OpenErotik: The Mail Order Store for Fans of Porn on Blue-Ray and DVDs

In recent years, it already looked like the end of sil­ver discs had come. One video store after the oth­er had to give up their busi­ness and the DVD play­er were replaced by video stream­ing, such as Ama­zon Prime, Net­flix and Co. The erot­ic indus­try fol­lowed the trend and now offers almost all sex films via video-on-demand as well.

Although ama­teur sex por­tals and free porn tubes dom­i­nate the porn mar­ket, the porn DVD still holds its own today. Espe­cial­ly in Europe, there are still numer­ous porn stu­dios that press CDs. Cuck­olds can still buy many DVDs and Blu-rays in the gen­res of cuck­old­ing, wife shar­ing, creampie, gang­bang and cross-insemination.

Prob­lem­at­i­cal­ly, the erot­i­ca stores, includ­ing ORION and Beate Uhse, also died out, which in turn took some porn stu­dios with them. The coro­na pan­dem­ic did the rest for the sex indus­try. But for­tu­nate­ly, besides DVDerotik and SexVideoAll, the erot­ic DVD store has also held its own as a dis­tri­b­u­tion channel.

In this review, I would like to intro­duce to you. As in my oth­er reviews, I will weigh the advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages and tell you whether you can buy porn DVDs and Blu-rays from this porn store with a clear con­science. Feel free to share your per­son­al expe­ri­ences and opin­ions below the test.


Porn Site Review: Briefly Introduced

Facts and Figures about the Website

The porn DVD online store was already found­ed in 2003. The oper­a­tor is S.A.G. Tech­nol­o­gy GmbH, with head­quar­ters in Berlin and in Vien­na, Aus­tria. Since it is a Ger­man domain, the entire Inter­net offer must be cen­sored accord­ing to Ger­man youth pro­tec­tion regulations.

It is not clear how many DVDs and Blu-rays are on offer. Pre­sum­ably, there will be about 10,000 sex films on offer. New films are added daily.

By the way, the offer is not lim­it­ed to hot videos. You can also order sex toys of all kinds, hygiene prod­ucts, lubri­cants, con­doms and oth­er things.

Costs, Payment Options and Shipping

Since it is a store where you can buy Blu-rays and DVDs, the mem­ber­ship is free. Each video has its indi­vid­ual price.

While brows­ing, I dis­cov­ered DVDs that cost less than 1 euro. Oth­ers were already on sale for 7 to 10 euros. You can quick­ly fall into a buy­ing fren­zy. The store offers numer­ous pay­ment methods:

  • Sofortüber­weisung
  • Cred­it card (Visa + MasterCard)
  • Direct deb­it
  • Pre­pay­ment
  • Cash on delivery
  • Pur­chase on account

The ship­ment will be made with DHL or UPS. Your order will be shipped in a neu­tral pack­age, which does not allow any con­clu­sions about the content.

Porn Site Test Report: The DVD Store of

The online store con­vinces with its seri­ous and sol­id web pres­ence. The start page looks appeal­ing and not over­loaded. Due to the clear page struc­ture and the mod­u­lar design, the web­site is very clear.

Even with­out log­ging in, you can browse through the Blu-ray and DVD offer­ings on the home­page and work up an appetite.

Of course, I was inter­est­ed in the Cuck­old cat­e­go­ry in the review. There are cur­rent­ly 42 sex videos to be found. In the gang­bang, creampie sex and mass insem­i­na­tion sec­tion, you can choose from more than 1,100 DVDs. Under the key­word mature women there are almost 800 titles to choose from and if you are look­ing for porn in the house­wife’s cat­e­go­ry, even almost 900.

I also like the fact that you can look for the offer not only by movie titles, but also by per­form­ers. As part of the review, I searched for some well-known Ger­man ama­teurs and lo and behold, I found what I was look­ing for!

Next to each film is the pur­chase price. You can look at the cov­er in more detail and get some details about the video.

The Advantages of the Online Shop

  • is a trea­sure chest for every­one who loves porn. At Open Erotik you can buy a huge selec­tion of porn DVDs.
  • The low prices are strik­ing. For exam­ple, you can order a creampie gang­bang DVD for less than 10 euros in this online store.
  • Cus­tomers report that the ship­ping is very fast. Usu­al­ly, it takes only 1 to 2 days until your order arrives.
  • The DVDs are uncen­sored and in excel­lent quality.
  • If you are look­ing for a spe­cif­ic movie, the provider promis­es to get you the title if it is some­how possible.
  • By the way, you can not only order online, but also call a free hot­line and even get advice over the phone.

The Disadvantages of the Porn Shop

  • There are no free trail­ers. In oth­er stores like Dvderotik, it is quite com­mon to let the cus­tomer have a taste of the porn before buying
  • Ship­ping is free only from an order val­ue of 79 euros.
  • Even after login, sex­u­al words and DVD cov­ers remain censored.

Review Conclusion: Is Recommendable? is an excel­lent and seri­ous online store. You can order sex toys, hygiene prod­ucts, erot­ic bluer­ays and porn DVDs here with a clear con­science. The ship­ment takes place with­in three days, dis­creet­ly packed and with a neu­tral sender.

In con­trast to Video on Demand, you phys­i­cal­ly own the data media and can watch them again and again on your PC or DVD play­er. Even though Blue-Ray nev­er real­ly caught on, it’s still fun to watch the high-def­i­n­i­tion movies on your TV.

The assort­ment of Open Erotik includes an incred­i­ble amount of sex movies from all porn stu­dios and gen­res. You can find a lot of porn actress­es from all over the world. It is very pleas­ant that you can buy a high num­ber of Ger­man porn movies in this porn store.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, unlike, you can­not watch trail­ers in this porn store. The design is very out­dat­ed by now. Smart­phones and tablets are not respon­sive sup­port­ed. Nev­er­the­less, this online store is a reli­able source for sex movies on CD.

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