Fact Check — Why Do So Many Men and Women Have Sexual Fantasies With Black Men?

Accord­ing to sur­veys, approx­i­mate­ly 61% of men and 45% of women between the ages of 35 and 54 have sex­u­al fan­tasies involv­ing mixed-race (inter­ra­cial) sex. Pri­or­i­ty is giv­en to the com­bi­na­tion of “dark men and white women”.

The annu­al­ly pub­lished sta­tis­tics of the porn plat­form Porn­hub con­firm an increase in demand for inter­ra­cial porn (Cuck­old Insights). Espe­cial­ly among Scan­di­na­vian women, “big black cocks” (BBC), “african”, “inter­ra­cial sex” and “black man” are among the most pop­u­lar search terms. They are fol­lowed sta­tis­ti­cal­ly by women in Italy, Great Britain, and the USA. But sex­u­al search queries for dark-skinned men are also increas­ing sig­nif­i­cant­ly in the world.

Dur­ing the lock­downs in the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, peo­ple around the world were par­tic­u­lar­ly like­ly to Google these top­ics. Search­es increased by 40%, accord­ing to Google!

But despite all the praise, the top­ic of “sex with dark-skinned men” is also a big taboo at the same time. It is quick­ly dis­missed as a cliché or even racism, and only very few women talk about it. Even among friends, the top­ic is almost nev­er brought up so as not to appear racist.

We were inter­est­ed in why dark-skinned men have such a mas­sive sex­u­al appeal to so many women and men from all con­ti­nents. We’ve com­piled all the clichés in this cuck­old blog post and do a fact check. We are inter­est­ed in your per­son­al opin­ion. Please share your thoughts with us via the com­ments section.

Search queries on Google: Cuckold & Big Black Cock - Trend from 2004 to 2022
Search queries on Google: Cuck­old & Big Black Cock — Trend from 2004 to 2022

The Big Black Cock: All Just Rumors, Fairy Tales and Fantasies?

In the Eng­lish lan­guage, the terms “big black dick” or “big black cock” are applied dif­fer­ent­ly in dif­fer­ent regions. But every­one knows that the syn­onyms “black bull”, “black horse”, “black mam­ba”, “black mon­ster cock” or “black cum” stereo­typ­i­cal­ly mean a dark-skinned, dom­i­nant alpha male with a larg­er-than-aver­age penis and a mas­sive amount of sperm.

BBC - Big black cock
BBC — Big black cock: Is it real­ly that huge in all dark-skinned men?

The pri­vates of dark-skinned men cause a lot of talk, con­jec­ture, myths, and stereo­types world­wide. BBC Bulls are said to be pow­er­ful, strong, and dominant.

Fact is: mil­lions of sex­u­al­ly open-mind­ed women and hotwifes have very mul­ti­fac­eted fan­tasies with “black bulls”.

Anoth­er fact: Almost twice as many men, also fan­ta­size about big, brown penis­es! The dark num­ber of cuck­olds and wife­shar­ers is high, who would like to have their life part­ner or wife fucked by mus­cu­lar lovers of African descent. Gang­bang lovers, bulls and swingers are equal­ly fond of potent BBCs.

This sub­jec­tive impres­sion is backed up in count­less BBC porn and ama­teur porn on xHam­ster, Youporn, xVideos and co.

Interracial sex
Inter­ra­cial sex: Pure pas­sion and unin­hib­it­ed hard sex?

Dark-Skinned Men: Always a Stereotype Since Ancient Times

Hotwife BBC Cuckold
Hotwife BBC Cuckold

Both inter­ra­cial sex and inter­ra­cial rela­tion­ships have been dis­cussed and stig­ma­tized in a high­ly con­tro­ver­sial way through­out all eras of human his­to­ry. Behind closed doors, this is unfor­tu­nate­ly still far too often moral­ly deval­ued today.

How­ev­er, since we for­tu­nate­ly live in a lib­er­al com­mu­ni­ty today, accep­tance is now con­sid­er­ably bet­ter than it was 50 years ago. Although inter­ra­cial sex is still con­sid­ered a stereo­type with prej­u­dice, it tends to be viewed more pos­i­tive­ly today. Sex with a Black man is often described as excit­ing, adven­tur­ous, exot­ic, and daring.

The world­wide fas­ci­na­tion with the black penis is not pub­licly explained or elu­ci­dat­ed by any­one. There will prob­a­bly nev­er be a sci­en­tif­ic study that sta­tis­ti­cal­ly records the caus­es and details of inter­ra­cial fantasies. 

In per­pe­tu­ity, opin­ions will dif­fer. Women who have tried it, are rav­ing about BBCs and their coun­ter­parts are say­ing, “It’s all bullshit!”

10 Sexist Stereotypes About Dark-Skinned Men:

1.) All black men have giant penis

Huge black penis
Huge black penis

Not true. Dark skin col­or does not have a patent on large penis size. Even though men of African descent are sta­tis­ti­cal­ly more like­ly to have larg­er penis mea­sure­ments, there are pre­dom­i­nant­ly many Africans with nor­mal-sized 15 cm penises.

There are also white men with a 19 x 5 penis. How­ev­er, they do not look as impres­sive as a Black Cock due to the pale skin tone.

Dark cocks can look much more impos­ing, mas­sive­ly veined, and impres­sive due to the brown col­or and their shad­ow effect. Espe­cial­ly oiled, they are visu­al­ly a dream cock.

2.) Dark skinned men are basically more dominant

True in part. In fan­ta­sy, male dom­i­nance plays a very big role with many women. Cuck­old­ing is addi­tion­al­ly about a pow­er imbal­ance. The dom­i­nance pass­es from the BBC Bull to the Hotwife and then to the Cuckold.

Dominant Black bull brutally fucks his hotwife to orgasm
Dom­i­nant Black bull bru­tal­ly fucks his hotwife to orgasm

The dark, gold hung gang­ster rap­per who dri­ves fat cars and makes his mon­ey from drugs is a stereo­type. There are enough lov­ing and con­sid­er­ate dark men who want a fam­i­ly and mar­riage at eye level.

How­ev­er, men who are good-look­ing, ath­let­ic, and mus­cu­lar usu­al­ly have more con­fi­dence, good charis­ma, and are sex­u­al­ly very experienced.

Instead of being cau­tious and ask­ing every­thing out, they just con­fi­dent­ly do things that they have had good expe­ri­ences with in the past. How­ev­er, there are also enough white men who have a big ego or are even alpha males.

3.) Black Bulls generally fuck better and harder

True in part. Not all black men fuck like fight­ing machines. There are also enough dark-skinned men who are more reserved and equal­ly plagued by pre­ma­ture ejac­u­la­tion and erec­tile dysfunction.

How­ev­er, BBC fan­tasies extreme­ly stim­u­late the head cin­e­ma of hotwifes, and cuck­olds. The cou­ple over-ide­al­izes the Bull with com­pli­ments and has a high expec­ta­tion. The Bull feels a qua­si “green light” to do any­thing with the Hotwife. This makes him feel con­fi­dent. Unlike the cuck­old hus­band, he wants to prove to the wife what he’s got up his sleeve and fucks her to the hilt.

Hard fucking Hotwife
Hard Fuck­ing Hotwife
Creampie Cathy

4.) Big Black Cocks can basically cum multiple times

Not true. There are def­i­nite­ly lucky men of all skin col­ors who have a very short refrac­to­ry peri­od and are quick­ly ready to go again.

How­ev­er, even dark-skinned men need a few hours before they can rebuild a hard erection.

How­ev­er, the hotwife is very sex­u­al­ly fix­at­ed on the bull. She teas­es him with facial expres­sions, ges­tures and words so that he can actu­al­ly be ready to go again faster.

5.) BBCs squirt much more sperm and also squirt much further

Not true (unfor­tu­nate­ly). Even if a penis is longer or thick­er, the size of the prostate and the size of the sem­i­nal vesi­cle deter­mine how much semen is ejac­u­lat­ed. Oth­er fac­tors are the days of absti­nence and his diet, as well as drink­ing plenty.

Massive sperm creampie
Mas­sive sperm creampie of a sin­gle BBC man!

The pres­sure of ejac­u­la­tion is deter­mined by the vas def­er­ens mus­cles. There are also some white men who can squirt enor­mous amounts of sperm in pow­er­ful ejaculations.

If the goal is to cross-insem­i­nate the hotwife with a lot of sperm, the Black Bulls also depend on a joint coop­er­a­tion with sev­er­al men.

How­ev­er, the con­trast between dark skin and white sperm is very clear, which gives the impres­sion that black men can ejac­u­late more sperm.

Some swingers blogs state that fuck­ing togeth­er and the antic­i­pa­tion of it leads to a kind of sperm com­pe­ti­tion, allow­ing many men to ejac­u­late con­sid­er­ably more sperm.

6.) The sperm tastes better with Black Bulls

True in part. Since many Black Bulls like to eat sweet fruits, many hotwifes usu­al­ly like the taste of BBC sperm. The exot­ic diet can actu­al­ly affect the sperm taste.

How­ev­er, if a BBC bull eats only fast food and low-qual­i­ty food, drinks beer and smokes, his sperm will taste just as bad.

7.) BBC dicks are very welcome at sex parties

True. Many cou­ples who enjoy wife­shar­ing like to attend gang­bangs and men’s sur­plus par­ties at swingers and sex clubs. There, well-hung black men are explic­it­ly wel­come, who visu­al­ly stand out from the rest of the vis­i­tors there (called lovers).

Also, at pri­vate wife­shar­ing meet­ings and sex par­ties, peo­ple always try to invite one or more Black Bulls into the round. Their pres­ence kicks all the guests present and espe­cial­ly the ladies.

The sex­u­al con­stel­la­tion of “Gang­bang” and“Big Black Cocks” has a very promis­ing and aus­pi­cious note. It is often used as a hook when BBC men are present at sex­u­al activities.

Very intense BBC hotwife orgasm
Very intense BBC hotwife orgasm

8.) Cuckolds always have to lick Black Cum clean from their wife

Cuckold cleanup
Cuck­old cleanup: Cuck licks strangers cum clean

Don’t. Clean lick­ing of stranger’s cum is an incred­i­bly pow­er­ful sex­u­al fan­ta­sy among Cuck­olds, Hotwifes and Bulls.

A Cuck­old is sup­posed to be ready to lick up cum at all times accord­ing to the wish­es of count­less Hotwifes, Bulls and them­selves! He must be able to lick the creampie out of the cum pussy, lick insem­i­nat­ed tits and enjoy kinky cum kiss­es with snow­balling. Even the bull dick he should lick clean in the fan­ta­sy of many cou­ples and bulls.

But if a hus­band absolute­ly refus­es to lick the Bul­l’s for­eign sperm clean, no one will seri­ous­ly force him to do so either.

9.) Many women experience violent orgasms with a BBC. Even a female ejacualtion (squirting) is possible!

Black Bull Orgasm
Black Bull Orgasm

Par­tial­ly true. Basi­cal­ly, when the G‑spot (G‑area) and cervix are extreme­ly stretched and strong­ly stim­u­lat­ed, the sen­so­ry cells of the vagi­na are enor­mous­ly stim­u­lat­ed, which can trig­ger a vagi­nal orgasm. A vagi­nal orgasm is many times more intense than a cli­toral orgasm.

The intense stim­u­la­tion can result in sig­nif­i­cant pro­duc­tion of lubri­cat­ing flu­id on the one hand, but also expul­sion of a trans­par­ent flu­id (squirt) on the oth­er. Squirt flu­id can run out of a gland next to the female ure­thra or even squirt out over a meter.

How­ev­er, since not all black men have giant dicks in gen­er­al, this the­sis is also more like­ly to be clas­si­fied as a stereo­type. White men can also trig­ger the squirt­ing phe­nom­e­non and huge orgasms.

10.) All women are “Black owned” after sex

Not true. A very pop­u­lar state­ment is that white women are basi­cal­ly “black owned” after hav­ing sex with a black man. They are so excit­ed, they say, that they don’t want to have sex with white men any­more, want to get knocked up by the black man (breed­ing), and leave the white man to mar­ry the Bull.

Even though many hotwifes find sex with a well-hung man very ful­fill­ing sex­u­al­ly, they will not leave their part­ner for a BBC. Sex life and real life are kept separate.


Bottom Line: Interracial Sex Is a Tremendous Pleasure Kick for All Involved. But Not All Stereotypes Are Generally True.

The fact is: Inter­ra­cial sex fan­tasies are incred­i­bly horny! How­ev­er, most BBC the­ses are sweep­ing clichés, half-truths and untruths. Mus­cu­lar, big, well-hung black studs are said to fuck the hot woman over and over again into orgas­mic mad­ness. Final­ly, she is insem­i­nat­ed with­out a con­dom with plen­ty of sperm in all body ori­fices, and the cum is greed­i­ly devoured by Cuck­old and Hotwife. The cuck­old is nev­er allowed to fuck his wife again, and final­ly, she wants to be impreg­nat­ed by her BBC…

One of the most popular cuckold fantasies: A black man with BBC fucks the wife. Her husband watches and masturbates meanwhile.
One of the most pop­u­lar cuck­old fan­tasies: A black man with BBC fucks the wife. Her hus­band watch­es and mas­tur­bates meanwhile.

In real­i­ty, you can’t make blan­ket con­clu­sions about sex­u­al per­for­mance, per­son­al char­ac­ter­is­tics, or penis size based on skin col­or. There are fam­i­ly-ori­ent­ed, faith­ful, and lov­ing hus­bands in all regions and nations of the world — or dom­i­nant rebels who tend to roam the dis­cothe­ques look­ing for non-com­mit­tal sex.

But basi­cal­ly exact­ly the stereo­types pro­vide vari­ety in bed and strong­ly kinky thoughts of doing some­thing com­plete­ly depraved! Inter­ra­cial head cin­e­ma and brain fuck­ing with BBC fan­tasies pro­vide an unimag­in­able plea­sure kick.

There are black men who find white women sex­u­al­ly attrac­tive and vice ver­sa. Sex with black men can be com­pared to a sym­bio­sis: The Hotwife, the Bull or the Cuck­old have sex­u­al fan­tasies. They find each oth­er in sex clubs or on the Inter­net, exchange these fan­tasies, and ful­fill them mutually.

Despite all the exag­ger­a­tions, in our opin­ion there is absolute­ly noth­ing wrong with engag­ing in sex with a per­son of a dif­fer­ent race and enjoy­ing horny and very kinky sex.

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Other Sources:

Cuckold dream: BBC creampie
Cuck­old dream: BBC creampie

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