Why Do Men and Women Fantasize About Group Sex So Often?

The terms โ€œwifeยญsharยญingโ€ and โ€œcuckยญoldยญingโ€ are conยญsidยญered synยญonyms for hotwife sex with numerยญous men, lovers, and domยญiยญnant bulls. Gangยญbang porn is one of the most searched videos on xHamยญster, YouPorn, PornยญHub and co.

Howยญevยญer, gangยญbang fanยญtasies are not a pureยญly male pheยญnomยญeยญnon. Besides sexยญuยญalยญly open-mindยญed women and hotwifes, more and more young women are becomยญing interยญestยญed in this depraved genre due to the smartยญphone age.

In this cuckยญold guide, weโ€™ll get to the botยญtom of why gangยญbangยญing excites so many women and men. Weโ€™ll explain to you how these fanยญtasies play out in realยญiยญty and give you tips on what you should conยญsidยญer before putting them into practice.

Why Are Sexual Fantasies Important?

After the comยญing out of the hotwife or the outยญing of the cuckยญold, there is usuยญalยญly a longer matuยญriยญty phase after a calmer shock phase, before the โ€œsex with strangersโ€ is realยญly put into pracยญtice. This matยญuยญraยญtion process can last sevยญerยญal months or even sevยญerยญal years.

Harter Sex, versaute Sexspiele und BBC Schwรคnze: Traum vieler Frauen
Hard sex, kinky sex games and BBC cocks: dream of many women

At first, both partยญners open the floodยญgates of their depraved fanยญtasies only cauยญtiousยญly. But โ€œlitยญtle by litยญtleโ€ the inhiยญbiยญtions sink. The incliยญnaยญtions and intiยญmate desires blosยญsom more and more and driยญve furยญther urges for new sexยญuยญal inclinations.

Through the ongoยญing and conยญstantยญly repeatยญing mutuยญal fuelling of fanยญtasies, the couยญple comยญpleteยญly unconยญsciousยญly creยญates a cuckยญold fanยญtaยญsy world from which there is no turnยญing back one day.

Freยญquentยญly watchยญing porn togethยญer, surfยญing on sex sites, readยญing erotยญic stoยญries and guideยญbooks, using sex toys and telling each othยญer about sexยญuยญal fanยญtasies make the couยญple more and more experยญiยญmenยญtal and permissive.

At some point, the desire to live out fanยญtasies becomes so strong that the woman actuยญalยญly wants to put them into action one day. Withยญout kinky fanยญtasies, wifeยญsharยญing or cuckยญoldยญing are thereยญfore not posยญsiยญble at all.

If you look at the matยญuยญraยญtion process of cuckยญold couยญples figยญuยญraยญtiveยญly as a โ€œtravยญel route through disยญtant and unknown counยญtriesโ€, gangยญbangs, sex with a well-endowed black man, or even BBC gangยญbangs are actuยญalยญly at the very back of the route. They are, in a sense, the desยญtiยญnaยญtion of the journeyโ€ฆ.

But curiยญousยญly enough, of all things, these sexยญuยญal activยญiยญties are among the most popยญuยญlar sexยญuยญal fanยญtasies. But are these fanยญtasies realยญly so horny in practice?

Gangbangs ohne Kondom statt. Alle Kerle spritzen in die Spermafotze (Schlammschieben)
In fanยญtaยญsy, gangยญbangs take place only withยญout a conยญdom. All guys squirt one after the othยญer in the horny, slipยญpery cum cunt (called mud sliding)
Gangbang creampie

A Gangbang Is Anything but a Walk in the Park!

Wifeยญsharยญers, cuckยญolds, and hotwifes have one thing in comยญmon, unlike vanilยญla sex peoยญple: They want to โ€œshareโ€ their wife, girlยญfriend, or life partยญner with sevยญerยญal men and find the thought of havยญing group sex with her togethยญer extremeยญly sexยญuยญalยญly arousing.

Manche Teilnehmer kommen bei Sexpartys auf verrรผckte Ideen.
Some parยญticยญiยญpants get crazy ideas durยญing sex parties.

In fanยญtaยญsy, gangยญbangs seem to be boundยญlessยญly horny. But the realยญiยญty is difยญferยญent because the impleยญmenยญtaยญtion of wifeยญsharยญing fanยญtasies is not easy! 

Sex with strange men requires a lot of orgaยญniยญzaยญtion and expeยญriยญence from the couยญple, but also openยญness, tolยญerยญance, and empathy.

A hotwife has to be aware already durยญing the planยญning that all invitยญed guys have cerยญtain expecยญtaยญtions of her and have varยญiยญous perยญvertยญed tenยญdenยญcies. Before regยญisยญterยญing or orgaยญnizยญing a sex parยญty, be realยญly sure that the woman can stand such things:

  • Besides rough sex (very hard sex)
  • Douยญble penยญeยญtraยญtion (cocks in pussy and ass or two cocks in pussy)
  • Fistยญing
  • Nipยญple games, like nipยญple pulling, nipยญple twistยญing, nipยญple torture
  • Canยญdle wax
  • Bondage (tied up)
  • masยญsive facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion (bukkake)
  • vioยญlent finยญgerยญing of the Gโ€‘area (Gโ€‘spot) to force squirting
  • vioยญlent rubยญbing of the cliยญtoris to induce forced orgasm
  • Sadoยญmaยญso / BDSM games
  • very fast or very hard anal sex
  • cum in mouth
  • Penis extenยญders / penis attachยญments to make the penis thicker
  • bizarre, very thick or crazy sex toys, huge dilยญdos
  • colยญlectยญing sperm with bowls or plates
  • very kinky sperm games, e.g. snowยญballing
  • very strong vibraยญtors, cliยญtoral stimยญuยญlaยญtors, and masยญsagers to induce forced orgasm
  • Deepthroat (throat fuck)

There Is a Kind of Group Dynamic During Gangbang

Most of the above-menยญtioned things are simยญply assumed by a gangยญbang mare.

Trainierte Hotwifes kรถnnen Fisting- Spiele genieรŸen.
Parยญticยญiยญpants of a gangยญbang are very resourceยญful. Trained hotwifes can even enjoy kinky fistยญing games.

Makยญing a โ€œsceneโ€ is comยญpleteยญly pointยญless because pure testosยญterone pumps in the veins of visยญiยญtors. Instead, it helps to โ€œbraveยญly grit your teethโ€, watch stunned the perยญverse goings-on, and endure the unbeยญlievยญably and ultra-vioยญlent orgasms.

The lady will notice that just the kinky shenaniยญgans with her body have a strong addicยญtive character. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Every guy fucks difยญferยญentยญly โ€” the hotwife has to get involved and pasยญsiveยญly enjoy every fuck. Some guys ram the penis slowยญly and hard into the pussy and some are nimยญble as a sewing machine. But they all have one thing in comยญmon: they want to get it โ€œso rightโ€ for the woman! With all their powยญer, techยญnique and experienceโ€ฆ

Also, only a few parยญticยญiยญpants have a modยญel figยญure. Beer belยญlies and bald heads are more the rule than the excepยญtion. Likeยญwise, she needs to know that many men canโ€™t build an erecยญtion because they are too excitยญed or overยญwhelmed with the sitยญuยญaยญtion of abunยญdant competition.

Doppelpenetration kann einen sehr intensiven Orgasmus auslรถsen.
Boundยญary expeยญriยญences: Douยญble penยญeยญtraยญtion can trigยญger a very intense orgasm.

Preparation for the Gangbang Means: Practice, Practice, Practice!

Every hotwife should thereยญfore seriยญousยญly pracยญtice intenยญsiveยญly with varยญiยญous sex toys before the event even do sports to build up sexยญuยญal conยญdiยญtion and staยญmiยญna. Watchยญing porn is also imporยญtant to get a picยญture of any sex parยญty situation.

Masturbieren als Vorbereitung fรผr einen Gangbang
Freยญquent masยญturยญbaยญtion is an imporยญtant prepaยญraยญtion for a gangbang

Although the large amount of semen preยญvents sore fuckยญing, the nipยญples, cliยญtoris, and vagiยญna are heavยญiยญly used over a long periยญod of time. It is not posยญsiยญble to stop the sex parยญty because of tiredยญness or lack of strength. 

From there, the use of thick dilยญdos, pump-up dilยญdos, anal plugs, a KONG, cliยญtoris, and labia suckยญers for pussy stretchยญing and cliยญtoral trainยญing is indispensable.

A masยญsager like the Magยญic Wand is perยญfect for daiยญly orgasm trainยญing, edgยญing, tease and denial and orgasm ruinยญing practice.

Nipยญple trainยญing with nipยญple suckยญers, nipยญple clamps, and clothesยญpins is also recommended.

It Is Fucked Very Hard and Long to the Limit of the Womanโ€™s Performance

BBC Bull fickt Ehefrau brutal zum Mega-Orgasmus
BBC Bull bruยญtalยญly fucks wife to mega orgasm

Many women underยญesยญtiยญmate that in a gangยญbang most men fuck very hard. No, I corยญrect: they fuck extremeยญly hard!

The sex is not to be comยญpared with the husยญband or life partยญner. Espeยญcialยญly in the presยญence of domยญiยญnant alpha males or BBC Bulls, all parยญticยญiยญpants realยญly duel each other.

Already after the first hard penis thrusts, the pussy takes the โ€œreignโ€ over the womยญanโ€™s mind. Should there be things that the cuckยญold does not want, it is imperยญaยญtive that the boundยญaries are clearยญly defined beforehand!

Usuยญalยญly, the group sex lasts about two to three hours. Someยญtimes even a litยญtle longer. Fact is: It is only end when realยญly the last penis has cum, and all men are comยญpleteยญly satยญisยญfied! Mostยญly the woman is allowed a short break to drink someยญthing or for the toilet.

If there is no secยญond woman who can milk the highยญly aroused pack of men, longer interยญrupยญtions lead to tumulยญtuous rantยญiยญng, which can endanยญger the overยญall mood. We recยญomยญmend you to plan the gangยญbangs with a secยญond woman who can interยญcept โ€œpeaksโ€ or you do not invite too many gentlemen.

In the pure pleaยญsure interยญmezยญzo unloaded at the woman interยญmitยญtentยญly under loud moanยญing, hysยญterยญiยญcal laughยญter, satยญisยญfied smile, wide grin again and again incredยญiยญbly vioยญlent orgasms. Many women are so overยญwhelmed with their feelยญings durยญing group sex at sex parยญties that they even have to cry. The cuckยญold must know that by keyยญwords โ€œredโ€, โ€œyelยญlowโ€, โ€œgreenโ€ know that nevยญerยญtheยญless everyยญthing is fine.

Anothยญer aspect that must be planned and conยญsidยญered is the place where the orgy will take place. In the beginยญning, we recยญomยญmend you to visยญit menโ€™s excess parยญties in swingers clubs. Under no cirยญcumยญstances should you reveal your home address. Sex in the nature, on a highยญway rest stop and in light-heartยญed vacaยญtion apartยญments are rather suitยญable for advanced users.

Glรผckliche Hotwife beim Gangbang
Hapยญpy hotwife at gangbang

Very Much Sperm in and on the Whole Body of the Hotwife

You should be aware in advance that not only fuckยญing is a cenยญtral part of a gangยญbang, but that realยญly a huge amount of sperm will be splatยญtered on the hotwife.

Extreme Pussy Creampie
Extreme Pussy Creampie

The sum of all the men ejacยญuยญlatยญing about 8 cum squirts each is very conยญsidยญerยญable. With only ten guys, come togethยญer 60 to 80 ml of sperm. Thatโ€™s two full-shot glassยญes. The ejacยญuยญlaยญtions of sevยญerยญal men are incredยญiยญbly proยญducยญtive and slippery.

That doesยญnโ€™t just mean a masยญsive creampie because many bulls and lovers want to show off their ejaculation.

Very popยญuยญlar squirtยญing tarยญgets are breasts and belยญly (body insemยญiยญnaยญtion), the mount of Venus, labia, armpits and of course foreยญhead, cheeks, and mouth (facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion).

Our tip: So that the hotwife has no probยญlem with a lot of sperm and sperm taste, she should pracยญtice sperm swalยญlowยญing togethยญer with her cuck for sevยญerยญal months in advance.

But donโ€™t worยญry. After a cerยญtain duraยญtion, expeยญriยญence shows that most wifes relax comยญpleteยญly durยญing their gangยญbang. They take the many tails and the sperm splashยญes quaยญsi comยญpleteยญly uninยญhibยญitยญed and almost greedยญiยญly into all body openings.

While the pussy is fucked again and again foamy, the woman rubs the sperm very excitยญed on her body.

A gangbang means extremely much sperm! However, many women are completely disinhibited after about 1 hour and enjoy the horny mass insemination of her body.
A gangยญbang means extremeยญly much sperm! Howยญevยญer, many women are comยญpleteยญly disยญinยญhibยญitยญed after about 1 hour and enjoy the horny mass insemยญiยญnaยญtion of her body.
make him cuckold
Cuckold Must Clean Lick, Catch and Collect Sperm and Squirt
Cuckold must lick creampie clean most of the time
Cuckยญold must lick creampie clean most of the time.

For every cuckยญold, the sight of his wife in a great gangยญbang is the highยญest hapยญpiยญness on earth. The stranger fuckยญing and the stranger insemยญiยญnaยญtion by numerยญous guys is a cenยญtral part of the cuckยญold relationship.

He loves to be the last one to fuck the slipยญpery hot, extremeยญly lusty, foamy fucked pussy. Finalยญly, the cuck canโ€™t help it and has to squirt himยญself into his horny forยญeign sperm-scentยญed, abunยญdantยญly insemยญiยญnatยญed wife.

Butโ€ฆ Cuckยญolds are genยญerยญalยญly forยญbidยญden to waste sperm! It is his duty to lick his hotwife thorยญoughยญly clean at all times.

Cuckold cleanup: Mandatory for every cuck!
Cuckยญold cleanup: Mandaยญtoยญry for every cuck!

Every cuck should train very seriยญousยญly in advance with his hotwife to swalยญlow his own sperm. Sperm ice cubes are super suitยญable to replay gangbangs. 

If it becomes known at sex parยญties that the cuck is present, he is left no choice but to swalยญlow the strangerโ€™s sperm.

Pracยญtiยญcal tip: To avoid stuยญpid sayยญings, the cuck can also colยญlect the cum by means of a black plasยญtic ice spoon and a gobยญlet or cup for the time after the gangbang.

Howยญevยญer, the fact is that a cuck canโ€™t avoid lickยญing his wifeโ€™s face clean after each facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion and then kissยญing his wife horny with horny cum kissยญes and snowยญballing.

Frequent training with own sperm, cum food and cum ice cubes is very recommended.
Even largยญer amounts of forยญeign sperm do not release cuckยญolds from his cleanยญing duty. Freยญquent, priยญor trainยญing with own sperm, cumยญfood and sperm ice cubes is extremeยญly advisable.

Squirting the Hotwife

A pheยญnomยญeยญnon that women are often overยญwhelmed with durยญing group sex is a female ejacยญuยญlaยญtion. It often occurs with a large penis or by fast, hard fuckยญing of pussy or butt. Due to the perยญmaยญnent stimยญuยญlaยญtion of the vagiยญna or butt, many women canโ€™t help but have to ejacยญuยญlate a glassy liqยญuid over and over again, gush by gush.

Hotwife squirts her husband in the face
Hotwife squirts her husยญband in the face.

The ejacยญuยญlaยญtion fluยญid of the woman is named โ€œsquirtโ€. Accordยญingยญly, the process of jerkยญing off the pussy is called โ€œsquirtยญingโ€.

It is not urine or pussy juice, but a typยญiยญcal tastยญing fluยญid proยญduced in the skeno glands and ejectยญed through an openยญing next to the ureยญthra durยญing strong stimยญuยญlaยญtion of the Gโ€‘area (Gโ€‘spot, Grรคfenยญberg zone) or the anus durยญing anal sex.

The amount and presยญsure of squirtยญing fluยญid squirtยญed can be tremenยญdous. It is quite posยญsiยญble for 250 ml of squirt to be ejacยญuยญlatยญed in gushยญes. It is very, very imporยญtant that the cuckยญold takes care that his wife drinks again after each squirtยญing in order not to get dehydrated.

Sureโ€ฆ All felยญlow fuckยญers find it hot when the pussy squirts โ€” But more imporยญtantยญly is, that it helps the woman incredยญiยญbly to release the pent-up sexยญuยญal presยญsure by squirting.

Cuckolds Need to Be Able to Swallow Squirt Too

We recยญomยญmend you to learn how to squirt the Wife before the gangยญbang and pracยญtice over and over again with Gโ€‘spot stimยญuยญlaยญtors, pump-up dilยญdos, masยญsage bones as well as large dilยญdos. Anal toys can also trigยญger squirting.

Squirting during sex with a BBC - Husband licks clean the mess
Squirtยญing durยญing sex with a BBC โ€” Husยญband licks clean the mess

The cuck must be able to swalยญlow even largยญer amounts of squirt. It goes withยญout sayยญing that he also pracยญtices lickยญing up and catchยญing squirt fluยญid. For the woman, it is an incredยญiยญble pleaยญsure kick to stand or squat over her man and squirt in his face.

Howยญevยญer, since group sex is where guys get wonยญdrous ideas, the cuckยญolยญdress should also pracยญtice squirt swallowing.

With the help of a squirtยญing bowl under his chin, he should train to skillยญfulยญly catch squirt directยญly from the pussy with his mouth while squirting.

Uncontrollable female ejaculation (squirting).
If a pussy is fucked very hard over a long periยญod of time, it can lead to unconยญtrolยญlable female ejacยญuยญlaยญtion (squirtยญing).
Slutwife Trainig

Conclusion: Gangbangs Are Also in Reality the Hammer!

Gangยญbang fanยญtasies exert very strong sexยญuยญal attracยญtions on hotwifes, lovers, bulls, cuckยญolds, swingers, and wifeยญsharยญers alike. Fact is: If a Hotwife has โ€œtastยญed bloodโ€, it does not remain with a Lover or Bull. The desire for numerยญous, forยญeign cocks as well as hard and unreยญstrained sex, comยญpleteยญly kinky sex games, and plenยญty of sperm, exerts an incredยญiยญbly emoยญtionยญal presยญsure on the woman.

Women are often like in a trance during stranger fucking
Women are often like in a trance durยญing stranger fucking.

The longยญing for the fulยญfillยญment of gangยญbang fanยญtasies increasยญes so masยญsiveยญly over the course of months or years that most hotwifes give in to their lust one day, despite sociยญetal morals.

Expeยญriยญence shows that gangยญbangs are a hot time. After iniยญtial inseยญcuยญriยญty, most women thaw out more and more after the first hard thrusts. After a good hour, they behave extremeยญly uninยญhibยญitยญed. While in the beginยญning fuckยญing the cuckยญolยญdress are in the foreยญground, then the mass insemยญiยญnaยญtion of the woman with very much sperm comes into focus.

But not only the woman, the lover, and the Black Bulls get their monยญeyโ€™s worth. The Cuckยญold is proยญgresยญsiveยญly more and more in a kind of โ€œtunยญnelโ€ or trance. He is emoยญtionยญalยญly very strongยญly conยญnectยญed with his wife or life-wife and feels her orgasms and pure lust quaยญsi-menยญtalยญly. He is very busy with the absorpยญtion of the alien sperm and kissยญes his comยญpleteยญly alien-insemยญiยญnatยญed wife very pasยญsionยญateยญly and intensely.

Preparation and Wordless Cooperation Are Important for Couples

Cuckold jerks off and watches his marriage whore being strangers fucked and foreign inseminated.
Cuckยญold jerks off and watchยญes his marยญriage whore being strangers fucked and forยญeign inseminated.

Realยญly imporยญtant is that the wifeยญsharยญing or cuckยญold couยญple does not imagยญine such orgies too easy.

The big sperm massยญes must be kissed away and swalยญlowed togethยญer. The men are someยญtimes very rough with the woman and fuck her unimagยญinยญably perยญsisยญtent and hard.

The tone and vocabยญuยญlary become increasยญingยญly harsh as the gangยญbang proยญgressยญes. Espeยญcialยญly the bulls and alpha men with big penis bring the woman to her physยญiยญcal limยญit, as they have absoluteยญly no conยญtrol over the body reacยญtions like squirtยญing and vioยญlent orgasms.

All this requires the couยญple to pracยญtice sperm swalยญlowยญing togethยญer in advance with creampie eatยญing, snowยญballing, and frozen cum and preยญpare for the horny event for months with sex toys, fistยญing and challenges.

Male duel while group sex: Pure dominance and testosterone!
Male duel while group sex: Pure domยญiยญnance and testosterone!

More Sources About Gangbang:

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