On FlixOne.com you will find German porn for every taste!

If you want to watch legal porn in Ger­man, then you don’t have many options nowa­days. The Ger­man porn indus­try has com­plete­ly slept through the tech­ni­cal devel­op­ment of the Inter­net, smart­phones and stream­ing. For far too long, it held on spas­mod­i­cal­ly to the sil­ver DVD disc.

For two decades now, how­ev­er, clas­sic fea­ture films have been streamed online, which is also called video-on-demand, or VoD for short. Net­flix, Ama­zon Prime, Dis­ney+ and the like now make it very con­ve­nient to rent and buy films “on demand.

For a long time, porn stream­ing was not pos­si­ble in Europe. Hard­ly any­one in this coun­try knew about Amer­i­can stream­ing por­tals like AEBN, Hot­Movies and Adul­tEm­pire. FlixOne.com is the first real video-on-demand por­tal where you can dig­i­tal­ly stream thou­sands of porn videos from numer­ous studios.

In this review, we will intro­duce you to the porn stream­ing ser­vice FlixOne. In our review, we explain the dif­fer­ence to clas­sic meth­ods of watch­ing porn and tell you whether it is worth sign­ing up. You can tell us your per­son­al opin­ions and expe­ri­ences as a com­ment below the test.

Vis­it FlixOne.com

It was five to twelve! The earthquake in the porn scene…

In the nineties, even in small towns, there was at least one video store with a so-called adult sec­tion. In a sep­a­rate room, you could rent hor­ror shock­ers and porn. Porn stu­dios were spring­ing up like mush­rooms. There was a real gold rush atmosphere.

Lit­tle by lit­tle, video stores and long DVD shelves in elec­tron­ics stores dis­ap­peared. The sil­ver DVD discs were dis­placed by videos-on-demand (VoD) providers. Almost explo­sive­ly, around the turn of the mil­len­ni­um, more and more peo­ple pre­ferred to buy and rent their videos from stream­ing ser­vices such as Net­flix, Ama­zon Prime, Dis­ney+, Joyn (for­mer­ly Max­dome), RTL+ (for­mer­ly TVnow), Sky Tick­et or Video load.

The inven­tion of smart­phones and tablets and the expan­sion of broad­band Inter­net act­ed as a fire accel­er­a­tor. The porn scene could not keep up with the fierce devel­op­ment and lagged behind for almost a decade! 

But instead of tak­ing the sit­u­a­tion seri­ous­ly and unit­ing, each porn label cooked its own soup and sim­ply car­ried on as before. The result was dev­as­tat­ing! Hun­dreds of porn stu­dios, such as Vide­o­ra­ma and Beate Uhse were pulled down in the mael­strom and went bankrupt.

Thus, Ger­man porn con­sumers looked many years quite nice­ly into the tube. Or bet­ter: on porn tubes and ama­teur sex por­tals because there were no Ger­man providers for VoD porn.

The porn online store DVDerotik (read our DVDerotik review) was one of the first plat­forms in the Ger­man-speak­ing world to offer real, porn stu­dio-inde­pen­dent “Adult-Video-on-Demand” in Ger­many. In 2018, the porn stream­ing por­tal FlixOne.com and lat­er Erotik.com grew out of this dataset.

Test report: The adult video-on-demand portal FlixOne.com briefly presented

Facts and figures about the website

FlixOne.com fills a gap in the mar­ket with its offer. It holds thou­sands of porn movies “on demand” in its huge video library. A large part of this is US porn, but FlixOne also has more than 10,000 Ger­man sex films on offer. 

One of the spe­cial fea­tures of the plat­form is that all videos are only offered for stream­ing. Users do not have to sign up for a sub­scrip­tion, but buy minute pack­ages in advance. The pre­paid cred­it can then be accessed in minute-by-minute increments.

FlixOne is young and old at the same time. Young, because the Ger­man VOD provider has only exist­ed as an inde­pen­dent com­pa­ny since 2017. Old, because the stream­ing ser­vice was already imple­ment­ed in the porn store DVDErotik.com in 2003. 

Cus­tomers could not only buy or rent porn DVDs at DVDErotik, but also stream them with FlixOne. The oper­a­tors decid­ed in 2017 to spin off the stream­ing offer and oper­ate it independently.

The offer cur­rent­ly includes more than 200,000 porn movies in 157 cat­e­gories. The films were pro­duced by about 1,700 stu­dios. They fea­ture almost 9,000 female porn actors. In the Cuck­old cat­e­go­ry alone, 269 videos are offered.

The prices of the porn streaming service FlixOne

The reg­is­tra­tion to FlixOne.com is free of charge. New cus­tomers get 10 bonus min­utes for free. 

To watch the videos, you have to buy minute pack­ages in advance. The more min­utes you buy, the cheap­er the price per minute becomes. FlixOne offers the fol­low­ing packages:

  • 25 min = 5 € (0,20 €/min)
  • 60 min = 10 € (0,16 €/min)
  • 160 min = 25 € (0,15 €/min)
  • 350 min = 50 € (0,14 €/min)
  • 800 min = 100 € (0,12 €/min)

Billing is in 60-sec­ond intervals.

The fol­low­ing options are avail­able for payment:

  • Cred­it card (Visa and MasterCard)
  • Instant bank transfer
  • Pay­Pal
  • PaySafe Card

The preview area of FlixOne.com

As always, I start my review with an exam­i­na­tion of the porn site as a non-reg­is­tered vis­i­tor. On the home­page of FlixOne.com, you can get an excel­lent first overview of what the porn stream­ing plat­form has to offer.

How­ev­er, if you want to surf deep­er into the site struc­ture, you will be dis­ap­point­ed. Instead of col­or­ful cov­ers, you will only see a black rec­tan­gle with a red cir­cle and the text 18+. For rea­sons of youth pro­tec­tion, images are only vis­i­ble after registration. 

Only the pic­tures via the menu link “Porn­stars” are vis­i­ble, but with cov­ered pri­vate parts. The list­ing of almost 1,300 porn stu­dios may also be interesting.

Since reg­is­tra­tion does not cost you any­thing, we rec­om­mend that you reg­is­ter. Even though FlixOne does not send SPAM, we gen­er­al­ly rec­om­mend you to reg­is­ter a porn email address at Gmail.com on sex sites. An address at GMX, Web.de and co. is not recommended.

Porn site test report: The members area of FlixOne.com

Site structure, content and special features

After enter­ing the mem­ber’s area of FlixOne.com, you will see all sex movies of the pre­view area with­out parental filter. 

The mem­ber area is clear­ly struc­tured and does not look as clut­tered as on many sim­i­lar porn sites. You won’t be pestered with advertisements.

I like the fact that the back­ground is almost black. This pro­vides a good contrast. 

The porn movies are sort­ed by time­li­ness. But you can cus­tomize the search to your taste and search for exam­ple by cat­e­go­ry, porn star, rat­ing or even by freely selec­table keywords.

Once you have cho­sen a porn movie, you will be tak­en to a porn detail page where you will find a DVD cov­er, a descrip­tion text, dif­fer­ent scenes, cat­e­gories (tags / key­words) and infor­ma­tion about the porn stu­dio and porn actors.

If you want to watch the movie, click the play but­ton and the stream will start in the upper part of the brows­er window.

The advantages of the sex site

  • Enor­mous­ly wide range of porn. Even if you have unusu­al tastes, you will almost cer­tain­ly find what you are look­ing for at FlixOne.
  • a lot of Ger­man porn
  • Many Ger­man porn stars are rep­re­sent­ed, includ­ing Lena Nitro, for example.
  • Has­sle-free payment

The disadvantages of the porn site

  • The biggest dis­ad­van­tage I dis­cov­ered in my web­site review is the fact that you can only stream the videos. Down­load­ing or at least “buy and own” is not possible 
  • Although there are many Ger­man movies, in the total offer they make up just 10 percent.

Review conclusion: Is FlixOne.com recommendable?

The porn offer is very pos­i­tive with its 200,000 sex movies on FlixOne.com. Hard­ly any porn site wades up with so many Ger­man porn movies. Very horny!

I also like the clear con­cept of Flix One: You load a cred­it and can watch his desired videos with­out sub­scrip­tion and month­ly obligations.

Most of the movies are shot in HD res­o­lu­tion. The plat­form is avail­able on tablet, smart­phone, and PC (Win­dows, Apple Mac). You can also watch the porn via Chrome brows­er over the WLAN via Chrome­cast or via HDMI on a smart TV. 

The prices are com­par­a­tive­ly cheap. I rec­om­mend FlixOne if you just want to watch a good porn now and then spon­ta­neous­ly. If you want a lit­tle more cost trans­paren­cy or want to buy porn videos, Erotik.com is a bet­ter alter­na­tive. But if you watch porn often and for a long time, an offer with a flat rate like xLOADz or NightClub.eu is better.

Vis­it FlixOne.com

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