Tutorial: My Personal Guide for Still Hesitant Men Who Want to Learn to Swallow Their Own Sperm

This tuto­r­i­al was sent to us by Carsten from Celle, with the request to pub­lish it:

Dear Cuckold.info team and dear read­ers,

first of all, I would like to thank you for build­ing this won­der­ful plat­form. Final­ly, Ger­man-speak­ing hotwifes, bulls, lovers, wife­shar­ers, cuck­olds, cuck­queans, and bulls find a com­pe­tent place to go, which also open­ly address­es taboos.

Hotwife and cuckold can easily learn creampie clean licking together.
Hotwife and cuck­old can eas­i­ly learn creampie clean lick­ing together.

I would like to talk here about a big prob­lem that all men know: Almost every man takes it upon him­self to try his own sperm at some point. And almost every man com­plete­ly los­es all inter­est in swal­low­ing sperm after ejaculations!

I final­ly tack­led the sub­ject in the sec­ond Coro­na Lock­down. After 17 years of mar­riage, I took it as a firm goal to final­ly learn sperm swal­low­ing! I want­ed to inspire my wife Elke and me for it and final­ly be a true cuckold!

I had writ­ten down my per­son­al strat­e­gy with mile­stones and a prop­er plan and dis­cussed my spec­i­fi­ca­tions in detail and explic­it­ly with my wife. Elke found until Dato my sperm only so “lala” and has nev­er torn to get it in the mouth. After a small moment of shock, how­ev­er, she was ready to sup­port me seri­ous­ly and with uncom­pro­mis­ing con­trol.

The good news is that in 7 months, I have actu­al­ly man­aged to go from a cum-in-hand­ker­chief wiper to a pas­sion­ate cum swal­low­er! I final­ly like my sperm and have been able to com­plete­ly shed any ver­sion.

I would like to share my strat­e­gy with you below and moti­vate still hes­i­tant men to give it a try as well! So let’s go!


The Cursed “Mental Block” After Cuming

When we are aroused, the idea of eat­ing cum is over­whelm­ing­ly awe­some! In par­tic­u­lar, aspir­ing cuck­olds and wife­shar­ers wish they could final­ly learn how.

But … short­ly after the cum, the desire dis­ap­pears and the horny love cream is then final­ly but as always sim­ply dis­posed of in the paper tow­el … One hangs qua­si in an end­less con­tin­u­ous loop in it.

The prob­lem why we men lose the desire to eat their own sperm is due to a mas­sive hor­mone crash. With­in sec­onds, we lose all sex­u­al inter­est. You can do absolute­ly noth­ing about the men­tal block! Noth­ing! This dif­fers us men mas­sive­ly from women, who can get their orgasms like on a string of pearls with­out any prob­lems one after the other.

If you would like to learn to swal­low your sperm, you have to trick the men­tal block! You either have to be faster than him — or you need men­tal pres­sure and moti­va­tion from your part­ner. You have no oth­er chance!

Lick the self inseminated sperm cunt clean again: For the majority of men, unfortunately, a rarely achieved desire.
Lick the self-insem­i­nat­ed sperm cunt clean again: For the major­i­ty of men, unfor­tu­nate­ly, a rarely achieved desire.

All Beginnings Are Hard: Swallow the Sperm Too 😉

As already men­tioned, sperm was for Elke and me rather an unpleas­ant side effect dur­ing sex. After my ejac­u­la­tion into the pussy, Elke jumped up in the direc­tion of the toi­let, in order not to spill the bed­ding. Most­ly I heard first the toi­let flush and then the shower.

Licking the woman clean after sex - creampie cleanup is always part of most cuckold couples!
Lick­ing the woman clean after sex — creampie cleanup is always part of most cuck­old couples! 

I even­tu­al­ly no longer both­ered to make my love juice palat­able to her. From a horny mouth or face insem­i­na­tion was not remote­ly to think.

Already the writer Franz Kaf­ka said 140 years ago: “Idle­ness is the begin­ning of all vices”. For many things, you just have to get up the nerve to final­ly tack­le it.

It was the same with me. I was locked up in our apart­ment with my wife Elke in the sec­ond lock­down. Our two chil­dren had long since left home. But despite our regained free­dom, our sex life had become pret­ty luke­warm over the years. Elke liked the idea of a hotwife, but some­how we did­n’t dare to have sex with oth­er men. The whole day flick­ered on our days off the TV… 🙁

Inspired by a Cuckold.info — guide­book, I made the deci­sion to change some­thing and to dare the first step towards cuck­old­ing! I took the trou­ble and scrib­bled per­son­al notes on an A4 spi­ral notepad. This way, I sort out my thoughts and sex­u­al desires and designed a per­son­al bat­tle plan for how I want­ed to edu­cate my wife to be a kinky, horny hotwife.

Reading Means Learning…

I informed myself in many Eng­lish cuck­old forums and found out that as a man, I first had to “give” or “risk” some­thing before I could inspire my wife to fuck strangers.

My first mile­stone was going to be learn­ing to love my own cum! I used the fol­low­ing guide­books as a guide:

If you want to fuck, you have to earn it! Husband licks his own cum out of his wife (Creampie eating husband)
If you want to fuck, you have to earn it! Hus­band licks his own cum out of his wife (Creampie eat­ing husband)

My Wife Helped Me Learn to Eat Sperm

Know­ing about myself that I like to pro­cras­ti­nate and make excus­es before chal­lenges, I decid­ed to do it the hard way! When the oppor­tu­ni­ty was favor­able one day after sex, I ini­ti­at­ed my wife Elke in my plans.

Wife is horrified by my plan to learn to swallow sperm.
Wife is hor­ri­fied by my plan to learn to swal­low sperm.

Her task was actu­al­ly not so dif­fi­cult with this strat­e­gy: The only thing she had to do was to get into posi­tion 69 after every sex for the next four weeks or just squat over my face. That was it.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, Elke react­ed even more neg­a­tive­ly than I had expect­ed, and I was sud­den­ly very embar­rassed by my plan. But the cat was out of the bag, and there was no point in sug­ar­coat­ing the situation.

Since my wife react­ed so shocked, I want­ed to leave it already with the top­ic and bury the project! But com­plete­ly unex­pect­ed­ly she did exact­ly THAT a few days later!

I got my orgasm while fuck­ing and under­stood what she had in mind. Quick­ly I lay down on my back and Elke actu­al­ly knelt over me!


My First Time Eating Creampie Was Not as Great as Hoped!

The first impres­sion is not so great. For me, Elke’s moment of sur­prise was too fast, caught off guard and com­plete­ly unpre­pared! But I had no oth­er choice! 

Husband licks his own sperm from and out of his wife's self inseminated pussy.
The hus­band licks his own sperm from and out of his wife’s self-insem­i­nat­ed pussy.

Wedged tight­ly between my wife’s thighs, it was impos­si­ble for me to avoid my own threat­en­ing sperm load! Grav­i­ty and the vagi­nal mus­cles ensured that my huge load of cum moved towards me in a long thread.

Elke tight­ly clutched my chin as my slight­ly open mouth was already clos­ing. I did not rec­og­nize her dom­i­nant facial expres­sion at all! With a strict “Oh, Oh, Oh” she pressed my mouth relent­less­ly open again. At the same moment, the first blob land­ed in my mouth. “Be a good boy and do that my dar­ling”, she com­ment­ed it slight­ly cynical.

I was com­plete­ly over­whelmed with the amount of sperm, con­sis­ten­cy and taste! I would have loved to jump up, rinse my mouth, and brush my teeth.

But my wife was far from fin­ished with me! “Sooo my dar­ling, now dis­trib­ute every­thing nice­ly with the tongue!”, she whis­pered to me smug­ly-strin­gent. “Then you may final­ly swal­low it beau­ti­ful­ly for me!” 

No Mercy and No End in Sight!

Obvi­ous­ly, she briefly tensed her pelvic floor, and a sec­ond huge blob of sperm-pussy mix­ture ran in a long thread from the sperm pussy. I had some­how had enough and want­ed to stop every­thing, but Elke remained hard as nails! The sec­ond load land­ed in my face. Elke spread the creampie on my face and final­ly pushed the cum into my mouth. It scratched in the throat, and I had no more desire for my own sperm.

Pussy creampie eating will be mandatory for every cuckold one day anyway.
Pussy creampie eat­ing will be manda­to­ry for every cuck­old one day any­way. So just give up your resis­tance and come to terms with it!

But no chance! Elke sat down on my mouth! “So my heart and now you lick me schööön until orgasm clean!!!”, she pressed out with a stern voice. I did not dare to contradict 

When I searched for the clit and thus spread the labia, a por­tion of sperm was wait­ing for me again. To my amaze­ment, my resis­tance sub­sided. The more Elke moaned, the more nim­ble my tongue became. I pulled the labia apart to be able to work the Klit­ti bet­ter and actu­al­ly man­aged to lick her twitch­ing and moan­ing to orgasm.

In the mid­dle of the orgasm she moaned out that she just found that incred­i­bly horny to force me to swal­low sperm! Until the last twitch I licked the cum-scent­ed pussy until my wife slumped and lay down next to me on the bed.

The Conversation Afterwards…

When she was back to strength, she kissed me pas­sion­ate­ly felt five min­utes long! The sperm taste did not dis­turb me in the mean­time any­more. I was relieved that it was now done 😉 Elke she put her head on my chest and repeat­ed again grin­ning broad­ly that she has expe­ri­enced the inde­scrib­ably strong excitement.

She actu­al­ly said why we had not done that “so” much ear­li­er. The sperm kiss did­n’t taste as bad as she thought, she said.

Elke assumed that it would have giv­en me as much plea­sure as it did her. I don’t know why, but I did­n’t dare to put it right.… I just replied that she would have done it just as absolute­ly right, and I even thanked her for it. 😀 😀 😀

For me, it had the con­se­quence that I now knew that I would still have a long way to go to love sperm.

The Third Time I Swallowed Sperm It Finally Went “Click”

Accord­ing to the mot­to “the spir­its I called”, it was clear to Elke that it would now be exact­ly the same for 4 weeks after insem­i­na­tion. The third time clean lick­ing Elke came again loud­ly orgasm! 

Femdom forced cum eating kiss
Fem­Dom forced cum eat­ing kiss: The woman forces cum eat­ing with a kinky cum kiss.

She moans loud­ly at me that I am a “horny pig”. She kept slip­ping out the words “Is that horny” and she ordered me to lick it out as deep as pos­si­ble with my tongue! She asked me if I would find it horny to lick her sperm pussy so thor­ough­ly clean.

When I answered in the affir­ma­tive, she came with the words “I love you my dar­ling. You are so incred­i­bly horny!” vio­lent­ly cli­maxed. This sit­u­a­tion burned itself into my brain.

The clean lick­ing of the sperm cunt after sex gave me more and more plea­sure. After about two weeks, I greed­i­ly opened my mouth wide when Elke squat­ted on me, so as not to waste anoth­er drop.

My hoped-for dou­ble effect also occurred: Elke increas­ing­ly found her­self more and more plea­sure in our kinky sperm games! While I was busy with the clean lick­ing of her horny cum cunt, she liked to fold for­ward to lick my fresh­ly cummed cock clean. This feels very intense short­ly after my orgasm, but extreme­ly exciting.

Our cum kiss­es became notice­ably more and more unin­hib­it­ed, and after three weeks we made our first incred­i­bly horny cum snowballing.


Ruined the Orgasm During Self-Study

I occu­pied myself in par­al­lel on PC and mobile on xHam­ster, xVideos and Porn­Hub very much with bukkake, creamp­ies, mass insem­i­na­tion at gang­bangs, facial insem­i­na­tion, cuck­old­ing, creampie eat­ing (lick­ing sperm pussy clean), cum kiss­ing and snow­balling. Extreme­ly inter­est­ed me Ger­man-speak­ing men’s sur­plus par­ties with pussy and facial insem­i­na­tion of real ama­teur couples.

In the process, I licked my leak­ing love juice with a fin­ger (Sehn­sucht­stropfen) now always from my cock, which tast­ed increas­ing­ly bet­ter and bet­ter to me.

One day I made three jerks too much, and I ruined my orgasm because I did not want to cli­max yet. A vio­lent sperm load shot across the desk!!! But not as usu­al in 8–10 spurts, but only three spurts of pre-sperm came. Since I was still horny, I licked my horny mess clean. Thus, my inter­est in orgasm con­trol was also aroused.

It Began an Unimaginable Dynamic in Our Sex Life!

I showed Elke how she ruined my orgasm and the games with my forced ejac­u­la­tion took place more and more often! The horny Fick­saft she caught in the mean­time with a glass or plate. Increas­ing­ly, she took him direct­ly with her mouth and spit him into my mouth!!!

Cum cleanup of the abdomen of a cuckoldress
Cum cleanup of the abdomen of a cuckoldress

Elke increas­ing­ly enjoyed dom­i­nat­ing! We ordered leather cuffs and an eye mask for me from Ama­zon. With plea­sure, she just sat on my face after our sex. No mat­ter how much cum it was, she had no mer­cy at all. She gave me orders, and I had to do everything! 

Mean­while, I also dipped between her thighs with­out com­ment after pussy insem­i­na­tion in the mis­sion­ary posi­tion. Every­thing I had squirt­ed into her pussy, I fin­gered and licked greed­i­ly out again. I move my tongue slow­ly, deeply and passionately.

I dared myself more and more often to just cum on Elke. Breasts, bel­ly, pubic hair. Elke enjoyed both the body insem­i­na­tion and my gen­tle, slow clean­ing of the sperm mess!

It’s Done: The Reprogramming in the Brain Is Done!

I did­n’t think how fast it went! We had both become accus­tomed to the sperm. More than that: we now find it real­ly, real­ly horny!

Woman forces man to swallow his own sperm
Woman forces man to swal­low his own sperm

The antic­i­pa­tion of fuck­ing again and play­ing so dirty with sperm is so great for both of us by now that our sex life is more active than ever before.

The smell of the insem­i­nat­ed pussy, the slip­pery feel­ing, and the horny sight of the creampie slow­ly run­ning out of the fresh­ly insem­i­nat­ed pussy kicks us both enormously!

The smell of the sperm cunt in the morn­ing after wak­ing up horny us both so much in the mean­time that we put down a quick­ie first thing in the morn­ing before work or have horny sex on the week­end before breakfast.

First Experiments With Sperm

Our new­found enthu­si­asm for sperm led half a year lat­er to the fact that one day my “one” load was no longer enough for Elke.

Self facial during autofellatio
Self-facial dur­ing aut­ofel­la­tio: Most women find it real­ly horny when men inject them­selves with sperm into their faces!

I had already put the idea in her mouth, but still she expressed the desire to col­lect sev­er­al loads of sperm in the freez­er. This works great with small Tup­per­ware containers! 

We exper­i­ment with frozen sperm dur­ing inter­course or when play­ing with dil­dos as a lubricant.

Mean­while, we also col­lect sev­er­al creamp­ies to smear on our pussy or cock a few days or weeks later.

I felt more and more the desire to want to ejac­u­late in my own mouth and face. Elke also found the idea incred­i­bly horny, and also our aut­ofel­la­tio exper­i­ment worked out great.

sexy cuckold review

Conclusion: Swallowing Sperm Can Be Learned

Every man can learn to eat his own semen. Real­ly any­one! You don’t have to be bisex­u­al or homo­sex­u­al to do it.

That we men lose inter­est in swal­low­ing sperm after ejac­u­la­tion is unfor­tu­nate­ly nor­mal. Man must know the bio­log­i­cal process­es and trick the men­tal block.

Over­com­ing this can be done very well, espe­cial­ly with your part­ner. First of all, I rec­om­mend that you learn togeth­er how the man eats his own creampie from the part­ner’s fresh­ly fucked pussy.

The tech­nique is not that dif­fi­cult! She sim­ply sits down with her insem­i­nat­ed pussy over your face. You can’t escape, she orders you to do your job, she ignores your excus­es and she enjoys your cum kisses.

You will notice how your wife’s skep­ti­cism gives way to horni­ness and she becomes more and more unin­hib­it­ed. It is impor­tant that you always moti­vate your wife — with­out annoy­ing her!

Eventually it's done: you'll love swallowing cum.... I promise!
Even­tu­al­ly it’s done: you’ll love swal­low­ing cum.… I promise!

Feel free to write me your ques­tions or tech­niques to swal­low sperm as a com­ment. I will answer you guaranteed!

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