OpenErotik: The Mail Order Store for Fans of Porn on Blue-Ray and DVDs

In recent years, it already looked like the end of silยญver discs had come. One video store after the othยญer had to give up their busiยญness and the DVD playยญer were replaced by video streamยญing, such as Amaยญzon Prime, Netยญflix and Co. The erotยญic indusยญtry folยญlowed the trend and now offers almost all sex films via video-on-demand as well.

Although amaยญteur sex porยญtals and free porn tubes domยญiยญnate the porn marยญket, the porn DVD still holds its own today. Espeยญcialยญly in Europe, there are still numerยญous porn stuยญdios that press CDs. Cuckยญolds can still buy many DVDs and Blu-rays in the genยญres of cuckยญoldยญing, wife sharยญing, creampie, gangยญbang and cross-insemination.

Probยญlemยญatยญiยญcalยญly, the erotยญiยญca stores, includยญing ORION and Beate Uhse, also died out, which in turn took some porn stuยญdios with them. The coroยญna panยญdemยญic did the rest for the sex indusยญtry. But forยญtuยญnateยญly, besides DVDerotik and SexVideoAll, the erotยญic DVD store has also held its own as a disยญtriยญbยญuยญtion channel.

In this review, I would like to introยญduce to you. As in my othยญer reviews, I will weigh the advanยญtages and disยญadยญvanยญtages and tell you whether you can buy porn DVDs and Blu-rays from this porn store with a clear conยญscience. Feel free to share your perยญsonยญal expeยญriยญences and opinยญions below the test.


Porn Site Review: Briefly Introduced

Facts and Figures about the Website

The porn DVD online store was already foundยญed in 2003. The operยญaยญtor is S.A.G. Techยญnolยญoยญgy GmbH, with headยญquarยญters in Berlin and in Vienยญna, Ausยญtria. Since it is a Gerยญman domain, the entire Interยญnet offer must be cenยญsored accordยญing to Gerยญman youth proยญtecยญtion regulations.

It is not clear how many DVDs and Blu-rays are on offer. Preยญsumยญably, there will be about 10,000 sex films on offer. New films are added daily.

By the way, the offer is not limยญitยญed to hot videos. You can also order sex toys of all kinds, hygiene prodยญucts, lubriยญcants, conยญdoms and othยญer things.

Costs, Payment Options and Shipping

Since it is a store where you can buy Blu-rays and DVDs, the memยญberยญship is free. Each video has its indiยญvidยญual price.

While browsยญing, I disยญcovยญered DVDs that cost less than 1 euro. Othยญers were already on sale for 7 to 10 euros. You can quickยญly fall into a buyยญing frenยญzy. The store offers numerยญous payยญment methods:

  • Sofortรผberยญweisung
  • Credยญit card (Visa + MasterCard)
  • Direct debยญit
  • Preยญpayยญment
  • Cash on delivery
  • Purยญchase on account

The shipยญment will be made with DHL or UPS. Your order will be shipped in a neuยญtral packยญage, which does not allow any conยญcluยญsions about the content.

Porn Site Test Report: The DVD Store of

The online store conยญvinces with its seriยญous and solยญid web presยญence. The start page looks appealยญing and not overยญloaded. Due to the clear page strucยญture and the modยญuยญlar design, the webยญsite is very clear.

Even withยญout logยญging in, you can browse through the Blu-ray and DVD offerยญings on the homeยญpage and work up an appetite.

Of course, I was interยญestยญed in the Cuckยญold catยญeยญgoยญry in the review. There are curยญrentยญly 42 sex videos to be found. In the gangยญbang, creampie sex and mass insemยญiยญnaยญtion secยญtion, you can choose from more than 1,100 DVDs. Under the keyยญword mature women there are almost 800 titles to choose from and if you are lookยญing for porn in the houseยญwifeโ€™s catยญeยญgoยญry, even almost 900.

I also like the fact that you can look for the offer not only by movie titles, but also by perยญformยญers. As part of the review, I searched for some well-known Gerยญman amaยญteurs and lo and behold, I found what I was lookยญing for!

Next to each film is the purยญchase price. You can look at the covยญer in more detail and get some details about the video.

The Advantages of the Online Shop

  • is a treaยญsure chest for everyยญone who loves porn. At Open Erotik you can buy a huge selecยญtion of porn DVDs.
  • The low prices are strikยญing. For examยญple, you can order a creampie gangยญbang DVD for less than 10 euros in this online store.
  • Cusยญtomers report that the shipยญping is very fast. Usuยญalยญly, it takes only 1 to 2 days until your order arrives.
  • The DVDs are uncenยญsored and in excelยญlent quality.
  • If you are lookยญing for a speยญcifยญic movie, the provider promisยญes to get you the title if it is someยญhow possible.
  • By the way, you can not only order online, but also call a free hotยญline and even get advice over the phone.

The Disadvantages of the Porn Shop

  • There are no free trailยญers. In othยญer stores like Dvderotik, it is quite comยญmon to let the cusยญtomer have a taste of the porn before buying
  • Shipยญping is free only from an order valยญue of 79 euros.
  • Even after login, sexยญuยญal words and DVD covยญers remain censored.

Review Conclusion: Is Recommendable? is an excelยญlent and seriยญous online store. You can order sex toys, hygiene prodยญucts, erotยญic bluerยญays and porn DVDs here with a clear conยญscience. The shipยญment takes place withยญin three days, disยญcreetยญly packed and with a neuยญtral sender.

In conยญtrast to Video on Demand, you physยญiยญcalยญly own the data media and can watch them again and again on your PC or DVD playยญer. Even though Blue-Ray nevยญer realยญly caught on, itโ€™s still fun to watch the high-defยญiยญnยญiยญtion movies on your TV.

The assortยญment of Open Erotik includes an incredยญiยญble amount of sex movies from all porn stuยญdios and genยญres. You can find a lot of porn actressยญes from all over the world. It is very pleasยญant that you can buy a high numยญber of Gerยญman porn movies in this porn store.

Unforยญtuยญnateยญly, unlike, you canยญnot watch trailยญers in this porn store. The design is very outยญdatยญed by now. Smartยญphones and tablets are not responยญsive supยญportยญed. Nevยญerยญtheยญless, this online store is a reliยญable source for sex movies on CD.

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