rent and stream porn DVDs online

The Inter­net has made sure that most video stores have dis­ap­peared from the cityscape. You can still order porn DVDs online at DVDErotik, for exam­ple, but this age is also com­ing to an end.

The extinc­tion of the DVD, the ille­gal porn tube por­tals and the inven­tion of smart­phones & tablets put the Ger­man-speak­ing porn stu­dios under enor­mous pres­sure! Com­pared to the USA or oth­er EU coun­tries, the Ger­man porn scene nev­er had it easy any­way due to unsolv­able youth pro­tec­tion restric­tions. A wave of bank­rupt­cies of porn pro­duc­ers, which even affect­ed Vide­o­ra­ma and Beate Uhse, was the result.

Video-on-demand (VoD) is the cur­rent trend. Providers such as Ama­zon Prime, Net­flix, Dis­ney+, Vide­oload, Sky, Apple TV, Joyn and TV Now have been enjoy­ing enor­mous growth rates for two decades now. For nor­mal fea­ture films, the sup­ply is good. 

Porn, on the oth­er hand, is a dif­fer­ent sto­ry. In this seg­ment, there are only a few com­pa­nies, at least in Ger­many. One of the best-known adult video-on-demand por­tals is Oth­er providers are FlixOne and Inter­na­tion­al­ly, AEBN, Hot­movies, and Adul­tEm­pire are the top dogs.

In this review I would like to intro­duce you to I will high­light both the advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages in the review and tell you whether this porn VoD por­tal is worth sign­ing up for. I am inter­est­ed in your expe­ri­ences and opin­ions. If you know the porn stream­ing plat­form, I would be hap­py about a com­ment below the review.


Test report: briefly presented

Facts and figures of the website

Dur­ing my research for this review, I found that is still rel­a­tive­ly new. The project was only found­ed in 2018. How­ev­er, its roots go back to 2003. Back then, the online store DVDerotik (read our DVDerotik review) was found­ed, where cus­tomers could order porn DVDs. The stream­ing of videos was added later. 

Over time, PornoS­tream­ing became so suc­cess­ful that it split off as an inde­pen­dent divi­sion, called How­ev­er, only stream­ing is pos­si­ble there, but no porn down­load. Pre­sum­ably that’s why the oper­a­tor decid­ed to launch the project in par­al­lel. The Ger­man mar­ket real­ly need­ed that! The offer grew more and more. Mean­while is one of the biggest porn stream­ing por­tals in Europe!

Users are offered numer­ous bar­gains. Also worth read­ing is the web­site’s blog with con­stant­ly updat­ed news from the industry. pro­vides more than 100,000 porn movies in its video library. The movies can be either streamed or down­loaded. The porn is of excel­lent qual­i­ty and is free of virus­es and mal­ware. They can be viewed on all mobile devices, com­put­ers and laptops.

The high­light is that you can also play the porn movies from your com­put­er’s Chrome brows­er or from all smart­phones and tablets on the smart TV using Google Chrome­cast or IDrop. Almost all videos are offered in Full HD res­o­lu­tion, more and more also in 4k UHD!

The cost

In my porn site review, sur­prised me pos­i­tive­ly with its unusu­al cost struc­ture. For stream­ing, you don’t pay per minute, but per movie. There are 2 options:

  • Rent video for 2 days
  • Down­load video to hard dri­ve or stream for unlim­it­ed time

The price is set indi­vid­u­al­ly for each video. There is also a pos­si­bil­i­ty to stream only sin­gle scenes.

The fol­low­ing pay­ment meth­ods are offered:

  • Cred­it card (Visa and MasterCard)
  • Instant bank transfer
  • Pay­Pal
  • PaySafe Card

The preview area of

When I looked at the pre­view area of dur­ing my review, I liked its appeal­ing design. The cov­ers stand out well on the light back­ground. The cov­ers are large enough that the screen does­n’t look cluttered.

I espe­cial­ly like that even the pre­view area shows how much each video costs. The user is also alert­ed to bar­gains and new releas­es. This made me curi­ous and I entered the mem­bers area.

Test report: The members area of

Site structure, content and special features

Once you have logged in after reg­is­ter­ing, you imme­di­ate­ly feel like a gold dig­ger! It’s sheer mad­ness how many hot porn movies are avail­able for down­load and stream­ing for a pock­et mon­ey price.

Thanks to the Ger­man lan­guage, the sim­ple menu nav­i­ga­tion and the great fil­ter func­tions, you can quick­ly find your desired sex movies.

What is strik­ing is the extreme­ly high per­cent­age of Ger­man porn. Almost all Ger­man porn stu­dios are represented.

You can fil­ter videos by dif­fer­ent categories:

  • Cat­e­go­ry
  • Lan­guage
  • Porn­star
  • Length
  • Res­o­lu­tion
  • Price

and oth­ers. Also a free search by key­words is possible.

Of course, for my review, I imme­di­ate­ly looked around what has to offer in the area of cuck­old­ing. After enter­ing the key­word cuck­old, I was shown 212 videos that were avail­able on demand. For the term Hotwife, there are anoth­er 73 videos. Very remarkable. 

The advantages of the porn site

  • The videos are free of ads and malware 
  • They can be watched both at home on the TV and on the go 
  • You can already find good movies for less than 5 euros on
  • For each film there is a free trail­er that whets your appetite for the content.
  • Scenes are even avail­able for less than 2 euros 
  • In the Ger­man cat­e­go­ry you have more than 4,700 videos to choose from.

The disadvantages of the sex site

  • I did not notice any real dis­ad­van­tages with

Review conclusion: Is recommendable?

I likedErotik. com incred­i­bly well, and I def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend the web­site to you. It is almost per­fect for Ger­man-speak­ing peo­ple who want to watch high-qual­i­ty porn. 

The prices are incred­i­bly fair. Stream­ing and down­load­ing on almost does­n’t hurt your wal­let at all. The option to rent a movie for 2 days is the best solution. 

Reg­is­tra­tion is free and there is no sub­scrip­tion. You don’t have to wor­ry about rip-offs, virus­es, Tro­jans or mal­ware. The offer is com­plete­ly legal and you sup­port the porn indus­try, so that porn will con­tin­ue to be pro­duced in the years to come.

For cuck­old and wife­shar­ing cou­ples, is just per­fect. You can rent some horny videos for a hot week­end and get inspired togeth­er by stream­ing them to your bed­room TV.

Alter­na­tives are the two Ger­man porn stream­ing plat­forms FlixOne and You should also check out AEBN, Hot­movies, and Adul­tEm­pire.


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