Thick, Big Dildos: The Best Seller in All Sex Stores Despite Taboo

The dis­cus­sion about the size of “his best piece” is age-old. It seems that both sex­es thor­ough­ly over­es­ti­mate the size of an erect penis. Nev­er­the­less, thick and large dil­dos are very pop­u­lar prod­ucts in erot­ic stores.

An erect penis is on inter­na­tion­al aver­age only 13.2 cm long and has a diam­e­ter of 3.2 cm. The aver­age size of the Ger­man man is even lower.

If a penis is longer than 16 cm, it can be con­sid­ered “above aver­age size”. The most pop­u­lar dil­dos, on the oth­er hand, are sig­nif­i­cant­ly larger.

In this Cuck­old Blog post, we clar­i­fy the ques­tion of whether women real­ly love big dil­dos or if it’s a cliché. In addi­tion, we deal with the aver­age penis size of men and the dif­fer­ent dil­do types. Feel free to share your opin­ion or per­son­al expe­ri­ence below the arti­cle in the com­ments section.

Hotwife dehnt ihre Pussy mit gewaltigem XXL BBC Dildo
Hotwife stretch­es her pussy with huge XXL BBC dildo

Dil­dos are incred­i­bly pop­u­lar up to 23 cm in length. Accord­ing to sur­veys, most women love 19 cm long dil­dos with a diam­e­ter of 4.5 cm. In real­i­ty, few men are so well endowed.

Sta­tis­ti­cians have cal­cu­lat­ed that a woman would have to have sex with at least 1,000 men to find at least one among them whose dick can keep up with the pop­u­lar dil­do sizes.

How­ev­er, only expe­ri­enced whores have such a num­ber of sex part­ners. Nev­er­the­less, most men are quite capa­ble of bring­ing women to orgasm with their penis, even if it is not as big as a dildo.

Optimale Dildogröße und durchschnittliche Penisgröße im Vergleich
Opti­mal dil­do size and aver­age penis size in comparison

Size Does Matter, Even With Dildos!

The fact that length does mat­ter is at least true for dil­dos. As men­tioned before, the major­i­ty of women pre­fer dil­dos that are sig­nif­i­cant­ly larg­er than real dicks.

Big dildo
Big dil­do

There are sev­er­al rea­sons for this. The most impor­tant one is psy­cho­log­i­cal. Dil­dos are sex toys. Women use them to sat­is­fy their lust. How­ev­er, the unusu­al gives them a very spe­cial kick.

That’s why they are into arti­fi­cial dicks that go beyond almost any nat­ur­al mea­sure. It makes them incred­i­bly horny to push such a mon­ster dil­do into their pussy and to imag­ine being fucked by a cor­re­spond­ing­ly mus­cu­lar man.

The appeal of the unusu­al is cer­tain­ly also respon­si­ble for the fact that black dil­do are so pop­u­lar. With it, she can real­ize secret fan­tasies and imag­ine hav­ing sex with an African who is as strong as a bull.

This is also sup­port­ed by the fact that dil­dos shaped like a real cock, with a bulging glans, veiny shaft and a bulging sack, are quite desirable.

Dil­do train­ing of a young woman

There is also a prac­ti­cal rea­son behind the over­sized length. Dur­ing use, the dil­do is usu­al­ly held in the hand.

As a result, the “usable” length is much small­er than the total length (though still larg­er than the aver­age dick).

The desire for an XXL cock increas­es sharply with the age of women around 30 to 40. They are often embar­rassed by the huge cal­iber them­selves, so they are hid­den from the part­ner and hid­den in the closet.

By the way, the use of thick sex toys and penis­es is not a mat­ter of age. There are def­i­nite­ly very young women who like to enjoy big dil­dos, big black cocks or objects in their pussies.

Horny Mon­ster Dil­do Orgasm from

What Is the Effect of Such a Big Dildo?

Since the hotwife is pri­mar­i­ly con­cerned with sat­is­fy­ing her sex­u­al desire, she prefers big dildos.

Thick dildos are very intense
Thick dil­dos are very intense

When slow­ly placed on top, rhyth­mi­cal­ly rid­den, vio­lent­ly thrust­ing or slow­ly slid­ing in and out, a large dil­do or penis stim­u­lates the vagi­na very intense­ly. Their the vagi­nal wall is cov­ered with a dense net­work of nerves.

Because of its size and thick­ness, it stretch­es the tis­sue much more than dur­ing nor­mal sex. The large dil­dos stim­u­late the cervix, some­times even push­ing the uterus aside and irri­tat­ing the nerves locat­ed there. The result is more intense stim­u­la­tion and thus stronger pleasure.

Fast clitoris wanking is indispensable when fucking a giant dildo.
Pure goose­bumps: Fast cli­toris wank­ing is indis­pens­able when fuck­ing a giant dildo.

A very large per­cent­age of women curi­ous­ly also enjoy the stretch­ing pain at the begin­ning of their mas­tur­ba­tion. Besides the antic­i­pa­tion and fan­ta­sy, the incred­i­ble pussy stretch­ing stim­u­lates the for­ma­tion of pussy juice so enor­mous­ly that only lit­tle lubri­cant needs to be used despite the enor­mous dimensions.

A rid­den dil­do with plen­ty of pussy juice looks incred­i­bly horny. It is a mat­ter of course for every cuck­old to lick every dil­do thor­ough­ly clean dur­ing and after use! Even if it is foamy fucked pussy juice!

If it is to come to orgasm, it is impor­tant dur­ing dil­do fuck­ing that you per­form extreme­ly fast move­ments and stim­u­late the cli­toris at the same time. Many women report get­ting goose­bumps or even full body paral­y­sis dur­ing orgasm!

Mon­ster dil­dos cre­ate such intense feel­ings of plea­sure that many women even have to squirt (cum) spon­ta­neous­ly when using the dil­do. The fierce pent-up ener­gy is then dis­charged with great plea­sure gushing.

How horny the mon­ster dil­dos work, you can look at excel­lent on Bru­taldil­dos, Fuck­ing­ma­chines, Dil­do­Ma­chi­ne­Sex or HugeS­trapon­Les­bians.

MILF squirtet bei Monster Dildodick ab
Pure plea­sure! MILF squirts hard sev­er­al times on Mon­ster Dildodick!
Creampie Cathy

What Types of Dildos Are There?

Dil­dos shaped like a real cock, with veins and a scro­tum, are espe­cial­ly pop­u­lar. How­ev­er, the big dil­dos have the dis­ad­van­tage that they are rel­a­tive­ly heavy. Some designs have a suc­tion cup. You can then put them on the floor or attach them to the wall and have fun with them.

Squirting through red XXL dildo
Squirt­ing through red XXL dildo

In the field of mon­ster dil­dos, how­ev­er, there are also whim­si­cal shapes with grooves and slats. The dif­fer­ent struc­ture exerts addi­tion­al trip.

There are cone-shaped XXL anal plugs, pump-up dil­dos, fist­ing train­ers, fist dil­dos and vagi­na plugs with dif­fer­ent diam­e­ters, which are won­der­ful­ly suit­able for stretch­ing, play­ing and inten­sive cunt fucking.

So-called Drag­on Dil­dos have imag­i­na­tive penis shapes and ten­ta­cles of drag­ons and mon­sters. Some can even squirt frozen sperm or sperm-like lubri­cant in the freez­er.

How­ev­er, the thick parts slip very well with­out struc­ture. The most pop­u­lar col­ors are black and red. More rarely, skin col­ors are also chosen.

Still oth­er dil­dos have a flat base. This makes them ide­al­ly suit­ed as a strapon dil­do. The large flat base can be insert­ed into a hold­er made of leather straps that are strapped around. Many hotwifes fuck their cuck with such a strapon dildo.

Black giant dildo
Black giant dildo

Almost all of the big dil­dos are made of TPR (Ter­mo Plas­ti­cal Rub­ber). This is hygien­ic and does not con­tain harm­ful sub­stances. Cheap­er dil­dos have the des­ig­na­tion Jel­ly, they con­tain chem­i­cal soft­en­ers, such as phtha­lates. Expen­sive mod­els order from med­ical silicone.

But there are also small dil­dos made of hard mate­r­i­al such as glass or met­al. They are only as big as a nor­mal dick and very light. Women pre­fer these small hard arti­fi­cial dicks because they fit much bet­ter in a hand­bag and can be tak­en incon­spic­u­ous­ly on trips.

Some­what rar­er are anal dil­dos. They are thin­ner and some­what curved for max­i­mum stim­u­la­tion. They have a loop at the end so they can be eas­i­ly and safe­ly removed.

Two MILFS test thick dil­dos to squirt­ing orgasm from

How Can You Incorporate the Dildo Into Your Sex?

Before you do that, you should talk to your part­ner to see if she agrees.

Gigantic BBC Dildo
Gigan­tic BBC Dildo

The dil­do is excel­lent for fore­play. For exam­ple, you can watch her fuck­ing her­self with the dil­do. You def­i­nite­ly won’t last long before you, or rather your hard cock, takes the place of the dildo.

You can also fuck her first with the dil­do dur­ing fore­play and wait until she is soak­ing wet. Then the thrust­ing is guar­an­teed to be even more fun.

If you’re lucky, she’ll have her first orgasm, and you can just take over.

If you ever come too soon, a dil­do is also very use­ful. With it you can fin­ish the job and fuck her to orgasm.


Conclusion: Big Is Beautiful — Many Women Love Big Dildos

Hotwifes love big, thick dil­dos because they are very strong­ly stim­u­lat­ed by them.

Sucked tight, thick dildo is ridden
Sucked tight, thick dil­do is ridden

This is not only because of the mechan­i­cal irri­ta­tion of the nerves. The huge dimen­sions get the head cin­e­ma going. The head is known to be the most impor­tant sex organ in humans.

And this is par­tic­u­lar­ly stim­u­lat­ed by large and also oth­er­wise unusu­al dil­dos, for exam­ple black or brown ones. Pure­ly tech­ni­cal­ly, a small dil­do brings the same effect. How­ev­er, it does not look as spectacular.

Such a dil­do can pos­si­bly be an orig­i­nal gift, per­haps for Love Day or Valen­tine’s Day.

Squirting through a fucking machine
Squirt­ing through a fuck­ing machine
A fuck­ing machine takes over the fuck­ing of a big cock
Blonde gets it on with a gigan­tic giant dil­do from
Heftiges Muschi Training der Fisting Queen mit Aufblas-Ball, XXL-Plug, Monster Dragon Dildo und Magic Wand Massagegerät
Fist­ing queen fierce pussy work­out with inflat­able ball, XXL plug, Mon­ster Drag­on dil­do and Mag­ic Wand massager

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