Where Can You Still Buy Porn DVDs and Blu-ray?
It wasยญnโt that long ago that CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs were conยญsidยญered cutยญting-edge prodยญucts. No one wantยญed to buy the once highยญly covยญetยญed VHS (Video Home Sysยญtem) video casยญsettes anymore.
Today, it almost looks like the time for the silยญver and blue discs has passed, too. Now videos are the order of the day, which can be streamed online or, at best, downยญloaded to a hard driยญve on a computer.
Nevยญerยญtheยญless, DVDs and Blu-ray discs have not yet disยญapยญpeared from the marยญket. There are still sevยญerยญal stores on the Interยญnet where you can buy porn DVDs for your priยญvate collection.
In this blog post, we will introยญduce you to the best and most popยญuยญlar online stores for porn DVDs and Blu-rays.
Reputable Online Stores for Porn DVDs and Blu-rays
1.) DVDErotik: The top dog among porn shops
The online store DVDErotik is locatยญed in the Netherยญlands and ships porn DVDs to Gerยญmany and all of Europe. Although the store is locatยญed outยญside Gerยญmany, delivยญery takes only 1 โ 3 days.
The selecยญtion includes well over 100,000 titles. The videos on offer are excluยญsiveยญly new. If you want, you can also watch videos in stream or downยญload them to your hard drive.
Since the store is not locatยญed in Gerยญmany, the annoyยญing proยญceยญdure of age verยญiยญfiยญcaยญtion is not necยญesยญsary. You can watch free trailยญers for many DVDs and Blu-rays.
Tip: Read also our DVDErotik review
Homeยญpage: DVDErotik
2.) OpenErotik: The porn store from Austria
With its foundยญing year in 2004, the Gerยญman online store OpenยญErotik is pracยญtiยญcalยญly one of the oldยญest in the porn industry.
The offer includes more than 50,000 difยญferยญent titles. Espeยญcialยญly good is the fact that there are many movies of Gerยญman amaยญteurs to buy in the store. Gerยญman girls and couยญples are super horny.
If you are into fetish sex, wife swapยญping, cuckยญoldยญing or cum cunts, you can choose from a wide offer at OpenErotik.com. The store has an excelยญlent repยญuยญtaยญtion among its customers.
Tip: Read also our OpenยญErotik test report
Homeยญpage: OpenยญErotik
3.) SexVideoall: New and used porn DVDs for little money
The provider SexVideoall is locatยญed in Ausยญtria and conยญvinces its cusยญtomers with a wide range of more than 60,000 titles. The list of catยญeยญgories alone is almost endยญless. You can order DVDs and Blu-ray discs there.
If you donโt like that, you can also downยญload a large numยญber of the movies to your hard driยญve or buy and watch them as a stream for life when you log into your cusยญtomer account. These options are cheapยญer than buyยญing DVDs.
Even cheapยญer are used DVDs, which are also offered.
Tip: Also read our SexVideoAll review.
Homeยญpage: SexViยญdoall
4.) Filmundo.de: Buy used porn DVDs and Blu-rays cheap & safe
On Filยญmunยญdo you can buy used and new porn DVDs. The platยญform is comยญpaยญraยญble to eBay, where priยญvate and comยญmerยญcial sales curยญrentยญly offer over 230,000 sex movies on Blu-ray and DVD!
Filยญmunยญdo was foundยญed back in 2002 as a film marยญketยญplace, or film exchange. To this day, the platยญform is conยญsidยญered an insidยญer tip for things that are banned on eBay. In addiยญtion to digยญiยญtal data carยญriยญers from porn stuยญdios from all over the world, you can also buy sex magยญaยญzines, homeยญmade amaยญteur porn, porn radio plays.
It is defยญiยญniteยญly worth regยญisยญterยญing. Feel free to take some time to browse through the huge offer.
Homeยญpage: Filยญmunยญdo
5.) Orgazmik: Quality porn from the Confederates
When it comes to porn stores that still sell DVDs and Blu-ray discs, the Swiss also have someยญthing to say (although you wouldยญnโt think so for the rather conยญserยญvยญaยญtive Swiss).
The fact that buyยญers are satยญisยญfied with Orgazmik is tesยญtiยญfied by the fact that the store has existยญed since 2001. A speยญcial feaยญture of the store is that a sevยญen-memยญber team watchยญes and reviews the videos.
The reviews are a good help in choosยญing the approยญpriยญate movies. The extenยญsive offer also includes many porn movies that are about outยญlandish fanยญtasies or imaginations.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Offline Data Carriers
DVDs and Blu-ray discs are called offline data carยญriยญers. Comยญpared to storยญing data on a web servยญer or hard driยญve, they have some advanยญtages and disadvantages.
Advantages of Porn DVD
- DVDs are well suitยญed as data carยญriยญers because they are comยญpact and can be stored easily.
- Dependยญing on the resยญoยญluยญtion of the recordยญed mateยญrยญiยญal, you can record at least 2 or even up to 8 hours of videos on one DVD.
- On many DVDs it is posยญsiยญble to select the language.
- Most porn DVDs are easy to copy yourยญself with the help of burnยญing programs.
- The discs are mechanยญiยญcalยญly very resisยญtant. They are robust and largeยญly insenยญsiยญtive to temยญperยญaยญture flucยญtuยญaยญtions and moisture.
- Exterยญnal media are good for colยญlectยญing, โownยญingโ and categorizing.
Disadvantages of the Porn DVD
- The biggest disยญadยญvanยญtage of offline media is that they can usuยญalยญly be writยญten to only once.
- Someยญtimes there are comยญpatยญiยญbilยญiยญty probยญlems. Not every DVD can be played in every DVD player.
- Due to the chemยญiยญcal nature of the plasยญtic that DVD discs are made of, their maxยญiยญmum shelf life is 8 years. After that, the discs begin to disintegrate.
- If a DVD is damยญaged, the data stored on it is lost.
- CDs with comยญmerยญcial titles are also often equipped with copy proยญtecยญtion. In addiยญtion, there is a counยญtry code. A DVD from the USA someยญtimes canยญnot be played in a Gerยญman DVD player.
VoD โ Video on Demand: Online Streaming Is the Modern Alternative to External Data Carriers
Year after year, you can realยญly feel how online streamยญing serยญvices are makยญing the DVD shelves in departยญment stores melt away more and more. Netยญflix, Amaยญzon Prime, Disยญney+, Sky Tickยญet, RTL+ and othยญer video-on-demand providers bring all the worldโs blockยญbusters and series to the TV at the touch of a remote control.
Even though the porn indusยญtry is lagยญging behind techยญnoยญlogยญiยญcalยญly, it is now also posยญsiยญble to stream porn on the TV. This seriยญousยญly increasยญes the accepยญtance of porn by women. Read our guide: How to stream porn on a TV?
The Following Porn VOD Providers Now Offer a Similar Home Theater Experience to Netflix and Co:
- Nightclub.eu (read our review)
- AEBN (read our test report)
- HotยญMovies (read our test report)
- AdulยญtEmยญpire (read our review)
- Erotik.com (read our review)
While Erotik.com and Nightclub.eu are the best porn sites in Gerยญman-speakยญing counยญtries, AEBN, HotยญMovies and AdulยญtEmยญpire are among the most popยญuยญlar and biggest porn sites. In our erotยญic site test we comยญpare the porn sites for you.
Conclusion: Porn DVDs Remain Popular and Well-Liked
Although DVDs have many disยญadยญvanยญtages comยญpared to newยญer methยญods of data storยญage, they are still popยญuยญlar with many fans. Partยญly for nosยญtalยญgic reaยญsons; but partยญly also because some oldยญer videos are only availยญable on DVD and not as a stream or download.
Unforยญtuยญnateยญly, online retailยญers have not manยญaged to build a staยญble assortยญment of DVDs in the last three decades. Most porn was proยญduced in the low-budยญget secยญtor and disยญapยญpeared in the grab boxยญes of video stores after a few months. Bridgยญing the gap between the offline world and the online world are video-on-demand (VoD) providers, where porn videos can be legalยญly rentยญed, purยญchased and streamed.
Much like the vinyl record, the DVD will probยญaยญbly be with us for a long time. Even though the last porn stuยญdios have comยญpleteยญly switched to VoD (video-on-demand), some silยญver discs will still be availยญable for many years on fileยญsharยญing sites like Filยญmunยญdo.