First Group Sex at a Men’s Surplus Party

The Hotwife and her Cuck­old are from a cer­tain point very eager to gain new prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence. Once the woman has shed her inhi­bi­tions and had sex with one bull or anoth­er, in most cas­es, that is soon not enough for her. She wants to expe­ri­ence a gang­bang with sev­er­al men.

Heavy gangbang orgasm of a hotwife at a men's surplus party
Heavy gang­bang orgasm of a hotwife at a men’s sur­plus party

A well-suit­ed pos­si­bil­i­ty to meet quite uncom­pli­cat­ed­ly a large num­ber of cum-crav­ing men is a men’s excess par­ty in a swingers club.

Such events are usu­al­ly sched­uled and pub­licly announced on the club’s home­page. At men’s sur­plus par­ties, sev­er­al men have sex with one, some­times two or three women. The women are always clear­ly outnumbered. 

Typ­i­cal for a men’s excess par­ty is that it is quite rough. Such an orgy is not an oppor­tu­ni­ty to cud­dle or to exchange caress­es. It is only about horny sex and the sex­u­al sat­is­fac­tion of the women. Depend­ing on the sex par­ty, is also fucked with­out a condom.

Group sex with foreign insemination
Hap­py wife while group sex with for­eign insem­i­na­tion — Source: Hard­core Gangbang

Most male guests look for­ward to the event for weeks and inten­tion­al­ly do not cum sev­er­al days before. With enor­mous vel­vet pres­sure, they know only one goal: They want to cum their horny cum in or on an attrac­tive woman. 

The hotwife is fas­ci­nat­ed by this wild greed. It flat­ters and excites her that she man­ages to dri­ve strong men out of their minds with her charms.

Because in prac­tice it is not so easy to orga­nize a pri­vate sex par­ty, an orga­nized men’s sur­plus par­ty in a swinger-club offers ide­al con­di­tions to let a woman get stranger fucked and insem­i­nat­ed to her fullest satisfaction.


Where Can You Find a Suitable Swingers Club?

It is best to search for suit­able swingers clubs on the Inter­net. Under no cir­cum­stances should you choose a club in your place of res­i­dence. This may be con­ve­nient, but there is a risk that you will meet acquain­tances or even neigh­bors or work col­leagues there. It is bet­ter to choose a club that is a lit­tle fur­ther away.

Every swinger club has a home­page. Read them care­ful­ly. Guest books or gen­er­al erot­ic forums, such as Joy­Club, Pop­pen or Augen­wei­de, are par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ing. There, guests exchange their expe­ri­ences. This gives you a pret­ty good impres­sion of the qual­i­ty of the offer. 

Put 2 or 3 clubs on your list and go there. As a new­com­er, you will be wel­comed and shown around after a pre­vi­ous request. You can decide if you want to stay or rather try the next club.

Orgasm guarantee at a men's surplus party in a swingers club
Orgasm guar­an­tee at a men’s sur­plus par­ty in a swingers club

Preparation for the Gangbang

The hotwife has to get used to the fact that her holes will be used extreme­ly hard dur­ing the gang­bang. To stretch them in advance and make them more elas­tic, it is rec­om­mend­ed to wear var­i­ous love balls, a vagi­nal plug, pump-up dil­do or KONG in the pussy dur­ing the day or in the evening in front of the TV. The stretch­ing feel­ing makes the wear­er quite “fuzzy” and has an effec­tive train­ing effect. The same is true for the butt — There are inflat­able plugs to train.

An impor­tant part of the prepa­ra­tion is also to get used to how sperm feels and tastes. Dur­ing the blowjob, the Cuck must ejac­u­late into her mouth or face.

Tip: If you eat pineap­ple, the taste goes to the sperm after a while. It tastes pleas­ant­ly fruity. This helps when swallowing.

Body hair, espe­cial­ly inti­mate hair, is frowned upon at a gen­tle­men’s sur­plus par­ty. All hair (except that on the head) must be care­ful­ly removed. Pos­si­bly shave each other!

Dress Code

Wife in swingerclub
Wife in swinger club

After arriv­ing at the swingers club, guests change clothes. Every­one is giv­en a lock­able lock­er for this pur­pose. The dress code of the men is rel­a­tive­ly sim­ple. They wear a plain T‑shirt or vest, leather shorts, and flip-flops.

Women choose sexy cloth­ing. The sim­plest are hal­ter stock­ings and high heels. They are inex­pen­sive but look very erotic. 

Also, a cos­tume as a street whore with tight top, tiny miniskirt and boots always goes down well. But you have to keep in mind that your clothes will prob­a­bly get very strained and dirty with cum, pussy juice and squirt dur­ing the evening.


What Are the Advantages of a Gangbang in a Swingers Club?

Swingers clubs were built specif­i­cal­ly so that many peo­ple can have sex in them at the same time. Usu­al­ly, they are locat­ed in indus­tri­al areas, where no neigh­bors can com­plain about noise pol­lu­tion. Oth­er advan­tages include:

  • large, sta­ble beds and play areas for group sex
  • expe­ri­enced guests can help and give instructions
  • numer­ous sex toys and BDSM equip­ment (St. Andrew’s cross, pil­lo­ry, cage, etc.)
  • no long talk, as it is only about sex
  • dis­creet staff, anonymi­ty of the guests
  • Con­doms, lubri­cant, masks and oth­er aids are provided
  • Secu­ri­ty guards can inter­vene if necessary
  • Access only with neg­a­tive health test or sex only with a condom
  • food and drinks are provided
  • no clean­ing up after the party

Cou­ples often do not have to pay an entrance fee in a swingers club, or at least only a great­ly reduced one. Many swinger clubs do orga­nize men’s sur­plus par­ties from time to time. The events are announced on the Internet.

Massive thirty man cum creampie
Mas­sive thir­ty-man cum creampie — Source: Gang­BangCreampie

What Are the Disadvantages of a Gangbang in a Swingers Club?

The hotwife can­not choose the men. Most of the time, they are com­plete strangers that she has seen before. Oth­er dis­ad­van­tages are:

  • If the Hotwife looks attrac­tive, she can be vir­tu­al­ly over­run by men.
  • Many men want to cum in the hotwife’s mouth or face or hair.
  • It is very rough. The tone is rough, even vulgar.
  • There is no pri­va­cy. Nei­ther sperm games nor cud­dling or snug­gling are possible.
  • sen­si­tive women feel used as sex objects
  • Some men con­sid­er friv­o­lous women fair game. They slip them notes with their phone num­ber or aim for a clan­des­tine date for two.
  • After the gang­bang, you have to take a show­er and then head home.

Why Men’s Excess Party in Swingers Club?

For most hotwifes, one bull and / or your man is soon not enough. They want sex with sev­er­al men. Orga­niz­ing such a par­ty pri­vate­ly is dif­fi­cult and not with­out danger 

The goal of each orgy: Completely filling of the pussy with sperm
The goal of each orgy: Com­plete­ly fill­ing of the pussy with sperm

It is bet­ter to orga­nize it in a swingers club. There you have the spa­tial and tech­ni­cal con­di­tions as well as secu­ri­ty. How­ev­er, the atmos­phere is rather impersonal. 

Ten­der­ness and inti­ma­cy come too short. In addi­tion, after the par­ty you can­not relax in bed, but have to go home.

There­fore, it is rec­om­mend­ed to book a hotel room at the loca­tion of the swingers club and spend the night there. There you can first recov­er and catch up on the lost tenderness.


Conclusion: Gangbangs Are the Most Popular Way for Women to Get a Taste for It

One of the most wide­spread fan­tasies among women is to have sex with strange men. Many men, on the oth­er hand, wish to “share” their woman and watch stranger fuck­ing. Men’s sur­plus par­ties build a bridge here, so to speak, if you don’t want to take the risk of a self-orga­nized sex party.

Hot gangbang orgasm of a hotwife
Hot gang­bang orgasm of a hotwife

If you want to vis­it a gang­bang par­ty as a cou­ple, you should be aware that it is not a cud­dle sex par­ty. The sex­u­al sat­is­fac­tion of the women through very per­sis­tent sex is in the foreground. 

You should “train” weeks before the event with thick dil­dos, vibra­tors, mas­sagers, pump-up dil­dos and BDSM sex toys and get in the emo­tion­al mood with porn evenings. Learn sperm swal­low­ing and sperm games togeth­er in advance.

The over­com­ing “to dare” is worth it! Women, who have enjoyed sex with sev­er­al men once, expe­ri­ence a very strong desire to go from now on more often to men’s sur­plus par­ties. The pre­req­ui­site is, in addi­tion to the local con­di­tions, that also and every­thing on the part of the hus­band, or boyfriend or life part­ner has worked out great.

Mud-slide: Group fucking without condom is explicitly desired in many sex clubs
Mud slide / Mud fuck: Group fuck­ing with­out con­dom is explic­it­ly desired in many sex clubs — Source: Sper­m­Ma­nia
100 cumshots at gang­bang par­ties of Group­banged

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