DVDerotik.com: Incredible 70,000 Erotic Movies and Porn on DVD

Mod­ern online video stream­ing, also called Video-on-Demand (VoD), led to the rapid extinc­tion of video stores around 2010. But although the CD-Rom, DVD and Blu-ray have long been declared dead, the porn indus­try still pro­duces erot­ic CDs and porn DVDs today

The dis­tri­b­u­tion and ship­ping of sex videos has always been prob­lem­at­ic in Ger­man-speak­ing coun­tries for rea­sons of youth pro­tec­tion. There are cur­rent­ly not even half a dozen online stores where you can buy porn DVDs via mail order. Almost all ORION stores and Beate Uhse stores have also dis­ap­peared from the cityscape.

A very proven and reli­able DVD mail order com­pa­ny since 2004 is the online store DVDerotik.com. In addi­tion to Open­erotik, SexvideoAll and Fil­mun­do, you can dis­creet­ly buy erot­ic DVDs and porno blue rays there.

In this review, we would like to intro­duce DVDerotik to you. We will explain to you whether it is worth reg­is­ter­ing with the adult DVD store and which advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages we found in our review. Feel free to share your per­son­al expe­ri­ences, ques­tions and opin­ions below the review in the com­ment box

Vis­it DVDerotik.com

The Good Old DVD Player Is Still Alive!

The DVD was intro­duced to the mar­ket in 1997. It caused a real hype in the porn indus­try. Thou­sands of porn stu­dios shot up like mush­rooms around the world at the turn of the millennium

From a pure­ly tech­ni­cal point of view, how­ev­er, the CD is already old news these days. The good old sil­ver disc still offers some advan­tages com­pared to stream­ing ser­vices like Net­flix, Ama­zon Prime and co:

  • Once pur­chased, a DVD is yours for­ev­er. You can watch it as often as you want
  • The qual­i­ty is excellent.
  • DVDs are guar­an­teed to be free of virus­es, ads, and links that lead to rip-off websites
  • If there are chil­dren in the house­hold, DVDs have the advan­tage that you can eas­i­ly child­proof them by sim­ply lock­ing them away. When the occa­sion is right, you can watch them with your part­ner or enjoy them alone for relax­ation or inspiration.
  • Last but not least, it’s easy to use: Put the CD in the DVD play­er, close the draw­er, press the play but­ton and off you go…

Test Report: DVDerotik.com Briefly Introduced

In the con­text of our cuck­old porn sites reviews, the web­site DVDerotik.com can­not be miss­ing. Unlike porn stream­ing por­tals, it is an online store that offers porn DVDs for sale

So, you can buy phys­i­cal media such as erot­ic DVDs and porn blue rays from this erot­ic DVD store, which will be sent to you dis­creet­ly via a par­cel service.

How­ev­er, if you pre­fer to stream videos, it is worth­while for you to vis­it the sub­sidiary web­sites FlixOne and Erotik.com. There you will find offers to stream com­plete videos or pay-per-minute clips.

Facts and Figures about the Website

DVDerotik.com was already found­ed in 2004 as a pure porn DVD mail order com­pa­ny. This found­ing year alone says that the com­pa­ny knows some­thing about its busi­ness. In the mean­time, it is prob­a­bly the largest Ger­man online store for erot­ic DVDs, which is con­tin­u­ous­ly growing

DVDerotik’s offer includes more than 70,000 porn DVDs in almost 200 categories.

Until 2018, you could also book many porn movies com­plete­ly legal­ly as a video stream or buy them as an MP4 down­load in addi­tion to the Blu-rays and DVDs. How­ev­er, the stream­ing offer was out­sourced to the web­site Erotik.com.

On its web­site, the provider states that it can get almost any DVD that has ever been pressed, includ­ing those that do not appear in the cur­rent range.

Costs and Payment Options

Since DVDerotik is an online store that sells DVDs, mem­ber­ship is free. Instead, you pay for the DVDs you choose. From an order val­ue of 50 Euro the ship­ping is free. If the val­ue of goods is less than 50 euros, the fol­low­ing costs will apply, depend­ing on the ship­ping method:

  • DHL: 3,90 €, deliv­ery time 1 — 3 work­ing days, from 50 € free of charge
  • DHL Express: 8,90 €, deliv­ery time 1 work­ing day, from 200 € free of charge

We ship to all of Ger­many, the EU, Great Britain, and even to the USA, Cana­da, Aus­tralia and Japan.

You have a wide range of pay­ment options at your disposal:

  • Direct deb­it
  • Instant bank transfer
  • Cred­it card (Visa and MasterCard)
  • Bank trans­fer
  • Pay­Pal (only for down­loads and video streams)
  • Paysafe Card
  • Cryp­to­pay (cryp­tocur­ren­cies like Bit­coin, Lite­coin, Rip­ple and Ethereum are accepted)

Test Report: The Porn DVD Mail Order Company DVDerotik.com

In my review of DVDerotik, I focused a bit on what they offer in the cat­e­gories that inter­est me the most: Cuck­old­ing, Wife­shar­ing, Stranger Fuck­ing and Gang­bang. The offer is real­ly promising

In the cuck­old­ing cat­e­go­ry, there are about 260 DVDs to choose from, and in gang­bang there are even more than 2,300 movies! But that’s not all by far. You can search the huge video library not only by titles, but also by keywords

For exam­ple, the term Hotwife does not appear as a sep­a­rate cat­e­go­ry. How­ev­er, if you enter it in the key­word search, over 100 videos are dis­played that deal with this topic.

Under each title is the pur­chase price. If you see a green dot on the left, it means that the DVD is imme­di­ate­ly avail­able. You can buy the erot­ic DVDs discreetly.

Many titles are avail­able on the sub­sidiary por­tal Erotik.com as stream or pay-per-minute. Stream­ing offers a buy and rent option.

The Advantages of the Sex Site

  • The offer is huge. Once you start brows­ing, it’s hard to stop
  • You can pick DVDs by cat­e­go­ry, stu­dio or performer
  • Many discs have a free trail­er that gives you a gen­er­al idea of what they are about
  • If you have a spe­cif­ic request, you can con­tact cus­tomer ser­vice. They will get the DVD if it is possible
  • By the way, the ship­ment is made in a neu­tral package
  • If you wish, DVDs can also be ordered dis­creet­ly with­out a cover.

The Disadvantages of the Porn Site

  • There is actu­al­ly only one dis­ad­van­tage that comes into play: the price. Depend­ing on pop­u­lar­i­ty and play­ing time, a DVD can some­times cost almost 40 euros.

Review Conclusion: Is the Porn Store DVDerotik.com Recommendable?

Yes, the online store DVDerotik is high­ly rec­om­mend­ed for men and women who pre­fer porn on a sil­ver DVD disc. I am not aware of any Ger­man web­site where you can buy so many porn DVDs

The porn store is very clear­ly laid out and is also respon­sive on mobile smart­phones and tablets. The prod­ucts are pre­sent­ed very attrac­tive­ly and described exten­sive­ly. How­ev­er, the youth pro­tec­tion cen­sor­ship often looks a bit unchar­i­ta­ble and exag­ger­at­ed, which makes the DVD cov­ers very deformed.

When I did a test order for this porn site review, the porn DVD order was deliv­ered to me very discreetly.

If you want to enrich your porn col­lec­tion with cer­tain actress­es or DVDs or are look­ing for rare videos, DVDerotik.com is a true par­adise for you. How­ev­er, if you just want to watch porn occa­sion­al­ly for relax­ation, the stream­ing por­tal Erotik.com is more suitable.

Vis­it DVDerotik.com

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