Why Do Hotwife, Bull and Cuckold Love Sperm?

The term โ€œcreampieโ€ refers to an insemยญiยญnatยญed pussy with sperm oozยญing out of it. The sight reminds of a doughยญnut with cream fillยญing โ€” looseยญly transยญlatยญed: a cream pie.

Creampie: Doughยญnut with cream filling

Although phoยญtos and videos of this genre are very popยญuยญlar on the Interยญnet, accordยญing to surยญveys, only 15% of straight men get the idea to try their own sperm. Despite ambiยญtious plans, even these few genยญtleยญmen lose their appetite for their own cum after their orgasm. Thus, their intenยญtion to lick a โ€œsperm pussy cleanโ€ slips in secยญonds again in the far distance!

Probยญaยญbly only 5% of straight guys like to recyยญcle their own cum regยญuยญlarยญly. With high probยญaยญbilยญiยญty, these will be found in the range in the area of the Cuckยญolds, Wifeยญsharยญer, and BDSMler.

The clasยญsic woman also strictยญly rejects oral sperm conยญtact in the vast majorยญiยญty of casยญes. The reaยญsons are priยญmarยญiยญly rootยญed in the negยญaยญtive expeยญriยญences of youth. Many ladies also perยญceive sperm in the pussy as โ€œuncleanโ€ and want to get rid of it quickly.

So creampยญies end up in paper tisยญsues and conยญdoms for most โ€œclasยญsic couยญplesโ€. The rest is sunk in the toiยญlet and disยญposed of through the showยญer drain! Pure waste!

With swinger, wifeยญsharยญing, and cuckยญold couยญples, this looks comยญpleteยญly difยญferยญent! Besides pussy juice and squirt, sperm, preยญcum (pre-juice), and desire drops play a cenยญtral role in the love relationship.

Why this is so and what attracยญtion โ€œcumโ€ has on cuckยญolds, hotwifes, and bulls, you will learn in this artiยญcle. We also address the popยญuยญlar quesยญtion of how to learn to โ€œswalยญlow cumโ€.

Creampie Cathy

Cuckolds Are Punished for Wasting Sperm!

Pasยญsionยญate cum kissยญes, lickยญing cum out of pussy, and horny cum games are a norยญmal part of love life for cuckยญold and wifeยญsharยญing couples. 

Cuckold licks creampie clean
Cuckยญold licks creampie clean

Whether snowยญballing, pulling sperm strings, rubยญbing nipยญples, squirtยญing sperm into food, laughยญing, jokยญing, foolยญing around.โ€ฆ Everyยญthing is allowed.

Sureยญly you wonยญder why these couยญples are so into cum. The reaยญson is obviยญous: It is the duty of every cuckยญold to lick his wife, girlยญfriend or life partยญner clean after the insemination.

If he does not do it or does not lick thorยญoughยญly enough, he is often severeยญly punยญished! In the course of the months all inhiยญbiยญtions before love juices are simยญply reduced by the regยญuยญlar actions.

The optiยญcal and even already the menยญtal attracยญtion to an insemยญiยญnatยญed female body is masยญsiveยญly proยญnounced in this group of peoยญple. Powยญerยญful sperm splashยญes on the body and face of the hotwife as well as breathยญtakยญing creampยญies are the loud and pasยญsionยญate highยญlight of a sucยญcessยญful sex evening for all involved.

The Insemination and Cleaning of the Hotwife Exerts Fierce Stimuli on All Those Involved

Where this enorยญmous fixยญaยญtion on the insemยญiยญnaยญtion process of the Hotwife by Bull, fuck friends or strange men durยญing a gangยญbang (and finalยญly also by the Cucยญki) comes from, is not sciยญenยญtifยญiยญcalยญly clarified.

As writยญten sevยญerยญal times in our guides, swinger, wifeยญsharยญing, and cuckยญold couยญples have a very close and emoยญtionยญalยญly deep relaยญtionยญship with each othยญer. For them, cum is โ€œjust hornyโ€. Where 0815 couยญples are long finยญished, only realยญly comes up. This pheยญnomยญeยญnon can be observed excelยญlentยญly in gangยญbang porn, for example.

In terms of cuckยญoldยญing, all three parยญticยญiยญpants emphatยญiยญcalยญly demand the โ€œcleanยญing serยญviceโ€ of the cuckold:

  • The Bull nevยญer licks sperm, of course! He is excluยญsiveยญly responยญsiยญble for the (as abunยญdant as posยญsiยญble) insemยญiยญnaยญtion of the Hotwife. Howยญevยญer, he always requires the Cucยญki to fuck a spick and span pussy. Foamy fucked pussy juice, squirt and sperm (and someยญtimes even the Bulยญlโ€™s cock), the Cuckยญold always has to lick clean withยญout being asked. If the Bull decides to insemยญiยญnate the body or face of the Wife, the husยญband has to show โ€œobeยญdiยญenceโ€ and lick the woman clean again withยญout residue.
  • The Hotwife also unconยญsciousยญly exerts strong presยญsure on the Cucยญki. The scent and the slipยญpery feelยญing of the creampie are a dream for her. This feelยญing of powยญer also excites her indeยญscribยญably: wordยญlessยญly, she pressยญes his head between her sticky thighs or even squats directยญly over the cuckยญoldโ€™s face.
    With satยญisยญfacยญtion, someยญtimes with scorn and deriยญsion, but always with very, very strong exciteยญment, she watchยญes her partยญner cleanยญing her pussy, breasts, belยญly, and pubic mound. Not infreยญquentยญly, she masยญturยญbates the cliยญtoris and comes to orgasm again vioยญlentยญly by tongue and nimยญble fingers.
  • The cuckยญold, on the othยญer hand, is always grateยญful. He is autoยญmatยญiยญcalยญly every time conยญtinยญuยญousยญly โ€œtrainedโ€ to absorb body fluยญids. There is no quesยญtion at all whether he โ€œmayโ€ lick or whether he โ€œmustโ€ do it.โ€ฆ It is his job, which he usuยญalยญly perยญforms very thorยญoughยญly and with pleaยญsure. He loves the scent and the sight of his insemยญiยญnatยญed wife or partยญner! He desires her and loves her unconยญdiยญtionยญalยญly and very intiยญmateยญly. A creampie is the โ€œobject of desireโ€ for the cuck, and he likes to thank hotwife and felยญlow fucker(s)
Licking out a sperm pussy is a huge accomplishment. Hotwifes should motivate, praise and support their men as they learn.
Lickยญing out a sperm pussy is a huge accomยญplishยญment. Hotwifes should motiยญvate, praise, and supยญport their men as they learn. One thing is espeยญcialยญly imporยญtant: relentยญless comยญpulยญsion! No lickยญing??? No fucking!!!

How Can the Hotwife Learn to Swallow Cum?

Almost every porn ends with a sperm load into the womยญanโ€™s mouth. Natยญuยญralยญly, sperm conยญtact is usuยญalยญly only a minor probยญlem for a sex-crazed woman. They have conยญsidยญerยญably less inhiยญbiยญtions, for examยญple, to lick the sperm cock clean, espeยญcialยญly durยญing strong arousal.

A boyfriend as creampie pussy licker
A boyfriend as creampie pussy licker

In pracยญtice, most women are relucยญtant to face insemยญiยญnaยญtion in the beginยญning. They do not see the point and are comยญpleteยญly overยญwhelmed with the unpreยญdictable amount of sperm and the someยญtimes vioยญlent disยญcharge presยญsure of the 6 โ€” 8 squirts. Sperm could burn in the eyes and not taste good. Many women feel humilยญiยญatยญed by a facial insemination.

Howยญevยญer, what ladies do not know is that men like to ejacยญuยญlate on someยญthing that they find extremeยญly attracยญtive. Now that is the face of his beloved! The face has a highยญer attracยญtion to a man than the pussy, breasts or butt!

It takes repeatยญed pracยญtice and conยญdiยญtionยญing with the woman over and over again โ€” but by no means coerยญcion. A hotwife can take her time to learn how to โ€œswalยญlow cumโ€. No one will take offense if she spits the sperm load into the cuckยญoldโ€™s mouth. On the conยญtrary โ€” Cuckยญold and Bull love this act.

Cuckold lesson: Eat more often your own cum
Cuckยญold lesยญson: Eat more often your own cum

After a few horny fucks, reconยญdiยญtionยญing of the brain takes place in the hotwife. All negยญaยญtive expeยญriยญences of preยญviยญous men in youth days are erased.

A Hotwife takes after such vioยญlent, pasยญsionยญate fucks of the Bull his cum very gladยญly in itself. The same applies to gangยญbangs. Lust and pasยญsion are so giganยญtic that here, too, the woman realยญly begs to absorb plenยญty of cum in and on her body.

How Can the Cuckold Learn to Swallow Sperm?

Finalยญly, letโ€™s get to the biggest chalยญlenge: How does a hotwife get her husยญband to learn to swalยญlow cum???

To reasยญsure you: Withยญout excepยญtion, all aspirยญing cuckยญolds need help swalยญlowยญing their own sperm. No one can do this on the first try. Most men fail over and over again at the hurยญdle of not wantยญiยญng to swalยญlow their cum after theyโ€™ve cum.

We have writยญten sevยญerยญal guides on how to learn to swalยญlow cum for this in the guide section.

  • The proven best method is that the husยญband / life partยญner must lick his own creampie clean after every, but realยญly after every (!) pussy insemยญiยญnaยญtion from a fixed date. Othยญerยญwise, he is not allowed to cum anyยญmore! This rule and the conยญstantยญly repeatยญing cleanยญing process of the sperm pussy conยญdiยญtions the brain of the cuckยญie conยญsidยญerยญably. After only a few weeks he gets used to it and a few months latยญer the โ€œcreampie cleanupโ€ is a norยญmal part of a sucยญcessยญful sex evening. The woman finds this very arousยญing every time, so that a final orgasm while lickยญing out and down the pussy is not uncommon.
  • The be-all and end-all is for the man to refrain from masยญturยญbatยญing on his own. If he wants to masยญturยญbate, he must ask his wife for perยญmisยญsion. It should be
  • โ€œRuinยญing the orgasmโ€ has proven to be very helpยญful. Before the cock jerks off, the man shouts โ€œSTOP,โ€ and the woman immeยญdiยญateยญly takes her hands off the cock. The escapยญing pre-cum (preยญcum) is skillยญfulยญly colยญlectยญed with a black bowl, cum plate or black spoon and immeยญdiยญateยญly fed oralยญly to the man. Iniยญtialยญly, the woman should kiss the man directยญly suffering.
  • The above-menยญtioned ruinยญing the orgasm on foods such as dark chocoยญlate cookยญies (Oreo is great!), pizยญza, in sauces, in a piรฑa colaยญda cockยญtail also works wonders.
  • The Autยญofelยญlaยญtio method, where the man lying on his shoulยญders โ€” with knees next to his face squirts directยญly into his own face / mouth comยญpletes the trainยญing. Here, the right cum orgasm can be brought about, as the periยญod is very short before the disยญinยญterยญest before own sperm sets in. If the man can do this with enthuยญsiยญasm, you have made it!
  • It would also be imporยญtant that the man is always visuยญalยญly conยญfrontยญed with creampยญies and cleanup phoยญtos and sperm porn. He should colยญlect 2โ€“3 times a week footage and videos to watch togethยญer. But must not cum while doing so.
Hotwife dominiert ihren Cucki mit Spermapussy sauber lecken
Hotwife domยญiยญnates her cuck with sperm pussy clean lick.

Conclusion: All Men Should Learn to Swallow Their Own Sperm!

Wifeยญsharยญers and cuckยญolds love their wives, or partยญners unconยญdiยญtionยญalยญly. They are very conยญscious of fideliยญty and recยญiยญpยญroยญcatยญed love. Through this very deep love relaยญtionยญship, the woman can also relax a lot and dare to express, embellยญish and live out her fantasies.

The task of every cuckold: clean creampie
The task of every cuckยญold: clean creampie

The cuckยญold is excitยญed by her wifeโ€™s unreยญstrained reacยญtions, her orgasms, her moans and espeยญcialยญly her forยญeign insemยญiยญnaยญtion of pussy, breasts, belยญly, face, pubic mound, neck, armpits and thighs.

He loves watchยญing and is usuยญalยญly so overยญwhelmed that he doesยญnโ€™t even want to fuck along. The sight of a masยญsive creampie leakยญing out of their woman makes their mouths water.

Although a cuckยญold one day is perยญmaยญnentยญly responยญsiยญble for cleanยญing the woman, it is a long way for him to lick up his own sperm and forยญeign sperm in large quantities.

But donโ€™t worยญry: one day, recyยญcling fuck juice is part of norยญmal sex. It requires encourยญageยญment, genยญtle presยญsure, and motiยญvaยญtion from the woman. An advanced cuckยญold will lick any love juices out of and from his wife. It is then no longer a volยญunยญtary act, but his duty and a matยญter of course!

Bulls excites the exerยญcise of powยญer on Cuckยญold and his Wife enorยญmousยญly. A very masยญsive, foam-fucked creampie and squirt-soaked bed sheet flatยญters his ego after a very masยญsive insemยญiยญnaยญtion. Likeยญwise, when his gnarled, veiny magยญnifยญiยญcent penis is richยญly decยญoยญratยญed with pussy juice and cum. He demands and expects the clean lickยญing of his masยญsive cock and insemยญiยญnatยญed woman by cuck and hotwife.

Women learn the enthuยญsiยญasm for sperm comยญpleteยญly autoยญmatยญiยญcalยญly durยญing the repeatยญed, vioยญlent fucks. The mindยญfuck from group sex fanยญtasies, horny porn, and impresยญsive memยญoยญries accelยญerยญate this learnยญing process.

Hotwifes do build up over time a real desire that their skin and body oriยญfices are decยญoยญratยญed very abunยญdantยญly with cum. Howยญevยญer, it is imporยญtant that the woman is not subยญjectยญed to any presยญsure and that she knows that the cuckยญold is responยญsiยญble for recyยญcling cum, squirt and pussy juice. Not her! One day, she loves tenยญder sperm games after sex and enjoys the horny scent of her insemยญiยญnatยญed creampie pussy for hours.

Amateur pictures prove it a thousand times: In many bedrooms, the creampie will be swallowed!
Amaยญteur picยญtures prove it a thouยญsand times: In many bedยญrooms, the creampie will be swallowed!

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