Very Hard and Passionate Hotwife Sex on HardcoreGangbang

When research­ing and writ­ing reviews about porn sites, I always won­der why so many cuck­old, wife­shar­ers and hotwifes are so inter­est­ed in gang­bang and group sex porn.

The inter­net project by porn stu­dio Kink is no excep­tion. The porn site is high­ly traf­ficked and is always rec­om­mend­ed in porn social media channels.

I think I know the answer: a gang­bang is about sat­is­fy­ing the par­tic­i­pants’ lust. Men and women want only one thing: to fuck and be fucked. For a short time you can throw the social norms over­board and live out your urges. Men do not have to play the cav­a­lier who is always atten­tive and con­sid­er­ate and women do not have to pre­tend that for them sex is not just as plea­sur­able as for men.

But I want­ed to know more and signed up for a mem­ber­ship on Hard­core Gang­bang for this test. In the fol­low­ing review you will learn every­thing about the sex site. Both the advan­tages and the dis­ad­van­tages. We will also tell you what con­tent you can expect as a mem­ber. Below the review you will find a com­ment field where you can tell us your ques­tions, com­ments, opin­ions and experiences.


The Preview Area of Hardcore Gangbang

Dur­ing my web­site test, I was pleas­ant­ly sur­prised by the pre­view area. It gives a good impres­sion of the con­tent of the mem­bers area.

The page lay­out is easy to under­stand and well struc­tured. In the page head­er you will find the menu items Browse, Cat­e­gories, Shop (Kink­Store Sexshop), Live Sex (Live­Cam page) and VR (Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty by means of a card­board box where you slide your phone in). You will also find a mag­ni­fy­ing glass for the search func­tion in the nav­i­ga­tion bar, as well as a login but­ton and a book­ing but­ton (Join).

Under an adver­tis­ing ban­ner is a graph­ic with a Hard­core­Gang­bang logo and a slo­gan that hard­core, gang­bang and creampie dreams come true here for all women. From there on it gets interesting.

Incredible High Quality Produced Gangbang Porn

Two lines of 20 demo videos each fol­low, where you can scroll fur­ther and fur­ther to the right. Under the head­ing “Recent­ly Added” and “Fea­tured Scenes” (Rec­om­mend­ed) scenes”. Scenes” in the Eng­lish lan­guage means the porn movies.

If you hov­er your mouse over these demo images, a slideshow will start and show glimpses of the cor­re­spond­ing video. If you click on a video pre­view pic­ture, a 1 — 2 min­utes long trail­er runs. You can watch up to 4 trail­ers a day

The offered videos can be searched by cat­e­gories. You can also see pics of the mod­els along with the videos they are star­ring in

In the infor­ma­tion pages you can read that offers extreme, bru­tal gang­bangs with porn­stars, mod­els and MIL­Fs who crave for cocks in every hole. is the best creampie bang­bang site on the Inter­net. Bold promises!

Facts and Figures of the Website was found­ed in 2012. It belongs to the porn net­work as a so-called chan­nel. This is an asso­ci­a­tion of more than 70 fetish porn sites.

KINK is prob­a­bly the biggest BDSM porn stu­dio in the world. The pro­duc­tions are high­ly pro­fes­sion­al and aimed at a com­mu­ni­ty of BDSM and bondage enthu­si­asts. In addi­tion to shoot­ing porn, they also help peo­ple get into the BDSM lifestyle.

Mem­bers of Hard­core Gang­bang have access to well over 12,000 fetish videos of every cat­e­go­ry imag­in­able. The clips fea­ture more than 5,000 per­form­ers, about 3,000 of whom are women. Bonus web­sites include:

and many more.

An impor­tant point of any review is the cost of mem­ber­ship. For Hard­core Gang­bang, the provider makes the fol­low­ing specifications:

  • Month­ly sub­scrip­tion: $39.99
  • Annu­al sub­scrip­tion with auto­mat­ic renew­al: $176.99 ($14.75 per month)

The provider accepts pay­ment by cred­it card (Visa Card, Mas­ter­Card) and SEPA direct deb­it (for res­i­dents of DACH countries).

Test Report: Review of the Members Area of

Site Structure, Content and Special Features

If you are a new mem­ber and have logged into the KINK mem­ber area for the first time, you will find your way around right away. The page struc­ture and also the video detail pages of are well and log­i­cal­ly structured

The black back­ground fits per­fect­ly to the top­ics gang­bang, fetish and BDSM. It is real­ly a lot of fun to nav­i­gate through the web pages.

In the Hard­core Gang­bang chan­nel there are cur­rent­ly a lit­tle more than 220 videos avail­able. You can choose from 3,000 female mod­els of all types and eth­nic backgrounds.

When search­ing, you can apply var­i­ous fil­ters, includ­ing release date, cat­e­go­ry, pop­u­lar­i­ty and per­former. For each video there is a short sum­ma­ry of its con­tent. Vis­i­tors can even post comments.

In the porn site test, Hard­core Gang­bang deliv­ers what the title promis­es. Since this is a BDSM porn site, the sex at the gang­bangs is very hard, which is called “rough sex” in Eng­lish. The attrac­tive women wear sexy out­fits and are sat­is­fied by two, three, even four cocks at the same time. Moan­ing with plea­sure, they enjoy the hard sex.

Very Hard Sex in the Group Sex Scenes

Dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion in butt and pussy, two cocks in one pussy and dou­ble anal occur in the porn as well as bondage, blow­bangs and rough blowjobs. Not so nice I per­son­al­ly find the deep throat and chok­ing scenes as well as when women get punched in the face.

One load of cum after the oth­er splash­es into their holes and onto their bod­ies. No porn actress shows shame or restraint — on the con­trary, they can’t get enough

The men get through the wild fuck­ing in a real lust fren­zy. The sight of their fuck­ing col­leagues and the hard used girls spurs them to peak per­for­mance. Hard­ly cum, the tail is already stiff again and wants again in the soak­ing wet love hole.

Advantages of the Porn Site

With access to the net­work, you can choose from more than 12,000 very horny porn videos

How many videos there are exact­ly, prob­a­bly not even the oper­a­tor knows, because 10 new porn videos are uploaded every day

There are more than 200 cat­e­gories on all kinds of top­ics like inter­ra­cial sex, BDSM, gay and les­bian porn, cuck­old, fem­dom, tran­nies and more.

Disadvantages of the Sex Site

Dur­ing the web­site test, I noticed neg­a­tive­ly that the costs are rel­a­tive­ly high. There is no tri­al access

I per­son­al­ly find the scenes part­ly too hard and I feel sor­ry for the woman rather than sex­u­al plea­sure. My hotwife should also be fucked hard, but not as hard as on HardcoreGangbang.

Review Conclusion: Is Recommendable? is def­i­nite­ly one of the best porn sites for rough sex. There is no ques­tion that a gang­bang is the right set­ting for it.

The cam­era work and light­ing, but also the loca­tions and some­times the props in the kink cas­tle can be clas­si­fied as extreme­ly high qual­i­ty. The razor-sharp, crys­tal-clear HD res­o­lu­tion is also very cool. The selec­tion of porn actors and actress­es is also very coherent

Whether you find the con­tent of Hard­core­Gang­bang sex­u­al­ly stim­u­lat­ing depends a lot on your per­son­al sex­u­al inter­ests. For users who are into BDSM as well as bru­tal, out­landish sex, the web­site is a trea­sure trove of videos that can’t be seen any­where else

For the aver­age porn con­sumer, numer­ous videos might be way too hard. It is not every­one’s taste to find videos horny in which the girls are down­right fucked so bru­tal­ly. To a very high prob­a­bil­i­ty, only very few cuck­olds or wife­shar­ers will give their hotwife a plea­sure to want to watch such porn together.


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