Penis Edging: A Perfect Game for Cuckold Couples

When talk­ing about cuck­old­ing, the terms penis edg­ing, chasti­ty, tease and denial, orgasm con­trol, orgasm ruin­ing and penis milk­ing often come up.

In this cuck­old guide, we would like to explain to you what ‘penis edg­ing’ is all about and why it is a per­fect love­mak­ing tech­nique for cuck­old cou­ples. We’ve put togeth­er sev­en rea­sons why it’s worth learn­ing orgasm con­trol togeth­er and prac­tis­ing it fre­quent­ly in the future.

As always, we look for­ward to your opin­ions, ques­tions, expe­ri­ences and com­ments. Feel free to leave us a com­ment below this post.

What Does Penis Edging Mean?

Many good sex prac­tices have their ori­gins in the Eng­lish lan­guage. ‘Penis edg­ing’ means that the penis is stim­u­lat­ed at its ‘lim­it’, i.e. at the edge of orgasm.

Ruinierter Orgasmus
First ruined orgasm after 30 min­utes of penis edg­ing by the partner

The aim of edg­ing is to stim­u­late the penis over a longer peri­od of time, but to delay the male orgasm as much as possible. 

If all stim­u­la­tion is sud­den­ly stopped short­ly before orgasm, this is called ruin­ing an orgasm! The penis springs, pumps, pul­sates, bobs and rages. The man moans vio­lent­ly and ago­niz­ing­ly … But … Tough luck! The sat­is­fy­ing orgasm fails to materialize.

If you’ve got the tim­ing right, crys­tal-clear drops of desire, milky pre-ejac­u­late or snow-white sperm run out of the penis. This is why the leak­ing cock is also known as “penis cry­ing” or “pre­cum drip­ping”. But some­times it can also squirt vio­lent­ly.

sexy cuckold review

Orgasm Control: Extremely Horny and Nasty at the Same Time

Orgasm­less penis milk­ing has many synonyms:

  • orgasm ruin: ruin orgasm
  • ruined orgasm: ruined orgasm
  • tease and denial: tease / make horny and deny
  • orgasm con­trol: orgasm con­trol
  • cum con­trol: sperm control
  • cum har­vest­ing: har­vest­ing sperm
  • penis milk­ing

Even though the terms “penis milk­ing” and “cum har­vest­ing” sound very amus­ing, it is actu­al­ly one of the most intense, chal­leng­ing — but also one of the hottest play meth­ods that can be per­formed on the penis!

The penis can be milked up to six times dur­ing an edg­ing session 😉

Prostata Massage: Penis wird massiv abgemolken
One hour prostate mas­sage & orgasm con­trol: Penis is milked mas­sive­ly sev­er­al times (Source:

Why Is It Worth Ruining the Male Orgasm Several Times Over With Penis Edging?

But what are the ben­e­fits of penis edg­ing any­way? We have com­piled sev­en rea­sons below …

Orgasm Control Is a Hell of a Lot of Fun for Women!

The biggest edg­ing moti­va­tion is not about the man, but about the woman 😉

Penis melken: Ruinierter Orgasmus mit Prostata Massage-
Pure fun milk­ing the penis: Ruined orgasm with a vig­or­ous prostate mas­sage (source: Mean­Mas­sage)

For women, deny­ing their part­ner an orgasm at the last sec­ond is an incred­i­bly horny spectacle.

So-called tease and denial games trig­ger an inde­scrib­able feel­ing of pow­er in dom­i­nant women and hotwives.

It is usu­al­ly accom­pa­nied by eupho­ria, dirty laugh­ter and mock pity­ing “Ooooohhh”. The feel­ing is inten­si­fied when they see their cuck­old or slave beg­ging, twitch­ing and moan­ing violently.

At the same time, the sight of the gigan­tic penis, thick­ly veined and filled to the brim with blood, is a very arous­ing sight.

Cock milking: Penis abmelken
Many women are com­plete­ly thrilled by orgasm control.

For most men, a kind of loss of con­trol over their bod­i­ly func­tions sets in after repeat­ed “orgasm ruin­ing” and orgasm­less forced emis­sion. The woman can sim­ply do any­thing with her love slave! 🙂

When the cou­ple is well attuned to each oth­er, penis-edg­ing kicks women enor­mous­ly! This type of play has enor­mous enter­tain­ment val­ue. Numer­ous women report that they real­ly enjoy the tease and denial game and feel a deep sex­u­al satisfaction.

In our opin­ion, reg­u­lar “tease and denial” games have a very strong and pos­i­tive effect on the cou­ple’s relationship. 

The Erection Does Not Collapse

This frus­trat­ing edg­ing tor­ture has anoth­er huge advan­tage: the penis remains erect after a ruined orgasm. It does not col­lapse like after a real orgasm.

Ruinierer Orgasmus im Detail
The penis remains erect after the third ruined orgasm.

In addi­tion to the leak­ing love juice, the cock offers an unfor­get­tably hot sight every time: It looks deep red and heav­i­ly veined. Its glans glis­tens due to the ten­sion of the max­i­mal­ly filled erec­tile tis­sue. The fore­skin auto­mat­i­cal­ly retracts and the ure­thra is wide open. As the scro­tum con­tracts, the tes­ti­cles are taut and close to the body.

The pro­longed erec­tion opens up won­der­ful play oppor­tu­ni­ties for play­ful cou­ples. The cock can be played with, jerked, tor­tured and blown with sex toys for hours. 

Even repeat­ed sex is pos­si­ble with edg­ing if the man has learned the nec­es­sary self-discipline.

The rea­son for the per­sis­tent penis stiff­ness is the absence of a relax­ation hor­mone that is released dur­ing orgasm. The neu­ronal mes­sen­ger dopamine can­not be bro­ken down.

Klassische Erregungskurve beim Mann: Der Orgasmus zerstört Libido, sexuelle Fantasien und die Erektion!
Clas­sic arousal curve in men: Orgasm IMMEDIATELY destroys libido, sex­u­al fan­tasies and erection!
Erregungskurve beim Mann durch Edging: Durch mehrfaches Orgasmus ruinieren bleiben Libido, sexuelle Fantasien und die Erektion erhalten.
Arousal curve through edg­ing: When mul­ti­ple orgasms ruin libido, sex­u­al fan­tasies and erec­tion remain intact.

The Man Remains Sexually Aroused and Kinky

Anoth­er advan­tage of penis edg­ing is that the man is allowed to cum a lit­tle with­out expe­ri­enc­ing a “slump” in pleasure. 

With a full orgasm, a nor­mal man los­es all his ener­gy and inter­est in sex and the woman. Penis edg­ing is dif­fer­ent: after a ruined orgasm, men do not expe­ri­ence a drop in plea­sure. The hor­mone kick dur­ing orgasm, which leads to a drop in libido, does not occur.

Cock edging & ruined
Cock edg­ing is thiev­ing fun for the woman and a heav­en­ly, ago­niz­ing feel­ing of plea­sure for the man.

The man remains so aroused that he puts up with every­thing with the prospect of final­ly reach­ing orgasm.

What’s great is that his kinky fan­tasies and sex­u­al inter­est are not lost due to the lack of orgasm.

Milk­ing semen while ruin­ing an orgasm is an excel­lent way for a man to learn to swal­low his own semen.

The Man Remains Resistant to Pain

The mul­ti­ple, orgasm-free milk­ing of the penis is often used by dom­i­na­tri­ces in BDSM and is called forced cock edging. 

It is per­fect for train­ing(orgasm con­trol) or pun­ish­ing the cuckold.

It is pos­si­ble to place clamps on his nip­ples or stim­u­late them with can­dle wax and ice cubes. Light strokes with a pad­dle or crop are per­ceived as stim­u­lat­ing pleasure.

Prostate stim­u­la­tion with a dil­do, strap-on or plug is no prob­lem after a lit­tle practice. 

12 per­fect Fem­Dom ruinations

Significantly Greater Pleasure for the Man

Although a man can also ruin his own orgasm, men find it much more intense and hot­ter when their part­ner ruins their orgasm sev­er­al times.

A ruined orgasm makes the man very dis­sat­is­fied — but he will quick­ly under­stand that edg­ing “for a big­ger reward” is a bet­ter option.

You can sim­ply dri­ve the man mad by ruin­ing him two to six times. At the end of the game, the man is just a gasp­ing, whim­per­ing, high­ly sat­is­fied and extreme­ly hap­py male who wants to relive this expe­ri­ence as soon as possible. ^^

Tease and denial: Ruinierter Orgasmus
Tease and denial: Ruined orgasm (Source: Mean­Mas­sage)

Large Quantities of Love Juice With a Sweet, Hot Taste

Depend­ing on how ear­ly the stim­u­la­tion was inter­rupt­ed, how often the orgasm has already been ruined and how long the penis has been stim­u­lat­ed at the orgas­mic thresh­old, there may be a slight to strong leak­age or even heavy spurt­ing of penis juice from the penis glans. 

Precum - Ruinierter Orgasmus
Ruined orgasm: Forced emis­sion with­out climax.

This can be a crys­tal-clear love drop, snow-white pre-ejac­u­late (also called pre-ejac­u­late, pre­cum, pre-juice, long­ing drop. Love drops) or 1–3 heavy spurts of semen.

If love juice squirts or runs out of the penis with­out orgasm, this is called “milk­ing the penis” or “milk­ing the penis”. 

Dur­ing such an edg­ing ses­sion, for exam­ple, an impres­sive amount of penis juice, which has a very sweet, mild taste, can come togeth­er after one or two. The rea­son for this is the mas­sive pro­duc­tion of an alka­line flu­id that is formed in the cow­per’s glands ( bul­bourethral gland).

Dur­ing penis edg­ing, not only do vast quan­ti­ties of semen flow out of the penis, but it also smells hot and tastes sweet­ly good.

The Man Does Not Resist His Own Semen

Sauberlecken nach Cuckold Milking
Lick­ing clean after cuck­old milk­ing? No prob­lem with edging!

You can read in every cuck­old forum that most men don’t feel like lick­ing their own sperm after an ejac­u­la­tion orgasm.

Edg­ing keeps the moti­va­tion and desire alive. Due to the strong dis­in­hi­bi­tion, the high lev­el of horni­ness and the increase in sex­u­al fan­tasies, men now have lit­tle dif­fi­cul­ty in recy­cling their own love juice.

Forc­ing the cuck­old to swal­low sperm in turn has a mas­sive effect on the wom­an’s libido. A win-win sit­u­a­tion, so to speak.

Selfcum: Self cum - Review
Conclusion: Penis Edging Is Perfect for Cuckold Education

If you sum­ma­rize the advan­tages men­tioned above, you will find that penis edg­ing games are absolute­ly per­fect for cuck­old couples.

Cum control: Cuckold ruiniert auf Pussy der Hotwife
Cum con­trol: Cuck­old ruins his orgasm in front of the hotwife and milks the penis on the pussy. After­wards he has to lick his sperm clean.

By ruin­ing his orgasm sev­er­al times, the cuck­old remains horny, moti­vat­ed and sub­mis­sive. The sight of the mas­sive­ly erect, wild­ly twitch­ing penis and the cuck­old whim­per­ing for mer­cy is a visu­al delight and intense plea­sure kick for every woman.

The neg­a­tive aspects that arise from a stan­dard, run-of-the-mill male orgasm are neu­tral­ized by Tease & Denial.

The great­est desire of many men to final­ly learn how to swal­low their own sperm is made pos­si­ble by orgasm control.

We would like to rec­om­mend our game instruc­tions Red Light, Green Light and The Sperm Har­vest as well as The Cuck­old Edg­ing Marathon.

Mul­ti­ple ruined orgasms with lots of cum and PreCum

Further Sources:

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