6 Cock Milking Techniques for Harvesting Sperm Through Joint Edging

Since youโ€™ve found this cuckยญold blog artiยญcle, youโ€™ve probยญaยญbly already come across the terms โ€œpenis edgยญingโ€, โ€œorgasm ruinยญingโ€ and โ€œorgasm conยญtrolโ€. The aim of this stimยญuยญlaยญtion techยญnique is a conยญtrolled and orgasm-free milkยญing of the penis in order to trick the refracยญtoยญry phase.

Unforยญtuยญnateยญly, there is a lack of conยญcrete examยญples and pracยญtiยญcal instrucยญtions in the Gerยญman lanยญguage. In our guide 7 reaยญsons to milk the cuckยญold by penis edgยญing, we have already explained why you should learn orgasm control.

In the folยญlowยญing guide, we would like to explain to you how you can perยญform penis edgยญing togethยญer as a couยญple using six desemยญiยญnaยญtion techยญniques. In addiยญtion to numerยญous tips, you will also find out how you can utiยญlize your love juices and which aids are suitยญable for harยญvestยญing semen.

Please leave a comยญment below the guide if you have any quesยญtions, comยญments or would like to share your expeยญriยญences and sugยญgesยญtions with us.

MILF milks her young bull sevยญerยญal times

Six Techniques for Milking the Cuckold Through Penis Edging

There are sevยญerยญal very good ways for couยญples to preยญvent the male ejacยญuยญlaยญtion reflex from being trigยญgered. The trick is for the partยญner to ruin his orgasm at the PONR (point of no return) in time.

Below we explain six techยญniques on HOW you can perยญform penis edgยญing togethยญer as a couple:

Penis Edging by Hand Using the Start-Stop Method

Ruinierter Orgasmus
Ruined orgasm: The penis is realยญly ragยญing. (Source: MeanยญMasยญsage)

The best way to wank off a penis by edgยญing is by jerkยญing off by hand.

By using difยญferยญent jerk-off interยญvals, grip techยญniques, and presยญsure, the partยญner can bring her cuckยญoldโ€™s or slaveโ€™s cock to the point of no return in a very conยญtrolled and extremeยญly tarยญgetยญed manner.

The woman feels any twitchยญes, sees the ureยญthral openยญing and can react immeยญdiยญateยญly when the ejacยญuยญlaยญtion reflex sets in shortยญly before his orgasm.

In our pracยญtiยญcal guide Penis Edgยญing Game โ€œThe Sperm Harยญvestโ€ you can find detailed inforยญmaยญtion about this method of penis milking.

Start-Stop Jerking Technique Instructions:
  • The man should be in a supine posiยญtion, tied up and blindfolded.
  • The numยญber of ruined orgasms should be agreed.
  • Start a smartยญphone or kitchen timer when the man is only allowed to reach his final orgasm (30, 60, 90, 120 minutes).
  • Have a plate or small bowl of sperm ready to catch drops of desire and pre-ejacยญuยญlate. Have a plasยญtic spoon ready.
  • The man uses his thumb, index finยญger and midยญdle finยญger to indiยญcate how close he is to the point of no return. (Thumb up = everyยญthing ok; thumb index finยญger = cauยญtion!; thumb index finยญger midยญdle finยญger = danยญger of squirting!!!)
  • The penis is pamยญpered, stroked and jerked off at intervals.
  • At the beginยญning, it is advisยญable to jerk off in interยญvals of 50. Then stop, count to 5 in your head and start the interยญval wankยญing again.
Orgasmuskontrolle: Penis bebt, federt und zuckt beim ruinierten Orgasmus
Orgasm conยญtrol: Penis quivยญers, bounces and twitchยญes masยญsiveยญly durยญing a ruined orgasm and squirts three powยญerยญful spurts of pre-ejaculate.
  • When the man stretchยญes out his thumb and index finยญger, you become very attenยญtive. You will quickยญly get a feelยญing for when you need to reduce the start-stop-fast jerkยญing to the 30, 20 and 10 secยญond interยญvals. Howยญevยญer, strictยญly adhere to the 5โ€‘second pausยญes so that the penis can calm down and you have more control!
  • Then it gets interยญestยญing: as soon as the orgasm threshยญold is closยญer and the man stretchยญes out his thumb, index finยญger and midยญdle finยญger, only jerk off in 6โ€‘second interยญvals. So: 6x quick wank, hand off; 6x quick wank, hand off; 6x quick wank, hand off. โ€ฆand so onโ€ฆ
  • If the penis twitchยญes, remove your hand IMMEDIATELY!
  • At some point the time has come! The point of no return sets in: The man moans loudยญly and his cock twitchยญes! Ruin the orgasm by takยญing your hand away from the cock IMMEDIATELY. Quickยญly hold a sperm bowl, plate or glass under the penis to catch any leakยญing preยญcum and sperm!
Penis edging mit Smartphone Timer
Penis Edgยญing with Smartยญphone Timer: An orgasm is only allowed at the end of the edgยญing session!
The Ejaculation Reflex Is Canceled!

The penis quivยญers and twitchยญes vioยญlentยญly durยญing sucยญcessยญful orgasm ruinaยญtion. The glans is plump, shiny dark red, the veins proยญtrude wideยญly. The tesยญtiยญcles are close to the body and the ureยญthra is wide open. Most of the time, the imposยญing cock bounces up and down vioยญlentยญly and desยญperยญateยญly and can even make stirยญring moveยญments sideways.

While the man moans in agony and despair, preยญcum runs or squirts out of the ureยญthra (the penis cries! ^^). The pre-ejacยญuยญlate can now be returned to the cuckยญold or slave via the mouth if the man wishยญes to recyยญcle sperm.

Then the start-stop game starts all over again. Dependยญing on how well-rehearsed and expeยญriยญenced the couยญple is with orgasm conยญtrol, the orgasm can be ruined two to a maxยญiยญmum of six times. The intense specยญtaยญcle is extremeยญly arousยญing for the woman.

Cuckold Sessions

Orgasm Control Through Blow Jobs

It is also posยญsiยญble to ruin the male orgasm sevยญerยญal times by blowยญing and lickยญing. The main advanยญtage is that the woman can feel every โ€œtinyโ€ twitch or penis moveยญment with her lips and tongue.

As with the start-stop jerkยญing method, we recยญomยญmend that you decide on the numยญber of ruins and the three-finยญger disยญplay rule togethยญer beforeยญhand. You should also agree on the duraยญtion of the edgยญing sesยญsion beforeยญhand and clarยญiยญfy who should be responยญsiยญble for swalยญlowยญing preยญcum, drops of desire and sperm. (Ideยญalยญly, the cuckยญold should do this!)

Penis edging: Orgasmus ruinieren
Agoยญnizยญing penis edgยญing with lips and tongue: The cock leaks over and over again durยญing mulยญtiยญple orgasms!

The penis can be stimยญuยญlatยญed very intenยญsiveยญly with lips and tongue. The vacยญuยญum when suckยญing and the use of plenยญty of saliยญva proยญvide addiยญtionยญal stimulation.

The point-of-no-return is announced by a deep moan from the man as well as vioยญlent twitchยญing, throbยญbing and quivยญerยญing of the penis. At the onset of orgasm, all stimยญuยญlaยญtion is stopped IMMEDIATELY so that orgasm canยญnot be reached!

Expeยญriยญenced women can still touch the penis very, very lightยญly with their tongue durยญing orgasm. Howยญevยญer, this must be done very carefully.

Dependยญing on the duraยญtion of the stimยญuยญlaยญtion, the numยญber of orgasm-free days beforeยญhand and the degree of arousal, conยญsidยญerยญable amounts of very sweet-tastยญing preยญcum can leak out or squirt vigยญorยญousยญly. Dependยญing on the arrangeยญment, the woman kissยญes her cuckยญold or love slave with her tongue(snowยญballing) and the edgยญing game goes into the next round. 

Penis Edging With Sex Toys

Expeยญriยญence has shown that creยญative and playยญful couยญples like to use sex toys in their love games. 

Mit Fleshlight ruinierter Orgasmus (Quelle: Edgequeens.com)
Orgasm ruined with Fleshยญlight. Masยญturยญbaยญtors are great for edgยญing. (Source: Edgequeens.com)

The Fleshยญlight masยญturยญbaยญtor, which is placed over the erect penis and moved up and down, is highยญly recยญomยญmendยญed for edgยญing games and orgasm training.

High-qualยญiยญty penis vibraยญtors, masยญsage guns and masยญsagers are anothยญer very good method of trigยญgerยญing an orgasm and trainยญing it at the point of no return.

Comยญpared to stimยญuยญlaยญtion with the hands or mouth, howยญevยญer, masยญturยญbaยญtors and penis vibraยญtors are very difยญfiยญcult to conยญtrol. It can quickยญly lead to overยญstimยญuยญlaยญtion, so that the cliยญmax is ruined a few (milยญli-) secยญonds too late.

We thereยญfore recยญomยญmend that you count the secยญonds or strokes (up and down moveยญments) of the sex toys silentยญly and take 5โ€‘second breaks every now and then.

Fleshlight Edging
Hotwife has already ruined the orgasm once durยญing Fleshยญlight Edgยญing. Round two is now underยญway. ๐Ÿ™‚ (Source: Edgequeens.com)

Prostate Stimulation and Ruining Orgasms Several Times in the Process

Milking Prostatata
Prostate milkยญing: Edgยญing in comยญbiยญnaยญtion with prostate masยญsage is incredยญiยญbly intense!

The prostate, which is locatยญed in a manโ€™s recยญtum, is the male Gโ€‘spot and thereยญfore a very intense erogeยญnous zone. 

The sex gland is filled with ejacยญuยญlaยญtoยญry fluยญid and has a lot of senยญsoยญry and parasymยญpaยญthetยญic nerves that play a role in erecยญtion and ejaculation. 

Unforยญtuยญnateยญly, very few men are aware of the enorยญmous sexยญuยญal excitabilยญiยญty of the highยญly senยญsiยญtive prostate through touch. 

Through active stimยญuยญlaยญtion with an anal plug, finยญger, dilยญdo or othยญer objects, some men can reach orgasm simยญply by playยญing with the prostate. If a man engages in prostate stimยญuยญlaยญtion, he will be rewardยญed with intense senยญsaยญtions, full-body goose bumps, powยญerยญful spurts of semen and extremeยญly intense orgasms.

Prostate Milking
Very effecยญtive prostate milkยญing with an inflatยญable anal dilยญdo from behind.

As a couยญple, you can stimยญuยญlate the prostate very well togethยญer. We recยญomยญmend that you perยญform an active prostate masยญsage in comยญbiยญnaยญtion with one of the three stimยญuยญlaยญtion techยญniques menยญtioned above (start-stop jerkยญing, oral penis stimยญuยญlaยญtion or masยญsager / masturbator).

If the prostate is stimยญuยญlatยญed durยญing a longer penis edgยญing sesยญsion, masยญsive leakยญage and powยญerยญful squirtยญing of love juice occurs. This can result in a third to twice as much love juice being released as usual.

In FemยญDom and BDSM,โ€œmilkยญing the prostate withยญout orgasmโ€ and โ€ ruinยญing mulยญtiยญple orgasmsโ€ is incredยญiยญbly popยญuยญlar. This involves using suitยญable dilยญdos or finยญger techยญniques to induce ejacยญuยญlaยญtion withยญout orgasm (see phoยญto below). 

Prostata melken (prostate milking) in der Cumclinic
Prostate milkยญing in the Cumยญclinยญic (source: CumClinic.com)

Prostate Milking With a Strap-on (Strap-on Dildo) Penis Edging

A very powยญerยญful and partยญner-bondยญing edgยญing method is to penยญeยญtrate the manโ€™s anus with a strap-on (strap-on dilยญdo) while edgยญing the penis with the manยญuยญal start-stop-wank technique.

Hotwife penยญeยญtrates her cuckยญold with a strap-on dilยญdo and wanks his cock.

Howยญevยญer, this requires the couยญple to have extenยญsive expeยญriยญence with anal penยญeยญtraยญtion and prostate stimulation. 

The trick is to find the perยญfect strap-on dilยญdo that doesยญnโ€™t cause the man any pain. 

The man must be comยญpleteยญly relaxed and enjoy anal stimยญuยญlaยญtion with a dilยญdo. He should also be no stranger to the intense feelยญing of ruinยญing an orgasm

After an anal showยญer and genยญtle foreยญplay, the woman penยญeยญtrates very slowยญly with lots and lots of lubricant. 

We recยญomยญmend that you proยญceed accordยญing to the instrucยญtions described above โ€œPenis Edgยญing by hand using the start-stop methodโ€. It is posยญsiยญble to ruin the orgasm one to six times durยญing anal fuckยญing. Even milkยญing or even an orgasm withยญout penis stimยญuยญlaยญtion is possible.

Milking Strapon
Penis milkยญing with a strap-on โ€” pure pleaยญsure for both partners!

Strap-on fuckยญing leads to incredยญiยญble physยญiยญcal reacยญtions from the man. From full-body goose bumps, to extremeยญly loud moanยญing, to unconยญtrolled, spasยญmodยญic musยญcle twitchยญing, the man expeยญriยญences indeยญscribยญable pleasure.

Usuยญalยญly, very powยญerยญful founยญtains of pre-ejacยญuยญlate and sperm are ejectยญed, or rather, conยญsidยญerยญable amounts of love juice leak out.

We thereยญfore recยญomยญmend that you place a sperm cup or a sperm plate on the manโ€™s stomยญach to colยญlect love juices and allow the man to recyยญcle them oralยญly. If the man is being fucked from behind in the dogยญgy posiยญtion, you should also place a plate under the penis.

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Orgasm Control During Sex

You can also pracยญtice effecยญtive penis edgยญing durยญing norยญmal sex. Even if this method sounds very banal, it requires maxยญiยญmum self-conยญtrol and a cerยญtain amount of expeยญriยญence with orgasm conยญtrol from the man.

Orgasmus beim Sex ruiniert
Orgasm ruined durยญing sex! Lick the sperm clean and on to the next round!

Durยญing fuckยญing, a man very quickยญly reachยญes the point where he realยญizes that orgasm is immiยญnent. He needs to know when the point-of-no-return (PONR) sets in. Before the ejacยญuยญlaยญtion reflex sets in, he must pull his penis out of the vagiยญna IMMEDIATELY and avoid touchยญing the penis at all.

The penis is natยญuยญralยญly realยญly angry about the ruined orgasm! It quivยญers, bounces up and down, twitchยญes vioยญlentยญly and squirts one to three powยญerยญful squirts of pre-ejacยญuยญlate onto the mons venerยญis (mons pubis), into the womยญanโ€™s pubic hair and abdomen. Someยญtimes the penis simยญply leaks.

To the womยญanโ€™s delight, after a break of 30 to 60 secยญonds, the man can become erect again with a stiff penis and conยญtinยญue fuckยญing. Using this techยญnique, it is posยญsiยญble to ruin the orgasm one to four times. Achievยญing it more often is more of a feat due to the intense vagiยญnal stimulation.

The final, real orgasm is extremeยญly intense. The man then usuยญalยญly fucks very quickยญly and hard, which in turn benยญeยญfits the woman.

It goes withยญout sayยญing that real cuckยญolds lick all the leaked and squirtยญed sperm clean from the womยญanโ€™s body.


Utilization of Milked Love Juices (Sperm Recycling)

As a cuckยญold couยญple, you should genยญerยญalยญly get into the habit of always colยญlectยญing and recyยญcling your love juices from your penis and vagina. 

Sperma aus dem Penis melken
Orgasm conยญtrol allows semen to be milked from the penis in a very conยญtrolled manยญner. The man remains horny and willยญingยญly swalยญlows his own semen.

This is because semen and pre-ejacยญuยญlate should nevยญer disยญapยญpear careยญlessยญly into bed linen, matยญtressยญes or towยญels and cerยญtainยญly not be disยญposed of with Kleenex, handยญkerยญchiefs or toiยญlet paper. It is a basic task of a cuckยญold to clean up spilled love juices.

One of the reaยญsons why penis edgยญing is so much fun is that enorยญmous amounts of pre-ejacยญuยญlate and semen can be milked off. Dependยญing on the selectยญed ejacยญuยญlaยญtion techยญnique, the penis will inevitably leak sevยญerยญal times, copiยญousยญly or even squirt one to three fountains. 

It makes sense to colยญlect the hot cum directยญly with a glass, plate, spoon or bowl in order to use it for furยญther messยญes. Black bowls and plates have proven their worth in practice. 

Penis abmelken รผber Spermaschale
Cum conยญtrol: Milkยญing penis over cum bowl. Get into the habit of colยญlectยญing sperm and preยญcum durยญing Tease & Denial!

The colยญlectยญed penis juice can be used for many things: Rubยญbing on nipยญples, drinkยญing cum by the hotwife, swalยญlowยญing cum by the cuckยญold, rubยญbing on the hotwifeโ€™s breasts, freezยญing as a cum ice cube, as a lubriยญcant for dilยญdos and much more.

You can find out which tools are suitยญable for sperm harยญvestยญing below.

The leakยญing pre-ejacยญuยญlate / preยญcum / pre-juice tastes very sweet & pleasยญant and is ideยญal for cuckยญolds or the hotwife to pracยญtise swalยญlowยญing sperm!

Sperma im Becher auffangen
Colยญlect preยญcum in the cup when edgยญing: Perยญfect for freezยญing sperm for latยญer cum games. (cum freezing)

Three Aids for Sperm Harvesting

As already menยญtioned, drops of desire, cum and pre-ejacยญuยญlate (preยญcum) should always be colยญlectยญed with a plate or bowl and a spoon. In pracยญtice, the folยญlowยญing three utenยญsils have proven to be effecยญtive for colยญlectยญing semen:

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1.) Sperm plate

Plates are simยญply excelยญlent for colยญlectยญing love juices durยญing penis edgยญing. To ensure that the cum always looks appeยญtizยญing and proยญvides a good conยญtrast, we defยญiยญniteยญly recยญomยญmend the colยญor black. Black sperm plates are also freยญquentยญly used in Gerยญman Goo Girls and Sperยญma-Stuยญdio porn.

Sperm plates: Very useยญful for catchยญing sperm splashes.

We recยญomยญmend that you order three plate sizes: 

A 32 cm pizยญza plate if the man wants to squirt realยญly hard while standยญing or kneelยญing and doesยญnโ€™t feel like hitยญting the table top. You can also use a large plate like this to seed cookยญies and cakes(cum food).

With a 25 cm dinยญner plate, the penis can still squirt relยญaยญtiveยญly freely โ€” howยญevยญer, you should choose a steep ejacยญuยญlaยญtion angle. It is also great for catchยญing a creampie or when the woman milks the man from behind in the dogยญgy posiยญtion. This plate size is also ideยญal for milkยญing the prostate with a strap-on dildo.

A small 19 cm breakยญfast plate is also pracยญtiยญcal as you can place it on the manโ€™s stomยญach. Leakยญing and squirtยญing ejacยญuยญlate can be collected.

In pracยญtice, these three plates have proven to be excellent:

2.) Sperm bowl 

Lรถffelhalter als Spermaschale
Spoon holdยญer as a sperm bowl: the bowl reliยญably catchยญes preยญcum, drops of desire and sperm under the penis.

We have tried many bowls and dishยญes for colยญlectยญing semen and pre-ejacยญuยญlate when milkยญing a penis. Not everyยญthing is suitยญable as a sperm bowl.

In our opinยญion, so-called โ€œspoon restsโ€ from the kitchen are perยญfect for milkยญing the penis and colยญlectยญing semen, pre-cum and drops of desire.

The bowl can be easยญiยญly and conยญveยญnientยญly placed under the penis and the cock cream can run or squirt directยญly into it. The man can sit, lie or kneel durยญing the edgยญing sesยญsion. Realยญly very practical!

Schwanz melken mit Sperma Schale
Milkยญing a cock with a sperm bowl

The great thing is that the bowls donโ€™t let the sperm cool down. You can also easยญiยญly lick them clean again. 

Itโ€™s also cool that you can safeยญly store your sperm spoon in the spoon holdยญer withยญout it getยญting dirty durยญing edgยญing breaks.

We can recยญomยญmend two pracยญtiยญcal spoon holders:

Alterยญnaยญtiveยญly, you can also use Chiยญnese soup spoons.

3.) Sperm spoon

Spermalรถffel : Sperma Lรถffel
Sperm spoon : Sperm spoon

Like a Swiss army knife, a sperm spoon is very verยญsaยญtile for harยญvestยญing sperm. It is also part of the basic equipยญment for penis dipping.

You can colยญlect drops of semen from the penis glans, but also colยญlect leakยญing pre-ejacยญuยญlate (pre-cum) from the penis shaft and colยญlect semen ejacยญuยญlatยญed onto the stomยญach. They are also perยญfect for spoonยญing out a cum-filled cunt or for colยญlectยญing a creampie.

In pracยญtice, so-called baby food spoons made of silยญiยญcone and black, long-hanยญdled spoons made of melamine have proven their worth.

Unlike metยญal spoons, they do not allow the cum to cool quickยญly and the edges are rounded.

We recยญomยญmend the following:

All modยญels have a deep bowl (spoon bowl), which can also safeยญly catch surยญprisยญingยญly large amounts of sperm.

Prostata abmelken mit Teller und Lรถffel
Milkยญing the prostate with plate and spoon

Summary: Penis Edging Is the Hottest Thing a Man Can Experience!

Precum (Prรคeejakulat / Vorsaft) lรคuft beim Edging aus dem Penis
Preยญcum (pre-ejacยญuยญlate) runs out of the penis durยญing edging

We hope that this cuckยญold guide has givยญen you some pracยญtiยญcal ideas for penis edging.

Basiยญcalยญly, all ejacยญuยญlaยญtion techยญniques are simยญiยญlar in that the man learns to recยญogยญnize the point of no return in good time and that the woman stops stimยญuยญlatยญing his cock IMMEDIATELY just before his orgasm.

As the ejacยญuยญlaยญtion reflex canยญnot kick in due to the lack of โ€œresidยญualโ€ stimยญuยญlaยญtion for an orgasm, this results in a mixยญture of extreme frusยญtraยญtion and unexยญpectยญed feelยญings of pleaยญsure for the man! The penis goes comยญpleteยญly crazy and leaks or squirts preยญcum violently.

sexy cuckold review

If you manยญage to ruin his orgasm 3โ€“5 times, the man will be rewardยญed with an unforยญgetยญtable mega-orgasm at the end. The ruined orgasms are agoยญnizยญing, but at the same time pretยญty much the hottest thing a man can enjoy sexually.

Ruinierter Orgasmus beim Edging
Vioยญlent preยญcum disยญcharge: ruined orgasm durยญing edging

All six of the above-menยญtioned release techยญniques can be learned in a relยญaยญtiveยญly short time. After just a few weeks, youโ€™ll be a well-coorยญdiยญnatยญed team.

Orgasm conยญtrol with hand, mouth and sex toys are suitยญable for beginยญners. Advanced users can learn edgยญing durยญing sex and prostate play. Finalยญly, proยญfesยญsionยญals love to ruin the male orgasm sevยญerยญal times durยญing strap-on dilยญdo sex.

In genยญerยญal, get into the habit of colยญlectยญing pre-cum (also known as pre-ejacยญuยญlate) and semen with a spoon and a black plate or bowl durยญing your edgยญing games to recyยญcle the hot, sweet love cream. 

Although it sounds totalยญly conยญtroยญverยญsial, Cum Conยญtrol will give your sex life a huge boost and will masยญsiveยญly bond your partยญnerยญship. These penis edgยญing cerยญeยญmonies undoubtยญedยญly even have spirยญiยญtuยญal qualities.

Schwanz Edging-Session mit Sperma auf Essen (cumfood / cum on food)
Cock edgยญing sesยญsion with cum on food (cumยญfood / cum on food) ruined by mulยญtiยญple orgasms.

Further Sources on the Subject of Penis Edging:

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