Acting Out Sexual Fantasies in a Group

Sex with sev­er­al peo­ple was a pop­u­lar sex­u­al prac­tice in human his­to­ry until the Mid­dle Ages. Numer­ous paint­ings, clay jars and fres­coes doc­u­ment the friv­o­lous activ­i­ties of men and women all over the world. 

So, it’s not sur­pris­ing that “sex with strangers” is haunt­ing mil­lions of minds as one of the great­est sex­u­al fan­tasies, despite mod­ern moral codes. It is genet­i­cal­ly ingrained in us.

Although the term “group sex” sounds quite clear, but it is nev­er­the­less often mis­in­ter­pret­ed. At what point in sex is it a “group”? What is the dif­fer­ence with gang­bang? What is a sex par­ty? And how does cuck­old­ing fit into this constellation?

In this guide, we look at the top­ic of group sex, with a focus on hotwifes and cuckolds.

What Is Group Sex?

Accord­ing to the offi­cial def­i­n­i­tion, it is called group sex when there are three or more par­tic­i­pants. In our opin­ion, how­ev­er, it would be more cor­rect to speak of a “group” of four sex­u­al part­ners. Because the con­stel­la­tion FFM and MMF is a “three­some”.

Foursome - Wifesharing with four partners
Four­some — Wife­shar­ing with four partners

The basic require­ment is that at least one woman is vagi­nal­ly pen­e­trat­ed by sev­er­al men. One speaks then of MMMF. If a sec­ond woman is present, then: MMFF.

Most­ly this woman lives in a firm part­ner­ship rela­tion­ship or mar­riage. With the con­sent of her hus­band or life part­ner, strange men are allowed to have sex­u­al fun with her.

One dis­tin­guish­es three group sex types:

  • Swingers: group sex pri­mar­i­ly takes place in the style of a cheer­ful sex par­ty with sev­er­al swing­ing cou­ples. The actors are often per­son­al­ly known to each oth­er in their cir­cles. They eat, par­ty, and fuck togeth­er. The sit­u­a­tion is usu­al­ly very relaxed. Often, the play­ers bring their own sex toys and choose the fel­low cou­ples and solo mas­ters them­selves. Con­doms are always used when hav­ing sex with strangers. Bisex­u­al acts among women are stan­dard. Some­times men’s sur­plus par­ties are held to give women a high­er sex rate.
  • Wife­shar­ing: Besides swinger par­ties, there are also so-called wife­shar­ing par­ties. Here the hus­band (Wife­shar­er) makes his wife avail­able to a group of men with­out oth­er women for sex (engl. shar­ing / share). At wife­shar­ing par­ties, the host cou­ple has con­trol over what hap­pens. Cuck­old cou­ples are very fond of choos­ing this con­stel­la­tion and wish to insem­i­nate the hotwife with­out a con­dom. Accord­ing­ly, they attach impor­tance to med­ical tests and choose the actors themselves.
  • Gang­bang: Here the focus is on the mass insem­i­na­tion of a woman by at least 5 men. The mood is dif­fi­cult for the cuck­old cou­ple to con­trol. Depend­ing on the behav­ior of the men present, they fuck aggres­sive­ly, which results in very many vio­lent orgasms of the hotwife. The mood is often vul­gar and very cum-heavy. How­ev­er, the hotwife enjoys exact­ly the feel­ing of being used “so right”. Gang­bangs are planned by the cuck­old cou­ple them­selves or orga­nized through an orga­niz­er. The abun­dant insem­i­na­tion of the Hotwife with­out a con­dom is an explic­it goal. A med­ical test or rapid test is expect­ed as a manda­to­ry require­ment for participation.
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Where Does Group Sex Take Place?

The loca­tion for group sex is usu­al­ly a swingers club or sex club. You meet there either “on the mat” or in imag­i­na­tive­ly fur­nished play­grounds. In addi­tion to open­ing hours, some swinger clubs also offer the pos­si­bil­i­ty of rent­ing premises.

sex foursome mmmf

Sex for four: FMMM (female-man-man-man)Hotels, and vaca­tion apart­ments are also pop­u­lar for anony­mous and dis­creet sex meet­ings. In our opin­ion, they are a per­fect mix of dis­cre­tion, anonymi­ty, and coziness.

Advanced cou­ples lat­er also like to use porn cin­e­mas, park­ing lots, FFK bathing spots at quar­ry ponds or seclud­ed places to live out their fantasies.

Die-hard swingers and wife­shar­ers also like to use their pri­vate homes or apart­ments, but this often leads to prob­lems and gos­sip with neigh­bors. How­ev­er, it is strong­ly not rec­om­mend­ed to have sex par­ties at home.

How Does Group Sex Work?

  • Incred­i­bly many men get very excit­ed when strange men cum on and in their beloved part­ner — but also wish to insem­i­nate strange women them­selves. Swinger cou­ples accept this con­sen­su­al­ly. They arrange to meet oth­er cou­ples in swingers clubs or sim­ply let them­selves be sur­prised at swinger par­ties. Here group sex con­stel­la­tions arise com­plete­ly auto­mat­i­cal­ly. Con­doms are usu­al­ly oblig­a­tory among swingers — but they still like to ejac­u­late on breasts and in the mouth and face of the woman. Man and woman are allowed to let off steam sex­u­al­ly accord­ing to their estab­lished rule and go home as a cou­ple, com­plete­ly sat­is­fied, hand in hand again.
  • Cuck­old cou­ples have a dif­fer­ent goal: unlike swing­ing, a “cuck­old” main­ly just wants to watch her fuck his wife over and over again to cli­max and get mas­sive­ly insem­i­nat­ed. This is called can­daulism. It shows absolute famil­iar­i­ty when he watch­es his wife while mas­tur­bat­ing. He licks his wife clean every now and then and gives her cum kiss­es for min­utes. After the suc­cess­ful insem­i­na­tion of the fuck hole by all the men, the hus­band is then final­ly allowed to cum in the cum pussy as well. Cuck­old cou­ples usu­al­ly orga­nize their wife­shar­ing par­ties them­selves via the Inter­net. The cou­ple explic­it­ly choos­es the men and the venue. Although there are usu­al­ly few­er men than invit­ed, the woman is still very sat­is­fied. The cuck­old takes care of the hotwife’s well-being.
  • Gang­bangs run much more hearty. It is real­ly fucked very hard. This is called rough sex. There is a kind of com­pe­ti­tion between the many men, who can fuck the hard­est and cum the most. Some bulls can even cum up to three times. Hotwife and Cuck­old let this dri­ving strong­ly excit­ed its course. While the woman recov­ers from the very phys­i­cal exer­tion, her cuck­old licks her body and cum pussy clean when all the guests have gone home. Pas­sion­ate, very kinky cum games between cuck and hotwife are not uncom­mon. Show­er­ing is usu­al­ly done after a gang­bang only after a few hours, which gives the cuck him­self the oppor­tu­ni­ty for repeat­ed insem­i­na­tion and per­ma­nent lick­ing out of the horny-smelling sperm pussy.

What Do You Wear During Group Sex?

The cuck­ol­dress, also called a hotwife, usu­al­ly wears provoca­tive lin­gerie for her lover like an overt panty­hose, long socks with sus­penders, pumps, and a blouse, cor­sage, or bra.

Men and cuck­old usu­al­ly wear a black t‑shirt and bathing slip­pers. Rarely, men wear fish­net shirts or trans­par­ent under­wear. Very often, fel­low cuck­olds wear penis rings made of met­al, rub­ber or silicone.

Group Sex: Very Popular With Women Over 35!

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, many men are not very imag­i­na­tive or per­sis­tent dur­ing sex. Only rarely do nor­mal women expe­ri­ence “insane orgasms” that make them kick and scream.

Between the ages of 30 and 40, women expe­ri­ence their most active sex­u­al phase of life. Get­ting bare­back fucked and insem­i­nat­ed by a dom­i­nant, well-endowed man — is the most com­mon, secret fantasy.

How­ev­er, a woman would nev­er express the desire for “sex with strangers” by her­self! They pre­fer to mas­tur­bate secret­ly with these fan­tasies. Most­ly their hus­bands moti­vate / per­suade their wives “for fun” for a three­some or swingers club vis­it. Many women react then indig­nant­ly and reject­ing. The idea must then mature for sev­er­al months or even years.

On the oth­er hand, many guys do not go along with it! If the woman address­es the top­ic, not a few men react total­ly hor­ri­fied and would nev­er release their wife for stranger fuck­ing and insemination.

Cuckold watches the foreign insemination of his wife
Cuck­old watch­es the for­eign insem­i­na­tion of his wife

The fact is: eroti­cism and sex­u­al fan­tasies arise in the minds of men and women already in their youth. The more the fan­tasies are “winged”, the more aris­es in the course of life the desire to imple­ment them in real­i­ty. If the part­ner can­not ful­fill this, sex­u­al frus­tra­tion aris­es, with a high risk of infidelity.

If the cou­ple then final­ly dares to “try”, the men are then again tak­en aback by how quick­ly the women get down to busi­ness and “get going”. It usu­al­ly takes less than 10 min­utes: The wife blows the for­eign tails, then is fucked, the first tails squirt­ed off. The wife fucks, moans and swal­lows for­eign sperm — As if it were the most nor­mal thing in the world.

Foreign Insemination: The Crowning Glory of the Cuckold Couples

For the cuck and also his wife, it is desir­able that the for­eign insem­i­na­tion is accom­pa­nied by female orgasms. There­fore, it is the “crown­ing glo­ry” for a cuck­old if he can hold his wife or girl­friend tight­ly in his arms dur­ing this process. It is exceed­ing­ly intox­i­cat­ing for him when she sur­ren­ders to hard sex with strangers unre­served­ly and full of trust in him, the dear hus­band. It is a task of the cuck­old to give her car­ing sup­port so that she can let her­self fall with­out reservation.

Precum - Cuckold literally runs out with anticipation
Pre­cum — Cuck­old lit­er­al­ly runs out with anticipation

Most women go into ecsta­sy at the lat­est when they feel a stranger’s fuck cock about to pour inside her. The mad­ness for a cuck­old is to ten­der­ly kiss his scream­ing and pas­sion­ate­ly twitch­ing wife while some­one else’s mem­ber begins to ejac­u­late from the orgias­tic con­trac­tions of her vagi­na muscles.

Imag­in­ing how the depth of the mar­i­tal vagi­na is flood­ed with horny love juice, to be able to release a horny scent in the next few hours, is the high­est cuck­old hap­pi­ness on earth.

A real Cuck­old makes the cer­tain­ty total­ly on that “the woman at his side” car­ries a semen mix­ture in itself, whose sur­plus slow­ly runs down her thighs. Then clean-up at any time and not to waste a drop, is his basic task.

The Pandora’s Box!

But beware! If the sex event was a suc­cess, it is irre­versible! If a man releas­es his wife or girl­friend for a for­eign insem­i­na­tion, he opens the “Pan­do­ra’s box”. Deeply root­ed pri­mal urges are unleashed, which the hus­band must sat­is­fy, endure and also tame in the future.

The wife wants to expe­ri­ence the many orgasms and pas­sion­ate sex over and over again. Quick­ly, strong fan­tasies and long­ings build up in women after for­eign fuck­ing, which over­whelm not a few men.

Since there is no “back”, men should con­sid­er in advance whether they want to enter the “game with fire” and can stand it if the woman is very unin­hib­it­ed dur­ing sex with stranger fuckers.

Incredible orgasms during sex with Black Bulls
Incred­i­ble orgasms dur­ing sex with Black Bulls

Where to Meet Like-Minded People?

First place to find swinger cou­ples, bulls, and lovers is of course the Inter­net. The fol­low­ing por­tals are high­ly recommended:

But you can also quick­ly meet like-mind­ed peo­ple direct­ly in swingers clubs.

Almost all cou­ples, inter­est­ing­ly enough, feel that their group sex events don’t hap­pen as often as they would like. Most cou­ples go to a sex club about once a month to twice a year.

The hotwife is horny all the time before the event and could have sex twen­ty-four hours a day. She fan­ta­sizes heav­i­ly, watch­es porn for hours, and mas­tur­bates very frequently.

The hus­band, boyfriend or life part­ner gets a very strong ben­e­fit from this sit­u­a­tion, and the cou­ple has very sat­is­fy­ing and var­ied sex. The part­ner­ship is very inti­mate and harmonious.

Abundant insemination of the pussy is the goal of every gangbang.
Abun­dant insem­i­na­tion of the pussy is the goal of every gangbang.

Fan­cy sex tech­niques, bondage (restraints), sex toys, role-play­ing and orgasm ruin­ing add spice to the love­mak­ing. Squirt­ing (female ejac­u­la­tion) and mul­ti­ple orgasm are not uncom­mon in the kinky sex games. Both part­ners should learn to love the con­tact with sperm and also train sperm swal­low­ing. Both part­ners should learn to love the con­tact with sperm and also train sperm swal­low­ing.

The prepa­ra­tion and plan­ning of a group sex event is done by the cou­ple indi­vid­u­al­ly accord­ing to their wish­es, incli­na­tions and fan­tasies. A swingers club is always a good place to start. The pre­req­ui­site for sex with strangers should always be the pres­ence of the spouse.

How­ev­er, one has the gen­er­al prob­lem of get­ting togeth­er a rea­son­able num­ber of suit­able men for a mass fuck in the first place. When select­ing the cou­ple should be very, very much time.

Basi­cal­ly, five men are enough to sat­is­fy a woman and cre­ate a horny creampie. In real­i­ty, how­ev­er, it looks dif­fer­ent. Many men don’t get an erec­tion or orgasm too ear­ly. That’s why you should plan for at least 5–7 guys.

If you plan a gang­bang from 10 men, you should thank that they also fuck sev­er­al times. The woman comes after sev­er­al orgasms quick­ly to a sport­ing lim­it. To stop, how­ev­er, there is not, which goes quite to the “sub­stance”. The pussy makes the woman orgasm again and again with­out mercy.

How Does Group Sex Feel for the Cuckold Couple?

Com­pared to swingers and wife­shar­ers, cuck­old cou­ples enjoy the sit­u­a­tion very much togeth­er dur­ing for­eign insem­i­na­tion. For them, group sex is, in a sense, symbiotic:

A cuck­old gets very horny while watch­ing. But he also watch­es over his wife and pro­tects her. In his pres­ence, she feels safe and secure in his arms. When he licks the strangers sperm clean, it excites the hotwife extreme­ly. When the cuck is allowed to fuck along, he loves to put his cock into the cum-filled fuck hole again and again.

Cuckold watches his wife getting fucked
Cuck­old watch­es his wife get­ting fucked

The more cocks squirt their juice into the wom­an’s holes and spread their cum all over her body while jerk­ing off, the more the hotwife gets going. She just loves it when the tight cocks cum uncon­trol­lably on her.

A high­light are men with big penis, with thick penis, with extreme­ly crooked penis or guys with indi­vid­ual fuck­ing tech­niques. In almost every swinger round there are also so-called “fre­quent squirters”. They can not only fuck and insem­i­nate the wife sev­er­al times — but also make her cum a lot.

The men’s round has only the order to fuck and insem­i­nate the hotwife hard. While the guys cum horny foun­tains of sperm at her orgasm and the body of the woman horny full, switch­es most women at a cer­tain point in a kind of “tun­nel mode”. She no longer sees men, but only cocks and sperm.

She then does not care about the physique, age and appear­ance of her besamers. How­ev­er, if a man injects his semen into her twitch­ing excit­ed vagi­na at the exact moment when she also orgasms, she briefly estab­lish­es a very close con­nec­tion with the fuck­er. Usu­al­ly after her orgasm she opens her eyes and thanks him.

Very Intimate Exchange of Caresses by Hotwife and Cuckold

Being allowed to watch the woman being insem­i­nat­ed by oth­ers, cuck­is find extreme­ly horny. It makes them feel the high­est crav­ings. The hus­band is incred­i­bly fas­ci­nat­ed by this kinky activ­i­ty and very strong­ly aroused. Some­times a lit­tle jeal­ousy of oth­er guys ger­mi­nates, but still the horni­ness always wins. They love to jerk off when they are prop­er­ly tak­en through the partner.

When the sperm runs from the cor­ners of her mouth, drips from her face onto her tits and runs between her tits to her bel­ly but­ton — it’s his job to kiss, caress and lick his cuck­ol­dress clean.

There is noth­ing bet­ter for a cuck­old to lick the fresh­ly splashed lady’s vagi­na. He there­by tastes the result of an intense cop­u­la­tion, mixed from vagi­nal secre­tion and sem­i­nal fluid.

It is notice­able that the cuck­old cou­ple always likes to give each oth­er a deep cum tongue kiss. Although the woman is for­eign-fucked there­by, the inti­mate kiss­ing makes both of them real­ly hot.

The strong excite­ment leads to the fact that the Cuck­old feels the desire to dive into the insem­i­nat­ed vagi­na dur­ing the pack fuck itself. When he pen­e­trates, he kiss­es the hotwife as the only one dur­ing sex. In the process, the woman also tastes the sperm of her pre­groom, remem­bers the mat­ing, and makes her orgasm again.

Why it makes cuck­olds so horny to watch their own wife get­ting fucked, they can’t explain them­selves. The wife is horni­ly sat­is­fied and thanks her Cuck after the gang­bang because he allows it and because he is so open.

Why Are Condoms So Rarely Used in Group Sex

Group sex with­out con­doms is very frowned upon among nor­mal swingers. That’s why they take place as “men’s sur­plus par­ties” on sep­a­rate days.

Collect sperm with a plate (cum plate)
Col­lect sperm with a plate (cum plate)

It is in the nature of things that sex with con­dom are used only in the ini­tial phase. Cuck­olds, wife­shar­ers and the hotwifes desire sex with­out rub­bers very quickly.

Rub­bers are con­sid­ered mood killers by Hotwife, Cuck­old and most Lovers. When the trust is there, most women always fuck with­out a rub­ber! There is noth­ing bet­ter for them than to have warm cum in their pussy. They feel it total­ly delight­ful when the many men desire them and squirt into them from sheer horniness.

Instead of con­doms, the cuck­old takes care of col­lect­ing sperm and creampie in a bowl.

Cuckold Sessions

Conclusion: Group Sex Is a Win-Win for Everyone Involved

It is total non­sense when vanil­la sex peo­ple claim that women are treat­ed unworthi­ly dur­ing group sex. Because women ben­e­fit twice: their lust is extreme­ly sat­is­fied, and they are very hap­py to ful­fill their men’s inti­mate desire to sat­is­fy their lust.

Very many open women (world­wide!) are into total insem­i­na­tion and find it total­ly horny to be fucked horny and to be filled up with sperm from top to bot­tom. Their vagi­nal orgasms dur­ing sex are breath­tak­ing, and vagi­nal­ly most sperm is inject­ed deep inside them. They also find blow­ing and lick­ing their cocks until they cum extreme­ly stimulating.

For the guys, on the oth­er hand, it’s incred­i­bly horny to fuck a cum-filled cunt! They find it great when they are licked clean after their insem­i­na­tion. If Cuck­old and Hotwife also chew around with the sperm, it’s a win­ner of the lot­tery for them.

The cuck­old is total­ly hap­py to see his wife “come” to orgasm over and over again. He finds his wife’s hard fucked, wide gap­ing, and mas­sive­ly insem­i­nat­ed pussy incred­i­bly horny. He loves her scent and taste.

At home, the Cuck can play exten­sive­ly with the Hotwife alone. The for­eign sperm that still sticks to the breasts, neck, bel­ly, and pussy is exten­sive­ly licked clean and refreshed sev­er­al times with the Cuck­old ejaculate.

Other Sources About Group Sex:

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