Where Can You Still Buy Porn DVDs and Blu-ray?

It was­n’t that long ago that CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs were con­sid­ered cut­ting-edge prod­ucts. No one want­ed to buy the once high­ly cov­et­ed VHS (Video Home Sys­tem) video cas­settes anymore.

Today, it almost looks like the time for the sil­ver and blue discs has passed, too. Now videos are the order of the day, which can be streamed online or, at best, down­loaded to a hard dri­ve on a computer.

Nev­er­the­less, DVDs and Blu-ray discs have not yet dis­ap­peared from the mar­ket. There are still sev­er­al stores on the Inter­net where you can buy porn DVDs for your pri­vate collection.

In this blog post, we will intro­duce you to the best and most pop­u­lar online stores for porn DVDs and Blu-rays.

Reputable Online Stores for Porn DVDs and Blu-rays

1.) DVDErotik: The top dog among porn shops

The online store DVDErotik is locat­ed in the Nether­lands and ships porn DVDs to Ger­many and all of Europe. Although the store is locat­ed out­side Ger­many, deliv­ery takes only 1 — 3 days. 

The selec­tion includes well over 100,000 titles. The videos on offer are exclu­sive­ly new. If you want, you can also watch videos in stream or down­load them to your hard drive.

Since the store is not locat­ed in Ger­many, the annoy­ing pro­ce­dure of age ver­i­fi­ca­tion is not nec­es­sary. You can watch free trail­ers for many DVDs and Blu-rays.

Tip: Read also our DVDErotik review

Home­page: DVDErotik

AEBN 700 stream porn legally

2.) OpenErotik: The porn store from Austria

With its found­ing year in 2004, the Ger­man online store Open­Erotik is prac­ti­cal­ly one of the old­est in the porn industry. 

The offer includes more than 50,000 dif­fer­ent titles. Espe­cial­ly good is the fact that there are many movies of Ger­man ama­teurs to buy in the store. Ger­man girls and cou­ples are super horny. 

If you are into fetish sex, wife swap­ping, cuck­old­ing or cum cunts, you can choose from a wide offer at OpenErotik.com. The store has an excel­lent rep­u­ta­tion among its customers.

Tip: Read also our Open­Erotik test report

Home­page: Open­Erotik

3.) SexVideoall: New and used porn DVDs for little money

The provider SexVideoall is locat­ed in Aus­tria and con­vinces its cus­tomers with a wide range of more than 60,000 titles. The list of cat­e­gories alone is almost end­less. You can order DVDs and Blu-ray discs there.

If you don’t like that, you can also down­load a large num­ber of the movies to your hard dri­ve or buy and watch them as a stream for life when you log into your cus­tomer account. These options are cheap­er than buy­ing DVDs. 

Even cheap­er are used DVDs, which are also offered.

Tip: Also read our SexVideoAll review.

Home­page: SexVi­doall

4.) Filmundo.de: Buy used porn DVDs and Blu-rays cheap & safe

On Fil­mun­do you can buy used and new porn DVDs. The plat­form is com­pa­ra­ble to eBay, where pri­vate and com­mer­cial sales cur­rent­ly offer over 230,000 sex movies on Blu-ray and DVD!

Fil­mun­do was found­ed back in 2002 as a film mar­ket­place, or film exchange. To this day, the plat­form is con­sid­ered an insid­er tip for things that are banned on eBay. In addi­tion to dig­i­tal data car­ri­ers from porn stu­dios from all over the world, you can also buy sex mag­a­zines, home­made ama­teur porn, porn radio plays.

It is def­i­nite­ly worth reg­is­ter­ing. Feel free to take some time to browse through the huge offer.

Home­page: Fil­mun­do

5.) Orgazmik: Quality porn from the Confederates

When it comes to porn stores that still sell DVDs and Blu-ray discs, the Swiss also have some­thing to say (although you would­n’t think so for the rather con­ser­v­a­tive Swiss). 

The fact that buy­ers are sat­is­fied with Orgazmik is tes­ti­fied by the fact that the store has exist­ed since 2001. A spe­cial fea­ture of the store is that a sev­en-mem­ber team watch­es and reviews the videos. 

The reviews are a good help in choos­ing the appro­pri­ate movies. The exten­sive offer also includes many porn movies that are about out­landish fan­tasies or imaginations.

Selfcum: Self cum - Review

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Offline Data Carriers

DVDs and Blu-ray discs are called offline data car­ri­ers. Com­pared to stor­ing data on a web serv­er or hard dri­ve, they have some advan­tages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Porn DVD

  • DVDs are well suit­ed as data car­ri­ers because they are com­pact and can be stored easily. 
  • Depend­ing on the res­o­lu­tion of the record­ed mate­r­i­al, you can record at least 2 or even up to 8 hours of videos on one DVD. 
  • On many DVDs it is pos­si­ble to select the language.
  • Most porn DVDs are easy to copy your­self with the help of burn­ing programs.
  • The discs are mechan­i­cal­ly very resis­tant. They are robust and large­ly insen­si­tive to tem­per­a­ture fluc­tu­a­tions and moisture.
  • Exter­nal media are good for col­lect­ing, “own­ing” and categorizing.

Disadvantages of the Porn DVD

  • The biggest dis­ad­van­tage of offline media is that they can usu­al­ly be writ­ten to only once.
  • Some­times there are com­pat­i­bil­i­ty prob­lems. Not every DVD can be played in every DVD player.
  • Due to the chem­i­cal nature of the plas­tic that DVD discs are made of, their max­i­mum shelf life is 8 years. After that, the discs begin to disintegrate. 
  • If a DVD is dam­aged, the data stored on it is lost.
  • CDs with com­mer­cial titles are also often equipped with copy pro­tec­tion. In addi­tion, there is a coun­try code. A DVD from the USA some­times can­not be played in a Ger­man DVD player.

VoD — Video on Demand: Online Streaming Is the Modern Alternative to External Data Carriers

Year after year, you can real­ly feel how online stream­ing ser­vices are mak­ing the DVD shelves in depart­ment stores melt away more and more. Net­flix, Ama­zon Prime, Dis­ney+, Sky Tick­et, RTL+ and oth­er video-on-demand providers bring all the world’s block­busters and series to the TV at the touch of a remote control.

Even though the porn indus­try is lag­ging behind tech­no­log­i­cal­ly, it is now also pos­si­ble to stream porn on the TV. This seri­ous­ly increas­es the accep­tance of porn by women. Read our guide: How to stream porn on a TV?

The Following Porn VOD Providers Now Offer a Similar Home Theater Experience to Netflix and Co:

While Erotik.com and Nightclub.eu are the best porn sites in Ger­man-speak­ing coun­tries, AEBN, Hot­Movies and Adul­tEm­pire are among the most pop­u­lar and biggest porn sites. In our erot­ic site test we com­pare the porn sites for you.


Conclusion: Porn DVDs Remain Popular and Well-Liked

Although DVDs have many dis­ad­van­tages com­pared to new­er meth­ods of data stor­age, they are still pop­u­lar with many fans. Part­ly for nos­tal­gic rea­sons; but part­ly also because some old­er videos are only avail­able on DVD and not as a stream or download. 

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, online retail­ers have not man­aged to build a sta­ble assort­ment of DVDs in the last three decades. Most porn was pro­duced in the low-bud­get sec­tor and dis­ap­peared in the grab box­es of video stores after a few months. Bridg­ing the gap between the offline world and the online world are video-on-demand (VoD) providers, where porn videos can be legal­ly rent­ed, pur­chased and streamed.

Much like the vinyl record, the DVD will prob­a­bly be with us for a long time. Even though the last porn stu­dios have com­plete­ly switched to VoD (video-on-demand), some sil­ver discs will still be avail­able for many years on file­shar­ing sites like Fil­mun­do.

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