Every Hotwife Should Train for Her Bull & Lovers

Women inter­est­ed in Black Bulls have sure­ly seen in count­less gang­bang, cuck­old, and BBC porn videos what incred­i­ble stim­u­la­tion a big penis can give, in com­bi­na­tion with a very long-last­ing and hard fuck.

For the fuck with a Big Black Cock (BBC) the hotwife should train her pussy
For the fuck with a Big Black Cock (BBC) the hotwife should train her pussy 

It would be naive to think that any pussy can eas­i­ly “put away” a huge penis with­out train­ing. Even sex with sev­er­al men can be so phys­i­cal­ly exhaust­ing after sev­er­al orgasms (e.g., dur­ing a gang­bang) that the woman col­laps­es, exhausted.

We rec­om­mend that sev­er­al weeks before your date, both for the hotwife and for her cuck­old, you cre­ate a joint train­ing plan to prepare.

What you should train and what things you should pay atten­tion to dur­ing your train­ings, we have sum­ma­rized for you in this Cuck­old Blog — article.

If you have any sug­ges­tions, your ideas, expe­ri­ences or com­ments, please write us a mes­sage below this cuck­old blog post.

Why Should Every Hotwife Train?

As men­tioned ear­li­er, hav­ing sex with a potent man, a mus­cu­lar BBC Bull or even sev­er­al strange men in group sex is infi­nite­ly horny, but it is also one hell of a pow­er-sap­ping experience.

Individual sex toys offer excellent opportunities for hotwife training
Indi­vid­ual sex toys offer excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ties for hotwife training

No woman should take a date with an alpha bull or sev­er­al lovers light­ly and risk a date with­out train­ing. After all, who­ev­er gets involved with such horny fuck­ers must per­se­vere until their sex­u­al greed as well as unbri­dled lust and ani­mal­is­tic pas­sion is com­plete­ly satisfied.

From every hotwife or cuck­ol­dress, a cer­tain nat­ur­al horni­ness is sim­ply assumed. From expe­ri­ence, they have no chance to break off sex pre­ma­ture­ly because the pussy is over­stim­u­lat­ed, the woman is debil­i­tat­ed after sev­er­al orgasms, or the penis­es are too thick.

By the way, the same applies to the ejac­u­la­tion of the fuck­ers. Incred­i­bly many bulls want to see their pow­er­ful cumshot from their penis and show it off! 

In addi­tion to an unbri­dled horni­ness for a creampie as huge as pos­si­ble, the wife also basi­cal­ly assumes the plea­sur­able sperm intake dur­ing a mouth and face insem­i­na­tion.


What Should a Hotwife Train?

1. Training of Endurance, Condition, Flexibility

The be-all and end-all of hot sex is sta­mi­na! A hotwife should plan to do at least some sports for the horny sex with a bull and lover.

Endurance sports help the Hotwife enormously to keep up the hard sex. A good reason for sports in the fitness center ;-)
Endurance sports help the Hotwife enor­mous­ly to keep up the hard sex. A good rea­son for sports in the fit­ness center 😉

It does­n’t have to be high-per­for­mance sports — even some Pilates, gym­nas­tics or reg­u­lar, light fit­ness train­ing at home is enough.

Car­dio train­ing is opti­mal for get­ting fit. Jog­ging or walk­ing twice a week is ide­al for build­ing up fitness.

Of course, since the inner pig is real­ly mean, reg­u­lar sports in a fit­ness cen­ter would be the best way. Horny sex with potent men is a very good incen­tive for a slim body and ath­let­ic endurance.

Not to be under­es­ti­mat­ed is the fact that spread­ing your legs over a longer peri­od of time is extreme­ly stren­u­ous. Var­i­ous sex posi­tions also require reg­u­lar train­ing of the flex­i­bil­i­ty in advance.

2. Pussy Stretching & Dildo Training

Anoth­er “must” for every hotwife is per­ma­nent pussy train­ing with thick dil­dos and inflat­able pump-up dildos.

Dildo training is essential for hotwifes
Dil­do train­ing is essen­tial for hotwifes

Basi­cal­ly, it is remark­able what thick objects fit into a vagi­na. How­ev­er, we strong­ly rec­om­mend that you play­ful­ly stretch the pussy exten­sive­ly and get the vagi­nal mus­cles used to large diameters.

If the hotwife does not prac­tice before her first date with a BBC or well-hung bull, the big dicks can be an ordeal!

Because dil­do train­ing is quite exhaust­ing for the woman, the cuck should sup­port his wife dur­ing the dil­do fuck. Also buy a round or square gran­ite sculp­ture base (20 x 20 x 5 cm) or a square, smooth­ly pol­ished mar­ble block (e.g., for grave lanterns) so that the hotwife can relax and ride a suc­tion cup dildo.

Black Gran­ite Round Bases for Dis­play­ing Sculpture.

Besides clas­sic dil­dos, thick fruits and veg­eta­bles like egg­plant, pear squash, zuc­chi­ni, corn on the cob, and cucum­ber are also very good for pussy stretching.

Also, thick house­hold items like deodor­ant bot­tles, plas­tic bot­tles, 0.5l coke bot­tles, small cham­pagne bot­tles, and con­i­cal cups and vas­es are great for stretching.

Pussy stretching workout: Sharpie Challenge
Pussy stretch­ing work­out: Sharpie Challenge

A thick can­dle is just as awe­some a tip for pussy stretch­ing as a ten-pack of round­ed table candles.

Some women even per­form extreme pussy train­ing for sev­er­al days: In a so-called Sharpie chal­lenge, they fight against oth­er women to see who can stick the most Sharpie mark­ers in their pussy after 30 days.

Met­al specu­lums are also very suit­able for pussy stretch­ing. The so-called Collins specu­lum can be spread side­ways, which has a pos­i­tive dou­ble effect: The G‑spot can be horni­ly played with dur­ing stretching.

Impor­tant: When stretch­ing the pussy, you should always put a cloth under­neath, because the pussy becomes extreme­ly wet due to the strong stim­u­la­tion and can even real­ly leak and squirt from horniness.

3. Orgasm Control (Orgasm Ruining)

A good hotwife should be able to pace her ener­gy-sap­ping orgasms.

Although she can learn self-dis­ci­pline on her own, it’s eas­i­er if the cuck­old assists her with a vibra­tor or mas­sager. He must imme­di­ate­ly stop any stim­u­la­tion as soon as she calls “STOP”.

Dur­ing sev­er­al hours of orgasm train­ing, for exam­ple watch­ing porn, the female orgasm should be ruined at least three times until the hotwife is final­ly allowed to enjoy her real orgasm extreme­ly loudly.

The orgasm ruin­ing is also called “edg­ing”. One stim­u­lates the pussy, vir­tu­al­ly always on the verge of orgasm. Every ruined orgasm is very ago­niz­ing and inde­scrib­ably horny at the same time.

The goal of your train­ing should be that the hotwife can vol­un­tar­i­ly ruin her orgasms and enjoy the crass feel­ing. The woman will quick­ly learn that it is well worth it to give up orgasms, as the horni­ness will con­tin­ue to increase, and the limp feel­ing after each orgasm will be absent.

Daily Hotwife Training: Sex toys are perfect for stimulating fantasies and training orgasms
Dai­ly Hotwife Train­ing: Sex toys are per­fect for stim­u­lat­ing fan­tasies and train­ing orgasms 

4. Multiple Orgasm (Multiple Orgasm)

Because of the hard fucks, there are inevitably mul­ti­ple orgasms.

Multiple orgasm with Magic Wand massager
Mul­ti­ple orgasm with Mag­ic Wand massager

The mul­ti­ple orgasms should be sim­u­lat­ed and prac­ticed by every hotwife with sex toys in order not to be com­plete­ly over­whelmed when fuck­ing a Bull. Because the Bull, unlike the vibra­tor, can not be turned off and put aside 😉 

So, the woman should also train — after the orgasm to over­come the point that it all feels much too intense and “over­stim­u­lat­ed”. Sub­se­quent­ly, a new, gigan­tic cli­max is approaching!

Very well suit­ed for this are fuck­ing machines, mas­sagers, and strong vibra­tors. Inter­na­tion­al­ly, very well-known and pop­u­lar is the Mag­ic Wand Mas­sager.

With prac­ticed expe­ri­ence, it can con­tin­ue the stim­u­la­tion with oth­er stim­u­la­tion tech­niques (e.g. dil­dos), so that an incred­i­bly vio­lent dou­ble orgasm or triple orgasm is possible.

5. Learn and Practice Squirting

When fuck­ing with a large penis, the tis­sue in the area of the G‑spot fills with a trans­par­ent flu­id. The pres­sure even­tu­al­ly becomes so great that the woman must ejac­u­late. Female ejac­u­la­tion is also called “squirt­ing”.

Since the flu­id dis­charge feels like a gigan­tic pee, many vanil­la sex women try to avoid squirting 

Squirting is not uncommon during sex with a large penis.
Squirt­ing is not uncom­mon dur­ing sex with a large penis.

How­ev­er, hotwifes know that squirt­ing feels extreme­ly horny and is impor­tant! This is because the feel­ing of pres­sure in the vagi­na, which builds up enor­mous­ly dur­ing sex with a BBC bull, can be dis­charged lust­ful­ly and pow­er­ful­ly in this way.

Squirt­ing can be a small trick­le, a gush, or even an enor­mous splash that can spurt 2m across the room at inter­vals in a gigan­tic orgasm.

Once a woman under­stands how squirt­ing feels, she should try to prac­tice it reg­u­lar­ly. Every hotwife must be able to pur­pose­ful­ly squirt or leak the trans­par­ent ejac­u­la­tion flu­id before BBC sex.

For “squirt­ing prac­tice”, thick dil­dos, index & mid­dle fin­gers, a good G‑spot vibra­tor, a G‑spot stim­u­la­tor, a pres­sure wave cli­toral suck­er, a mas­sager or an anal dil­do are all suit­able. The move­ments must be gigan­ti­cal­ly fast, almost jarring.

Dur­ing mul­ti­ple pussy squirt­ing, a woman may well lose 150 — 300 ml of flu­id. The cuck­old is respon­si­ble for always sup­ply­ing his hotwife with a drink, catch­ing the squirt in a bowl, swal­low­ing squirt and thor­ough­ly lick­ing the full, horny squirt­ing cunt clean again after each ejaculation.

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5. Practice Facial Insemination and Body Insemination

Most nor­mal women abhor cum in their mouths and faces. This frus­trates the vast major­i­ty of men around the world. Cuck­old cou­ples, on the oth­er hand, have accept­ed that bulls and lovers in any case demand that the cou­ple thor­ough­ly lick up the sperm and greed­i­ly swal­low it together.

From there, paper tis­sues, Kleenex box­es have lost noth­ing in the cuck­old bedroom.

Successful facial insemination: Cuckold couples should practice cumshot facials a few times before foreign insemination.
Suc­cess­ful facial insem­i­na­tion: Cuck­old cou­ples should prac­tice cumshot facials a few times before for­eign insemination.

It is sim­ply indis­pens­able that Cuck­ol­dress and Cuck­old learn togeth­er in advance the con­tact with love flu­ids, such as sperm, squirt, pussy juice, pre­cum, creampie and desire drops and train again and again.

Because the cuck­old is for­bid­den to cum unau­tho­rized, he can strong­ly squirt the body of his hotwife with his abun­dant “saved” cum loads. After a week of absti­nence and edg­ing train­ing, he will reach sim­i­lar sperm quan­ti­ties like a potent bull.

If the woman has accept­ed that her bulls and lovers will not only cum in her pussy, but also ejac­u­late on her, then after a lit­tle prac­tice she will find her body and facial insem­i­na­tions extreme­ly lustful.

Tip: For a facial insem­i­na­tion, you should always make sure that the wom­an’s upper body is ele­vat­ed or bet­ter yet, that the woman is kneel­ing on the floor. The insem­i­na­tion should be done on the fore­head. Eyes, throat and nos­trils must not be inject­ed direct­ly! It is pos­si­ble to improve the taste of sperm with pineapple.

A cuckold couple reenacted a stranger fuck, including pussy foreign insemination with a dildo. The cuck sprayed the pussy with his sperm.
A cuck­old cou­ple reen­act­ed a stranger fuck, includ­ing pussy for­eign insem­i­na­tion with a dil­do. The cuck sprayed the pussy with his sperm.

6. Enjoying Cum Games Together

A real cuck­old can­not avoid swal­low­ing sperm. It is a mat­ter of course that he is respon­si­ble for the clean lick­ing of the cum insem­i­nat­ed pussy and the ful­ly cummed body, with­out exception.

Cum kissing: cum kiss of a hotwife
Cum kiss­ing: cum kiss of a hotwife

Has the cuck him­self, the bull or sev­er­al lover’s breasts, face, vagi­na insem­i­nat­ed with cum or else the labia, breasts or bel­ly of his wife spat­tered — it is his basic duty to lick this thor­ough­ly cleans with­out any request and with­out any discussion.

Instead of let­ting the cuck swal­low the cum or the pussy juice sperm creampie alone, how­ev­er, the cou­ple should get into the habit of shar­ing the love juice with inti­mate cum kiss­es and play­ing around dirty via snow­balling.

If the amount of semen is too much (for exam­ple in a gang­bang), we rec­om­mend buy­ing a black cum bowl and a black plas­tic ice cream spoon (plas­tic lat­te mac­chi­a­to spoon) from Ama­zon or eBay. A small plas­tic tro­phy is also cool. You can use it to col­lect the cum for lat­er cum play (after the sex par­ty, or to freeze sperm to cum cubes).

7. Nipples Harden Through Nipple Training

The nip­ples are not only for the cuck­old two objects of desire. Bulls and lovers also like to play around with them. The dif­fer­ence: The cuck usu­al­ly pro­ceeds lov­ing­ly, gen­tly and ten­der­ly — The Bulls grab mer­ci­less­ly and pull, twist, and knead the nip­ples very massively!

In the wom­an’s self-inter­est, every hotwife should start train­ing her nip­ples long before the date with nip­ple suck­ers, nip­ple clamps, nip­ple clamps, can­dle wax, nip­ple weights, strings, ruler, pad­dles, and by vig­or­ous­ly play­ing with her own fin­gers and cuck hands.

Nip­ple train­ing should last at least an hour. This can be done by the wife, girl­friend, or life part­ner of the cuck­old dur­ing her mas­tur­ba­tion or relaxed while watch­ing TV or doing house­hold chores. A rope for a horny breast bondage is also very suit­able for this.

Big dildo, nipple sucker and bondage - hotwife and cuckold watch porn while training
Big dil­do, nip­ple suck­er and bondage — hotwife and cuck­old watch porn while training 

8. Hardening Clit and Labia

The same goes for the labia and cli­toris. Bulls usu­al­ly take a very rough approach. They fin­ger the pussy hard, rub the cli­toris at a brute pace, and quite often the pussy is whipped with a hand, a flog­ger, a crop, a whip or a belt.

You can build a pussy spreader yourself from a weaving frame and clamps
You can build a pussy spread­er your­self from a weav­ing frame and clamps 

To avoid nasty sur­pris­es, the hotwife should antic­i­pate unpleas­ant feel­ings and “hard­en” the pussy alone, or with her cuck­old as well.

For kinky pussy games vibra­tors, mas­sagers, clothes­pins, wax, labia weights, and labia spread­ers are very suitable.

A labia spread­er is quick­ly built. A weav­ing frame, 1 meter of 3 mm rub­ber cord, 8 cord stop­pers and 4 rub­ber­ized clips can be found on eBay or Amazon.

A cli­toris pump or a labia suck­er is also high­ly rec­om­mend­ed. The blood flow is stim­u­lat­ed enor­mous­ly, and the pussy finds it so horny that it real­ly runs out of pleasure.

Light labia spank­ing can be tried out and learned to love with a flog­ger, a ruler or a crop from Amazon.

With a pussy pump and a clit sucker you can play excellent. The pussy gets extremely wet in the process.
With a pussy pump and a clit suck­er you can play excel­lent. The pussy gets extreme­ly wet in the process.

9. Mental Training / Watching Porn

You may smile a bit about it, but watch­ing porn is also very impor­tant for a hotwife. Erot­ic movies, sex videos, and porn pic­tures also stim­u­late a wom­an’s fan­tasies and con­tribute to her sex­u­al, var­ied development.

Woman watches porn and masturbates
Woman watch­es porn and masturbates

For­tu­nate­ly, find­ing horny dirty movies and sex pho­tos “thanks to the Inter­net” is not a prob­lem anymore.

Xham­ster is the clear­est plat­form for hot cuck­old videos. But YouPorn and xVideos are also good places for women to go.

By the way: The per­cent­age of women who like to watch porn is get­ting big­ger and big­ger. Accord­ing to sur­veys, in the eight­ies, only 8% of women watched sex movies. In the nineties it was already 23% and nowa­days 47% of women like to watch porn! 

There­fore, every hotwife should take the time to find horny porn alone or togeth­er with her cuck­old. Occa­sion­al porn evenings togeth­er have been proven to have a pos­i­tive effect on the love and sex life of couples.

Porn is a great way to learn how BBC and oth­er bulls fuck and what goes on dur­ing a gang­bang with sev­er­al men.

We rec­om­mend Hotwifes to look at pho­tos of their Bulls while mas­tur­bat­ing as well. Espe­cial­ly with the onset of orgasm, a very deep con­nec­tion to the future fuck­ers is built up in advance.

Watching porn is more than just pure drive satisfaction. They give wifesharing and cuckold couples new ideas and impulses for great, varied sex.
Watch­ing porn is more than just pure dri­ve sat­is­fac­tion. They give wife­shar­ing and cuck­old cou­ples new ideas and impuls­es for great, var­ied sex.

10. Train Hand Jobs

Hotwife trains a handjob with her cuckold
Hotwife trains a hand­job with her cuckold 

Espe­cial­ly when hav­ing sex with sev­er­al men, the woman needs a very good con­di­tion when jerk­ing off penis. Because penis wank­ing can be very, very exhaust­ing if the arm becomes lame.

At a men’s sur­plus par­ty or a gang­bang come “as if by mag­ic” con­stant­ly any penis­es that want to be jerked, when all body open­ings are occupied.

It’s best to com­bine jerk-off train­ing with orgasm train­ing (orgasm ruin­ing) at the Cuck­old sev­er­al times a week.

This way you kill two birds with one stone: The cuck­old learns either forced emas­cu­la­tion or orgasm con­trol, and the hotwife can train to jerk off penis­es over a longer peri­od of time.

11. Anal Sex Training

Since it always hap­pens dur­ing gang­bang that men want to fuck the ass, every hotwife should at some point start to train the anus as well. At the lat­est with a dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion (DP) the woman is glad if she has already prac­ticed with sex toys before.

Anal plugs, anal vibra­tors, inflat­able plugs, and pump-up dil­dos are suit­able for anal sex train­ing. A clas­sic smooth rod vibra­tor can be used to stretch the anal sphincter.

Anal workout
Anal work­out
Slutwife Trainig

Conclusion: Regular Hotwife Training Makes Hard Sex Noticeably Easier

Expe­ri­enced wife­shar­ing and cuck­old cou­ples know how impor­tant pri­or train­ing is when the date for the “big day” for stranger fuck­ing and insem­i­na­tion approaches.

A hotwife needs sta­mi­na and flex­i­bil­i­ty, a resilient and stretched pussy, and hard­ened nip­ples. She should also be able to squirt and should find sperm horny. We advise you to also play with the anus occa­sion­al­ly and prac­tice anal sex.

Prac­tic­ing and exper­i­ment­ing togeth­er is not only extreme­ly horny for both part­ners, but also pro­motes cou­ple bond­ing. You could test your lim­its and play­ful­ly find out which things and love tech­niques you find horny.

Once you are well attuned, you should make the effort and cre­ate a fixed train­ing plan in which your goals, sex toys, dura­tion, and num­ber of rep­e­ti­tions are fixed.

A hotwife should watch horny porn once or twice a week alone and also togeth­er with the cuck to stim­u­late the imag­i­na­tion and come up with var­ied ideas dur­ing sex herself.

After a few months of hotwife training, you will even like fisting ;-)
After a few months of hotwife train­ing, you will even like fisting 😉

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