DVDerotik.com: Incredible 70,000 Erotic Movies and Porn on DVD
ModÂern online video streamÂing, also called Video-on-Demand (VoD), led to the rapid extincÂtion of video stores around 2010. But although the CD-Rom, DVD and Blu-ray have long been declared dead, the porn indusÂtry still proÂduces erotÂic CDs and porn DVDs today
The disÂtriÂbÂuÂtion and shipÂping of sex videos has always been probÂlemÂatÂic in GerÂman-speakÂing counÂtries for reaÂsons of youth proÂtecÂtion. There are curÂrentÂly not even half a dozen online stores where you can buy porn DVDs via mail order. Almost all ORION stores and Beate Uhse stores have also disÂapÂpeared from the cityscape.
A very proven and reliÂable DVD mail order comÂpaÂny since 2004 is the online store DVDerotik.com. In addiÂtion to OpenÂerotik, SexvideoAll and FilÂmunÂdo, you can disÂcreetÂly buy erotÂic DVDs and porno blue rays there.
In this review, we would like to introÂduce DVDerotik to you. We will explain to you whether it is worth regÂisÂterÂing with the adult DVD store and which advanÂtages and disÂadÂvanÂtages we found in our review. Feel free to share your perÂsonÂal expeÂriÂences, quesÂtions and opinÂions below the review in the comÂment box
The Good Old DVD Player Is Still Alive!
The DVD was introÂduced to the marÂket in 1997. It caused a real hype in the porn indusÂtry. ThouÂsands of porn stuÂdios shot up like mushÂrooms around the world at the turn of the millennium
From a pureÂly techÂniÂcal point of view, howÂevÂer, the CD is already old news these days. The good old silÂver disc still offers some advanÂtages comÂpared to streamÂing serÂvices like NetÂflix, AmaÂzon Prime and co:
- Once purÂchased, a DVD is yours forÂevÂer. You can watch it as often as you want
- The qualÂiÂty is excellent.
- DVDs are guarÂanÂteed to be free of virusÂes, ads, and links that lead to rip-off websites
- If there are chilÂdren in the houseÂhold, DVDs have the advanÂtage that you can easÂiÂly childÂproof them by simÂply lockÂing them away. When the occaÂsion is right, you can watch them with your partÂner or enjoy them alone for relaxÂation or inspiration.
- Last but not least, it’s easy to use: Put the CD in the DVD playÂer, close the drawÂer, press the play butÂton and off you go…
Test Report: DVDerotik.com Briefly Introduced
In the conÂtext of our cuckÂold porn sites reviews, the webÂsite DVDerotik.com canÂnot be missÂing. Unlike porn streamÂing porÂtals, it is an online store that offers porn DVDs for sale
So, you can buy physÂiÂcal media such as erotÂic DVDs and porn blue rays from this erotÂic DVD store, which will be sent to you disÂcreetÂly via a parÂcel service.
HowÂevÂer, if you preÂfer to stream videos, it is worthÂwhile for you to visÂit the subÂsidiary webÂsites FlixOne and Erotik.com. There you will find offers to stream comÂplete videos or pay-per-minute clips.
Facts and Figures about the Website
DVDerotik.com was already foundÂed in 2004 as a pure porn DVD mail order comÂpaÂny. This foundÂing year alone says that the comÂpaÂny knows someÂthing about its busiÂness. In the meanÂtime, it is probÂaÂbly the largest GerÂman online store for erotÂic DVDs, which is conÂtinÂuÂousÂly growing
DVDerotik’s offer includes more than 70,000 porn DVDs in almost 200 categories.
Until 2018, you could also book many porn movies comÂpleteÂly legalÂly as a video stream or buy them as an MP4 downÂload in addiÂtion to the Blu-rays and DVDs. HowÂevÂer, the streamÂing offer was outÂsourced to the webÂsite Erotik.com.
On its webÂsite, the provider states that it can get almost any DVD that has ever been pressed, includÂing those that do not appear in the curÂrent range.
Costs and Payment Options
Since DVDerotik is an online store that sells DVDs, memÂberÂship is free. Instead, you pay for the DVDs you choose. From an order valÂue of 50 Euro the shipÂping is free. If the valÂue of goods is less than 50 euros, the folÂlowÂing costs will apply, dependÂing on the shipÂping method:
- DHL: 3,90 €, delivÂery time 1 — 3 workÂing days, from 50 € free of charge
- DHL Express: 8,90 €, delivÂery time 1 workÂing day, from 200 € free of charge
We ship to all of GerÂmany, the EU, Great Britain, and even to the USA, CanaÂda, AusÂtralia and Japan.
You have a wide range of payÂment options at your disposal:
- Direct debÂit
- Instant bank transfer
- CredÂit card (Visa and MasterCard)
- Bank transÂfer
- PayÂPal (only for downÂloads and video streams)
- Paysafe Card
- CrypÂtoÂpay (crypÂtocurÂrenÂcies like BitÂcoin, LiteÂcoin, RipÂple and Ethereum are accepted)
Test Report: The Porn DVD Mail Order Company DVDerotik.com
In my review of DVDerotik, I focused a bit on what they offer in the catÂeÂgories that interÂest me the most: CuckÂoldÂing, WifeÂsharÂing, Stranger FuckÂing and GangÂbang. The offer is realÂly promising
In the cuckÂoldÂing catÂeÂgoÂry, there are about 260 DVDs to choose from, and in gangÂbang there are even more than 2,300 movies! But that’s not all by far. You can search the huge video library not only by titles, but also by keywords
For examÂple, the term Hotwife does not appear as a sepÂaÂrate catÂeÂgoÂry. HowÂevÂer, if you enter it in the keyÂword search, over 100 videos are disÂplayed that deal with this topic.
Under each title is the purÂchase price. If you see a green dot on the left, it means that the DVD is immeÂdiÂateÂly availÂable. You can buy the erotÂic DVDs discreetly.
Many titles are availÂable on the subÂsidiary porÂtal Erotik.com as stream or pay-per-minute. StreamÂing offers a buy and rent option.
The Advantages of the Sex Site
- The offer is huge. Once you start browsÂing, it’s hard to stop
- You can pick DVDs by catÂeÂgoÂry, stuÂdio or performer
- Many discs have a free trailÂer that gives you a genÂerÂal idea of what they are about
- If you have a speÂcifÂic request, you can conÂtact cusÂtomer serÂvice. They will get the DVD if it is possible
- By the way, the shipÂment is made in a neuÂtral package
- If you wish, DVDs can also be ordered disÂcreetÂly withÂout a cover.
The Disadvantages of the Porn Site
- There is actuÂalÂly only one disÂadÂvanÂtage that comes into play: the price. DependÂing on popÂuÂlarÂiÂty and playÂing time, a DVD can someÂtimes cost almost 40 euros.
Review Conclusion: Is the Porn Store DVDerotik.com Recommendable?
Yes, the online store DVDerotik is highÂly recÂomÂmendÂed for men and women who preÂfer porn on a silÂver DVD disc. I am not aware of any GerÂman webÂsite where you can buy so many porn DVDs
The porn store is very clearÂly laid out and is also responÂsive on mobile smartÂphones and tablets. The prodÂucts are preÂsentÂed very attracÂtiveÂly and described extenÂsiveÂly. HowÂevÂer, the youth proÂtecÂtion cenÂsorÂship often looks a bit uncharÂiÂtaÂble and exagÂgerÂatÂed, which makes the DVD covÂers very deformed.
When I did a test order for this porn site review, the porn DVD order was delivÂered to me very discreetly.
If you want to enrich your porn colÂlecÂtion with cerÂtain actressÂes or DVDs or are lookÂing for rare videos, DVDerotik.com is a true parÂadise for you. HowÂevÂer, if you just want to watch porn occaÂsionÂalÂly for relaxÂation, the streamÂing porÂtal Erotik.com is more suitable.