! Open your mouth!โ€. He will obey!
Orgasm control - Orgasmuskonrolle
Orgasm conยญtrol: Ejacยญuยญlaยญtion has been aborted

Tease and Denial (Orgasm Control): Rounds 2, 3, 4 and 5:

Penis Orgasmuskontrolle
Orgasm conยญtrol by very light stimยญuยญlaยญtion of the underยญside of the penis glans
  • Well done. Your man remains horny, and his penis is nice and hardโ€ฆ
  • Donโ€™t give your man time to recovยญer. Use lots and lots of oil and start again with very fast 30 jerk-off interยญvals and a 3โ€‘second break. 
  • When the penis is rock hard again, itโ€™s time to add some variยญety and โ€œdriยญve your man crazyโ€! Stimยญuยญlate the penis as you wish: 
    • Blow, suck, and lick the penis. The underยญside of the glans at the frenuยญlum is parยญticยญuยญlarยญly sensitive.
    • Put on a cock ring or tie the cock off with a rope to cause blood to pool.
    • Wank the cock with a masยญturยญbaยญtor or a pockยญet pussy.
    • Use a penis massager. 
    • Donโ€™t forยญget to pamยญper his othยญer erogeยญnous zones: Mouth, neck, ears, nipยญples, anus.
    • The man is incredยญiยญbly resisยญtant to pain at his most aroused! Use weights, clamps, rulers, flogยญgers, padยญdles, whips, wax, and ice cubes on the nipples.
    • Comยญbine edgยญing with anal pleaยญsure via finยญger, dilยญdo, anal vibraยญtor, anal plug, inflatยญable plug, strap-on or fuckยญing machine! This stimยญuยญlates the prostate so that even more sperm leaks out. We guarยญanยญtee to ruin the manโ€™s gooseยญbumps durยญing orgasm!
Fast Jerk-off Intervals and Alternating Penis Games!
Hotwife ruiniert Orgasmus
Hotwife ruins orgasm

Attenยญtion: Despite your penis games, your interยญval wankยญing is very, very imporยญtant! You will quickยญly get a feelยญing for which interยญval is best. The interยญvals should become shortยญer and shortยญer and only be perยญformed with very light presยญsure from your thumb, index finยญger, and midยญdle finger.

Your penis games and your wankยญing interยญvals will inevitably lead to ejacยญuยญlaยญtion. Your man will start to trick you so that he can secretยญly reach orgasm!!! 

So be very, very attenยญtive! Stop any stimยญuยญlaยญtion IMMEDIATELY at the slightยญest twitch, spring, or tremor! This will bring your man as close as posยญsiยญble to his point of no return.

Which will surยญprise you: If you ruin your manโ€™s orgasm a few more times, preยญcum, love drops, and sperm will just run out. It doesยญnโ€™t actuยญalยญly squirt at all. You can easยญiยญly colยญlect the hot cream with a spoon or bowl and feed your cuckold.

30 ruined orgasms

The Finale: The Agonizing โ€˜Dryโ€™ Orgasm

Tease and denial: Ruinierter Orgasmus
Tease and denial: ruined orgasm with vioยญlent penis twitching

After four to five ruined orgasms, the prostate is pracยญtiยญcalยญly milked dry. Nevยญerยญtheยญless, the cuckยญold begs for his redeemยญing orgasm. But it is anyยญthing but relaxed for him!

The dry orgasm withยญout ejacยญuยญlaยญtion is unspeakยญably intense, almost agoยญnizยญing, and assoยญciยญatยญed with a vioยญlent disยญcharge of pleasure!

Moanยญing loudยญly and twitchยญing vioยญlentยญly, the cuckยญold wrings out only tiny droplets of sperm. Hotwife is masยญsiveยญly aroused by this spectacle.

The orgasm can be intenยญsiยญfied even more if the man has to wear an anal plug (preferยญably Nexus or Aneros). Almost withยญout excepยญtion, the orgasm leads to cramps and an indeยญscribยญably intense feelยญing of pleasure!

make him cuckold

Cum Harvesting With Spoons, Plates, and Bowls!

As already menยญtioned above, you should agree that neiยญther drops of desire nor preยญcum or sperm are wastยญed. This is because, durยญing tease and denial play, the man remains extremeยญly sexยญuยญalยญly aroused โ€” which allows the man to receive sperm withยญout any probยญlems. Even largยญer amounts of ejacยญuยญlate are no probยญlem to swallow.

Sperma mit Teller Sammeln
Colยญlect semen with a plate

We thereยญfore recยญomยญmend that you order black breakยญfast plates, black dinยญner plates, black bowls, Chiยญnese soup spoons, and silยญiยญcone spoon holdยญers from Amaยญzon or eBay to colยญlect love juices.

As already menยญtioned, silยญiยญcone spoons are ideยญal for baby food. Unlike clasยญsic stainยญless steel spoons, they do not scratch the penis, they are warm, the sperm stays warm on them and the cum looks aesยญthetยญiยญcalยญly pleasยญing. Black egg spoons or black, long-hanยญdled ice cream spoons are also ideยญal for receivยญing or feedยญing cuckolds.

A litยญtle tip: An extenยญsive cum harยญvest is also ideยญal for makยญing sperm ice cubes. Simยญply milk the penis sevยญerยญal times in a conยญtainยญer (film can, Tupยญperยญware spice jar, ice cube makยญer) and freeze. After three to five ruins, you will have an impresยญsive amount of cum. ๐Ÿ™‚

Penis Milking & Cum freezing: Penis wird in einen Behรคlter fรผr den Tiefkรผhlschrank abgemolken
Penis Milkยญing & Cum freezยญing: Penis is milked into a conยญtainยญer for the freezยญer. (Source:

Conclusion: The Edging Game โ€œThe Cum Harvestโ€ Is Worthwhile

Couยญples who deal with orgasm conยญtrol know that a ruined orgasm can trigยญger one of the hottest and most intense feelยญings of pleaยญsure in men and women.

BDSM: FemDom ruiniert Orgasmus
BDSM FemยญDom: Woman ruins manโ€™s orgasm (source

Since you can easยญiยญly ruin the male orgasm three to five times, this is perยญfect for extenยญsive edgยญing play.

The woman can expect a breathยญtakยญing specยญtaยญcle, a cerยญtain feelยญing of powยญer, gloatยญing, and maxยญiยญmum arousal.

We hope that we have been able to give you some great ideas and tips for an unforยญgetยญtable and beauยญtiยญfulยญly kinky FemยญDom evening with the edgยญing game โ€œThe Cum Harvestโ€.

If you would like to share your opinยญions, addiยญtions, or comยญments with us, please write us a comment. 

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