Cum Collecting With Plates, Bowls, and Glasses

When watch­ing porn as a cuck­old or a hotwife, you often regret that the actors waste the horny cum from creampie, facial cum, and body cum so com­plete­ly carelessly.

Wife lick­ing horny cum from her hus­band’s plate

Open-mind­ed wife­shar­ing and cuck­old cou­ples care about thor­ough clean lick­ing of cum. They often look for prac­ti­cal solu­tions to avoid spilling, run­ning, and “miss­ing cum”.

Espe­cial­ly when the cuck­old was once again not fast enough. 😉

We would like to give you some tips below on how you can save the horny cum with var­i­ous kitchen uten­sils before it dis­ap­pears on the floor, car­pet or in the bed linen.

Small plates, bowls or spoons are often enough to catch love juices. This catch­ing is called “cum­col­lect” or “cum collect”.

In this arti­cle, we would like to give you horny ideas how you can col­lect your sperm. We would like to expand this text with your ideas. Please write us your opin­ion and your ideas in the com­ment field below this sperm guide.

What Is Cumcollect / Cum Collecting?

The term cum­col­lect­ing orig­i­nal­ly comes from the porn indus­try. It is com­posed of the words “cum” and “to collect”.

Hotwife emp­ty sperm plate with straw

In gang­bangs and group sex, the sperm is col­lect­ed and col­lect­ed by sev­er­al men with a con­tain­er at the end of the movie.

After­wards it is tak­en up with the mouth, drunk or spread on the body of the woman. Some­times you can also read the term “cum­catch­ing” or “cum catching”.

Nowa­days, many pri­vate cou­ples also catch their sperm to suck around horny with it.

Espe­cial­ly with cuck­old­ing, there are total­ly kinky play pos­si­bil­i­ties with caught cum.

Slutwife Trainig

Whence Comes the Idea of Collecting Cum?

The first cum col­lect­ing porn, where sperm was col­lect­ed with bowls, dish­es and plates, came from the Japan­ese porn industry.

The cum bowl (eng. Bukkake Bowl) orig­i­nal­ly came from Japan­ese hen­tai / ani­me porn.

The total­ly kinky sex­u­al prac­tice of the so-called Gokkun and Bukkake films hit like a bomb and spread to Europe and Amer­i­ca like lightning.

In gokkun porns, the view­ers should be shown by the cum-catch­ing, how much sperm the porn actors can ejac­u­late together. 

Impres­sive­ly, one sees after a short time how much fuck juice is pro­duced by the donor com­mu­ni­ty. Depend­ing on the num­ber of par­tic­i­pants, more than 100–300 mil­li­liters of fresh sperm come togeth­er with­out any prob­lems, which would have been care­less­ly spilled on the floor in sex films in the past.

Com­pared to clas­sic cumshots, which dis­ap­pear uncon­trol­lably some­where — the ejac­u­la­tions and also the facial insem­i­na­tion, come to the fore con­sid­er­ably more clear­ly with the con­trolled catching.

View­ers get extreme­ly sex­u­al­ly aroused by the sight of the woman glee­ful­ly tak­ing the semen into her mouth or drink­ing it.

Catching and Collecting Semen Has Become Popular

Gokkun and bukkake par­ties are (unfor­tu­nate­ly) not yet as pop­u­lar in Amer­i­ca and Europe, as they are in Asia.

Cumplates are very pop­u­lar uten­sils for col­lect­ing sperm (cum col­lect­ing) at gangbangs

But at swingers par­ties, in swingers clubs, at pri­vate sex par­ties, and also as a cou­ple at home, sperm col­lec­tion is prac­ticed more and more often.

There is prob­a­bly no more effec­tive way to col­lect sperm flash-quick­ly and “save” it from disappearing.

Plen­ty of sperm has always been impor­tant at gang­bangs. You can cur­rent­ly see a trend of facials and creamp­ies being increas­ing­ly col­lect­ed with ves­sels and then recy­cled in this area as well.

Pre­sum­ably, sperm bowls, sperm plates, jars, bowls, jars, and sperm spoons will soon be stan­dard for many cou­ples in the bedroom.

Why Should Sperm Be Collected?

From a cuck­old cou­ple’s point of view, it’s a faux pas that can even be pun­ished if the cuck­old does­n’t lick up the fresh­ly squirt­ed cum from his hot wife’s body fast enough.

But also in the wife­shar­ing area, creamp­ies are real­ly adored and are often licked clean by swal­low-will­ing sex par­ty visitors.

Cock milk­ing on a plate: Cuck­old penis is milked by hotwife on a plate

Cum col­lect­ing brings some calm­ness and means less stress for the cuck­old and hotwife.

If the hotwife is abun­dant­ly insem­i­nat­ed by sev­er­al bulls dur­ing sex from behind, the cuck­old can sim­ply put a black piz­za plate between the hotwife’s thighs.

The lover will see the point after the first creampie, which instead of dis­ap­pear­ing into the mat­tress, will be caught by the shiny black porcelain.

Cum col­lect­ing also brings tremen­dous advan­tages in facial insem­i­na­tion. If the cuck or cuck­ol­dress holds the plate under the chin while her pret­ty face is dec­o­rat­ed with sev­er­al facials, no sperm splash is lost here either.

The hotwife can relax and just enjoy her horny cum bath with­out hav­ing to swal­low constantly.

When all the cocks are ejac­u­lat­ed emp­ty, the hotwife can spon­ta­neous­ly decide how much she wants to swal­low. Either she takes the whole load through her mouth, or if she does­n’t want to drink any cum, she lets the huge load run onto her body, rubs every­thing, and takes the sperm inside her through her skin.

The third alter­na­tive is: the cou­ple has some Tup­per­ware with them to col­lect sperm and takes the mas­sive sperm cock­tail to their home for sperm games, sperm kiss­es, and snow­balling.

10 Ways to Collect Sperm

“Cum col­lect­ing” is cel­e­brat­ed pri­mar­i­ly with clas­sic kitchen uten­sils, but also with beau­ti­ful­ly shaped to osten­ta­tious vessels.

As cum col­lect­ing con­tain­ers serve most­ly glass­es of all types, as well as plates, bowls, bowls, or cups. How­ev­er, spoons are also often used.

In the fol­low­ing, we have sum­ma­rized the ten most use­ful pos­si­bil­i­ties for “har­vest­ing sperm” from a wife­shar­ing and cuck­old point of view.

1.) Sperm Plate (Cum Plate)

Very help­ful and incred­i­bly horny at the same time is col­lect­ing sperm with a plate. Break­fast plates, din­ner plates, large piz­za plates, and small saucers can be used.

Dom­i­na makes penis cum on plate, which the man has to lick clean again.

Plates are espe­cial­ly handy for col­lect­ing sperm and creamp­ies, for milk­ing the penis, and when horny pre-cum runs out of the penis dur­ing edg­ing.

It can be col­lect­ed dur­ing porn watch­ing and orgasm ruin­ing with a small plate escap­ing sperm amounts.

Sperm plates can be licked clean with­out leav­ing any residue. You can even put an OREO cook­ie on it for insemination.

Cum plate — col­lect sperm on plate

Dur­ing group sex or even a gang­bang, a large plate is also very con­ve­nient when held under the chin dur­ing facial insem­i­na­tion and placed under the pussy dur­ing a mega-creampie.

A car­ing cuck­old should always atten­tive­ly hold the sperm plate under the pussy or the face of his wife in the heat of the moment to safe­ly catch creampie and horny cum after a for­eign insem­i­na­tion.

Very help­ful is a big black plate also in the dog­gy posi­tion of the cuck­old, e.g. dur­ing strap-on fuck or prostate mas­sage. The pre­cum leak­ing from the penis is per­fect­ly col­lect­ed and does not drip onto the mattress.

Every hotwife will be excit­ed to pour or drink the col­lect­ed sperm dessert over her tor­so. It’s the cuck­old’s job to lick the huge mess off her body again!

2.) Sperm Bowl (Cum Bowl)

If you put a small cum bowl in your desk or night­stand draw­er, you’ll always have the pos­si­bil­i­ty to catch pre­cum (pre-ejac­u­late) and cum in a flash with­out using tis­sues when jerk­ing off, edg­ing (orgasm train­ing), and watch­ing porn.

A cum bowl is great for milk­ing your cock.

We rec­om­mend small black sushi plates (Asian table­ware) or black dip­ping bowls. You can lick an insem­i­nat­ed sperm bowl clean and also put a cook­ie on it beforehand.

Larg­er sperm bowls are used more for gang­bangs or bukkake / gokun par­ties of 10 men or more, since clas­sic din­ner plates are too small here.

Bowls and dish­es are very pop­u­lar uten­sils with very kinky hotwifes. They have the huge advan­tage that not a sin­gle drop of sperm can miss. If the woman loves sperm, she finds the huge col­lect­ed amount of sperm total­ly horny.

How­ev­er, the com­plete drink­ing of a bukkake cum­bowl is an extreme­ly big chal­lenge and over­com­ing. Here the Cuck­old must help ener­get­i­cal­ly! It is bet­ter to dis­trib­ute the con­tents of a cum bowl rather con­trolled and slow­ly over the entire body of the hotwife, let it dry and go home with­out showering.

Hotwife milks her cuck and catch­es the cum for kinky sperm games in a sperm bowl.

3.) Spoon Rest (Spoon Holder)

A so-called spoon rest is need­ed in the kitchen to place cook­ing spoons next to the stove. This way, when cook­ing, the work sur­face is not spilled with food.

A spoon rest is great for very safe­ly catch­ing cum and insem­i­nat­ing snacks.

Spoon rests usu­al­ly look like a shal­low, elon­gat­ed bowl with an elon­gat­ed arm. Some spoon hold­ers have a boat shape. How­ev­er, there are also round models.

A spoon rest is extreme­ly con­ve­nient for cuck­olds dur­ing mas­tur­ba­tion, porn watch­ing, and orgasm train­ing. You place the “spoon rest” in front of the penis and put it in there.

Pre­cum, desire drops, and sperm can sim­ply “leak” into these spoon rests, or squirt into them in a very safe and con­trolled man­ner. After each unseed­ing, you can eas­i­ly and quick­ly lick the love juice clean again.

Tips: With a spoon hold­er, a com­bi­na­tion with a black lat­te mac­chi­a­to / sun­dae spoon is very prac­ti­cal. Fur­ther­more, you can put a cook­ie or choco­late (cum food) in the sperm bowl and insem­i­nate horny.

Also, dur­ing prostate train­ing and inter­val wank­ing of the penis by the hotwife, a spoon hold­er is quick­ly at hand, and ruined orgasms can be milked in a con­trolled manner.

4.) Martini Glass, Liqueur Glass, Cocktail Bowl

On the inter­net, you see more and more often that porn labels have well-formed mar­ti­ni glass­es, with a kelch-like open­ing under the chin of the porn actress or for squeez­ing creamp­ies under the sperm pussy.

A BBC bull and lover squirt their cum in a liquor glass at bukkake party

Mar­ti­ni glass­es and cock­tail bowls are actu­al­ly very prac­ti­cal. Due to the chal­ice-like shape, hard­ly any sperm can splash next to it, and the glass looks styl­ish­ly elegant.

It is incred­i­ble to observe dur­ing AO gang­bangs what con­sid­er­able amounts of creampie can be squirt­ed into the pussy — By catch­ing it, one is no longer dis­ap­point­ed at all when the fol­low­ing fuck­er squeezes the horny cum out of the woman again so carelessly.

The same also applies to the facial insem­i­na­tion! Mar­ti­ni glass­es catch drain­ing sperm under the chin safe­ly and sexily.

The slight­ly small­er ver­sion is a liqueur glass. It also has a fun­nel-like shape. Small­er amounts of sperm from three to five men can be col­lect­ed here.

Sperm cock­tail in a mar­ti­ni glass — Creampie is caught again and again dur­ing gang­bang (Cum collecting)

5.) Shot Glass

Shot glass­es are often seen with mas­tur­bat­ing men who don’t want to squirt their cum into a hand­ker­chief. That’s good! 

Hotwife catch­es horny cum from hus­band with shot glass

With this method of de-sam­pling, it is absolute­ly impos­si­ble to miss squirt­ing your ejac­u­late. It is there­fore ide­al for beginners.

With this cum­col­lect idea, you can mea­sure the amount of sperm, but also train your­self to drink your 3 — 5 ml of sperm in one go.

Hotwifes and Dom­i­nas also like to use shot glass­es to col­lect the pre-cum dur­ing edg­ing or forced emas­cu­la­tion. The sack cream can be effort­less­ly returned to the man oral­ly via this route and recycled.

The dis­ad­van­tage of shot glass­es is that com­par­a­tive­ly much sperm remains inside the glass, and you can’t lick the glass com­plete­ly clean.

Hotwife drinks fresh sperm from shot glass

6.) Ice Cream Cup Glass, Ice Cream Bowl

Glass ice buck­ets are pop­u­lar for larg­er gang­bangs of 25 men or more. There are the ice bowls in incred­i­bly beau­ti­ful shapes and col­ors. Here the cre­ative hotwife can again give free rein to her imagination.

If an ice cream bowl looks like a beau­ti­ful gob­let, no par­ty guest will make a cyn­i­cal remark when the cuck­old col­lects the creamp­ies and cum splash­es with this ves­sel and a cum spoon.

There are gang­bang vis­i­tors who find the idea with an ice cream sun­dae so horny that they would rather ejac­u­late direct­ly into the ves­sel after sex with the hotwife.

With a capac­i­ty of over half a liter of sperm, the hotwife will undoubt­ed­ly be over­whelmed with the gigan­tic amount when swal­low­ing. Here the cuck­old must nec­es­sar­i­ly help to emp­ty the glass together.

Styl­ish­ly designed sun­daes not only look ele­gant but can also be insem­i­nat­ed and licked clean very well.

7.) Drinking Glass, Wine Glass, Champagne Glass, Cocktail Glass

Penis ejac­u­lates in a wine glass

The fact that you can catch sperm in a drink­ing glass, cock­tail glass, wine glass, or cham­pagne glass is cer­tain­ly no sur­prise for you.

Wine glass­es and cock­tail glass­es have a high­er capac­i­ty and a larg­er open­ing for squirt­ing. Cham­pagne, whiskey, and cognac glass­es, as well as cham­pagne flutes, are not suit­able for the desama­tion of the penis.

Drink­ing glass­es can also be used to col­lect sperm, but visu­al­ly it usu­al­ly does not look so nice. How­ev­er, you can fill up the sperm in the glass with juice.

Creampie is caught with drink­ing glass

For cock­tail glass­es, we would like to give you the tip that after ejac­u­la­tion, with a sperm ice cube or sev­er­al sperm splash­es can con­jure up great drinks that even taste.

Lychee juice, piña cola­da, and coconut juice are real secret tips for learn­ing to swal­low sperm. How­ev­er, be sure to keep your hands off min­er­al water, wine, and sparkling wine!

In our per­son­al opin­ion, “squirt­ing sperm into glass­es” is not quite as appe­tiz­ing to look at com­pared to insem­i­nat­ing black dish­es. But you’ll have to try it out for yourself.

8.) Small Serving Tray

Cute teen brat jerks off numerous cocks on serving tray.
Cute teen brat jerks off numer­ous cocks on a serv­ing tray.

Very use­ful proves to be a tray for milk­ing off the penis. The cock has enough ejac­u­la­tion sur­face and can squirt out nice and hard dur­ing orgasm with­out horny white cum splash­ing uncon­trol­lably next to it.

Serv­ing trays are avail­able in a wide vari­ety of col­ors, shapes, and mate­ri­als. Depend­ing on the pur­pose, you can quick­ly find your desired ves­sel to col­lect sperm.

The hotwife can freely decide on Ama­zon or eBay which tray she wants for the next insem­i­na­tion by her Alpha Bull, sev­er­al lovers or her cuckold.

To col­lect sperm for cuck­olds are about 30 cm long, nar­row, black trays with oval curves well suit­ed. You should make sure that the edge is slight­ly raised so that no cream can run off the sperm tray.

We strong­ly rec­om­mend that you choose a black col­or, as this will show off the horny bag of cream to its best advan­tage. White and light col­ors should be avoided.

9.) Sperm Spoon (Cum Spoon)

In our opin­ion, a cum spoon should not be miss­ing in any bed­room if fresh ejac­u­late is to be col­lect­ed in a flash and in max­i­mum quan­ti­ty. An out­sider can’t even imag­ine how handy a spoon can be after sex.

A spoon is very handy for scooping out the cum cunt and catching a creampie
A spoon is very handy for scoop­ing out the cum cunt and catch­ing a creampie

To “col­lect sperm”, a spoon can basi­cal­ly be used for three areas: dur­ing a facial insem­i­na­tion, body insem­i­na­tion or pussy insem­i­na­tion, the sperm can be col­lect­ed very eas­i­ly and reli­ably from the skin.

The spooned-out or spooned-up cum can then be very safe­ly trans­port­ed to anoth­er loca­tion, usu­al­ly a mouth.

Many cuck­olds want a tech­nique to stop the creampie from dis­ap­pear­ing between the but­tocks or, he would like to spoon out the horny insem­i­nat­ed cum cock­tail from the pussy.

After a facial insem­i­na­tion, the squirt­ed sperm can be eas­i­ly picked up with a spoon and fed to the mouth for sperm recy­cling. If the breasts, the bel­ly, the mons vener­is or the pussy were sprayed with sperm, a sperm spoon is also a quick helper in the area.

With a small sperm spoon, drops of desire, pre­cum and small amounts of sperm can be collected.

How­ev­er, we do not rec­om­mend cold stain­less-steel spoons, but rather long, black ice cream spoons or lat­te mac­chi­a­to spoons made of plas­tic. There, the sperm looks pleas­ant on it.

A good tip are soft, bright­ly col­ored baby feed­ing spoons made of silicone.

Baby spoons do not let the sperm cool down and usu­al­ly also have a deep­er spoon cav­i­ty, where­by sperm drops, pre­cum and plea­sure drops can be col­lect­ed very safely.

Facial cum cleanup with spoon: The facial is picked up quick­ly and safe­ly by the cum spoon.

10.) Medical Kidney Bowl

The use of a curved, med­ical kid­ney tray allows for beau­ti­ful­ly kinky cum play. Due to the curved shape, the sperm bowl can be pressed to var­i­ous parts of the body and clos­es well.

Espe­cial­ly for facial insem­i­na­tion, kid­ney dish­es are incred­i­bly prac­ti­cal. If it is held under the chin of the woman, the cum inevitably runs down the face dur­ing facial and lands in long sperm threads in the kid­ney dish.

Dur­ing a gang­bang or a bukkake / gokkun par­ty, even larg­er amounts of sperm can be col­lect­ed and col­lect­ed very safe­ly and with­out loss.

Due to the long cum sur­face and the high edges, such a bowl can also be used well for milk­ing a penis by the hotwife.

You can buy kid­ney dish­es made of stain­less steel and plas­tic. We would rec­om­mend you plas­tic kid­ney dish­es in bright col­ors (pink, blue, blue, green) or black because then the sperm looks hot­ter than on stain­less steel.

Every Cuckold Has to Collect His Own Pre-cum, Desire Drops and Cum While Masturbating

We have gone into the above text sec­tion for sperm col­lec­tion with your hotwife.

As a good cuck­old or wife­shar­er, how­ev­er, you should also be care­ful not to waste any more love juices with you alone! When watch­ing porn, edg­ing, orgasm train­ing, and clas­sic mas­tur­ba­tion, sperm recy­cling is your duty.

Deriv­ing from the tips already men­tioned, now belong at least in your desk drawer.

Opti­mal­ly is also a black place mat.

A cuckold ejaculates his two weeks collected sperm on a plate and must lick it clean afterwards!
A cuck­old ejac­u­lates his two weeks col­lect­ed sperm on a plate and must lick it clean afterwards!

Conclusion: Cum Collect — Collecting Sperm Is Super Practical, Hot and Dirty!

Thou­sands and thou­sands of porn fans are enthu­si­as­tic about this cum-col­lect­ing genre. Gone are the days when gang­bang par­tic­i­pants dis­re­spect­ful­ly and care­less­ly tram­ple around in the cum of the pre­vi­ous inseminators.

Facial with a plate: Wife is totally turned on by the plate insemination and gives herself a facial.
Facial with a plate: Wife is total­ly turned on by the plate insem­i­na­tion and gives her­self a facial.

By the con­trolled col­lec­tion of sperm by means of plates, bowls, glass­es and oth­er kitchen uten­sils, as well as by the use of spoons, a lot of cum can be effec­tive­ly pre­vent­ed from spilling on bed­sheets, fur­ni­ture, car­pet, and carpeting.

The hotwife can enjoy the col­lect­ed sperm load accord­ing to her wish­es. Either alone with her cuck­old at home or the fuck­ers may watch how she drinks the com­mu­nal giant sperm cock­tail and rubs extreme­ly horny on her body.

Our sum­ma­riz­ing tip: Use black dish­es and black spoons! Glass­es and light-col­ored dish­es make ejac­u­late look nowhere near as aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleasing.

Additional Sources:

Dana cum drink­ing from plate

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