Why Do Women and Men Like Insemination

Staยญtisยญtics show that a lot of men around the world like to watch gangยญbang porn with forยญeign insemยญiยญnaยญtion of wives. The Engยญlish terms โ€œwifeยญsharยญingโ€ and โ€œwife sharยญingโ€ are among the top search terms on the Interยญnet. Cuckยญolds get excitยญed when their own wife, girlยญfriend or life partยญner is also mountยญed by strange men in reality.

Likeยญwise, numerยญous studยญies have found that one of the most comยญmon fanยญtasies of women is โ€œgroup sexโ€ and โ€œsex with strange menโ€. Very many women find it extremeยญly arousยญing in fanยญtaยญsy when they are fucked uninยญhibยญitยญedยญly, hard and splatยญtered with sperm by strange guys withยญout a rubber.

Pure lust in threeยญsomes! Cucยญki is runยญning out of lust while his wife is fucked very hard!

But why is that so? In this extenยญsive Cuckยญold guide โ€” conยญtriยญbuยญtion we go to the botยญtom of the quesยญtion, why the sexยญuยญal woman exchange with forยญeign insemยญiยญnaยญtion exerts such a strong attracยญtion on both sexes.

The Desire for Sex With Strangers Arises in Midlife

In the midยญdle phase of life, between 30 โ€” 50 years, most women are marยญried and have (almost) put famยญiยญly life with chilยญdren behind them. They want to live out their sexยญuยญalยญiยญty freely again and are conยญsidยญerยญably more willยญing to experยญiยญment than before.

The desire for forยญeign skin and changยญing sex partยญners comes very much to the fore again in this phase of life. Howยญevยญer, the woman still does not want to do withยญout her life partยญner and the built-up life. Many women find themยญselves in a dichotoยญmy at this age.

If the couยญple manยญages to talk openยญly about mutuยญal sexยญuยญal fanยญtasies, the soluยญtion is to find and meet like-mindยญed couยญples and sex partยญners accordยญing to their inclinations.

Canยญdaulism is the name givยญen to a modยญern sexยญuยญal trend in which conยญsenยญsuยญal cheatยญing is perยญmitยญted and explicยญitยญly desired. The basic requireยญment here is that the man is perยญsonยญalยญly present at the group sex or gangbang.

It is mainยญly up to the husยญbandโ€™s deciยญsion whether his wifey is allowed to be forยญeign-insemยญiยญnatยญed. Once he has cleared the way, he opens the โ€œPanยญdoยญraโ€™s Boxโ€ for a new, excitยญing chapยญter in the couยญpleโ€™s relationship.

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What Is Cross-Insemination?

The term โ€œforยญeign insemยญiยญnaยญtionโ€ is priยญmarยญiยญly about the injecยญtion of sperm into the vagiยญna by one or more men. All parยญticยญiยญpants have to legitยญimize themยญselves in advance with a medยญical test against STDs or at least with a rapid HIV test.

In the opinยญion of most fuckยญers, sperm belongs inside the woman. Howยญevยญer, there are also very many men who preยญfer to ejacยญuยญlate on the pussy, on the belยญly, on the breasts, and in the face of the woman. Squirtยญing on with semen is an ancient, deep-rootยญed male urge to mark the covยญetยญed โ€œpreyโ€. With priยญor conยญsent, some guys may even squirt into the wifeโ€™s mouth, which also counts as forยญeign insemination.

Marยญried cuckยญold husยญband lets his wife get fucked and insemยญiยญnatยญed by a stranger. He jerks off & watches!

With one to three men, the refuยญelยญing of the wife with forยญeign semen takes about an hour. Then, even with good disยญciยญpline, the sperm is usuยญalยญly comยญpleteยญly shot. A mass forยญeign insemยญiยญnaยญtion on the othยญer hand, also called โ€œAO Gangยญbangโ€, often lasts for sevยญerยญal hours. โ€œAll Withยญoutโ€ is the motยญto. The abunยญdant sperm acts as a lubriยญcant so that the pussy does not get sore despite the hard sex with many cocks. While the marยญiยญtal mare has her pussy filled over and over again, moanยญing loudยญly, there is a hapยญpy, lustยญful parยญty atmosยญphere. All the man proยญduce a comยญmuยญnal creampie.

Once the mulยญtiยญple insemยญiยญnaยญtion is over, the cuckยญold couยญple enjoys the scents of love at home, snugยญgled close togethยญer. They process their intanยญgiยญble memยญoยญries and horny impresยญsions. Not infreยญquentยญly, the cuckยญold fucks his insemยญiยญnatยญed wife himยญself one, two times through and finalยญly refines even the forยญeign insemยญiยญnate, scent pussy.

Dream Of Many Men: The wife should be inseminated by a stranger

Why husยญbands willยญingยญly make their partยญners availยญable to othยญer men for wifeยญsharยญing (wife swapยญping) and gangยญbang is psyยญchoยญlogยญiยญcalยญly unexplored.

It is genยญerยญalยญly a deep-rootยญed sexยญuยญal desire of many men to leave his wife to strange guys to fuck. It goes way back to ancient times, where clay jars with clear posiยญtions of โ€œOne woman with many menโ€ and also orgies can be seen. This whimยญsiยญcal feaยญture also runs through all eras of mankind in oil paintยญings and latยญer in writings.

Cuckยญold (right) has his wife insemยญiยญnatยญed by 5 men

It is a misยญconยญcepยญtion that only men are into kinky hard sex, heavy cum shots and group sex in fanยญtaยญsy. Many women are even more imaginative.

Espeยญcialยญly marยญiยญtal mares in long-term relaยญtionยญships want to be fucked now and then โ€œtimes to their limยญits and beyondโ€ realยญly horny. They want to be โ€œseducedโ€ and then used withยญout restraint. Big (black) cocks, musยญcuยญlar men, anal sex are explicยญitยญly desired.

Oscar Wilde had once said, โ€œTempยญtaยญtions, you should give in to โ€” you nevยญer know if they will come back!โ€ Some fanยญtasies are so ingrained in the brain that the only way to get rid of them is to act on them at least once. Itโ€™s a win-win sitยญuยญaยญtion when both husยญband and wife get involved.

How Does Cross-Insemination Feel for a Woman?

Group sex is like a roller coastยญer ride for a woman. First, she is curiยญous, then she is scared, but durยญing the ride she feels fun. After the ride, the desire to do it again and again arises.

In an AO gangยญbang, what the woman expeยญriยญences is infiยญniteยญly more than havยญing sex with just one man. Both in relaxed group sex in a small group or in a largยญer GangยญBang, the pussy is fucked hard and filled with cum to overflowing.

Hotwife enjoys one orgasm after another

The vagiยญnal orgasms are breathยญtakยญing and the feelยญing durยญing sex infiยญniteยญly horny. When a pussy is filled with hot sperm, it feels extremeยญly good. Quite a few women comยญpleteยญly switch off durยญing sex.

Someยญtimes the ladies just close their eyes for minยญutes and enjoy loudยญly moanยญing sex in a kind of โ€œtunยญnelโ€. They open their eyes only to lustยญfulยญly observe the horny sperm splashยญes durยญing the manโ€™s orgasm.

Once a woman has been realยญly pumped full of cum at a gangยญbang parยญty, there is usuยญalยญly no turnยญing back. This expeยญriยญence has burned itself so deeply into the brain that it wants to expeยญriยญence again and again.

The fact that the female bodยญies are extremeยญly insemยญiยญnatยญed and fulยญly sprayed durยญing fuckยญing is part of group sex, threeยญsomes and gangยญbangs. Thus, both partยญners should have no fear of conยญtact with sperm and semen.

Sperm is iniยญtialยญly thick white. Howยญevยญer, it quickยญly liqยญueยญfies and is absorbed into the skin. It is a strange feelยญing when it slowยญly dries on. Due to the unimagยญinยญable pleaยญsure of the woman, the cum is usuยญalยญly gladยญly swalยญlowed. What excites her most about her facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion is that the sitยญuยญaยญtion is โ€œextremeยญly hornyโ€ and comยญpleteยญly โ€œhumilยญiยญatยญingโ€ at the same time.

Dream of Hotwife, Wifeยญsharยญer, Cuckยญold, Bull and Lover: A vioยญlentยญly fucked and abunยญdantยญly insemยญiยญnatยญed cum cunt

What Do All the Men Get Out of Gangbanging?

Few men are lucky enough to have their wife/partner agree to group sex or even a gangยญbang. Thus, they project this fanยญtaยญsy onto the woman in the swingers club.

Many guys are also in a kind of โ€œtunยญnelโ€ and fixยญatยญed on the sight of one cock after anothยญer partยญing her pink labia and โ€” when he has cum and pulls out the penis โ€” always a good load of sperm runยญning out of her open love hole.

Massiver Creampie beim Gangbang
Masยญsive creampie durยญing gangยญbang is caught by cuckยญold with cum bowl

When the wife is fucked extremeยญly hard by a strangerโ€™s cock, the husยญband and the men standยญing around cull their hard cocks like crazy. ๐Ÿ™‚ When one comes to orgasm, it is not uncomยญmon for more guys to cum on the wife at the same time.

They all want to see exactยญly how the creampie is oozยญing out. One after the othยญer they put their pisยญtons in the horny cum hole, ram extremeยญly hard on it and squirt their own sperm deep into the vagiยญna. When pulling out the penis always some cum runs out of the comยญpleteยญly overยญfilled pussy 

The sight of the insemยญiยญnatยญed and foamy fucked pussy is incredยญiยญbly horny. Thatโ€™s why mass insemยญiยญnaยญtion is often dubbed with the unatยญtracยญtive word โ€œpussy pushยญingโ€. Some men are so excitยญed that they cum two or even three times! Howยญevยญer, then only thin splashยญes of sperm come, but this does not bothยญer anyone.

Men are very vulยญgar durยญing gangยญbangs. They call the woman or her pussy โ€œcuntโ€ or sex โ€œpushยญing mudโ€. The woman quickยญly then gets used to the vocabยญuยญlary, ignores it and books it under โ€œdirty talkโ€. She canโ€™t change it anyway.

There are also men with cuckยญold or bi tenยญdenยญcies at gangยญbangs who lick the sperm away. Dependยญing on the gang, the cleanup lickยญing (creampie cleanup) is comยญmentยญed on posยญiยญtiveยญly or negatively.

In Group Sex, Several Factors Come Together to Excite Men:

  • Fuckยญing a mature, starved woman togethยญer is defยญiยญniteยญly already indeยญscribยญably horny.
  • The sight of a woman meltยญing with horniยญness and comยญing to orgasm, again and again, is extremeยญly arousing.
  • A pussy smeared with cum foam looks horny.
  • The woman has a comยญpleteยญly โ€œinsaneโ€ look. Pure lust flames from her eyes!
  • There is an incredยญiยญbly horny atmosยญphere when a kind of โ€œcomยญpeยญtiยญtionโ€ arisยญes, who can fuck the hardยญest and fastest โ€” or cum the most.
  • Watchยญing anothยญer man fuck is like watchยญing a live porn where you can activeยญly participate.
  • When a strange woman is stranger-insemยญiยญnatยญed and the sperm just runs out of her pussy, it excites her to re-fuck directยญly as a mud pushยญer and also cum into the pleaยญsure grotยญto, on the body or face of the woman.
  • The smell of sperm, squrit, and pussy juice is unforยญgetยญtably horny.
  • The sight when the cuckยญold, a strange man or woman licks the stranger insemยญiยญnatยญed cunt clean is incredยญiยญbly horny.
  • Fuckยญing an insemยญiยญnatยญed cum cunt feels insaneยญly horny.
  • Stroking and kneadยญing the fucked woman togethยญer with the othยญers is highยญly exciting.
  • When itโ€™s the manโ€™s turn, the othยญers watch him, which is a real kick and you make an extra effort to fuck extra hard.
  • When the man cum, it is a thanks and music to his ears when the woman says โ€œhornyโ€ and rubยญbing the sperm on her body with pleaยญsure or even swallows!
  • The comยญmuยญnal feelยญing of fuckยญing and jizzing on the woman with many unknown men is extreme.
  • The lovers want to make the woman bathe in sperm.
  • After the guys have fucked and insemยญiยญnatยญed, it is very horny to whisk now and then the whole cum with 2 finยญgers hard.
  • They are totalยญly into watchยญing my wife squirm and moan.
  • Her moanยญing and whimยญperยญing when a man empยญties his semen moanยญing in her is the highยญest of feelยญings for them.
  • The eye conยญtact between the mare and her husยญband is horny. She presents him provocaยญtiveยญly and proudยญly the fulยญly sprayed vagina.
  • and last but not least: The grateยญful smile and the wide grin is very horny.

How Is the Cuckold During the Foreign Insemination?

Cuckยญolds usuยญalยญly enjoy watchยญing the wife being forยญeign fucked. If he doesยญnโ€™t conยญsidยญer his role as just a โ€œgameโ€, but has realยญly interยญnalยญized it, he should be okay with his wife havยญing sex with sevยญerยญal strange men withยญout a conยญdom durยญing a mass insemination.

Cuckold cleanup: Auch bei einem Gangbang muss ein Cucki die Frau sauberlecken
Cuckยญold cleanup: Even durยญing a gangยญbang a cuck has to lick his wife clean

Furยญtherยญmore, it is his self-eviยญdent basic task that he must thorยญoughยญly cleanup and lick out his wife / partยญner after the insemยญiยญnaยญtion (at the latยญest at home).

So the couยญple must learn sperm swalยญlowยญing before the cuck releasยญes his wife for gangbang.

Many cuckยญolds donโ€™t even want to activeยญly parยญticยญiยญpate in group sex and wait to be โ€œlastโ€ to have their turn or only get to have sex at home. Watchยญing and masยญturยญbatยญing is an incredยญiยญble love kick for them.

At this point, we have to clear up a cuckยญold stereoยญtype: in big comยญpaยญny, most cuckยญolds are too embarยญrassed to lick their wifeโ€™s body or pussy clean every time. Even rarยญer he sucks off sperm-smeared forยญeign cock or gets the semen from her pussy. This is usuยญalยญly more in a small round with a bull the case.

Howยญevยญer, what you often see is that many hotwifes make out with their cuckยญolds. Intiยญmate cum kissยญing and snowยญballing are often even honยญored with applause.

Howยญevยญer, at home and the insemยญiยญnatยญed cunt is always licked horny clean. After cuckยญolds have learned to eat their own creampie from the pussy, it takes only a few months that they also get interยญestยญed in forยญeign sperm.

Cum creampie mit Teller auffangen!
Catch cum creampie with plate!

But Beware

Beginยญner cuckยญolds are usuยญalยญly very surยญprised at their hotwifeโ€™s first gangยญbangs. In the pussy fits easยญiยญly half a cup full of sperm.

Thatโ€™s realยญly very, very much, and the cuckยญold will be comยญpleteยญly overยญwhelmed! A Cuck should nevยญer have the false ambiยญtion of wantยญiยญng or needยญing to swalยญlow everything.

He should always have the posยญsiยญbilยญiยญty to colยญlect forยญeign sperm on a plate or with a sperm bowl, if it seems too much for him.

Rules Must Be!

A gangยญbang is an incredยญiยญble pleaยญsure expeยญriยญence for a woman. She realยญly freaks out and does things that leave her husยญbandโ€™s mouth open. So that the pleaยญsure does not end in a disยญasยญter, it is necยญesยญsary to talk openยญly about all fears and conยญcerns BEFORE the swinger evening, group sex event, or gangbang.

Both partยญners must not simยญply โ€œdisยญmissโ€ the objecยญtions, but rules must be creยญatยญed and adhered to. This can be kissยญing, for examยญple. A taboo is also secretยญly exchangยญing phone numยญbers or othยญer secrecy.

A โ€œkeyยญwordโ€ โ€” in case one is not well, is also very imporยญtant. Also, the quesยญtion of colยญlectยญing and lickยญing up the sperm by the cuckยญold must be clarยญiยญfied in advance.

Is There Always a Shower After the Gangbang?

It is very difยญferยญent whether sperm is showยญered off after a gangยญbang. At gangยญbang with video recordยญings or wifeยญsharยญing parยญties, is mostยญly showยญered. Howยญevยญer, with a majorยญiยญty of cuckยญold couยญples, it can be observed that they โ€œsteal awayโ€ very quickยญly after the event withยญout showering.

This is due to the fact that cuckยญolds and hotwife are extremeยญly fond of love scents. After the pack fuck it makes them so horny, if I the woman after the extremeยญly exhaustยญing sex still someยญthing after fresh sweat and pheromones and after sperm from the othยญer men smells. At home, the husยญband wants to fuck his hotwife in peace withยญout washยญing it off. Even though it sounds unapยญpeยญtizยญing to many peoยญple, it is a tremenยญdous thrill for the couple.

Many hotwifes love espeยญcialยญly hours latยญer the scent that turns them on so much that they have to masยญturยญbate again sevยญerยญal times. The cuckยญold also loves the scent and licks the pussy clean over and over again. Most of the time he is allowed to fuck his wife as many times as he can and is also allowed to cum into the scentยญed pussy each time. She is cleaned up to 12 โ€” 24 hours only with the cuck tongue.

Why Are Condoms Not Used During Gangbangs?

Almost all men find it insaneยญly horny to mount their โ€œmaresโ€ bare and insemยญiยญnate deeply durยญing gangยญbangs. In their opinยญion, a woman who fucks with conยญdoms โ€œcan also fuck herยญself at home with a dilยญdo. It would then come out the same!

Of course, no woman is forced to have sex unproยญtectยญed. A gangยญbang with rubยญber is basiยญcalยญly already very ingeยญnious. Mostยญly used rubยญbers are then empยญtied on her body, which also has its charm.

Howยญevยญer, the woman makes such a thing maxยญiยญmum twice! They like to feel the tails hard and bare durยญing the pack fuck. They find it much hornier with plenยญty of sperm than when the men have to squirt into the conยญdom. Even morยญalยญizยญers fall silent in the heat of the moment very quickยญly and at some point realยญly beg to be insemยญiยญnatยญed โ€œin kindโ€.

When โ€œblank fuckยญingโ€ the pussy is very well lubriยญcatยญed. The next day it hurts much less than with a condom.

Fremdbeยญsamte wife: 5 men squirtยญed one after the othยญer in the horny pussy

How Many Men Participate in the Group Insemination?

In fanยญtaยญsy, most women want to be stranger fucked by one or three men. Optiยญmal for the satยญisยญfacยญtion of a woman are at least 5 โ€” 7 cocks. Because either one comes too earยญly or the penis does not โ€œstandโ€.

Even if vanilยญla women find it hard to imagยญine, but hotwifes like to be extremeยญly pumped sevยญerยญal times by the maxยญiยญmum numยญber of men availยญable in the room.

A woman can easยญiยญly cope with 10 โ€” 30 genยญtleยญmen. Nameยญly, she can serve about five cocks at the same time. Howยญevยญer, at some point she reachยญes the point where she no longer sees โ€œmenโ€. She only sees cocks, switchยญes off menยญtalยญly comยญpleteยญly, and simยญply enjoys one orgasm after the othยญer in her emoยญtionยญal world. She doesยญnโ€™t care about the faces and looks of the men.

The Gโ€‘spot is masยญsiveยญly masยญsaged durยญing stranger fuckยญing so intenยญsiveยญly that the pussy cum again and again and proยญduces very, very much pussy juice herself.

How to Find Wifesharing Contacts?

If a cuckยญold couยญple, wifeยญsharยญer, or swinger wants to find โ€œfuckยญing guysโ€, there are the folยญlowยญing recยญomยญmendยญed sources. Under the search term โ€œMarยญriage whore lookยญing for BBCโ€ you can find the folยญlowยญing portals:


Conclusion: A Foreign Insemination Is for Fucker, Hotwife & Cuckold a Profit!

Incredยญiยญbly many men get very excitยญed by the thought of their wife, girlยญfriend or life partยญner being fucked realยญly hard and sprayed full of cum by one or more men.

Forยญeign insemยญiยญnatยญed, very satยญisยญfied hotwife

Howยญevยญer, for most genยญtleยญmen, it remains just an unfulยญfilled wish. Many guys get this fanยญtaยญsy secretยญly on โ€œcomยญpaยญny tripsโ€, โ€œoverยญtimeโ€ a visยญit to a โ€œbudยญdyโ€ at menโ€™s surยญplus parยญties and gangยญbangs for pay.

From the iniยญtial head, cinยญeยญma grows with many Hotwifes the firm desire on the conยญverยญsion of forยญeign insemยญiยญnaยญtion. If the couยญple dares, such an event is an absolute blast in most casยญes. The expeยญriยญences and memยญoยญries gained spark new fanยญtasies and have a very inspirยญing effect on the partยญnerยญship relaยญtionยญship. Inevitably, the desire for more men at a mass-insemยญiยญnaยญtion arisยญes in the hotwife at the posยญiยญtive experience.

In terms of health aspects, a gangยญbang is a risk, and it should insist on the preยญsenยญtaยญtion of a curยญrent, writยญten medยญical cerยญtifiยญcate. Othยญerยญwise, conยญdoms are mandatory!

Further Sources

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