Real German Swingers, Wifesharers and Cuckolds on

Nowa­days, it is expect­ed from men that they are rather cud­dlers than hard guys. They should spoil their female part­ner with an exten­sive fore­play, they should make sure that she gets an orgasm, and they have to be always ten­der and polite.

How­ev­er, as nice as it may be, very many men and women like to fan­ta­size about unin­hib­it­ed sex with strangers. It is not for noth­ing that porn movies with gang­bangs or group sex are so pop­u­lar inter­na­tion­al­ly. Espe­cial­ly Ger­man gang­bang porn videos are very dirty.

Dur­ing a web walk, I hap­pened to find the porn site In the videos, you can see Ger­man ama­teurs who live out their lust in swinger clubs. There, ordi­nary mil­fs turn into sex-crazed, insa­tiable sluts. Such kinky sex videos are a kind of basic sta­ple food for real hotwifes, wife­shar­ers and cuckolds. ^^

I was very attract­ed by the pre­view sec­tion of the sex site and decid­ed to put it to the test. In the fol­low­ing review, I will tell you what con­tent is includ­ed in the mem­bers area and what advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages are to be expect­ed. Please leave us your opin­ions and expe­ri­ences in the com­ments section. besuchen

The Preview Area of

For any paid porn site, the pre­view area (called tour pages) is impor­tant, because it should make vis­i­tors curi­ous and moti­vate them to sub­scribe. That is why we also rate the pre­view pages in every review.

The pre­view area of is very attrac­tive­ly designed at first glance. At the top of the home­page, sev­er­al ani­mat­ed graph­ics are the cen­ter of atten­tion. The scenes show how an attrac­tive MILF slut gets fucked by sev­er­al men.

Below that, 24 screen­shots of the web­site’s lat­est videos are list­ed. If you point the mouse cur­sor at the thumb­nail, an ani­ma­tion will start, which will give you an insight into the con­tent of the accord­ing­ly gang­bang porn video. Besides the title, you can also see the name of the porn actress­es and the release date. Thus, you can see that there are about one or two updates per month. - Pornsitetest: Review & test

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, all links lead you to the book­ing page (called join page). You can’t view free pho­tos or demo videos.

In the low­er part of the home­page, you can find adver­tise­ments for cam­sex on as well as links to the terms and con­di­tions, the pri­va­cy pol­i­cy, and the con­tact form. In addi­tion, there are more adver­tis­ing links hid­den in the footer.

At the bot­tom of the web page you will find a large orange area with some­thing that says ADULTPRIME. So, if you read between the lines, it is a porn net­work that com­bines sev­er­al web­sites under one roof.

Realgangbangs: Bonita de Sax having group sex
Real­gang­bangs: Boni­ta de Sax hav­ing group sex

Facts and Figures About the Website is online since Jan­u­ary 2017 and reg­is­tered in the Nether­lands. It is porn in the Ger­man lan­guage. The video titles and descrip­tions are in English.

On the web­site, mem­bers cur­rent­ly have access to about 170 exclu­sive videos and 170 asso­ci­at­ed pho­to gal­leries. There are approx­i­mate­ly 20,000 pho­tos included.

On aver­age, the group sex videos are about 40 min­utes long.

In the porn site test, the oper­a­tor states the cost of mem­ber­ship as follows:

  • 30-day term with auto­mat­ic renew­al: $19.99 / month
  • 90 day term with auto­mat­ic renew­al: $49.99 / month
  • 365 days term with auto­mat­ic renew­al: $119.88 / year

You can pay by cred­it card (Visa Card and Mas­ter­Card), Pay­Pal, SOFORT­pay­ment, Giro­pay or Paysafe­card. It is not pos­si­ble to pay by direct debit.

The Adultprime Porn Network

Cony Clay gets glazed with cum during gangbang
Cony Clay gets glazed with cum dur­ing gangbang

The mem­ber­ship at includes access to the Adult Prime net­work, which con­sists of 114 porn sites that are about teens, ama­teurs, group sex, MIL­Fs, gangbang.

In total, more than 26,000 videos and over 30,000 pho­to sets are avail­able there. The videos are up-to-date. New videos are uploaded daily.

The most pop­u­lar in the porn net­work is the legal teen­sex site Club­Sev­en­teen (now called Club­sweet­hearts). But horny are also: the cuck­old porn site Cuck­old­est, the mini tits site Fuck­ingskin­ny, the les­bian site Prime­les­bian, the BDSM site Sub­missed, and as well as the porn stu­dio BBVideo.

Test Report: Review of the Member Area of

Site Structure, Content, and Special Features

The pre­view area looks very inter­est­ing at first glance, but has no oth­er subpages.

As a logged-in Group­Banged mem­ber, things final­ly get excit­ing. How­ev­er, the nav­i­ga­tion of the web­site is quite con­fus­ing at the begin­ning. After log­ging in to the mem­bers area, you should take care to nav­i­gate only via the bread­crumb nav­i­ga­tion and the top nav­i­ga­tion of the Group­Banged cat­e­go­ry (“Videos”, “Pho­tos”, “Clips”, “Mod­els” and “Rec­om­mend­ed”). Don’t use the orange main nav­i­ga­tion yet because you will get lost in the porn network!

You can sort the videos by date and tags. All videos are record­ings that were shot in our own stu­dio. The actors are not pro­fes­sion­als, but com­plete­ly aver­age men and women.

In the video pages, you can stream the porn in an embed­ded HTML5 play­er in 540p, 720p, 1080p, and 4k UHD res­o­lu­tions. To the right, you can also down­load the movies to your hard dri­ve in MP4 format.

Besides the movie title, you also get infor­ma­tion about the release date, video length, rat­ing, cat­e­gories and lead­ing actress­es, and an Eng­lish-lan­guage video descrip­tion. You can add the videos to your favorites and even jump to the asso­ci­at­ed image gallery. It does­n’t get any bet­ter than this. Absolute­ly super!

Gangbang insemination of Stacey Lou
Gang­bang insem­i­na­tion of Stacey Lou
Very Awesome Amateur Gangbang Porn!

The sex videos are breath­tak­ing­ly horny. This is because all porn actors and actress­es are real ama­teurs who par­tic­i­pate with enthu­si­asm and not main­ly for the money.

In my porn site test, it pro­vid­ed plus points that the girls enjoyed the exten­sive group sex com­plete­ly with­out arti­fi­cial moan­ing and act­ing. They let them­selves be com­plete­ly unin­hib­it­ed and down­right enthu­si­as­tic with a lot of cum.

Mouth insemination of four cocks while orgasm
Mouth insem­i­na­tion of four cocks while orgasm

With almost all women it can be observed that they became more and more unin­hib­it­ed and filthy, the longer the gang­bang last­ed. At the begin­ning, some inex­pe­ri­enced women still spit out sperm — at the end of the film they can’t get enough of the mess and grab penis­es to milk them in their mouths. Awesome!

It’s also cool that you can apply as a man to play in a gang­bang video yourself.

The only pity I find in my review is that you can’t change the lan­guage. It would be nice if the web­site, the video titles and film descrip­tions are also dis­played in German.

Advantages of the Sex Site

  • The ama­teur gang­bang porn videos are very hot.
  • The women vis­i­bly enjoy the group sex well.
  • Authen­tic feel­ings: orgasm and plea­sure are not acted.
  • Porn actress­es look unnatural.
  • Pro­duc­tion is made in Germany
  • Ger­man lan­guage in porn
  • Videos are shot in full-HD quality
  • Pay­ment also pos­si­ble via Pay­Pal, SOFORT­pay­ment, Giro­pay and Paysafecard.
  • Down­load and stream in 1080p Full-HD possible

Disadvantages of the Porn Site

  • no free trailers
  • no free demo photos
  • All texts are in Eng­lish. No inter­na­tion­al languages.
Amateur girl Bella happy at group sex
Ama­teur girl Bel­la hap­py at group sex

Review Conclusion: Is Recommendable?

The porn site is clear­ly one of the rec­om­mend­ed offers. The porn site is still com­par­a­tive­ly young and (still) only has 160 videos — but they are so awe­some that a mem­ber­ship is def­i­nite­ly worth it.

The movies are pro­duced in full-HD qual­i­ty. Every month one or two ama­teur gang­bang porn movies will be added.

Ama­teur porn in the areas of “gang­bang” and “group sex” are so pop­u­lar because there is always some­thing hot scenes to see there, and it is nat­u­ral­ly always very wild, dirty, and unin­hib­it­ed at the sex par­ties. The per­form­ers are com­plete­ly ordi­nary peo­ple with whom you can iden­ti­fy well.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, I noticed in my erot­ic site review that there are no demo videos. The pre­view pages are all linked to the book­ing form.

Anoth­er pos­i­tive thing I noticed in my review was the exten­sive bonus con­tent. The ADULTPRIME net­work gives you access to thou­sands of porn videos from oth­er sex sites. There are even free live web­cams includ­ed in the membership.

In sum­ma­ry, this porn site offers excel­lent val­ue for mon­ey and unique content. besuchen

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