Thick, Big Dildos: The Best Seller in All Sex Stores Despite Taboo

The disยญcusยญsion about the size of โ€œhis best pieceโ€ is age-old. It seems that both sexยญes thorยญoughยญly overยญesยญtiยญmate the size of an erect penis. Nevยญerยญtheยญless, thick and large dilยญdos are very popยญuยญlar prodยญucts in erotยญic stores.

An erect penis is on interยญnaยญtionยญal averยญage only 13.2 cm long and has a diamยญeยญter of 3.2 cm. The averยญage size of the Gerยญman man is even lower.

If a penis is longer than 16 cm, it can be conยญsidยญered โ€œabove averยญage sizeโ€. The most popยญuยญlar dilยญdos, on the othยญer hand, are sigยญnifยญiยญcantยญly larger.

In this Cuckยญold Blog post, we clarยญiยญfy the quesยญtion of whether women realยญly love big dilยญdos or if itโ€™s a clichรฉ. In addiยญtion, we deal with the averยญage penis size of men and the difยญferยญent dilยญdo types. Feel free to share your opinยญion or perยญsonยญal expeยญriยญence below the artiยญcle in the comยญments section.

Hotwife dehnt ihre Pussy mit gewaltigem XXL BBC Dildo
Hotwife stretchยญes her pussy with huge XXL BBC dildo

Dilยญdos are incredยญiยญbly popยญuยญlar up to 23 cm in length. Accordยญing to surยญveys, most women love 19 cm long dilยญdos with a diamยญeยญter of 4.5 cm. In realยญiยญty, few men are so well endowed.

Staยญtisยญtiยญcians have calยญcuยญlatยญed that a woman would have to have sex with at least 1,000 men to find at least one among them whose dick can keep up with the popยญuยญlar dilยญdo sizes.

Howยญevยญer, only expeยญriยญenced whores have such a numยญber of sex partยญners. Nevยญerยญtheยญless, most men are quite capaยญble of bringยญing women to orgasm with their penis, even if it is not as big as a dildo.

Optimale DildogrรถรŸe und durchschnittliche PenisgrรถรŸe im Vergleich
Optiยญmal dilยญdo size and averยญage penis size in comparison

Size Does Matter, Even With Dildos!

The fact that length does matยญter is at least true for dilยญdos. As menยญtioned before, the majorยญiยญty of women preยญfer dilยญdos that are sigยญnifยญiยญcantยญly largยญer than real dicks.

Big dildo
Big dilยญdo

There are sevยญerยญal reaยญsons for this. The most imporยญtant one is psyยญchoยญlogยญiยญcal. Dilยญdos are sex toys. Women use them to satยญisยญfy their lust. Howยญevยญer, the unusuยญal gives them a very speยญcial kick.

Thatโ€™s why they are into artiยญfiยญcial dicks that go beyond almost any natยญurยญal meaยญsure. It makes them incredยญiยญbly horny to push such a monยญster dilยญdo into their pussy and to imagยญine being fucked by a corยญreยญspondยญingยญly musยญcuยญlar man.

The appeal of the unusuยญal is cerยญtainยญly also responยญsiยญble for the fact that black dilยญdo are so popยญuยญlar. With it, she can realยญize secret fanยญtasies and imagยญine havยญing sex with an African who is as strong as a bull.

This is also supยญportยญed by the fact that dilยญdos shaped like a real cock, with a bulging glans, veiny shaft and a bulging sack, are quite desirable.

Dilยญdo trainยญing of a young woman

There is also a pracยญtiยญcal reaยญson behind the overยญsized length. Durยญing use, the dilยญdo is usuยญalยญly held in the hand.

As a result, the โ€œusableโ€ length is much smallยญer than the total length (though still largยญer than the averยญage dick).

The desire for an XXL cock increasยญes sharply with the age of women around 30 to 40. They are often embarยญrassed by the huge calยญiber themยญselves, so they are hidยญden from the partยญner and hidยญden in the closet.

By the way, the use of thick sex toys and penisยญes is not a matยญter of age. There are defยญiยญniteยญly very young women who like to enjoy big dilยญdos, big black cocks or objects in their pussies.

Horny Monยญster Dilยญdo Orgasm from

What Is the Effect of Such a Big Dildo?

Since the hotwife is priยญmarยญiยญly conยญcerned with satยญisยญfyยญing her sexยญuยญal desire, she prefers big dildos.

Thick dildos are very intense
Thick dilยญdos are very intense

When slowยญly placed on top, rhythยญmiยญcalยญly ridยญden, vioยญlentยญly thrustยญing or slowยญly slidยญing in and out, a large dilยญdo or penis stimยญuยญlates the vagiยญna very intenseยญly. Their the vagiยญnal wall is covยญered with a dense netยญwork of nerves.

Because of its size and thickยญness, it stretchยญes the tisยญsue much more than durยญing norยญmal sex. The large dilยญdos stimยญuยญlate the cervix, someยญtimes even pushยญing the uterus aside and irriยญtatยญing the nerves locatยญed there. The result is more intense stimยญuยญlaยญtion and thus stronger pleasure.

Fast clitoris wanking is indispensable when fucking a giant dildo.
Pure gooseยญbumps: Fast cliยญtoris wankยญing is indisยญpensยญable when fuckยญing a giant dildo.

A very large perยญcentยญage of women curiยญousยญly also enjoy the stretchยญing pain at the beginยญning of their masยญturยญbaยญtion. Besides the anticยญiยญpaยญtion and fanยญtaยญsy, the incredยญiยญble pussy stretchยญing stimยญuยญlates the forยญmaยญtion of pussy juice so enorยญmousยญly that only litยญtle lubriยญcant needs to be used despite the enorยญmous dimensions.

A ridยญden dilยญdo with plenยญty of pussy juice looks incredยญiยญbly horny. It is a matยญter of course for every cuckยญold to lick every dilยญdo thorยญoughยญly clean durยญing and after use! Even if it is foamy fucked pussy juice!

If it is to come to orgasm, it is imporยญtant durยญing dilยญdo fuckยญing that you perยญform extremeยญly fast moveยญments and stimยญuยญlate the cliยญtoris at the same time. Many women report getยญting gooseยญbumps or even full body paralยญyยญsis durยญing orgasm!

Monยญster dilยญdos creยญate such intense feelยญings of pleaยญsure that many women even have to squirt (cum) sponยญtaยญneousยญly when using the dilยญdo. The fierce pent-up enerยญgy is then disยญcharged with great pleaยญsure gushing.

How horny the monยญster dilยญdos work, you can look at excelยญlent on Bruยญtaldilยญdos, Fuckยญingยญmaยญchines, DilยญdoยญMaยญchiยญneยญSex or HugeSยญtraponยญLesยญbians.

MILF squirtet bei Monster Dildodick ab
Pure pleaยญsure! MILF squirts hard sevยญerยญal times on Monยญster Dildodick!

What Types of Dildos Are There?

Dilยญdos shaped like a real cock, with veins and a scroยญtum, are espeยญcialยญly popยญuยญlar. Howยญevยญer, the big dilยญdos have the disยญadยญvanยญtage that they are relยญaยญtiveยญly heavy. Some designs have a sucยญtion cup. You can then put them on the floor or attach them to the wall and have fun with them.

Squirting through red XXL dildo
Squirtยญing through red XXL dildo

In the field of monยญster dilยญdos, howยญevยญer, there are also whimยญsiยญcal shapes with grooves and slats. The difยญferยญent strucยญture exerts addiยญtionยญal trip.

There are cone-shaped XXL anal plugs, pump-up dilยญdos, fistยญing trainยญers, fist dilยญdos and vagiยญna plugs with difยญferยญent diamยญeยญters, which are wonยญderยญfulยญly suitยญable for stretchยญing, playยญing and intenยญsive cunt fucking.

So-called Dragยญon Dilยญdos have imagยญiยญnaยญtive penis shapes and tenยญtaยญcles of dragยญons and monยญsters. Some can even squirt frozen sperm or sperm-like lubriยญcant in the freezยญer.

Howยญevยญer, the thick parts slip very well withยญout strucยญture. The most popยญuยญlar colยญors are black and red. More rarely, skin colยญors are also chosen.

Still othยญer dilยญdos have a flat base. This makes them ideยญalยญly suitยญed as a strapon dilยญdo. The large flat base can be insertยญed into a holdยญer made of leather straps that are strapped around. Many hotwifes fuck their cuck with such a strapon dildo.

Black giant dildo
Black giant dildo

Almost all of the big dilยญdos are made of TPR (Terยญmo Plasยญtiยญcal Rubยญber). This is hygienยญic and does not conยญtain harmยญful subยญstances. Cheapยญer dilยญdos have the desยญigยญnaยญtion Jelยญly, they conยญtain chemยญiยญcal softยญenยญers, such as phthaยญlates. Expenยญsive modยญels order from medยญical silicone.

But there are also small dilยญdos made of hard mateยญrยญiยญal such as glass or metยญal. They are only as big as a norยญmal dick and very light. Women preยญfer these small hard artiยญfiยญcial dicks because they fit much betยญter in a handยญbag and can be takยญen inconยญspicยญuยญousยญly on trips.

Someยญwhat rarยญer are anal dilยญdos. They are thinยญner and someยญwhat curved for maxยญiยญmum stimยญuยญlaยญtion. They have a loop at the end so they can be easยญiยญly and safeยญly removed.

Two MILFS test thick dilยญdos to squirtยญing orgasm from

How Can You Incorporate the Dildo Into Your Sex?

Before you do that, you should talk to your partยญner to see if she agrees.

Gigantic BBC Dildo
Giganยญtic BBC Dildo

The dilยญdo is excelยญlent for foreยญplay. For examยญple, you can watch her fuckยญing herยญself with the dilยญdo. You defยญiยญniteยญly wonโ€™t last long before you, or rather your hard cock, takes the place of the dildo.

You can also fuck her first with the dilยญdo durยญing foreยญplay and wait until she is soakยญing wet. Then the thrustยญing is guarยญanยญteed to be even more fun.

If youโ€™re lucky, sheโ€™ll have her first orgasm, and you can just take over.

If you ever come too soon, a dilยญdo is also very useยญful. With it you can finยญish the job and fuck her to orgasm.

sexy cuckold review

Conclusion: Big Is Beautiful โ€” Many Women Love Big Dildos

Hotwifes love big, thick dilยญdos because they are very strongยญly stimยญuยญlatยญed by them.

Sucked tight, thick dildo is ridden
Sucked tight, thick dilยญdo is ridden

This is not only because of the mechanยญiยญcal irriยญtaยญtion of the nerves. The huge dimenยญsions get the head cinยญeยญma going. The head is known to be the most imporยญtant sex organ in humans.

And this is parยญticยญuยญlarยญly stimยญuยญlatยญed by large and also othยญerยญwise unusuยญal dilยญdos, for examยญple black or brown ones. Pureยญly techยญniยญcalยญly, a small dilยญdo brings the same effect. Howยญevยญer, it does not look as spectacular.

Such a dilยญdo can posยญsiยญbly be an origยญiยญnal gift, perยญhaps for Love Day or Valenยญtineโ€™s Day.

Squirting through a fucking machine
Squirtยญing through a fuckยญing machine
A fuckยญing machine takes over the fuckยญing of a big cock
Blonde gets it on with a giganยญtic giant dilยญdo from
Heftiges Muschi Training der Fisting Queen mit Aufblas-Ball, XXL-Plug, Monster Dragon Dildo und Magic Wand Massagegerรคt
Fistยญing queen fierce pussy workยญout with inflatยญable ball, XXL plug, Monยญster Dragยญon dilยญdo and Magยญic Wand massager

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