Blessing and Curse at the Same Time: When Women Cum During Orgasm

The gyne­col­o­gist Ernst Gräfen­berg con­duct­ed sci­en­tif­ic stud­ies of the female sex organs with regard to orgasm. In the process, the Gräfen­berg zone (col­lo­qui­al­ly: G‑spot) got its name. He also inves­ti­gat­ed the phe­nom­e­non of why women can ejaculate.

The taboo sub­ject of “female ejac­u­la­tion” has increas­ing­ly come into the pub­lic eye in recent years. Most women are uncom­fort­able and embar­rassed about their squirt­ing abil­i­ty. But in many tantric love tech­niques, the “dis­charge of love ener­gy” is con­sid­ered com­plete­ly nor­mal and pur­pose­ful. There are even cul­tures that wor­ship the mys­te­ri­ous love elixir in rituals.

In the cuck­old­ing and wife­shar­ing scene, vagi­nal squirt­ing at sex par­ties is also a high­light. When hav­ing sex with dif­fer­ent penis sizes and shapes, this is not uncom­mon dur­ing gang­bangs. Accord­ing to expe­ri­ence, it even heats up the mood when the woman expe­ri­ences a vio­lent, wet orgasm.

In this guide, we would like to explain to you what squirt­ing actu­al­ly is, how it hap­pens and how a wet orgasm feels. In addi­tion, we will give you instruc­tions on how to learn squirt­ing and clar­i­fy the ques­tion of whether a cuck­old also has to lick squirt flu­id clean. Feel free to send us your ques­tions and com­ments below the post.

Squirting while pussy playing
Incred­i­ble intense squirt­ing while pussy play­ing with dil­dos, g‑spot vibra­tors, fin­gers, fist­ing and cli­toris rubbing.

Does Squirting Really Exist?

Despite sex­u­al edu­ca­tion and sci­en­tif­ic research, female ejac­u­la­tion still has some­thing mys­te­ri­ous about it and is dis­cussed very controversially.

Some “experts” deny its exis­tence and claim that squirt­ing was invent­ed by the porn scene. They say that it is real­ly just urine and is basi­cal­ly faked. There are even coun­tries where women are for­bid­den to ejac­u­late! Ejac­u­lat­ing is reserved exclu­sive­ly for men!

But also not a few women deny the abil­i­ty to ejac­u­late. They are extreme­ly embar­rassed when it comes to gush­ing, think­ing that they are uri­nat­ing. They then inter­rupt the stim­u­la­tion and com­plete­ly choke off the sex­u­al mood.

How­ev­er, it has been sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly con­firmed sev­er­al times that female ejac­u­la­tion can be trig­gered in very many women and has noth­ing to do with the clas­sic emp­ty­ing of the uri­nary bladder.

In tech­ni­cal lit­er­a­ture, squirt­ing is referred to as “orgas­mic, transurethral dis­charge”. Female ejac­u­late con­tains var­i­ous con­cen­tra­tions of urea, cre­a­ti­nine, uric acid, and prostate-spe­cif­ic anti­gen (PSA). The crys­tal-clear to milky-cloudy flu­id dif­fers in col­or and quan­ti­ty from clas­sic urine from the uri­nary blad­der. PSA is nor­mal­ly found in the male prostate.

Creampie Cathy

How Does Female Ejaculation Occur?

Vagi­nal squirt­ing occurs when the cli­toris, G‑zone, and pos­si­bly the cervix are stim­u­lat­ed extreme­ly rapid­ly in high-fre­quen­cy rep­e­ti­tion.

Skene glands - the female prostate gland
Skene glands — the female prostate gland

A char­ac­ter­is­tic fea­ture of female ejac­u­la­tion is that the area of the G‑zone becomes mas­sive­ly sup­plied with blood as arousal pro­gress­es and swells con­sid­er­ably. The vio­lent irri­ta­tion fills a spongy glan­du­lar tis­sue (called Skene’s glands) locat­ed around the urethra 

The invol­un­tary release of this flu­id is thought to occur dur­ing or just before orgasm (Web of Sci­ence and Ovid (MEDLINE), 2018) from the Skene glands, which open into the urethra.

The tis­sue can become extreme­ly charged with up to 200 mil­li­liters of flu­id. This is where the urge to pee comes from despite an emp­ty blad­der and a strong feel­ing of pressure.

If the stim­u­la­tion is intense enough, the woman can relax suf­fi­cient­ly and she press­es the pelvic floor light­ly at the right moment — it hap­pens that the flu­id leaks out of the pussy, gush­es out or even spurts out like a foun­tain. The phe­nom­e­non is usu­al­ly accom­pa­nied by a very intense orgasm.

A Ger­man woman presents us 43 times how she ejac­u­lates from the pussy

What Triggers Squirting?

Many peo­ple want to know how squirt­ing can be trig­gered in a woman in order to expe­ri­ence it for themselves.

Female ejac­u­la­tion often occurs when stim­u­la­tion is pro­vid­ed by an opti­mal­ly shaped penis, by suit­able objects or by fin­gers at a vio­lent speed.

a) During Sex, Female Ejaculation May Occur If:

  • the penis is larg­er than aver­age (Big Black Cock)
  • the penis is bent crooked­ly upwards
  • Men have a large penis glans
  • is fucked in extreme­ly fast and very hard stroke-intervals
  • is fucked very per­sis­tent­ly (also in group sex with sev­er­al men)
  • anal sex is prac­ticed in very fast strokes

b) Squirting Can Be Induced With the Following Objects:

  • spe­cial­ly shaped / hooked G‑spot dil­dos *
  • spe­cial­ly shaped / hooked G‑spot vibra­tors *
  • with a ball fixed to the han­dle *
  • strong mas­sagers (e.g. Hitachi Mag­ic Wand)
  • nor­mal dil­dos or dil­do-like objects *
  • thick dil­dos / extreme mon­ster dildos
  • Dil­dos with very thick penis glans *
  • Pump-up dil­dos (30 to 90 min­utes of strong, vagi­nal stretching)
  • very pow­er­ful cli­toral vibrators
  • Pulse wave cli­toral stim­u­la­tors (Sat­is­fy­er or Womanizer)

* in extreme­ly fast thrust­ing or shak­ing intervals

c) Female Ejaculation Can Be Induced by Hands:

  • extreme­ly vio­lent fin­ger­ing of the G‑Spot (with index, mid­dle, and pos­si­bly ring finger)
  • rapid rub­bing of the cli­toris + vagi­nal stimulation
  • Fist­ing by the man with four or five fin­gers or the whole fist
  • Self-fist­ing by the woman with four or five fin­gers or the whole fist
Very effective: Squirting through a G-spot massage
Very effec­tive: Squirt­ing through a G‑spot massage
Creampie Cathy

How Does Squirting Feel for the Woman?

Women describe squirt­ing as extreme­ly intense and at the same time inde­scrib­ably won­der­ful. The orgasm is enor­mous­ly intensified.

A kind of “pres­sure” builds up as the stim­u­la­tion pro­gress­es, which then sud­den­ly releas­es dur­ing orgasm. A squirt­ing orgasm is some­times such a tremen­dous emo­tion­al expe­ri­ence that the woman even has to laugh or cry hys­ter­i­cal­ly dur­ing it.

After­ward, the feel­ing of plea­sure gave way to that of deep relax­ation. Women feel com­plete­ly sat­is­fied after a squirt­ing orgasm.

By ruin­ing orgasm sev­er­al times (edg­ing), the Skene’s gland fills up abun­dant­ly. Some women ruin their cli­max two or three times, then reach a vio­lent orgasm with a pow­er­ful ejaculation.

The Skene gland tis­sue is able to refill very quick­ly. If two or three squirt­ing orgasms fol­low in suc­ces­sion, care must be tak­en to ensure that the woman drinks enough to avoid dehydration.

Female ejaculation (squirt) during sex
Female ejac­u­la­tion (squirt) dur­ing sex

What Do Men Get Out of Squirting?

As a man, it is real­ly incred­i­bly awe­some to watch when a woman gets a squirt­ing orgasm!

The woman groans and moans in delight. Most of the time she has her eyes closed in plea­sure. All of a sud­den, the vagi­na and the butt hole start to vis­i­bly twitch rhyth­mi­cal­ly. Often you can even see goosebumps.

Female ejaculation through a G-spot vibrator
Female ejac­u­la­tion through a G‑spot vibrator

The woman cries out, con­vuls­es vio­lent­ly, and a crys­tal-clear liq­uid spurts out of her pussy. Absolute­ly amaz­ing hot!

The amount is com­plete­ly unpre­dictable every time. A few drops can run out of the pussy, form a small trick­le, come out in a gush, or even come out in a steel shape in a high arc. The 50 to 200 ml of vagi­nal glan­du­lar liq­uid is visu­al­ly a large amount of fluid.

Every cuck­old finds female squirt­ing extreme­ly horny. For bulls and lovers, pussy gush­ing rep­re­sents a com­pli­ment, so to speak. They can fuck the hotwife so well that they make her squirt.

Can Any Woman Learn How to Squirt?

Yes, basi­cal­ly most women are bio­log­i­cal­ly capa­ble of ejac­u­lat­ing. How­ev­er, many of them do not allow the sen­sa­tion and stop the stimulation.

A woman must real­ly “want” to squirt. The biggest hur­dle in the begin­ning is to over­come the vio­lent pee­ing feel­ing and to endure the over­stim­u­lat­ing sensation. 

If a woman wants to learn to squirt, she must not put her­self under pres­sure. Noth­ing hap­pens with coer­cion. She must be relaxed and give her­self com­plete­ly to her pleasure.

A good train­ing is reg­u­lar mas­tur­ba­tion. For exam­ple, a woman can stim­u­late the cli­toris with a vibra­tor while mas­sag­ing the G‑spot in her pussy with her index and mid­dle fin­gers. When pres­sure builds up that feels like she needs to uri­nate, it’s almost time! The pelvic floor must be relaxed as if uri­nat­ing and a light press­ing motion must be performed.

If it worked the first time, she should prac­tice with the above-men­tioned objects.

Ger­man squirt instruc­tion: Ger­man cuck­old cou­ple gives tips on how to learn squirting

Cuckolds Should Learn to Swallow Squirt

A cuck­old should always be care­ful not to waste squirt or even run into bed­ding and mattress.

Squirt bowl for collecting squirt fluid
A bowl (squirt bowl) is great for col­lect­ing squirt flu­id in a con­trolled manner.

Sperm recy­cling and lick­ing creampie clean are indis­putable mat­ters, of course. If the Cuck­ol­dress gets too wet while fan­ta­siz­ing and mas­tur­bat­ing, it is also his job to clean up the pussy. This includes swal­low­ing, catch­ing, and lick­ing all squirt flu­id clean.

Expe­ri­enced cou­ples have a squirt bowl with­in reach in the bed­room. The man skill­ful­ly catch­es the female ejac­u­late with the bowl and mouth and can use it to mas­sage into the hotwife’s skin, for example.

Some cuck­old cou­ples feel the female ejac­u­la­tion so horny that they squirt and cum into each oth­er’s mouths.

Cuck­old swal­lows squirt and cum creampie

Conclusion: Vaginal Squirting Is Extremely Horny for Everyone Involved!

It is def­i­nite­ly worth it for every woman to learn to squirt! There is hard­ly a sex­u­al feel­ing for a woman that feels more awe­some and crass than a mega orgasm accom­pa­nied by squirting!

The feel­ing of plea­sure builds up more and more through mas­sive­ly fast stim­u­la­tion of the G‑area. This works very well with fin­gers, and G‑spot sex toys, but also with thick dil­dos and a large penis. Some women also suc­ceed in reach­ing wet orgasms with strong mas­sagers, through anal sex, or with pulse wave vibrators.

The squirt-orgasm is so inde­scrib­ably intense that it can often lead to emo­tion­al out­bursts, such as cry­ing and extreme laugh­ter. It is very exhaust­ing, but also inde­scrib­ably satisfying.

But men also love to watch the spec­ta­cle. In cuck­old­ing and wife­shar­ing, female ejac­u­la­tion trig­gers pure excite­ment among the cuckold/wifesharer, bulls, and fel­low fuckers.

If a woman has learned to love gush­ing, the cou­ple will grad­u­al­ly inte­grate the abil­i­ty more and more in their sex life. Female ejac­u­la­tion is real­ly fun for most couples.

Squirt Chal­lenge — Can Lara put out five can­dles with squirt?

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