Joint Adultery: Is Cuckolding More Shame or Pure Lust?

Inter­est in cuck­old­ing and wife­shar­ing are not a new­fan­gled inven­tion. Although extra­mar­i­tal sex­u­al inter­course is con­sid­ered a strict taboo over much of the world, inter­est in new sex­u­al part­ners is hard-wired into our human brains for both men and women.

There are prob­a­bly evo­lu­tion­ary rea­sons why so many men and women feel the tin­gling desire for for­eign skin again after a few rela­tion­ship years. The sex dri­ve then often tempts us humans to cheat. Those affect­ed find them­selves in a con­flict of con­science — because actu­al­ly many do not want to lose their life partner!

Sex­u­al­ly open-mind­ed cou­ples know that one could pur­sue this desire in swingers clubs. But there are oth­er ways besides swing­ing, if you like it more “pri­vate”. For exam­ple, “cuck­old­ing” or “wife­shar­ing”.

In this post, we’ll clar­i­fy why cuck­old­ing fan­tasies hap­pen, how you can rec­og­nize them and how you can deal with them.

Cuckold passionately kisses his Wife during stranger fuck with giant penis
Cuck­old pas­sion­ate­ly kiss­es his Wife dur­ing stranger fuck with giant penis

What Is Cuckolding?

Although “cuck­old­ing” is loaded with mas­sive prej­u­dice and mis­in­for­ma­tion, it is one of the fastest grow­ing sex­u­al lifestyles in the entire world.

It excites an incred­i­ble num­ber of men to make your wife avail­able to oth­er men to fuck through. Curi­ous­ly, this idea excites men of all walks of life and cultures.

Husband watches his wife have sex with a stranger and masturbates while doing it
Hus­band watch­es his wife have sex with a stranger and mas­tur­bates while doing it

How­ev­er, the term “cuck­old” is unknown to most peo­ple. Some who know it mis­un­der­stand and despise it. Only a few peo­ple have under­stood and prac­tice this type of sex­u­al­i­ty with a grow­ing num­ber of couples.

In its “purest form,” cuck­old­ing is a com­mit­ted cou­ple rela­tion­ship in which a wife, with the fullest sup­port and encour­age­ment of her hus­band, is allowed to have one or more lovers. When this hap­pens, the wife becomes a “hotwife” or “cuck­ol­dress” and the hus­band is a “cuck­old”.

By the way, it does not have to be a mar­riage. Most of the time, the peo­ple involved are old­er than 30, but they are not always married.

Cuck­old­ing can have dif­fer­ent inten­si­ty strengths and is there­fore divid­ed into three classes:

  • The C1 cuck­old is only mild­ly sub­mis­sive and is more of a voyeuris­tic wife­shar­er. He co-plans sex with strange men, but must already learn to lick the sperm pussy clean.
  • The Cuck­old C2 has sur­ren­dered his sex­u­al self-deter­mi­na­tion to his Hotwife. He allows his wife to have inde­pen­dent sex with strange men. He is also kept chaste.
  • A Cuck­old C3 usu­al­ly lives in a nev­er-inside rela­tion­ship and is no longer allowed to fuck his Hotwife. How­ev­er, he draws his sex­u­al plea­sure from it and is oblig­ed to always lick the insem­i­nat­ed sperm pussy of his cuck­ol­dress clean.
sexy cuckold review

Are There Cuckold Signals in Your Relationship?

Cuck­old­ing fan­tasies most­ly come from the man. The main prob­lem is that there are a lot of men with wife­shar­ing and cuck­old inter­ests, but they pre­fer not to talk about it with their wives because they are afraid of rejection.

Accord­ing to sev­er­al inter­na­tion­al sur­veys, an extreme­ly large num­ber of women have a desire for for­eign skin, but would nev­er admit this to their part­ner. So, curi­ous­ly, there is already by nature a cer­tain sym­bio­sis of “woman who wants to fuck” and “man who wants to watch”.

There­fore, in order to deter­mine what your ten­den­cies are as a cou­ple, it is impor­tant that one of the two part­ners take the first bold step to have a conversation.

If you are read­ing this, you are already one big step ahead of your part­ner. First of all, you should ana­lyze how your rela­tion­ship stands on the sub­ject of “sex with strangers”.

Happy husband watches his wife fuck strangers and praises her during sex
Hap­py hus­band watch­es his wife fuck strangers and prais­es her dur­ing sex.

6 Questions to Ask Your Wife if She Has Hotwifing Tendencies:

  • Has your hus­band already giv­en you hints that he would like to see you hav­ing sex with anoth­er man?
  • Have you your­self had thoughts of hav­ing sex with strange men on sev­er­al occasions?
  • Do you mas­tur­bate at the thought of strange penises?
  • Do group sex fan­tasies or even gang­bangs inspire you?
  • Do you want to dom­i­nate a man?
  • Have you heard of the term “cuck­old­ing” — but are unsure what it is?

6 Questions to Ask Your Man if He Has Cuckolding Tendencies:

  • Does the thought of hav­ing your wife fucked and insem­i­nat­ed by oth­er men excite you?
  • Do you watch gang­bangs and group sex porn on the internet?
  • Do you want a woman to tell you “where to go” in bed?
  • Do you like to look at pic­tures with creamp­ies?
  • Would you like to learn to swal­low your own cum?
  • Do you take in your drops of desire, pre­cum, or sperm in your mouth?

If you answered “yes” to some of these ques­tions, then you should take a clos­er look at cuck­old­ing and wife­shar­ing.

Don’t Let the Internet Scare You!

If you search the Inter­net for the term “cuck­old”, you have sure­ly seen that you can find many extreme vari­a­tions of cuck­old­ing there. Many fetish­es are relat­ed to cuck­old­ing: BDSM, pun­ish­ment, male chasti­ty, bisex­u­al­i­ty, swal­low­ing sperm or the hus­band is no longer allowed to have sex with her (Nev­er inside).

Sex with strangers: For cuckold couples both highly emotional and a pure pleasure
Sex with strangers: For cuck­old cou­ples both high­ly emo­tion­al and a pure pleasure

While a great many men are strong­ly inter­est­ed in shar­ing their wives with oth­er men, these var­i­ous fetish­es are also very off-putting to men.

Few want to be locked with a chasti­ty belt, have to swal­low for­eign sperm, wear wom­en’s clothes or nev­er want to be allowed to fuck their wife again!

Our tip: Don’t be alarmed! Many videos are hyped up, and count­less forum posts and sex sto­ries are writ­ten by men.

Sound out togeth­er as a cou­ple what makes you horny togeth­er and find your per­son­al “com­mon denominator”.

For those inter­est­ed in cuck­old­ing, there are good cuck­old web­sites to gath­er more information.


Conclusion: Cuckold Relationships Are Very Intimate, Passionate and Loving

The truth is that cuck­old rela­tion­ships are much like any oth­er rela­tion­ship. There are advanced vari­ants and more roman­tic ones.

Wife gets stranger fucked by a BBC Black Bull and her husband jerks off while watching it
Wife gets stranger fucked by a BBC Black Bull and her hus­band jerks off while watch­ing it

And if you and your partner(s) are inter­est­ed in cuck­old­ing, you can shape the rela­tion­ship accord­ing to your pref­er­ences and cus­tomize it accord­ing to mutu­al needs and fetishes.

Wife­shar­ing and cuck­old­ing enrich rela­tion­ships and sex life enor­mous­ly. Because both part­ners are often per­ma­nent­ly aroused and have a great desire for each other.

Depend­ing on the incli­na­tion and inten­si­ty of the rela­tion­ship, both part­ners can extract their emo­tion­al and sex­u­al sat­is­fac­tion togeth­er. There are almost no more argu­ments in every­day life. In addi­tion, since there is no longer a need to cheat, this takes out a lot of pres­sure com­pared to the Clas­sic Rela­tion­ship Mod­el. In our opin­ion, these two sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tions are much less stress­ful than swinging.

Final­ly, the “after­care” — that is, the stroking, cud­dling, lick­ing clean sperm creampie and snow­balling after sex, pro­vides a very strong emo­tion­al bond and a very high degree of phys­i­cal intimacy.

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