Adult Empire — The US Porn Empire

Online porn videos were still in a bad way at the end of the nineties: Online there were only short clips in poor qual­i­ty, with lots of adver­tis­ing and virus­es for free. If you want­ed to watch good porn, you had to go to a video store or order it online from porn DVD online stores like and have it sent to your home.

The devel­op­ment of smart­phones and broad­band Inter­net laid video­cas­settes, CDs, DVDs and Blu-Rays to rest. The new mag­ic word that brought movies “on demand” into the liv­ing room was “video on demand,” or VoD for short.

With some delay, after the free porn tubes, legal VoD porn stream­ing plat­forms such as final­ly devel­oped from 2010 under the name “Adult Video On Demand”.

We were inter­est­ed in what is behind Adul­tEm­pire and how the VoD provider com­pares to AEBN, FlixOne, Hot­Movies and In the fol­low­ing review, we have sum­ma­rized our per­son­al expe­ri­ences for you. In this review, we explain to you which advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages the porn stream­ing ser­vice offers and whether it is worth sign­ing up. Feel free to let us know your opin­ion and ques­tions after the test.


Test report: briefly presented

Facts and figures about the website

The begin­nings of already go back more than 25 years. The com­pa­ny’s remark­able suc­cess sto­ry began when entre­pre­neur Bob­by Sox sold the first DVD in the adult enter­tain­ment cat­e­go­ry in 1997. From then on, things only went up 

Adult Empire

Today, almost a quar­ter of a cen­tu­ry lat­er, is one of the biggest play­ers in the indus­try, along with AEBN and Hot­movies. The com­pa­ny still sells porn with DVDs, but has rec­og­nized the signs of the times 

Since 2011, the U.S.-based com­pa­ny has been offer­ing a stream­ing ser­vice that allows users to watch porn any­time, any­where. In the third line of busi­ness, the online sale of sex toys, Adult Empire is also very successful.

An incredible porn video assortment

Accord­ing to the provider, ‘s assort­ment includes more than 93,000 DVDs ready for sale. The prod­ucts are ordered con­ve­nient­ly from home and deliv­ered dis­creet­ly in neu­tral packaging 

For exam­ple, in the Cuck­old sec­tion, which is of par­tic­u­lar inter­est to me in the con­text of my review, there are more than 800 DVDs to choose from. The pur­chase DVDs are joined by anoth­er 82,000 porn movies that can be streamed 

The fact that Adult Empire is very suc­cess­ful and pop­u­lar is also shown by the facts that AE (abbre­vi­a­tion for Adult Empire) has already been vot­ed the best web­site in online trade 14 times and the best web­site for erot­ic VODs 8 times in the USA.

The costs

The data refers to AE’s stream­ing offer. Apart from the well-known option to pay per minute for watch­ing porn, the videos can also be rent­ed for 48 hours or pur­chased and down­loaded to the hard dri­ve. The per-minute prices are as follows:

  • 15 min = $3.99
  • 30 min = $6.99
  • 60 min = $9.99
  • 120 min = $16.99
  • 480 min = $48,99

These are only excerpts. There are also pre­mi­um pack­ages that offer espe­cial­ly low minute prices. For $399.99, for exam­ple, you can buy 3,900 min­utes and get 200 bonus min­utes on top.

The AE Unlim­it­ed offer is very inter­est­ing. It is a flat rate for stream­ing porn. Users pay a month­ly price and can watch as much porn as they want for it.

  • Tri­al access (2 days): $2.99
  • 1 month: $24.99
  • 3 months: $49.98 ($16.99/month)
  • 12 months: $149.94 ($12.50/month)

All major cred­it cards are accept­ed as means of pay­ment. For Ger­man users Visa and Mas­ter­Card are eligible.

The preview area of

In the pre­view area of you can see the cov­ers of the movies on offer on a bright back­ground. You can search for suit­able clips using sev­er­al filters 

The offer is divid­ed into the sec­tions of DVDs for sale, stream­ing videos, sex toys, VR (vir­tu­al real­i­ty) and porn stars 

Dur­ing the review, I noticed that there is even a sep­a­rate sec­tion called “Free Trail­er”. You get a very good impres­sion of what to expect in the mem­bers area in the pre­view section.

Porn site review: The members area of

Site structure, content and special features

Upon enter­ing the mem­bers area, I took a look at what the VOD sec­tion has to offer for the web­site test report. It is overwhelming! 

More than 1,100 sex videos were found in the Cuck­old cat­e­go­ry, and more than 1,000 for the term Hotwife. The porn videos are fea­ture length. Many of them are shot in 4k UHD quality.

Hotwifes, Cuck­olds, Wife­shar­er will find very many awe­some scenes in the categories:

Mega horny are also the cat­e­go­ry Ger­man Lan­guage and Ger­man, where very many well-known Ger­man porn labels like DRM Videos, Eronite, GMV Media, Mag­mafilm, Pua­ka, Vide­o­ra­ma, BB Video, Foxy Media, Hitze­frei, Julia Reaves, Sper­maS­tu­dio, Her­zog Videos, are represented.

The advantages of the sex site

  • I like the clear pre­sen­ta­tion of the movies 
  • unimag­in­ably huge porn offer
  • over 3.000 Ger­man porn movies
  • numer­ous cuck­old porn movies
  • Lots of free pre­view videos (Free Trail­er sec­tion) are offered, which are sev­er­al min­utes long 
  • The AE Unlim­it­ed offer with a flat rate for porn is also very commendable.
  • Pay­ment via Pay­Pal possible

The disadvantages of the porn site

  • eng­lish language

Review conclusion: Is recommendable?

I am absolute­ly thrilled with the web­site. The selec­tion and qual­i­ty of the videos are just great. The prices are absolute­ly fair in my opinion 

In direct com­par­i­son with AEBN, I could­n’t decide who is the bet­ter stream­ing plat­form for porn. The pos­si­bil­i­ty to look into the scenes of the DVDs and also to buy only the scene out of a DVD is an absolute killer feature!

Those who only watch videos occa­sion­al­ly can watch streams and pay per minute. How­ev­er, to real­ly enjoy Adult Empire, it might be bet­ter to book one of AE Unlim­it­ed’s porn flat rate options.


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