Joint Adultery: Is Cuckolding More Shame or Pure Lust?

Interยญest in cuckยญoldยญing and wifeยญsharยญing are not a newยญfanยญgled invenยญtion. Although extraยญmarยญiยญtal sexยญuยญal interยญcourse is conยญsidยญered a strict taboo over much of the world, interยญest in new sexยญuยญal partยญners is hard-wired into our human brains for both men and women.

There are probยญaยญbly evoยญluยญtionยญary reaยญsons why so many men and women feel the tinยญgling desire for forยญeign skin again after a few relaยญtionยญship years. The sex driยญve then often tempts us humans to cheat. Those affectยญed find themยญselves in a conยญflict of conยญscience โ€” because actuยญalยญly many do not want to lose their life partner!

Sexยญuยญalยญly open-mindยญed couยญples know that one could purยญsue this desire in swingers clubs. But there are othยญer ways besides swingยญing, if you like it more โ€œpriยญvateโ€. For examยญple, โ€œcuckยญoldยญingโ€ or โ€œwifeยญsharยญingโ€.

In this post, weโ€™ll clarยญiยญfy why cuckยญoldยญing fanยญtasies hapยญpen, how you can recยญogยญnize them and how you can deal with them.

Cuckold passionately kisses his Wife during stranger fuck with giant penis
Cuckยญold pasยญsionยญateยญly kissยญes his Wife durยญing stranger fuck with giant penis

What Is Cuckolding?

Although โ€œcuckยญoldยญingโ€ is loaded with masยญsive prejยญuยญdice and misยญinยญforยญmaยญtion, it is one of the fastest growยญing sexยญuยญal lifestyles in the entire world.

It excites an incredยญiยญble numยญber of men to make your wife availยญable to othยญer men to fuck through. Curiยญousยญly, this idea excites men of all walks of life and cultures.

Husband watches his wife have sex with a stranger and masturbates while doing it
Husยญband watchยญes his wife have sex with a stranger and masยญturยญbates while doing it

Howยญevยญer, the term โ€œcuckยญoldโ€ is unknown to most peoยญple. Some who know it misยญunยญderยญstand and despise it. Only a few peoยญple have underยญstood and pracยญtice this type of sexยญuยญalยญiยญty with a growยญing numยญber of couples.

In its โ€œpurest form,โ€ cuckยญoldยญing is a comยญmitยญted couยญple relaยญtionยญship in which a wife, with the fullest supยญport and encourยญageยญment of her husยญband, is allowed to have one or more lovers. When this hapยญpens, the wife becomes a โ€œhotwifeโ€ or โ€œcuckยญolยญdressโ€ and the husยญband is a โ€œcuckยญoldโ€.

By the way, it does not have to be a marยญriage. Most of the time, the peoยญple involved are oldยญer than 30, but they are not always married.

Cuckยญoldยญing can have difยญferยญent intenยญsiยญty strengths and is thereยญfore dividยญed into three classes:

  • The C1 cuckยญold is only mildยญly subยญmisยญsive and is more of a voyeurisยญtic wifeยญsharยญer. He co-plans sex with strange men, but must already learn to lick the sperm pussy clean.
  • The Cuckยญold C2 has surยญrenยญdered his sexยญuยญal self-deterยญmiยญnaยญtion to his Hotwife. He allows his wife to have indeยญpenยญdent sex with strange men. He is also kept chaste.
  • A Cuckยญold C3 usuยญalยญly lives in a nevยญer-inside relaยญtionยญship and is no longer allowed to fuck his Hotwife. Howยญevยญer, he draws his sexยญuยญal pleaยญsure from it and is obligยญed to always lick the insemยญiยญnatยญed sperm pussy of his cuckยญolยญdress clean.

Are There Cuckold Signals in Your Relationship?

Cuckยญoldยญing fanยญtasies mostยญly come from the man. The main probยญlem is that there are a lot of men with wifeยญsharยญing and cuckยญold interยญests, but they preยญfer not to talk about it with their wives because they are afraid of rejection.

Accordยญing to sevยญerยญal interยญnaยญtionยญal surยญveys, an extremeยญly large numยญber of women have a desire for forยญeign skin, but would nevยญer admit this to their partยญner. So, curiยญousยญly, there is already by nature a cerยญtain symยญbioยญsis of โ€œwoman who wants to fuckโ€ and โ€œman who wants to watchโ€.

Thereยญfore, in order to deterยญmine what your tenยญdenยญcies are as a couยญple, it is imporยญtant that one of the two partยญners take the first bold step to have a conversation.

If you are readยญing this, you are already one big step ahead of your partยญner. First of all, you should anaยญlyze how your relaยญtionยญship stands on the subยญject of โ€œsex with strangersโ€.

Happy husband watches his wife fuck strangers and praises her during sex
Hapยญpy husยญband watchยญes his wife fuck strangers and praisยญes her durยญing sex.

6 Questions to Ask Your Wife if She Has Hotwifing Tendencies:

  • Has your husยญband already givยญen you hints that he would like to see you havยญing sex with anothยญer man?
  • Have you yourยญself had thoughts of havยญing sex with strange men on sevยญerยญal occasions?
  • Do you masยญturยญbate at the thought of strange penises?
  • Do group sex fanยญtasies or even gangยญbangs inspire you?
  • Do you want to domยญiยญnate a man?
  • Have you heard of the term โ€œcuckยญoldยญingโ€ โ€” but are unsure what it is?

6 Questions to Ask Your Man if He Has Cuckolding Tendencies:

  • Does the thought of havยญing your wife fucked and insemยญiยญnatยญed by othยญer men excite you?
  • Do you watch gangยญbangs and group sex porn on the internet?
  • Do you want a woman to tell you โ€œwhere to goโ€ in bed?
  • Do you like to look at picยญtures with creampยญies?
  • Would you like to learn to swalยญlow your own cum?
  • Do you take in your drops of desire, preยญcum, or sperm in your mouth?

If you answered โ€œyesโ€ to some of these quesยญtions, then you should take a closยญer look at cuckยญoldยญing and wifeยญsharยญing.

Donโ€™t Let the Internet Scare You!

If you search the Interยญnet for the term โ€œcuckยญoldโ€, you have sureยญly seen that you can find many extreme variยญaยญtions of cuckยญoldยญing there. Many fetishยญes are relatยญed to cuckยญoldยญing: BDSM, punยญishยญment, male chastiยญty, bisexยญuยญalยญiยญty, swalยญlowยญing sperm or the husยญband is no longer allowed to have sex with her (Nevยญer inside).

Sex with strangers: For cuckold couples both highly emotional and a pure pleasure
Sex with strangers: For cuckยญold couยญples both highยญly emoยญtionยญal and a pure pleasure

While a great many men are strongยญly interยญestยญed in sharยญing their wives with othยญer men, these varยญiยญous fetishยญes are also very off-putting to men.

Few want to be locked with a chastiยญty belt, have to swalยญlow forยญeign sperm, wear womยญenโ€™s clothes or nevยญer want to be allowed to fuck their wife again!

Our tip: Donโ€™t be alarmed! Many videos are hyped up, and countยญless forum posts and sex stoยญries are writยญten by men.

Sound out togethยญer as a couยญple what makes you horny togethยญer and find your perยญsonยญal โ€œcomยญmon denominatorโ€.

For those interยญestยญed in cuckยญoldยญing, there are good cuckยญold webยญsites to gathยญer more information.


Conclusion: Cuckold Relationships Are Very Intimate, Passionate and Loving

The truth is that cuckยญold relaยญtionยญships are much like any othยญer relaยญtionยญship. There are advanced variยญants and more romanยญtic ones.

Wife gets stranger fucked by a BBC Black Bull and her husband jerks off while watching it
Wife gets stranger fucked by a BBC Black Bull and her husยญband jerks off while watchยญing it

And if you and your partner(s) are interยญestยญed in cuckยญoldยญing, you can shape the relaยญtionยญship accordยญing to your prefยญerยญences and cusยญtomize it accordยญing to mutuยญal needs and fetishes.

Wifeยญsharยญing and cuckยญoldยญing enrich relaยญtionยญships and sex life enorยญmousยญly. Because both partยญners are often perยญmaยญnentยญly aroused and have a great desire for each other.

Dependยญing on the incliยญnaยญtion and intenยญsiยญty of the relaยญtionยญship, both partยญners can extract their emoยญtionยญal and sexยญuยญal satยญisยญfacยญtion togethยญer. There are almost no more arguยญments in everyยญday life. In addiยญtion, since there is no longer a need to cheat, this takes out a lot of presยญsure comยญpared to the Clasยญsic Relaยญtionยญship Modยญel. In our opinยญion, these two sexยญuยญal oriยญenยญtaยญtions are much less stressยญful than swinging.

Finalยญly, the โ€œafterยญcareโ€ โ€” that is, the stroking, cudยญdling, lickยญing clean sperm creampie and snowยญballing after sex, proยญvides a very strong emoยญtionยญal bond and a very high degree of physยญiยญcal intimacy.

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