rent and stream porn DVDs online
The InterÂnet has made sure that most video stores have disÂapÂpeared from the cityscape. You can still order porn DVDs online at DVDErotik, for examÂple, but this age is also comÂing to an end.
The extincÂtion of the DVD, the illeÂgal porn tube porÂtals and the invenÂtion of smartÂphones & tablets put the GerÂman-speakÂing porn stuÂdios under enorÂmous presÂsure! ComÂpared to the USA or othÂer EU counÂtries, the GerÂman porn scene nevÂer had it easy anyÂway due to unsolvÂable youth proÂtecÂtion restricÂtions. A wave of bankÂruptÂcies of porn proÂducÂers, which even affectÂed VideÂoÂraÂma and Beate Uhse, was the result.
Video-on-demand (VoD) is the curÂrent trend. Providers such as AmaÂzon Prime, NetÂflix, DisÂney+, VideÂoload, Sky, Apple TV, Joyn and TV Now have been enjoyÂing enorÂmous growth rates for two decades now. For norÂmal feaÂture films, the supÂply is good.
Porn, on the othÂer hand, is a difÂferÂent stoÂry. In this segÂment, there are only a few comÂpaÂnies, at least in GerÂmany. One of the best-known adult video-on-demand porÂtals is OthÂer providers are FlixOne and InterÂnaÂtionÂalÂly, AEBN, HotÂmovies, and AdulÂtEmÂpire are the top dogs.
In this review I would like to introÂduce you to I will highÂlight both the advanÂtages and disÂadÂvanÂtages in the review and tell you whether this porn VoD porÂtal is worth signÂing up for. I am interÂestÂed in your expeÂriÂences and opinÂions. If you know the porn streamÂing platÂform, I would be hapÂpy about a comÂment below the review.
VisÂit Erotik.comTest report: briefly presented
Facts and figures of the website
DurÂing my research for this review, I found that is still relÂaÂtiveÂly new. The project was only foundÂed in 2018. HowÂevÂer, its roots go back to 2003. Back then, the online store DVDerotik (read our DVDerotik review) was foundÂed, where cusÂtomers could order porn DVDs. The streamÂing of videos was added later.
Over time, PornoSÂtreamÂing became so sucÂcessÂful that it split off as an indeÂpenÂdent diviÂsion, called HowÂevÂer, only streamÂing is posÂsiÂble there, but no porn downÂload. PreÂsumÂably that’s why the operÂaÂtor decidÂed to launch the project in parÂalÂlel. The GerÂman marÂket realÂly needÂed that! The offer grew more and more. MeanÂwhile is one of the biggest porn streamÂing porÂtals in Europe!
Users are offered numerÂous barÂgains. Also worth readÂing is the webÂsite’s blog with conÂstantÂly updatÂed news from the industry. proÂvides more than 100,000 porn movies in its video library. The movies can be either streamed or downÂloaded. The porn is of excelÂlent qualÂiÂty and is free of virusÂes and malÂware. They can be viewed on all mobile devices, comÂputÂers and laptops.
The highÂlight is that you can also play the porn movies from your comÂputÂer’s Chrome browsÂer or from all smartÂphones and tablets on the smart TV using Google ChromeÂcast or IDrop. Almost all videos are offered in Full HD resÂoÂluÂtion, more and more also in 4k UHD!
The cost
In my porn site review, surÂprised me posÂiÂtiveÂly with its unusuÂal cost strucÂture. For streamÂing, you don’t pay per minute, but per movie. There are 2 options:
- Rent video for 2 days
- DownÂload video to hard driÂve or stream for unlimÂitÂed time
The price is set indiÂvidÂuÂalÂly for each video. There is also a posÂsiÂbilÂiÂty to stream only sinÂgle scenes.
The folÂlowÂing payÂment methÂods are offered:
- CredÂit card (Visa and MasterCard)
- Instant bank transfer
- PayÂPal
- PaySafe Card
The preview area of
When I looked at the preÂview area of durÂing my review, I liked its appealÂing design. The covÂers stand out well on the light backÂground. The covÂers are large enough that the screen doesÂn’t look cluttered.
I espeÂcialÂly like that even the preÂview area shows how much each video costs. The user is also alertÂed to barÂgains and new releasÂes. This made me curiÂous and I entered the memÂbers area.
Test report: The members area of
Site structure, content and special features
Once you have logged in after regÂisÂterÂing, you immeÂdiÂateÂly feel like a gold digÂger! It’s sheer madÂness how many hot porn movies are availÂable for downÂload and streamÂing for a pockÂet monÂey price.
Thanks to the GerÂman lanÂguage, the simÂple menu navÂiÂgaÂtion and the great filÂter funcÂtions, you can quickÂly find your desired sex movies.
What is strikÂing is the extremeÂly high perÂcentÂage of GerÂman porn. Almost all GerÂman porn stuÂdios are represented.
You can filÂter videos by difÂferÂent categories:
- CatÂeÂgoÂry
- LanÂguage
- PornÂstar
- Length
- ResÂoÂluÂtion
- Price
and othÂers. Also a free search by keyÂwords is possible.
Of course, for my review, I immeÂdiÂateÂly looked around what has to offer in the area of cuckÂoldÂing. After enterÂing the keyÂword cuckÂold, I was shown 212 videos that were availÂable on demand. For the term Hotwife, there are anothÂer 73 videos. Very remarkable.
The advantages of the porn site
- The videos are free of ads and malware
- They can be watched both at home on the TV and on the go
- You can already find good movies for less than 5 euros on
- For each film there is a free trailÂer that whets your appetite for the content.
- Scenes are even availÂable for less than 2 euros
- In the GerÂman catÂeÂgoÂry you have more than 4,700 videos to choose from.
The disadvantages of the sex site
- I did not notice any real disÂadÂvanÂtages with
Review conclusion: Is recommendable?
I likedErotik. com incredÂiÂbly well, and I defÂiÂniteÂly recÂomÂmend the webÂsite to you. It is almost perÂfect for GerÂman-speakÂing peoÂple who want to watch high-qualÂiÂty porn.
The prices are incredÂiÂbly fair. StreamÂing and downÂloadÂing on almost doesÂn’t hurt your walÂlet at all. The option to rent a movie for 2 days is the best solution.
RegÂisÂtraÂtion is free and there is no subÂscripÂtion. You don’t have to worÂry about rip-offs, virusÂes, TroÂjans or malÂware. The offer is comÂpleteÂly legal and you supÂport the porn indusÂtry, so that porn will conÂtinÂue to be proÂduced in the years to come.
For cuckÂold and wifeÂsharÂing couÂples, is just perÂfect. You can rent some horny videos for a hot weekÂend and get inspired togethÂer by streamÂing them to your bedÂroom TV.
AlterÂnaÂtives are the two GerÂman porn streamÂing platÂforms FlixOne and You should also check out AEBN, HotÂmovies, and AdulÂtEmÂpire.