Women Ejaculate Squirt Into a Manโ€™s Face: โ€œSquirt Bukkakeโ€ or โ€œReverse Bukkakeโ€

At group sex parยญties and gangยญbangs, it is comยญmon for sevยญerยญal men to ejacยญuยญlate sperm into a womยญanโ€™s face. In the jarยญgon, the mass insemยญiยญnaยญtion of mouth and face is called โ€œbukkakeโ€.

But what is interยญestยญing for hotwifes and cuckยญolds: Facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion can also be done in the othยญer direcยญtion: Here, one or sevยญerยญal women ejacยญuยญlate squirt fluยญid from their pussy into a manโ€™s face. This sexยญuยญal pracยญtice is called โ€œbukkake reverseโ€, โ€œreverse bukkakeโ€, or โ€œsquirt bukkakeโ€.

In this guide, weโ€™ll talk about what reverse facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion is. We explain to you what is so horny about givยญing the man a squirt showยญer. We also give tips on how the man can learn to swalยญlow squirt fluยญid and what should be conยญsidยญered durยญing the cuckยญold bukkake.

Feel free to disยญcuss under this cuckยญold blog post what you think about โ€œreverse bukkakeโ€ or โ€œsquirt bukkakeโ€.

What Is Squirting?

About the topยญic of squirtยญing exist countยญless theยญoยญries and half-truths. Theยญoยญretยญiยญcalยญly, if the nerve tisยญsue of the cliยญtoris, labia, and vagiยญna is propยญerยญly stimยญuยญlatยญed, almost all women can have a female ejaculation.

Female ejaculation in man mouth
Female ejacยญuยญlaยญtion in a manโ€™s mouth

Rhythยญmic jigยญgling stimยญuยญlaยญtion of the Gโ€‘face or high-freยญquenยญcy stimยญuยญlaยญtion of the cliยญtoris can induce female ejacยญuยญlaยญtion. Hard sex with a large penis, intense vagiยญnal stretchยญing by fistยญing or by thick dilยญdos can also lead to squirtยญing. Less known but also very effecยญtive is anal sex or using anal toys.

With approยญpriยญate stimยญuยญlaยญtion, a sponge-like glanยญduยญlar tisยญsue (called skene glands) locatยญed around the ureยญthra fills with up to 200 ml of fluยญid. The woman feels this by a noticeยญable swelling of the Gโ€‘surface (Gโ€‘spot). Curiยญousยญly, squirt fluยญid has the same bioยญlogยญiยญcal makeยญup as menโ€™s prostate fluid.

Shortยญly before or durยญing an incredยญiยญbly intense orgasm, squirt fluยญid is expelled in gushยญes or even in strong spurts.

By the way: Bioยญlogยญiยญcalยญly, squirtยญing has a rather unroยญmanยญtic cause: In the childโ€™s birth phase, an ejecยญtion of fluยญid is supยญposed to make it easยญiยญer for the child to come out.


What Is Reverse Bukkake Sex?

As already described in the introยญducยญtion, the word โ€œreverseโ€ means โ€œthe othยญer way aroundโ€. In terms of sex, it means that the sexยญes are reversed/swapped.

Does this refer to โ€œbukkakeโ€, or face insemยญiยญnaยญtion, where a group of men squirt all over a womยญanโ€™s face โ€” does it mean here that sevยญerยญal women squirt on one man.

  • Reverse Gangยญbang takes care that sevยญerยญal women help themยญselves to one man. 
  • Reverse bukkake goes a step furยญther and says that sevยญerยญal women let a man lick their pussy and squirt in his mouth or on his face durยญing orgasm.
Squirt Bukkake

How Popular Is Squirting Into a Manโ€™s Face?

One of the most comยญmon male sexยญuยญal fanยญtasies is the face insemยญiยญnaยญtion of a woman with sperm. When a beauยญtiยญful womยญanโ€™s face is abunยญdantยญly decยญoยญratยญed by sevยญerยญal men in a bukkake, it makes most menโ€™s hearts beat faster.

Howยญevยญer, only a few vanilยญla-sex womenโ€ฆ

  • want to learn squirtยญing and pracยญtice it frequently.
  • come up with the fanยญtaยญsy of wantยญiยญng to ejacยญuยญlate in their partยญnerโ€™s face. 
  • enjoy the feelยญing of powยญer of humilยญiยญatยญing their husยญband or life partner.

Thus, globยญalยญly speakยญing, squirtยญing into a manโ€™s face is more of a FEMDOM fanยญtaยญsy, and thus in the BDSM realm.

Howยญevยญer, we hope with this post we can make the fetish a litยญtle more popular. ๐Ÿ™‚

By the way, many domยญiยญnaยญtriยญces earn much monยญey with the squirtยญing fetish. Because most slaves and subs like it very much to be squirtยญed with Squirt. At online sex exchanges, small vials and botยญtles with squirt are a big hit and find many buyers.

Squirting Is Very Popular Among Cuckold Couples

Among sexยญuยญalยญly open-mindยญed couยญples and many cuckยญold couยญples, squirtยญing is not only fulยญly acceptยญed, but is also pracยญticed with great pleaยญsure. When using thick dilยญdos, powยญerยญful vibraยญtors, or durยญing a Gโ€‘spot masยญsage or anal sex, female ejacยญuยญlaยญtion often occurs.

Weibliche Ejakulation in Mund eines Mannes
Female ejacยญuยญlaยญtion in a manโ€™s mouth

Since the domยญiยญnant woman usuยญalยญly takes an active role durยญing sex, this brings the playยญful humilยญiยญaยญtion of the man into focus. A cuckยญold is taught to lick clean love juices almost automatically. 

The clean lickยญing of the creampie after sex, the lickยญing-up of pussy juice and squirt fluยญid, the clean lickยญing of used dilยญdos, as well as the clean-up of squirtยญed sperm belong to the stanยญdard reperยญtoire of every cuckยญold. Self-insemยญiยญnaยญtion into oneโ€™s own mouth and face by means of autยญofelยญlaยญtio is also becomยญing more and more accepted.

Accordยญingยญly, it is only a matยญter of time that a cuckยญolยญdress comes up with the idea of wantยญiยญng to ejacยญuยญlate in her husยญbandโ€™s face.

Do Men Like to Be Squirted in the Mouth and Face?

Conยญtact with female ejacยญuยญlaยญtion fluยญid is more of a norยญmalยญiยญty for lesยญbian women. Most men, by nature, do not want to swalยญlow squirt.

I dare say that every man is comยญpleteยญly overยญwhelmed by the enorยญmous amount of fluยญid and the taste the first time. In this respect, men must first learn to cope with a largยญer amount of love juice.

It requires some tact, tacยญtics, and patience from the woman to eduยญcate the man โ€œlitยญtle by litยญtleโ€ to always keep his mouth open in case of a female ejacยญuยญlaยญtion and not to turn his face away durยญing a squirtยญing bukkake.

Once a man has takยญen a likยญing to this admitยญtedยญly very kinky love pracยญtice, it becomes more and more the norm. Inhiยญbiยญtions before female ejacยญuยญlaยญtion are finalยญly comยญpleteยญly broยญken down after some time.


How Can a Man Learn to Swallow Squirt?

As already indiยญcatยญed, a cerยญtain domยญiยญnance is required from the woman for a โ€œreverse bukkakeโ€. She should make it unmisยญtakยญably clear to her cuckยญold or sub that one day, she expects him to be able to absorb squirt fluยญid withยญout relucยญtance as well. She must symยญbolยญize with conยญstant repยญeยญtiยญtion that it makes her very horny to subยญdue her partยญner playfully.

Anothยญer imporยญtant facยญtor is that, howยญevยญer, the man also has the desire of his own accord to enjoy a squirt showยญer one day. The man should search the Interยญnet for squirtยญing bukkake and reverse bukkake porn and thus โ€œeduยญcateโ€ himยญself, so to speak.

If squirtยญing occurs in wild loveยญmakยญing, the heatยญed sitยญuยญaยญtion will lead comยญpleteยญly autoยญmatยญiยญcalยญly to the fact that the couยญple will โ€œlitยญtle by litยญtleโ€ find pleaยญsure in makยญing the pussy cum and chew around a bit with the squirt.

Squirt Bukkake Tutorial: A Woman Ejaculates in Her Partnerโ€™s Face

Squirtยญing games are very intense and have a tremenยญdous couยญple-bondยญing effect. Huge amounts of sex, hapยญpiยญness, and cudยญdling horยญmones are released. The preยญreqยญuiยญsite for a sucยญcessยญful female facial ejacยญuยญlaยญtion is that both partยญners find squirtยญing horny and can talk openยญly about sex with each other.

a) Preparations

If a woman or a couยญple wants to try a Squirt Bukkake, there are varยญiยญous preยญlimยญiยญnary conยญsidยญerยญaยญtions to disยญcuss and prepaยญraยญtions to make. 

  • Agree in advance on a place where and how the manโ€™s facial bukkake will take place. This can be the clasยญsic bed โ€” but it is betยญter if the man lies with his back on the floor and the woman sits on the edge of the bed, an armยญchair, a stool, or a small chair.
  • Both partยญners should briefly assume their posiยญtions for a test.
  • Lay out sevยญerยญal layยญers of towยญels where the manโ€™s head will be splashed.
  • Have an emerยญgency towยญel ready in case the squirt burns the manโ€™s eyes, or he needs to dry his face.
  • Pick out favorite porn togethยญer to watch while you play.
  • Set up a cozy play area on the bed.
  • Put a towยญel under the womยญanโ€™s ass.
  • Preยญpare varยญiยญous sex toys. Highยญly recยญomยญmendยญed are Gโ€‘spot vibraยญtors, Gโ€‘spot dilยญdos, cliยญtoral pulse wave stimยญuยญlaยญtors, varยญiยญous dilยญdos, cliยญtoral suckยญers, labia suckยญers, lots of masยญsage oil, and, of course, the womยญanโ€™s favorite vibrators.
  • Get a timer ready (kitchen timer or smartphone).

b) This Is How the Squirtbukkake Is Performed:

  • Set the timer for 90 minยญutes, for examยญple. Rule numยญber 1 is that the woman must ruin any orgasm durยญing this periยญod. Only after the time has expired may the woman orgasm so that the spongy tisยญsue of the Gโ€‘spot region can โ€œcharge upโ€ to the maximum.
  • Watch porn togethยญer and play on the cliยญtoris, labia, vagiยญna, and Gโ€‘spot togethยญer. Sex withยญout orgasm is also allowed. Ruins the womยญanโ€™s orgasm sevยญerยญal times.
  • Shakยญing and shakยญing moveยญment interยญvals are imporยญtant. It is perยญfect when the woman does not just pasยญsiveยญly lie there but activeยญly participates.
  • You will feel when the woman canโ€™t take it anyยญmore and โ€œmustโ€ perยญform the relievยญing cum orgasm. The pleaยญsure of the woman will be indescribable.
  • The man will lie down on his back or squat between the womยญanโ€™s legs in a flash.
  • The woman takes her squirtยญing posiยญtion at the onset of female ejacยญuยญlaยญtion. She squats over the manโ€™s face or sits on the edge of her seat.
  • Only a litยญtle stimยญuยญlaยญtion is enough until orgasm sets in and the squirt begins to leak or squirt out.
  • The man opens his mouth wide and tries to catch the squirt while the woman enjoys her very intense orgasm. The man should jerk his penis durยญing this specยญtaยญcle, but preferยญably not ejaculate.
  • As soon as the woman regains her sensยญes, repeat the squirtยญing games or cudยญdle up in bed together.
FemDom / BDSM: Dominatrix makes the man swallow her squirt
FemยญDom / BDSM: Domยญiยญnaยญtrix makes the man swalยญlow her squirt (Source: FemยญdomEmยญpire)

Reverse Bukkake Instruction: Several Women Ejaculate Squirt Into a Manโ€™s Face

Probยญaยญbly most men and couยญples will be denied the sexยญuยญal fanยญtaยญsy of a mass-squirtยญing. Unlike the clasยญsic gangยญbang with men, it is almost hopeยญless to find sevยญerยญal women who feel the desire to squirt a man Squirt in the face togethยญer durยญing a Squirtยญing Bukkake.

Nevยญerยญtheยญless, we would like to point out for the sake of comยญpleteยญness that there is this extremeยญly dirty game option at fanยญcy sex parties:

If sevยญerยญal women find themยญselves togethยญer at a sex parยญty or BDSM parยญty who are pasยญsionยญate about squirtยญing and also find a subยญmisยญsive man who enjoys largยญer amounts of squirtยญing, reverse bukkake sex can be performed.

The conยญstelยญlaยญtions of how the reverse face squirtยญing can be perยญformed is highยญly indiยญvidยญual. They are usuยญalยญly sponยญtaยญneous and always an absolute highยญlight that attracts many specยญtaยญtors and earns applause.

Most often, the man lies on the floor, and the women squirt them standยญing or squatยญting one after anothยญer in his face or on his stomยญach and chest.

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Conclusion: Squirt Bukkake Is a Bold, but Also Extremely Intimate Sex Experience

A squirtยญing bukkake or a reverse bukkake is about facial ejacยญuยญlaยญtion by women with squirtยญing fluยญid into menโ€™s faces.

This sexยญuยญal pracยญtice can be clasยญsiยญfied in the area of โ€œdomยญiยญnance and subยญmisยญsionโ€. It is unspeakยญably powยญerยญful for a woman and extremeยญly humilยญiยญatยญing for a man when the squirtยญing fluยญid rains down on the manโ€™s face.

Many cuckยญold couยญples love it when the pussy ejacยญuยญlates durยญing stranger fuckยญing as well as playยญing with sex toys. It goes withยญout sayยญing that a real cuckยญold must also learn to swalยญlow squirt and lick it clean. The desire to ejacยญuยญlate in the manโ€™s face is then often just a matยญter of time.

So, Bukkake Reverse is also a BDSM game where women can โ€œget evenโ€ with men for always wantยญiยญng to ejacยญuยญlate in their faces. ๐Ÿ˜€

We, the authors-couยญple, love Squirtยญbukkake very much and would like to recยญomยญmend it to all sexยญuยญalยญly open-mindยญed couยญples who love squirtยญing anyway.

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