How to Learn to Eat Own Sperm?

When men are rat­ty, they often have a desire to swal­low on sperm. But, as soon as the orgasm has occurred — the moti­va­tion to swal­low the sperm load itself, with­in nan­no-sec­onds “to zero” sank!

Because after each orgasm, the desire for their own sperm drops so much, many men bury their plans to learn how to swal­low sperm.

In this guide we would like to inform you that it is not “up to you”, but a nor­mal, world­wide phe­nom­e­non. We will give you prac­ti­cal tips and solu­tions on how you can lose your shy­ness about your love juice.

The Desire to Swallow Your Own Sperm Fades With Orgasm! What Can You Do?

We have col­lect­ed below some begin­ner tips from prac­tice to learn to eat sperm.

First of all, you should know that you need to learn sperm swal­low­ing and prac­tice it reg­u­lar­ly. Your hes­i­ta­tion is com­plete­ly nor­mal, and by fol­low­ing the tips below you can over­come it. In a few weeks and months, you will real­ize that cum swal­low­ing is not bad at all.

You should plan your “Cum Eat­ing Event” prop­er­ly. It is very impor­tant when prac­tic­ing that you have the sperm con­tact before the final cum orgasm in the form of desire drops and pre-cum! You should have rest and also be real­ly horny, and while exper­i­ment­ing your cum should taste pleas­ant­ly sweet.


1. Get Used to the Idea

First of all, you should look for pic­tures and videos where the top­ic is “swal­low­ing sperm”. Let the thought work real­ly inten­sive­ly in your brain and let the many ideas work on you.

Search for the terms “swal­low own cum”, “cei — cum eat­ing instruc­tion”, “aut­ofel­la­tio”, “pussy cleanup”, “creampie eat­ing” etc.

If the pho­tos are too hard for you, start with gen­er­al cum pages or videos on xHam­ster, YouPorn or Porn­hub, where facials, bukkake, cumshots, creampie, and cum games can be seen. With this, you accus­tom and acti­vate the thoughts to visu­al­ize the semen.

Be aware that “swal­low­ing your own sperm” has noth­ing to do with being gay or kinky. It is YOUR own juice.

Ruinierter Orgasmus: Austritt von Precum durch wiederholtes Penis-Edging.
Ruined orgasm: leak­age of pre­cum due to repeat­ed penis edg­ing dur­ing porn ses­sion. Per­fect for learn­ing to swallow!

2. Precum “Appetizer”

Every guy knows the so-called long­ing drop, which is also called pre-juice or pre­cum / pre-cum. 

Sperm precum drop during masturbation
Sperm pre­cum drop dur­ing masturbation

The love juices are pro­duced when you are very con­front­ed with sex­u­al thoughts for sev­er­al hours. The func­tion of the pre-juice is to pre­pare the vas def­er­ens for the ejac­u­la­tion of semen dur­ing orgasm.

Long­ing drops and pre­cum taste very sweet com­pared to the final splash of semen and are very slip­pery. Per­fect for prac­tic­ing swallowing!

Set a goal to ALWAYS swal­low every drop that comes out of your cock before orgasm. You can har­vest the pre­cum with your index and mid­dle fingers.

With the start-stop tech­nique, you can won­der­ful­ly ruin the orgasm and let the pre­cum run out of your dick.

3. Eat Healthier and Drink a Lot

Just like with cof­fee or alco­hol, for exam­ple, the taste of sperm is train­able. Remem­ber your first cof­fee or liquor in your life. ^^ Take care with the fol­low­ing tips for a taste expe­ri­ence, so that this remains “pos­i­tive­ly” anchored in your brain.

Pineapple juice for better sperm taste
Pineap­ple juice for bet­ter sperm taste

Fruit makes semen sweet. Pineap­ple in par­tic­u­lar has been shown to improve sperm taste. Buy your­self 1‑liter Tetra Pak of pineap­ple juice (direct juice) for sev­en days or even bet­ter a fresh pineapple.

You can get a pineap­ple cut­ter cheap at AMAZON. Half a liter per day or a quar­ter of a pineap­ple is enough. The taste is seri­ous­ly improved. Too much pineap­ple leads to diar­rhea and brings nothing.

Pineapple makes semen taste better
Pineap­ple makes semen taste better

Drink at least 2 liters of water dai­ly. Sperm then spikes bet­ter, tastes bet­ter and looks good. Eat pro­tein-rich food and pre­fer poul­try meat and fresh veg­eta­bles to pizza.

Smok­ing and food (esp. red meat, aspara­gus, gar­lic, onions) have been shown to neg­a­tive­ly alter semen taste. Do with­out / reduce the con­sump­tion for a week.

Fit­ness ath­letes usu­al­ly drink a lot of pro­tein shakes. Pro­tein shake pow­der con­sists of high­ly con­cen­trat­ed pro­tein mixed with milk or tap water in a man­u­al or elec­tric blender. A lot of pro­tein is absolute­ly super for the cream of fuck.

If you fol­low this rule we already from the 5th day the sperm will be very sweet.


3 Ways for Your Sperm Swallowing Training:

To learn how to swal­low sperm, there are three opti­mal vari­ants. At the begin­ning you should start with vari­ant a).

The goal of vari­ant a) is that you have con­tact with pre-cum as often as pos­si­ble. The goal of vari­ant b) is to force your part­ner. In vari­ant c) you out­smart the time when the “unwill­ing­ness for your sperm” sets in.

All three vari­ants are very effec­tive and can con­di­tion you through mul­ti­ple repetitions.

a) First practice alone to ruin the orgasm 2 to 3 times

Absolute­ly rec­om­mend­ed is learn­ing to swal­low through the “ruin the orgasm — strat­e­gy”. Put in an undis­turbed porn evening and set your­self a smart­phone timer, for 3 hours not to orgasm.

Edging: Repeated orgasm ruining
Edg­ing: Repeat­ed orgasm ruining

Have a black plas­tic spoon and a spoon hold­er ready. A shot glass, a small black plate, or a sauce dish are also great for catch­ing pre­cum. Paper tis­sues are a no-no!

As soon as the orgasm starts, you will notice it. You start moan­ing, the cock starts twitch­ing and the penis pre­pares for ejac­u­la­tion. This state is called “point of no return”. You must IMMEDIATELY take your hand off the cock.

The penis will go crazy that you will ruin the orgasm then. Some pre­cum (also called pre-cum, pre-juice, pre-ejac­u­late, pre-ejac­u­late) will run out of the penis. It is pos­si­ble to ruin the orgasm three to five times. Stick to your set timer until you are final­ly allowed to orgasm prop­er­ly and always lick up your pre-juice!

Prac­tice ruin­ing orgasms over and over again for the next few weeks. The advan­tages of orgasm con­trol are obvi­ous: your horni­ness remains, the cock remains hard and the pre-cum tastes very sweet. You also train your sex­u­al sta­mi­na. One day you’ll have it made, and you’ll always want to lick it all up.

a) Swallow training with a partner: Licking pussy clean:

The deal: You get to fuck the pussy, but you have to lick it clean like a good boy when you're done!
The deal: You get to fuck the pussy, but you have to lick it clean like a good boy when you’re done!

When you’re used to your pre-cum, sur­prise your part­ner with­out notice. Fuck her good and squirt her five days col­lect­ed sperm in (and a lit­tle bit ON) the pussy.

Slide SO FAST IT GOES, down between her legs and lick a lit­tle the sperm cunt clean. The pheromones and the scent mix are extreme­ly horny, and the first sperm con­tact is positive.

Most women are total­ly turned on by this. Käre your wife about your inten­tion on that you want to lick from now on always the sperm pussy clean. Ask her to always exert gen­tle coer­cion and moti­va­tion. This is incred­i­bly help­ful for learn­ing to swal­low sperm.

If she always points out with a slight­ly strict under­tone when you have “for­got­ten” some­thing, you(n) will act very vol­un­tar­i­ly. In all like­li­hood, you will need three to six months before you can eas­i­ly eat your own creampie out of her pussy. So, just keep at it.

Selfcum: Self cum - Review

b) Swallow training as a single with knee-next-to-head position:

When you’re ready to cum in your mouth as a sin­gle, you’ll have to trick yourself 

Autofellatio training
Aut­ofel­la­tio Training

The sperm must already end up in your mouth before or dur­ing the orgasm!!! This can be done with the “knee-next-to-head posi­tion”, which is also called Aut­ofel­la­tio.

Lean in front of a wall or on the sofa with your back up and make a “can­dle”. Then slow­ly fold your knees to the left and right of your head.

The tail hangs over your face. Jerk the cock to the end, squirt into your mouth and swal­low immediately! 

If you are unath­let­ic, you can sim­ply stretch your back for 5–10 min­utes every now and then. You quick­ly get lim­ber again and can even blow yourself! ^^

From Now on It’s “Practice, Practice, Practice”!

Eat your cum: Good boy! Eat your cum!
Eat your cum: Good boy! Eat your cum!

Once you’ve man­aged a pos­i­tive first expe­ri­ence, repeat it over and over again.

Your hotwife, wife or life part­ner should become pro­gres­sive­ly stricter with the clean lick­ing. Even­tu­al­ly it will be done and there will be no more reluctance.

Advanced men can train sperm swal­low­ing lat­er with sperm kiss­es, snow­balling, sperm ice cubes and “squirt into hand + lick off” and increase the amount of sperm more and more.

Collect sperm with shot glass
Col­lect sperm with a shot glass

An extreme­ly horny tip, is to exper­i­ment with the use of anal plugs (brand: NEXUS or ANEROS).

You should get in the habit with your part­ner to catch sperm, pre­cum — and creampie with spoons, glass­es, shot glass­es, black plates and black bowls.

Shot glass­es, black egg cups, 10ml mea­sur­ing cups or small sauce bowls are also great for catch­ing and col­lect­ing love juices.

Every cuck­old should always col­lect his cum one day and emp­ty the insem­i­nat­ed ves­sels com­plete­ly and lick them thor­ough­ly clean.

Splash­ing on OREO cook­ies, choco­late muffins, choco­late pot pie is also a good idea to train to swal­low. For more info, check out our blog: Cum­food: Insem­i­na­tion of food


Conclusion: Eating Sperm Can Be Learned Even by Beginners!

“Swal­low­ing your own sperm” is real­ly not an unat­tain­able goal. It would be per­fect if you have a female part­ner who sup­ports the man in his endeav­or with gen­tle coer­cion. Creampie cleanup is very effec­tive. But a man can also learn to swal­low sperm on his own.

Absolute­ly rec­om­mend­ed is “learn­ing to swal­low” by ruin­ing orgasm sev­er­al times. The so-called orgasm con­trol, you can train the start-stop tech­nique alone while watch­ing porn or tied up by your part­ner. The pre-juice (pre­cum) of ruined orgasms tastes very sweet and is easy to swal­low because of the horniness.

Very impor­tant is the tim­ing between ejac­u­la­tion and swal­low­ing: You have only a few mil­lisec­onds dur­ing a cum orgasm! Car­ry your cum already at the cum into the mouth imme­di­ate­ly! If you wait until after your orgasm, your moti­va­tion is already gone.

More Sources:

Other Sources:

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the bril­liant social media plat­form Tum­blr was bought out by Yahoo. Porn blogs have been blocked. How­ev­er, with a lit­tle effort, you can still find the content:

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