Masturbation and Sexual Fantasies in Cuckold Relationships

In every rela­tion­ship, also in a wife­shar­ing or cuck­old rela­tion­ship, it hap­pens that there are longer sex­u­al idle phas­es that you have to bridge somehow.

Many new­com­ers rush for­ward strong­ly excit­ed and are on fire. But then a date with the sup­posed bull or gang­bang troop bursts. With these and oth­er caus­es, the dis­ap­point­ment is great because until the next time, sev­er­al weeks can pass.

Hotwife masturbates and watches porn at the same time
Hotwife mas­tur­bates and watch­es porn at the same time.

In this guide, we give sug­ges­tions and tips on what you can do to bridge idle phas­es. We explain why it is impor­tant to stick with it and not lose moti­va­tion. We look for­ward to your own expe­ri­ences and comments.

What Causes Idle Phases?

Behind it are sim­ply quite banal prob­lems of every­day life: shift work, ill­ness, busi­ness trips, the chil­dren, and others.

In many cuck­old rela­tion­ships, there are even more idle phas­es than in nor­mal cou­ples, because a cuck­old rela­tion­ship includes at least three peo­ple: Hotwife, Cuck­old and Bull. It is already dif­fi­cult to rec­on­cile the demands of two people.

How­ev­er, if three or even more are involved, the prob­a­bil­i­ty of com­pli­ca­tions increas­es great­ly. So if things don’t work out on a date, that’s not at all uncommon.


How Can You Bridge Shorter Idle Times?

The best way is to inte­grate the top­ic of sex into your every­day life. Talk about it as often as pos­si­ble and tell each oth­er your fan­tasies. You don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly have to wait until the kids are in bed.

Wife watches porn on her smartphone
Wife watch­es porn on her smartphone.

You can also send each oth­er hot mes­sages on the smart­phone. With What­sApp and oth­er mes­sen­gers you can not only text, but also send voice mes­sages and pho­tos, and videos.

For exam­ple, to get her cuck horny, the hotwife can send pho­tos of her pussy or a clip of her work­ing her clit with the vibrator.

Most smart­phones today sup­port 2 SIM cards. Get a cheap sec­ondary card and use that for your hot mes­sages. This is also very con­ve­nient for orga­niz­ing dates and saves you the stress of a sec­ond phone.

In the evening in bed before going to sleep you can mas­tur­bate togeth­er. The hotwife can train her cuck with a prostate mas­sage or make him horny with her hand and almost make him cum (edg­ing).

He can spoil you with his tongue or a vibra­tor and bring you to orgasm.

Masturbation with thick dildo: Strong pleasure and satisfaction
Mas­tur­ba­tion with thick dil­do: Strong plea­sure and satisfaction.

She reg­u­lar­ly gives her cuck­old tasks that he has to per­form. For exam­ple, she stim­u­lates him with her hand until he gets stiff.

Then he has to stim­u­late her cli­toris and labia with his penis until she comes to orgasm. How­ev­er, he is strict­ly for­bid­den to penetrate.

In any case, the hotwife should use the time to train as often as pos­si­ble. With thick dil­dos, she can stretch, fan­ta­size, and squirt. The cuck­old should do prostate work­outs and prac­tice cum swal­low­ing.

Keep watch­ing BBC wife­shar­ing and cuck­old porn togeth­er. The cuck­ol­dress should also watch porn and read erot­ic sto­ries alone. Do not let the flame of pas­sion go out at all!

What About Longer Idle Phases?

You must avoid them if pos­si­ble, because oth­er­wise it can hap­pen that your sex life com­plete­ly falls asleep. Don’t let every­day life get you down, but cre­ate space for your­self to live out your desire.

Thick dildo: Perfect for stretching pussy
Thick dil­do: Per­fect for stretch­ing pussy

Allow the chil­dren to vis­it grand­ma dur­ing the vaca­tions or week­ends. Dur­ing the week, for exam­ple, you can hire a babysit­ter and have a date in a hotel.

Make con­tact with sev­er­al Bulls, not just one. If one can’t make it, the oth­er prob­a­bly will.

If there is a swingers club near you, just go there. Chances are good that you will find like-mind­ed peo­ple there.

Use the Inter­net. There you can exchange infor­ma­tion in forums or adver­tise on con­tact exchanges. For exam­ple, if you adver­tise that a hotwife is look­ing for one (or more bulls) for insem­i­na­tion, you will also find men who have time at short notice. For secu­ri­ty rea­sons, how­ev­er, you should bet­ter move the date to a hotel. Very good con­tact sources are,, and


Conclusion: Cuckolding and Wifesharing Couples Should Use Idle Periods Together Properly

That now and then a date bursts, is not nice, but hap­pens in life. You can bridge short­er idle phas­es with cre­ative ideas.

Hotwife reads erotic stories and masturbates
Hotwife reads erot­ic sto­ries and masturbates

In order to avoid longer dry spells, cre­ate time for sex by going to a hotel, vis­it­ing a swingers club or arrang­ing dates on the Internet.

Mod­ern tech­nol­o­gy, and espe­cial­ly the inter­net, offer many pos­si­bil­i­ties. Use them and exchange expe­ri­ences with like-mind­ed people.

Use the Inter­net and stim­u­late your imag­i­na­tion with porn. Read erot­ic online guides on the top­ics of swingers clubs, wife­shar­ing, and cuck­old­ing. The Cuck­ol­dress could take some time to read again. It should be stim­u­lat­ing lit­er­a­ture like erot­ic sto­ries. Mas­tur­bate togeth­er at a porn night.

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