Tutorial to Ruin Your Orgasm Together With Your Woman

The term โ€œorgasm conยญtrolโ€ for men refers to the penis stimยญuยญlaยญtion near of their orgasm limยญit. In this process, the assoยญciยญatยญed orgasms are โ€œruinedโ€ sevยญerยญal times over and over again.

Orgasm control after 7 days of orgasm ban: Hotwife jerks cock and ruins climax
Orgasm conยญtrol after 7 days of orgasm ban: Hotwife jerks cock and ruins his climax

This ancient Asian sexยญuยญal pracยญtice is nowaยญdays also popยญuยญlar in the Euroยญpean and Amerยญiยญcan BDSM scene.

It is also called โ€œedgยญingโ€, โ€œstart-stop methodโ€ or โ€œtease and denialโ€.

Very many men who are marยญried or in a comยญmitยญted relaยญtionยญship have a desire for their partยญner to take conยญtrol of their penis. Unforยญtuยญnateยญly, very few women can do anyยญthing with it!

We would like to help you with the folยญlowยญing tips to inspire your partยญner to the techยญniques of orgasm control.

In this tutoยญrยญiยญal, weโ€™ll also explain interยญestยญing tips and ideas on how to milk your penis withยญout orgasm, while colยญlectยญing your horny sperm to recycle.

Of course, we are interยญestยญed in your expeยญriยญences, ideas, and opinยญions. How did you manยญage to get your partยญner excitยญed about orgasm conยญtrol? How does it feel to ruin the orgasm? Did you learn to swalยญlow your own sperm this way? Please take a moment and leave a comยญment below this post.


What Is a Ruined Orgasm?

A ruined orgasm is when a man or woman abruptยญly stops all stimยญuยญlaยญtion to the penis, cliยญtoris, and vagiยญna as soon as the perยญson begins to have an orgasm.

Ruined cumshot: The penis bobs, twitches, bounces, and curses!
Ruined cumshot: The penis bobs, twitchยญes, bounces, and curses!

By abruptยญly stopยญping the stimยญuยญlaยญtion, all sexยญuยญal satยญisยญfacยญtion is denied, as well as the beauยญtiยญful, satยญisยญfyยญing feelยญing of orgasm.

โ€œOrgasm ruinยญingโ€ is extremeยญly excruยญciยญatยญing and highยญly intense. It can even hapยญpen that the manโ€™s legs sag away while standing!

Although the orgasm denial leads to an unimagยญinยญably enorยญmous frusยญtraยญtion, it paraยญdoxยญiยญcalยญly increasยญes the horniยญness extremeยญly immeaยญsurยญably. Say: Through this ordeal, the sexยญuยญal pleaยญsure of the man becomes greater and greater!

Due to the splitยญting of ejacยญuยญlaยญtion and orgasm, large amounts of desire drops, preยญcum (pre-ejacยญuยญlate) and sperm leak from the penis. The penis can be milked in this way, virยญtuยญalยญly comยญpleteยญly orgasm-free. A prostate masยญsage or an anal plug, or an anal dilยญdo reinยญforces the already crass feelยญing again!

Dependยญing on edgยญing duraยญtion, exciteยญment levยญel, and sevยญerยญal days of orgasm renunยญciยญaยญtion, howยญevยญer, the tail can also be extremeยญly strong, over a meter far in one to three giganยญtic spurts of sack cream splash!

What Is Edging?

Edgยญing refers to the gradยญual, mulยญtiยญple approachยญes to the edge of sexยญuยญal orgasm through mulยญtiยญple orgasm ruinยญing.

Penis edging timer with smartphone timer-app
Penis edgยญing timer with smartยญphone timer-app

This involves repeatยญed withยญdrawยญal before finalยญly reachยญing orgasm.

Such an edgยญing sesยญsion may well last sevยญerยญal hours. The goal is to ruin the male cliยญmax over and over again, causยญing the man to expeยญriยญence an unimagยญinยญably vioยญlent senยญsuยญal expeยญriยญence from a comยญbiยญnaยญtion of agony and pleasure.

The goal of edgยญing is that it intenยญsiยญfies orgasm and, in men, enorยญmousยญly increasยญes ejacยญuยญlate volยญume and ejacยญuยญlaยญtoยญry force.

Edgยญing can be perยญformed durยญing any sexยญuยญal act and is not limยญitยญed to masturbation.

It is an imporยญtant aspect is the domยญiยญnance of the woman.

Difference of a normal orgasm and edging: The pleasure increases after each ruining!
Difยญferยญence of a norยญmal orgasm and edgยญing: The pleaยญsure increasยญes after each ruining!

How Do I Inspire My Woman for Orgasm Control

Phase 1: All Beginning Is the Conversation

In the first phase, it is first imporยญtant that momenยญtum comes back into your marยญriage bed. This is YOUR task from now on!

Take care of your partยญner again. Caress and pamยญper her, buy her sex toys as gifts, and try to inspire her tacยญtiยญcalยญly clever to watch porn.

In most couยญple relaยญtionยญships, women and men live together,

  • their sex life has become quite monotยญoยญnous. Over the years, men and also women are hardยญly interยญestยญed in joint, sexยญuยญal experiments.
  • where the partยญner is quite uptight and insecure.
  • the partยญner has advanยญtages over unusuยญal, sexยญuยญal practices.

If your wife is a wild tiger in bed, you can skip the first section.

Women will not be interยญestยญed in orgasm conยญtrol if their sex life is falยญlow. So, stop being lazy and come up with someยญthing to rekinยญdle the fire of passion!

Playing with sex toys in bed is a very good icebreaker and arouses interest in varied sex practices.
Playยญing with sex toys in bed is a very good iceยญbreakยญer and arousยญes interยญest in varยญied sex practices.

Phase 2: Make Your Wife Curious!

When your wife or partยญner is comยญfortยญable with sex again, you can tell her that you want to try an experยญiยญment and that you need her help:

Female Domination (FemDom): Ruined Orgasm
Female Domยญiยญnaยญtion (FemยญDom): Ruined Orgasm

Explain to her that it realยญly annoys you that your libido always goes down to zero immeยญdiยญateยญly after your orgasm.

You would have read on the interยญnet about edgยญing and orgasm conยญtrol, where the male orgasm is ruined over and over again, and that in men, testosยญterone levยญels rise to 147% if he doesยญnโ€™t orgasm for one week.

It will make your wife curious!

Also, tell her that you want to finalยญly get the senยญsiยญtivยญiยญty of your penis under conยญtrol and not cum so fast anyยญmore. When she blows or jerks the penis, the pleaยญsure should be the greatยญest (accordยญing to the guideยญbook) if you proยญceed more and more slowยญly and genยญtly the closยญer you get to orgasm.

Tell her to ruin the orgasm one to three times withยญout merยญcy and pity! Show her videos of how to drain or squirt the semen (in realยญiยญty pre-cum) withยญout orgasm.

Leave it at words and wait a few days. Donโ€™t folยญlow up again! 

Testosterone level during 7-days without male ejaculation
Testosยญterone levยญel durยญing 7โ€‘days withยญout male ejaculation

Phase 3: Learn Self-Control Over Your Climax

In a good relaยญtionยญship, partยญners respect each othยญer and cater to each othยญerโ€™s desires. She defยญiยญniteยญly wonโ€™t forยญget your words, but you should avoid nagยญging her!..

So pull yourยญself togethยญer, and realยญly donโ€™t lose a sinยญgle sylยญlaยญble more on the subยญject of ruinยญing orgasms!

In the third phase, let your wife disยญcovยญer your brave conยญfesยญsion in your actions instead.

Set a goal to have at least one ejacยญuยญlaยญtion withยญout orgasm EVERY DAY for a month, regardยญless of your proยญfesยญsionยญal and famยญiยญly situation:

a) Ruin Your Orgasm Every Time You Fuck for a Month!

When you have sex, make sure that she orgasms with your cock, finยญgers, tongue, as well as vibraยญtors and dilยญdos as many times as she wants.

Should you notice that you might come while fuckยญing, you will slow down and slow down! Once you finalยญly realยญize that you need to cum, pull the cock out of the pussy and pour your cum on the pubic mound withยญout any furยญther stimยญuยญlaยญtion.

You will learn to love this โ€œcruยญel orgasm ruinยญingโ€ very quickยญly, because your penis remains stiff withยญout orgasm, and your libido remains high.

After only 10โ€“20 secยญonds, you can conยญtinยญue fuckยญing normally.

Once you underยญstand the techยญnique, you can fuck your wife three times longer than you could before!!!!

Your wife will probยญaยญbly enjoy watchยญing every ruined ejacยญuยญlaยญtion very quickยญly. She will take posยญiยญtive note of your longer, sexยญuยญal staยญmiยญna and ask you about your new loveยญmakยญing technique.

Orgasm control: Cock ruined several times during sex on the belly of the woman!
Orgasm conยญtrol: Cock ruined sevยญerยญal times durยญing sex on the belยญly of the woman!
b) For One Month, Ruin During Masturbation Minimum 1x Daily!

In everyยญday famยญiยญly life, you wonโ€™t be able to avoid occaยญsionยญalยญly masยญturยญbatยญing withยญout your wife to keep your edgยญing month comยญpleteยญly on schedule.

Penis โ€œcriesโ€ durยญing orgasm conยญtrol: Preยญcum comes out again and again.

If you canโ€™t be intiยญmate with your partยญner or wife, share with her that itโ€™s realยญly very imporยญtant to you to creยญate your trainยญing goal of ruinยญing your orgasm at least once a day and milkยญing your penis in a conยญtrolled manner.

If you are open and honยญest, she will supยญport you in creยญatยญing a winยญdow of time where you can have a horny edgยญing sesยญsion undisturbed.

Pracยญtice orgasm conยญtrol alone, as described in the guide to learnยญing orgasm conยญtrol withยญout a partยญner.

Be sure to set yourยญself a smartยญphone timer and set a time goal and an insemยญiยญnaยญtion goal. Your orgasm trainยญing should last at least 30 minยญutes. You will achieve optiยญmal results if you manยญage not to cliยญmax for more than an hour.

Milk your penis on a sperm plate and also train to swalยญlow your leakยญing desire drop and your horny preยญcum. This way, you kill two birds with one stone.

Donโ€™t forยญget to take some phoยญtos or shoot some small clips as a thank you to your wife!

Recommended Websites on This Topic:

Phase 4: Let Your Wife Control Your Orgasm

Once youโ€™ve conยญvinced your partยญner how effecยญtive orgasm conยญtrol is, itโ€™s time to let your wife in on the topยญic of edgยญing. For examยญple, have her read our guide and Orgasm Conยญtrol in Men.

Schedยญule a cozy evening where she pamยญpers your penis with masยญsage oil and sex toys.

The first cumshot precum while edging after 7 days of orgasm ban can be extremely intense and is exciting for every woman!
The first cumshot preยญcum while edgยญing after 7 days of orgasm ban can be extremeยญly intense and is excitยญing for every woman!

The most imporยญtant thing is that you announce every orgasm with the word โ€œSTOPโ€ or with trafยญfic light colยญors as soon as your point of no return is felt. Your partยญner will then IMMEDIATELY stop any stimยญuยญlaยญtion and ruin your orgasm over a sperm bowl!

The unbeยญlievยญably horny sight of your agoยญnizยญing face.โ€ฆ of a vioยญlentยญly stiff penis that screams helpยญlessยญly and desยญperยญateยญly for an orgasmโ€ฆ twitchยญing and bouncยญingโ€ฆ and pulยญsatยญing from the preยญcum / spermโ€ฆ will extremeยญly excite your wife, girlยญfriend, or life partner!

The goal is for your wife to preยญvent your orgasm from hapยญpenยญing about three to six times, while genยญtly unseatยญing your cock until there is not a drop of cum left. Only then will she allow you to reach your very agoยญnizยญing and mega-horny dry orgasm! 

If you want, you should take picยญtures of it and make litยญtle porn clips.

When you have learned to recยญogยญnize your limยญit and enjoy the extreme pleaยญsure of each ruined orgasm, it will become easยญiยญer and easยญiยญer for you. Because your comยญmon final goal should be that in the man, the desire not to come to orgasm is stronger than the desire to have an orgasm.

Brutal feelings during orgasm ruin - game. And yet it is so indescribably aroused!
Bruยญtal feelยญings durยญing orgasm ruin game. And yet, it is so indeยญscribยญably aroused!

The Basis of Orgasm Control: Communication, Discipline, and Self-Control!

If you are interยญestยญed in proยญgressยญing furยญther on the path of orgasm conยญtrol, we highยญly recยญomยญmend that you comยญmuยญniยญcate closeยญly with your partยญner durยญing your edgยญing session.

Precum (pre-ejaculate) flows out of the penis during orgasm control by the woman
Preยญcum (pre-ejacยญuยญlate) flows out of the penis durยญing orgasm conยญtrol by the woman.

Even though you donโ€™t get an orgasm, she will enjoy and get highยญly aroused watchยญing each ruined ejacยญuยญlaยญtion and your intense physยญiยญcal reactions.

She knows that she will keep increasยญing your pleaยญsure despite your intense agony.

So, when your woman is spoilยญing your cock, donโ€™t lie there wordยญlessยญly and silentยญly, but moan out your pent-up lust and tell her how good it feels! 

If cuckยญold fanยญtasies come into your head, tell her about them openยญly and honยญestยญly! This will furยญther ignite her joy of experยญiยญmenยญtaยญtion and horniness.

It is an absolute matยญter of course that you must obey all orders of your hotwife! It is strictยญly forยญbidยญden for you to reach orgasm withยญout perยญmisยญsion. You have to thank her for every ruined orgasm and tell your wife how good it was.

Milking off the Cum While Ruining Orgasm

Last but not least, we would like to point out one more imporยญtant point.

Cock-emptying (milking) into a jar
Cock-empยญtyยญing (milkยญing) into a jar

As already writยญten, very large amounts of desire drops, preยญcum (pre-juice, pre-ejacยญuยญlate), and sperm are milked off durยญing edgยญing and the conยญstant ruining.

Every woman, withยญout excepยญtion, should get into the habit of not tolยญerยญatยญing a sinยญgle, unconยญtrolled loss of semen already durยญing the first edgยญing sessions! 

Every litยญtle drop of desire, every splash of preยญcum and every load of sperm is colยญlectยญed with a spoon, and a sperm bowl or a cum plate and oralยญly returned to the cuckold.

Grateยญfulยญly and โ€œwithยญout theยญaterโ€, each man has to swalยญlow everyยญthing if the Cuckยญolยญdress demands it! She must not leave Ausยญbรผchยญsen, turnยญing away as well as whinยญing and conยญstant โ€œbegยญging after the orgasmโ€ unpunished!

A Cuckยญold must and will be conยญfrontยญed with his sperm so often until he has learned to swalยญlow it all decentยญly and withยญout resistance! 

Each penis should be milked in a controlled way over a plate, a bowl or a glass!
Each penis should be milked in a conยญtrolled way over a plate, a bowl or a glass!

Conclusion: Men Must Learn to Control Their Orgasm!

Ruinยญing the male orgasm mulยญtiยญple times is a gorยญgeous and devยญilยญish pleaยญsure. You will feel an agoยญnizยญing but indeยญscribยญably intense pleasure! 

Ruined orgasm
Ruined orgasm

You notice how your horniยญness remains at a high levยญel despite the loss of semen. And you enjoy an unimagยญinยญably intense, final orgasm! 

Finalยญly, stop with your senseยญless โ€œjust jerk off and cum fastโ€ and start to conยญtrol your ejacยญuยญlaยญtion and enjoy your masยญturยญbaยญtion by ruinied orgasm!

Set yourยญself fixed time goals and cum goals at the beginยญning, which you monยญiยญtor and log with a smartยญphone timer! Your cum should be milked only tarยญgetยญed, and conยญtrolled very horny on a plate, in a glass, in a jar, on phoยญtos, objects, or cumยญfood.

Probยญaยญbly your partยญner does not yet underยญstand the meanยญing and purยญpose of orgasm conยญtrol durยญing your first narยญraยญtions. Be patient to accomยญpaยญny her on the way to see, expeยญriยญence, and love it yourself.

Handjob ruin cumming cock
Handยญjob ruin cumยญming cock

Since ruinยญing is only realยญly horny when perยญformed by a secยญond perยญson, we encourยญage you to get your partยญner excitยญed about this sexยญuยญal pracยญtice! Itโ€™s worth it to invest the courage and time!

For examยญple, if you are curยญrentยญly fuckยญing her intenseยญly and want to cum inside her, you should get into the habit of fuckยญing slowยญer and slowยญer and more conยญtrolled. Ruin your orgasm and let your cum flow outยญside of her pussy on her Venus mound every time. Then fuck your wife realยญly hard again, and repeat the game as often as you like! She will adore you!

Whatโ€™s imporยญtant durยญing a jerk-off sesยญsion with your wife is that you comยญmuยญniยญcate with her and show her how much you enjoy her ruinยญing your orgasm over and over again.

Great Ruined Orgasms Compilation

Other Sources:

Cock milking: Many cuckolding couples like cock milking while edging and sperm games after each ruined orgasm
Cock milkยญing: Many cuckยญoldยญing couยญples like cock milkยญing while edgยญing and sperm games after each ruined orgasm.

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