Women Ejaculate Squirt Into a Man’s Face: “Squirt Bukkake” or “Reverse Bukkake”

At group sex par­ties and gang­bangs, it is com­mon for sev­er­al men to ejac­u­late sperm into a wom­an’s face. In the jar­gon, the mass insem­i­na­tion of mouth and face is called “bukkake”.

But what is inter­est­ing for hotwifes and cuck­olds: Facial insem­i­na­tion can also be done in the oth­er direc­tion: Here, one or sev­er­al women ejac­u­late squirt flu­id from their pussy into a man’s face. This sex­u­al prac­tice is called “bukkake reverse”, “reverse bukkake”, or “squirt bukkake”.

In this guide, we’ll talk about what reverse facial insem­i­na­tion is. We explain to you what is so horny about giv­ing the man a squirt show­er. We also give tips on how the man can learn to swal­low squirt flu­id and what should be con­sid­ered dur­ing the cuck­old bukkake.

Feel free to dis­cuss under this cuck­old blog post what you think about “reverse bukkake” or “squirt bukkake”.

What Is Squirting?

About the top­ic of squirt­ing exist count­less the­o­ries and half-truths. The­o­ret­i­cal­ly, if the nerve tis­sue of the cli­toris, labia, and vagi­na is prop­er­ly stim­u­lat­ed, almost all women can have a female ejaculation.

Female ejaculation in man mouth
Female ejac­u­la­tion in a man’s mouth

Rhyth­mic jig­gling stim­u­la­tion of the G‑face or high-fre­quen­cy stim­u­la­tion of the cli­toris can induce female ejac­u­la­tion. Hard sex with a large penis, intense vagi­nal stretch­ing by fist­ing or by thick dil­dos can also lead to squirt­ing. Less known but also very effec­tive is anal sex or using anal toys.

With appro­pri­ate stim­u­la­tion, a sponge-like glan­du­lar tis­sue (called skene glands) locat­ed around the ure­thra fills with up to 200 ml of flu­id. The woman feels this by a notice­able swelling of the G‑surface (G‑spot). Curi­ous­ly, squirt flu­id has the same bio­log­i­cal make­up as men’s prostate fluid.

Short­ly before or dur­ing an incred­i­bly intense orgasm, squirt flu­id is expelled in gush­es or even in strong spurts.

By the way: Bio­log­i­cal­ly, squirt­ing has a rather unro­man­tic cause: In the child’s birth phase, an ejec­tion of flu­id is sup­posed to make it eas­i­er for the child to come out.


What Is Reverse Bukkake Sex?

As already described in the intro­duc­tion, the word “reverse” means “the oth­er way around”. In terms of sex, it means that the sex­es are reversed/swapped.

Does this refer to “bukkake”, or face insem­i­na­tion, where a group of men squirt all over a wom­an’s face — does it mean here that sev­er­al women squirt on one man.

  • Reverse Gang­bang takes care that sev­er­al women help them­selves to one man. 
  • Reverse bukkake goes a step fur­ther and says that sev­er­al women let a man lick their pussy and squirt in his mouth or on his face dur­ing orgasm.
Squirt Bukkake

How Popular Is Squirting Into a Man’s Face?

One of the most com­mon male sex­u­al fan­tasies is the face insem­i­na­tion of a woman with sperm. When a beau­ti­ful wom­an’s face is abun­dant­ly dec­o­rat­ed by sev­er­al men in a bukkake, it makes most men’s hearts beat faster.

How­ev­er, only a few vanil­la-sex women…

  • want to learn squirt­ing and prac­tice it frequently.
  • come up with the fan­ta­sy of want­i­ng to ejac­u­late in their part­ner’s face. 
  • enjoy the feel­ing of pow­er of humil­i­at­ing their hus­band or life partner.

Thus, glob­al­ly speak­ing, squirt­ing into a man’s face is more of a FEMDOM fan­ta­sy, and thus in the BDSM realm.

How­ev­er, we hope with this post we can make the fetish a lit­tle more popular. 🙂

By the way, many dom­i­na­tri­ces earn much mon­ey with the squirt­ing fetish. Because most slaves and subs like it very much to be squirt­ed with Squirt. At online sex exchanges, small vials and bot­tles with squirt are a big hit and find many buyers.

Squirting Is Very Popular Among Cuckold Couples

Among sex­u­al­ly open-mind­ed cou­ples and many cuck­old cou­ples, squirt­ing is not only ful­ly accept­ed, but is also prac­ticed with great plea­sure. When using thick dil­dos, pow­er­ful vibra­tors, or dur­ing a G‑spot mas­sage or anal sex, female ejac­u­la­tion often occurs.

Weibliche Ejakulation in Mund eines Mannes
Female ejac­u­la­tion in a man’s mouth

Since the dom­i­nant woman usu­al­ly takes an active role dur­ing sex, this brings the play­ful humil­i­a­tion of the man into focus. A cuck­old is taught to lick clean love juices almost automatically. 

The clean lick­ing of the creampie after sex, the lick­ing-up of pussy juice and squirt flu­id, the clean lick­ing of used dil­dos, as well as the clean-up of squirt­ed sperm belong to the stan­dard reper­toire of every cuck­old. Self-insem­i­na­tion into one’s own mouth and face by means of aut­ofel­la­tio is also becom­ing more and more accepted.

Accord­ing­ly, it is only a mat­ter of time that a cuck­ol­dress comes up with the idea of want­i­ng to ejac­u­late in her hus­band’s face.

Do Men Like to Be Squirted in the Mouth and Face?

Con­tact with female ejac­u­la­tion flu­id is more of a nor­mal­i­ty for les­bian women. Most men, by nature, do not want to swal­low squirt.

I dare say that every man is com­plete­ly over­whelmed by the enor­mous amount of flu­id and the taste the first time. In this respect, men must first learn to cope with a larg­er amount of love juice.

It requires some tact, tac­tics, and patience from the woman to edu­cate the man “lit­tle by lit­tle” to always keep his mouth open in case of a female ejac­u­la­tion and not to turn his face away dur­ing a squirt­ing bukkake.

Once a man has tak­en a lik­ing to this admit­ted­ly very kinky love prac­tice, it becomes more and more the norm. Inhi­bi­tions before female ejac­u­la­tion are final­ly com­plete­ly bro­ken down after some time.


How Can a Man Learn to Swallow Squirt?

As already indi­cat­ed, a cer­tain dom­i­nance is required from the woman for a “reverse bukkake”. She should make it unmis­tak­ably clear to her cuck­old or sub that one day, she expects him to be able to absorb squirt flu­id with­out reluc­tance as well. She must sym­bol­ize with con­stant rep­e­ti­tion that it makes her very horny to sub­due her part­ner playfully.

Anoth­er impor­tant fac­tor is that, how­ev­er, the man also has the desire of his own accord to enjoy a squirt show­er one day. The man should search the Inter­net for squirt­ing bukkake and reverse bukkake porn and thus “edu­cate” him­self, so to speak.

If squirt­ing occurs in wild love­mak­ing, the heat­ed sit­u­a­tion will lead com­plete­ly auto­mat­i­cal­ly to the fact that the cou­ple will “lit­tle by lit­tle” find plea­sure in mak­ing the pussy cum and chew around a bit with the squirt.

Squirt Bukkake Tutorial: A Woman Ejaculates in Her Partner’s Face

Squirt­ing games are very intense and have a tremen­dous cou­ple-bond­ing effect. Huge amounts of sex, hap­pi­ness, and cud­dling hor­mones are released. The pre­req­ui­site for a suc­cess­ful female facial ejac­u­la­tion is that both part­ners find squirt­ing horny and can talk open­ly about sex with each other.

a) Preparations

If a woman or a cou­ple wants to try a Squirt Bukkake, there are var­i­ous pre­lim­i­nary con­sid­er­a­tions to dis­cuss and prepa­ra­tions to make. 

  • Agree in advance on a place where and how the man’s facial bukkake will take place. This can be the clas­sic bed — but it is bet­ter if the man lies with his back on the floor and the woman sits on the edge of the bed, an arm­chair, a stool, or a small chair.
  • Both part­ners should briefly assume their posi­tions for a test.
  • Lay out sev­er­al lay­ers of tow­els where the man’s head will be splashed.
  • Have an emer­gency tow­el ready in case the squirt burns the man’s eyes, or he needs to dry his face.
  • Pick out favorite porn togeth­er to watch while you play.
  • Set up a cozy play area on the bed.
  • Put a tow­el under the wom­an’s ass.
  • Pre­pare var­i­ous sex toys. High­ly rec­om­mend­ed are G‑spot vibra­tors, G‑spot dil­dos, cli­toral pulse wave stim­u­la­tors, var­i­ous dil­dos, cli­toral suck­ers, labia suck­ers, lots of mas­sage oil, and, of course, the wom­an’s favorite vibrators.
  • Get a timer ready (kitchen timer or smartphone).

b) This Is How the Squirtbukkake Is Performed:

  • Set the timer for 90 min­utes, for exam­ple. Rule num­ber 1 is that the woman must ruin any orgasm dur­ing this peri­od. Only after the time has expired may the woman orgasm so that the spongy tis­sue of the G‑spot region can “charge up” to the maximum.
  • Watch porn togeth­er and play on the cli­toris, labia, vagi­na, and G‑spot togeth­er. Sex with­out orgasm is also allowed. Ruins the wom­an’s orgasm sev­er­al times.
  • Shak­ing and shak­ing move­ment inter­vals are impor­tant. It is per­fect when the woman does not just pas­sive­ly lie there but active­ly participates.
  • You will feel when the woman can’t take it any­more and “must” per­form the reliev­ing cum orgasm. The plea­sure of the woman will be indescribable.
  • The man will lie down on his back or squat between the wom­an’s legs in a flash.
  • The woman takes her squirt­ing posi­tion at the onset of female ejac­u­la­tion. She squats over the man’s face or sits on the edge of her seat.
  • Only a lit­tle stim­u­la­tion is enough until orgasm sets in and the squirt begins to leak or squirt out.
  • The man opens his mouth wide and tries to catch the squirt while the woman enjoys her very intense orgasm. The man should jerk his penis dur­ing this spec­ta­cle, but prefer­ably not ejaculate.
  • As soon as the woman regains her sens­es, repeat the squirt­ing games or cud­dle up in bed together.
FemDom / BDSM: Dominatrix makes the man swallow her squirt
Fem­Dom / BDSM: Dom­i­na­trix makes the man swal­low her squirt (Source: Fem­domEm­pire)

Reverse Bukkake Instruction: Several Women Ejaculate Squirt Into a Man’s Face

Prob­a­bly most men and cou­ples will be denied the sex­u­al fan­ta­sy of a mass-squirt­ing. Unlike the clas­sic gang­bang with men, it is almost hope­less to find sev­er­al women who feel the desire to squirt a man Squirt in the face togeth­er dur­ing a Squirt­ing Bukkake.

Nev­er­the­less, we would like to point out for the sake of com­plete­ness that there is this extreme­ly dirty game option at fan­cy sex parties:

If sev­er­al women find them­selves togeth­er at a sex par­ty or BDSM par­ty who are pas­sion­ate about squirt­ing and also find a sub­mis­sive man who enjoys larg­er amounts of squirt­ing, reverse bukkake sex can be performed.

The con­stel­la­tions of how the reverse face squirt­ing can be per­formed is high­ly indi­vid­ual. They are usu­al­ly spon­ta­neous and always an absolute high­light that attracts many spec­ta­tors and earns applause.

Most often, the man lies on the floor, and the women squirt them stand­ing or squat­ting one after anoth­er in his face or on his stom­ach and chest.

sexy cuckold review

Conclusion: Squirt Bukkake Is a Bold, but Also Extremely Intimate Sex Experience

A squirt­ing bukkake or a reverse bukkake is about facial ejac­u­la­tion by women with squirt­ing flu­id into men’s faces.

This sex­u­al prac­tice can be clas­si­fied in the area of “dom­i­nance and sub­mis­sion”. It is unspeak­ably pow­er­ful for a woman and extreme­ly humil­i­at­ing for a man when the squirt­ing flu­id rains down on the man’s face.

Many cuck­old cou­ples love it when the pussy ejac­u­lates dur­ing stranger fuck­ing as well as play­ing with sex toys. It goes with­out say­ing that a real cuck­old must also learn to swal­low squirt and lick it clean. The desire to ejac­u­late in the man’s face is then often just a mat­ter of time.

So, Bukkake Reverse is also a BDSM game where women can “get even” with men for always want­i­ng to ejac­u­late in their faces. 😀

We, the authors-cou­ple, love Squirt­bukkake very much and would like to rec­om­mend it to all sex­u­al­ly open-mind­ed cou­ples who love squirt­ing anyway.

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