A Good Cuckoldress Trains Her Pussy by Stretching It

The vagi­na is a hol­low organ that is nat­u­ral­ly endowed with incred­i­ble elas­tic­i­ty. After all, with few excep­tions, the birth of a child takes place through this nat­ur­al chan­nel. The head diam­e­ter of a new­born baby is approx­i­mate­ly between 10 and 13 cm.

Many women (unfor­tu­nate­ly) do not even know that their pussy reacts so incred­i­bly pos­i­tive­ly to being stretched by a giant penis or a dil­do. Large objects in the vagi­na not only feel horny but also ampli­fy the orgasm many times over.

Most hotwifes pre­pare their vagi­na with reg­u­lar pussy stretch­ing for sex with their well-hung bull or their gang­bang lover.

In this guide­book arti­cle, we deal with the top­ic of pussy train­ing with a focus on vagi­nal stretch­ing (called gap­ing). We explain why the pussy likes to be stretched and spread. In addi­tion, we tell you with which tech­niques you should train the pussy stretch­ing “how often “. Since the top­ics of squirt­ing and fist­ing are also rel­e­vant, we will also go into this. Please com­ment on our post with your opin­ions and per­son­al experiences.

The Preference for Thick Dildos Mostly Arises by Chance

The fact that pussy stretch­ing is a very plea­sur­able expe­ri­ence, many women do not even know because it does not occur to them to try some­thing like that.

Often they only find out by acci­dent when their hus­band or boyfriend buys them an over­sized dil­do or vibra­tor as a gift. When they try it out, they first real­ize how good it feels and what intense orgasms they can trig­ger with the thick device. The trig­gered vagi­nal orgasms with a thick dil­do are many times more intense than cli­toral orgasms with a vibra­tor.

Once the woman has come to terms with the idea and is no longer embar­rassed to use thick dil­dos, they enjoy the beau­ti­ful feel­ings and incred­i­bly vio­lent orgasms that are only pos­si­ble with a horny pussy stretch­ing with sex toys and hands.

Moth­ers after child­birth are nat­u­ral­ly a bit more dilat­ed, but even young women can do gap­ing (extreme cunt stretch­ing) with­out any prob­lems and get vio­lent orgasms.


Why Does the Vagina React So Positively to a Large Penis?

Even if most men don’t believe it or want to hear it, but a large part of women feel an intense cunt stretch­ing by a big cock inde­scrib­ably horny. A big penis is one of the top fan­tasies of women and it is not for noth­ing that the Big Black Cock myth is so wide­spread worldwide.

A huge cock can indeed stim­u­late places that a nor­mal or even small penis can’t reach at all. The pussy stretch­ing evokes such incred­i­bly strong feel­ings of plea­sure in any hotwife that they can be accom­pa­nied by mul­ti­ple orgasms.

Several Positive Factors Come Together With a Big Cock:

  • Dur­ing wild sex, a big penis rhyth­mi­cal­ly bumps against the cervix of the uterus, which can trig­ger a mega pow­er­ful uter­ine orgasm. 
  • How­ev­er, the biggest effect of a big dick is its thick­ness. Sex with an XXL penis results in intense pussy stretch­ing because the glans and penis shaft exert strong pres­sure on the inner walls of the pussy, which are dense­ly lined with nerve cells. The intense com­pres­sion and graz­ing fric­tion not only feels mind-bog­gling, but also stim­u­lates the pro­duc­tion of a dis­pro­por­tion­ate amount of pussy juice.
  • The vagi­nal entrance is many times nar­row­er than the actu­al plea­sure canal. It is also strong­ly stretched. In the begin­ning, the nerve cells send out a kind of plea­sure pain / stretch­ing pain, which curi­ous­ly has a plea­sure-pro­mot­ing effect. Dur­ing fur­ther hard sex, the vein­ing of the penis in com­bi­na­tion with the strong stretch­ing pro­vides great feel­ings of pleasure.
  • A mag­nif­i­cent penis usu­al­ly also has a thick penis glans. This stim­u­lates the area of the spongy G‑spot tis­sue (called G‑surface) and is thus able to trig­ger a female ejac­u­la­tion (squirt­ing).
  • In addi­tion, it gives the woman the feel­ing of being com­plete­ly filled. This point is almost the most impor­tant because it stim­u­lates the wom­an’s head cin­e­ma enormously.

Why Would a Hotwife Stretch Her Pussy?

Sex dates with a Bull are often pret­ty rough. Bulls are usu­al­ly already nat­u­ral­ly equipped with over­sized cocks — with this they want to show the hotwife what kind of potent fuck­ers they are. In any case, it is rec­om­mend­ed to start reg­u­lar pussy train­ing weeks before the date, so that there is no unex­pect­ed pain 

BBCs are usu­al­ly very per­sis­tent and hard fuck­ers. If a hotwife does­n’t pre­pare for black bulls, prob­lems are bound to happen.

Advanced hotwifes are not sat­is­fied with a bull one day. They desire horny, hard sex with mul­ti­ple lovers. Dur­ing gang­bangs there is often no mer­cy any­more. The guys duel down­right, who can fuck the hard­est and cum the most. Most­ly they want to fuck the hotwife even 2 or 3 times. This requires not only a good phys­i­cal fit­ness of the woman but also a pre­vi­ous dai­ly gap­ing training!

In addi­tion, it often comes but also to dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion (pussy + butt) or dou­ble vagi­nal sex (2 cocks at the same time in the cunt). In the rush of lust the Bulls do not ask for permission.

As you have cer­tain­ly seen in some gang­bang porn, some men also insert four or five fin­gers into the pussy of the woman with­out ask­ing. Some even take the whole fist. In order to be pre­pared for spon­ta­neous, extreme stretch­ing of the vagi­na, every hotwife should have already per­formed a pussy stretch­ing reg­u­lar­ly in advance.

An extreme­ly stretched, open pussy is also a very horny pho­to motif. You should always have a cam­era or cell phone handy when pussy stretch­ing and shoot­ing horny pussy pic­tures in close-up.

How Is the Pussy Stretching Performed?

A pussy stretch­ing is best per­formed in a sit­ting posi­tion with the upper body ele­vat­ed. To insert the dil­do, the hotwife should sit down on the edge of an arm­chair or chair and spread her legs wide 

Pussy training with inflatable dildo
Pussy train­ing with an inflat­able dildo

An indis­pens­able tool for pussy stretch­ing is lubri­cant. Both pussy and dil­do should be pro­vid­ed with it abun­dant­ly so that every­thing slips.

Extreme stretch­ing stim­u­lates the pro­duc­tion of vagi­nal secre­tions (pussy juice) and squirt enor­mous­ly. A tow­el should be placed underneath.

For very thick and large dil­dos, there is a spe­cial tech­nique: it is attached to a dil­do hold­er on the floor with a suc­tion cup. The hotwife stands over it, squats and slow­ly slides down on it. In the squat she can then ride the giant dil­do and enjoy the vio­lent stretching.

How Often Should the Pussy Be Stretched?

As with any work­out, cunt stretch­ing will only be suc­cess­ful if it is done reg­u­lar­ly. We advise stretch­ing the pussy-gap­ing at least once a week 

Even though it may not be so easy in the dai­ly work and fam­i­ly life, how­ev­er, a rhythm of three times a week, always with a day break in between.

Con­sis­tent pho­to train­ing not only feels horny, but it allows you to stretch your pussy extreme­ly after just a few weeks.

Why Does the Pussy Squirt When Stretching?

Prob­a­bly almost every hotwife knows it: you are nice­ly play­ing the pussy with thick dil­dos or fist­ing and all of a sud­den a foun­tain of liq­uid (squirt) shoots out of the vagi­na just before orgasm. The first time it is usu­al­ly super embar­rass­ing for the woman. But the female ejac­u­la­tion has a com­plete­ly nat­ur­al background:

It is due to the strong stim­u­la­tion by the dil­do. If the pussy is strong­ly stretched, the glan­du­lar tis­sue of the area around the G‑spot (also called the G‑surface) on the front vagi­nal wall fills with a flu­id. It takes a while and then an immense pres­sure builds up, rem­i­nis­cent of the pee-pee sensation.

If this is fol­lowed by a strong, rapid rhyth­mic stim­u­la­tion of the ante­ri­or vagi­nal wall, female ejac­u­la­tion can be induced. The so-called parau­rethral gland (also called Skene glands or prostate fem­i­ni­na) secretes a thin, clear secre­tion in gush­es. The gland out­let is locat­ed to the left of the ure­thral out­let. In most cas­es, squirt is dis­charged short­ly before orgasm. It is a nat­ur­al lubri­cant, but it is actu­al­ly intend­ed for the birth process.

By the way, the flu­id of the female gen­i­tal glands has a sim­i­lar ori­gin as the drop of desire (pre-ejac­u­late, pre­cum), which is secret­ed by the male Cow­per’s gland (also called Cow­per’s gland or Bul­bourethral gland).

Creampie Cathy

Don’t Be Afraid of Squirting!

Squirt­ing is an unmis­tak­able sign that the woman has great desire and can give her­self com­plete­ly to the man. There is no need to be ashamed of it. The liq­uid that squirts out of the pussy dur­ing squirt­ing has noth­ing to do with urine 

Most men love it when women squirt dur­ing sex. The hotwife should come to terms with it and learn to love it. Cuck­old cou­ples like to sow around with squirt.

As a pre­cau­tion, the woman should go to the bath­room again and put a tow­el under her butt before squirt­ing. If the pussy squirts reg­u­lar­ly, you should have a squirt bowl with­in reach and col­lect the horny love juice.

Which Sex Toys Are Suitable for Pussy Stretching?

A num­ber of sex toys come into ques­tion for pussy stretch­ing. These include, for example:

  • Pump-up dil­dos
  • Pump-up plugs (actu­al­ly intend­ed for anal stretching)
  • Dil­dos from 4 cm diameter
  • Big dil­dos / mon­ster dildos
  • Cone dil­dos to put on top
  • very thick anal plugs
  • Specu­lum to spread pussy
  • KONG dog toys in sizes M, L and XL
  • hol­low strapon (Hol­low Strapon) for the cuck­old penis
  • Penis sleeve for the cuck­old penis
  • XXL strap-on dildo

It is also suit­able 2 nor­mal sized dil­dos at the same time to train dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion (DP) and spread the cunt to its maximum.

Suitable Household Objects for Pussy Stretching

To train cunt stretch­ing, you don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly need spe­cial sex toys for pussy train­ing. Many house­hold items are also suitable:

  • Hair­spray cans
  • Show­er gel
  • Drink cans (0,2l Red Bull always fits)
  • thick-walled vas­es
  • Whisk / eggbeater
  • one thick candle
  • sev­er­al house­hold candles
  • Veg­eta­bles like car­rots, cucum­bers, zuc­chi­ni, egg­plant, corn, chico­ry, leek or radish
  • 0,5l and 0,33l cola bottles
  • small bot­tles of sparkling wine (Pico­lo sparkling wine)
  • 10 — 20 pens (pen­cils / felt pens)
  • soft bot­tle brush

Cunt pic­tures with objects in the pussy look fuck­ing awe­some. Get inspired on Google with these search words: pussy gap­ing, objects in pussy, cucum­ber in pussy, whisk in vagi­na, can­dle in pussy, bot­tle / can in pussy, objects inser­tion, pussy stretch­ing, pussy pen chal­lenge, pussy bot­tle brush.

Things That Are Rather Unsuitable for Pussy Stretching

Cer­tain objects should nev­er be used for mas­tur­ba­tion or pussy stretch­ing. These include:

  • opened bot­tles: Using them can cre­ate a vac­u­um, caus­ing them to get stuck.
  • Bot­tles with oval bot­toms (1.5 l Coca Cola bottle)
  • thin-walled glass bot­tles: There is a risk of breakage.
  • Broom­sticks or tool han­dles: Wood is porous and can trans­mit germs. Splin­ters can come off and cause inter­nal injuries.

What Is the Best Way to Ride a Dildo?

The main prob­lem with thick dil­dos is: how can not ride on them because they always fall over. Although many dil­dos have a suc­tion cup with which you can attach them to smooth sur­faces. This is well-inten­tioned but unfor­tu­nate­ly imprac­ti­cal if you attach it to lam­i­nate, par­quet, a door or show­er door.

A sim­ple tip has proven to be prac­ti­cal for crotch stretch­ing. You orga­nize a smooth, sta­ble base, for exam­ple a thick tile, a smooth mar­ble block, or a pol­ished gran­ite pedestal, on which you can attach the dil­do. The base can be tak­en any­where and used in bed, among oth­er places 

There is also a good dil­do mount TOM v2 “The Oth­er Man” Suc­tion Dil­do Mount: https://tenderbeaver.com.

There are also spe­cial mounts for some dil­dos. Like the vac-u-lock connector.


What Does the Cuckold Get Out of Pussy Stretching?

The cuck­old should def­i­nite­ly be includ­ed in stretch­ing games. For him, train­ing his hotwife is a very plea­sur­able expe­ri­ence. Most cuck­olds love the sight of a wide open gap­ing cunt with love juice run­ning out of it and a huge dil­do stuck in it. Every cuck wants to lick clean a wide­ly stretched vagina.

The tasks of the cuck­old is clear­ly defined as in the case of fuck­ing with the bulls also in the case of cunt stretch­ing: He must always sup­port his wife or girl­friend in train­ing and make her squirt vio­lent­ly and orgasm with per­sis­tent dil­do fucks. Again and again he has to pam­per the clit. Foamy fucked, full dil­dos and her drip­ping wet, wide spread cunt he has to lick thor­ough­ly, both deep inside and out­side, clean again and again 

Anoth­er task of the cuck­old is to take horny close-ups of the wide­ly dilat­ed vagi­na with a cam­era. Whether you keep the horny stretch­ing cunt pic­tures for your­self or upload them to Xham­ster, for exam­ple, is up to you. Blogs about “extreme cunt stretch­ing” are very pop­u­lar and gen­er­ate thou­sands of vis­i­tors in a few days. Espe­cial­ly when cunt- pic­tures are pho­tographed with insert­ed objects.

How Can the Cuckold Support His Queen Getting Used to a Big Dick?

The cuck­old can also active­ly par­tic­i­pate in the habit­u­a­tion to a Big Dick dur­ing sex. Dur­ing sex, the cuck­old should only wear a penis sleeve and hol­low strapon (strap-on dil­do) for four to eight weeks. Depend­ing on the mod­el, the penis becomes 0.5 to 2 cm thick­er and many times longer.

In the begin­ning, the thick penis attach­ments mean a bit of prac­tice and a chal­lenge for the queen, but with reg­u­lar fuck­ing, the cuck­old can get her used to going from a small dick to a real big dick. Most women go extreme­ly off with the penis attach­ments and expe­ri­ence incred­i­bly intense orgasms.

Accord­ing to expe­ri­ence, the hotwife then inevitably wants to final­ly feel a Big Black Cock in “real” at some point. The penis sleeves and hol­low strap-on dil­dos are also avail­able in brown. 😉

Fisting: The Completion of Vaginal Stretching

With good progress in reg­u­lar pussy spread­ing, the cuck­old can also try fist­ing as the final stage of vagi­nal stretching.

In this process, for “plea­sur­able cunt widen­ing”, he grad­u­al­ly, fin­ger by fin­ger, inserts his hand into her cunt and clench­es it into a fist. With the fist he can then make tiny, jig­gling move­ments. This trig­gers plea­sure pain and extreme­ly lust­ful extreme orgasms with strong squirt ejac­u­la­tions in the hotwife. A mas­sage device or vibra­tor on the cli­toris increas­es the plea­sure feel­ings again tremen­dous­ly. After the fist­ing the pussy is wide open, one speaks in the tech­ni­cal jar­gon of a “loose pussy” or “gap­ing pussy”, in Ger­man: offene Votze.

A vis­i­tor of Cuckold.info wrote us this fist­ing guide with prac­ti­cal tips about extreme pussy spreading.


Conclusion: Pussy Training by Stretching Is More Than Just Pleasure Satisfaction

Just like every cuck­old needs to prac­tice cum swal­low­ing, for every cuck­ol­dress vagi­na stretch­ing is an impor­tant work­out that pre­pares her for meet­ing her bulls or lovers 

Pussy stretch­ing feels very good. It can be eas­i­ly inte­grat­ed into every­day life, for exam­ple, while doing many chores, watch­ing TV, mas­tur­bat­ing, watch­ing porn, even while sleeping 

To achieve good results, pussy train­ing should be done two to three times a week. Inflat­able and thick dil­dos and many house­hold objects as well as veg­eta­bles are best suit­ed for this pur­pose. Dis­ap­proved anal plugs and the dog toy KONG are also super suit­able. A specu­lum is per­fect for spread­ing the pussy entrance.

A light or even extreme cunt stretch­ing feels very horny and pre­pares the pussy for the “big day” with a bull or sev­er­al lovers. Espe­cial­ly before a gang­bang, an exten­sive “cunt widen­ing” is indispensable.

Stretched pussies, open pussies and extreme cunts look breath­tak­ing­ly horny in close-up. In the Eng­lish lan­guage one speaks of gape or gap­ing. Cuck­olds should there­fore always take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pho­to­graph the open pussy after or dur­ing an extreme vagi­na stretch­ing. Our tip: Cre­ate a cuck­old blog and pub­lish your horny pussy pictures.

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