Susanne and Martin Love the Combination of Cuckolding and Wifesharing

Helยญlo. Great that you landยญed on my wifeยญsharยญing sex story.

My name is Marยญtin, and Iโ€™m 44 years old. My wife Susanne is 42, and we have been marยญried for 16 years. We live in the Gerยญman city Hamยญburg and are now a frivยญoยญlous couple.

In this stoยญry, I tell you about our hottest group sex expeยญriยญence so far on a long Penยญteยญcost weekยญend in Berlin. Please forยญgive me that the introยญducยญtion being a bit longer. I would also like to briefly disยญcuss how I became a wifeยญsharยญer and how I inspired my wife to have sex with strange men. You can skim the text pasยญsages and skip to the midยญdle part of my sex story.

Susanne and I are always pleased about quesยญtions and comยญments that you can tell us under the wifeยญsharยญing stoยญry. I hope you have fun readยญing nowโ€ฆ

Introduction of Our Wifesharing Sex Story

How I Became a Wifesharer

At the beginยญning of our relaยญtionยญship, Susanne was realยญly a horny litยญtle sweet bitch. We fucked at the craยญziยญest places, and she nevยญer got enough sex. But when our son was born, our love life fell asleep over the years. I was frusยญtratยญed and wantยญed variยญety in bed again โ€” but didยญnโ€™t know how to go about it.

Instead of makยญing more effort sexยญuยญalยญly, I preยญferred to watch porn secretยญly. To my credยญit, I have to say that I mainยญly chose porn movies in which the porn actressยญes were very simยญiยญlar to my wife Susanne.

The thought made me increasยญingยญly horny to share Susanne durยญing sex with othยญer men and to let them copiยญousยญly forยญeign insemยญiยญnate at gangยญbangs. I did not feel the urge to have sex with othยญer women.

So one day I found that I had become a wifeยญsharยญer in fanยญtaยญsy. But how to sell such an incliยญnaยญtion to the wife! I clevยญerยญly arranged for Susanne and me to go to a swingers club one day to have a look at it withยญout any obligation.

How Susanneโ€™s Interest in Partners Swapping Awakened

Our wifeยญsharยญing advenยญture startยญed when I sent Susanne sevยญerยญal links to expeยญriยญence reports about high-qualยญiยญty swinger clubs via WhatยญsApp. Conยญtrary to expecยญtaยญtions, this awakยญened her interยญest in partยญner swapยญping, and she startยญed researchยญing on her own.

When the first, rough selecยญtion of clubs was fixed, I conยญfessed to her that I donโ€™t have any interยญest in strange women myself. But I only would like to โ€œshareโ€ them with sevยญerยญal men togethยญer. Susanne was very irriยญtatยญed. Her reacยญtion felt like a cold showยญer: She told me that she was not a whore and that she didยญnโ€™t want โ€œsomeยญthing like thatโ€ though! And withยญout a conยญdom cerยญtainยญly not! I left it at that and did not build up more pressure.

It took a few weeks until Susanne slipped out durยญing sex that she just imagยญined that there were three othยญer guys in the room, and we fucked them in turn. I did not believe my ears and gave real gas to fuck her nice and hard!

She told me after our sex that while a Google researchยญing she came across a porn site called Proudยญly she described her disยญcovยญeryโ€ฆ. You could watch there wonยญderยญfulยญly what goes on in swingers clubs. (Of course I kept my mouth shut and smirked to myself! ^^) That was the stone of impeยญtus that we watched togethยญer increasยญingยญly more porn in the bedยญroom and had wonยญderยญful sex.

From Susanne then went out the order of sex toys. She wantยญed to pracยญtice difยญferยญent sex pracยญtices, found wife-sharยญing hornier and hornier and our sex life blosยญsomed again!

Our Realization: Swingers Clubs Are Not for Us

We visยญitยญed varยญiยญous swingersโ€™ clubs over sevยญerยญal months. But someยญhow there were worlds between โ€œfanยญtasiesโ€ and โ€œrealยญiยญtyโ€! Because we had to realยญize that the swinger world was unforยญtuยญnateยญly not for us 

If we told our wifeยญsharยญing fanยญtasies to any swinger peoยญple, we not selยญdom reaped depยญreยญcatยญing-stuยญpid sayยญings. Elke often found the uninยญhibยญitยญed advances of oldยญer and unkempt genยญtleยญmen to be very disยญgustยญing. In the fanยญtaยญsy, a genยญtleยญmenโ€™s surยญplus parยญty was someยญhow also hornier. ๐Ÿ™

So one day we decidยญed that we would rather orgaยญnize our own sex parยญties, where we could choose the men and set our rules. In fact, we found nice genยญtleยญmen effortยญlessยญly on and Some even had pracยญtiยญcal expeยญriยญence with priยญvate sex parยญties and gave us valuยญable tips while chatting 

Susanne made the chats with strange men very horny, and we had nevยญer had so much sex before. I was on cloud nine! By the way, I no longer watched porn secretly. ๐Ÿ™‚

Our first sex parยญty with three expeยญriยญenced genยญtleยญmen was a hit. Although they wore their conยญdoms while fuckยญing โ€” but poured their sperm from the Lรผmยญmeltรผten over Susanยญneโ€™s tits. She found that EXTREMELY horny and rubbed the cum volupยญtuousยญly on her upper body.

First Experiences With Private Sex Parties

Over the folยญlowยญing months, we gained a lot of expeยญriยญence with orgaยญnizยญing such wife-sharยญing fuck parยญties. On weekยญends, we rent suitยญable apartยญments or hotel rooms in difยญferยญent cities. On varยญiยญous conยญtact sites on the Interยญnet, we sought out men and invitยญed them to the sex date. Usuยญalยญly, Susanne fucks with 3 to 5 men at such group sex events.

Durยญing our sex advenยญtures, Susanne increasยญingยญly develยญoped the desire that she wantยญed to fuck more often with the same men she knew and who were very symยญpaยญthetยญic to her. After preยญsentยญing a medยญical test, the lovers are now even allowed to fuck her withยญout a conยญdom and to insemยญiยญnate her pussy exterยญnalยญly. Susanne loved to fuck โ€œbareโ€ to feel the slipยญpery sperm and horny cocks as intenseยญly as possible.

A very potent and much-squirtยญing stud named โ€œHarunโ€ became one of our regยญuยญlar fuckยญers who was present at almost every sex parยญty. Harun was a black giant. He was about 2 meters tall and had the biggest cock I have ever seen. When he fucked Susanne, she would always get so horny that she would squirt and almost pass out from the pleaยญsure. His huge BBC cock was thereยญfore not to be missed.

Our Cuckold House Friend โ€œDirkโ€

One day we met a bisexยญuยญal man named โ€œDirkโ€ on the interยญnet. He was a cuckยญold and wished to lick Susanne clean after the sperm parยญty. Susanne kicked his dirty โ€œclean lickยญing and bisexยญuยญal fantasiesโ€.

We invitยญed him to the next wifeยญsharยญing sex parยญty. He jerked off conยญstantยญly while watchยญing and was lookยญing forยญward to the privยญiยญlege of being the last one to fuck and lick Susanne clean. Every now and then his penis leaked with drops of desire and pre-cum, which Susanne greedยญiยญly absorbed with her mouth. Although she was realยญly at the end of the sex parยญty already at the end of her strength, she went off with Dirk again incredยญiยญbly horny.

In the folยญlowยญing days, Susanne masยญturยญbatยญed very excesยญsiveยญly durยญing the cuckยญoldยญing fantasies 

Dirk lived in Berlin and became our house cuck. He was into watchยญing Susanne fuck and then lickยญing out her cum pussy. He also didยญnโ€™t mind takยญing a cock in his mouth and lickยญing it clean. Thatโ€™s why Dirk was also present at almost all of our meetยญings at some point 

Our Wife-Sharing Sex Story: Three Days of Foreign Insemination Over Pentecost in Berlin

Susanne had her 42nd birthยญday, and we wantยญed to spend, quaยญsi as our comยญmon present, a long sex weekยญend in Berlin. The choice fell on Whitsun.

It was imporยญtant to us that Dirk could be there. On his recยญomยญmenยญdaยญtion, we rentยญed a vacaยญtion apartยญment in a high-rise buildยญing at Alexanยญderยญplatz, with a great view of the TV tower 

Harun had told us that he would be there from Friยญday to Sunยญday but wantยญed to sleep in the same bed with us 

For Friยญday night we invitยญed sevยญen more guys. Satยญurยญday we wantยญed to enjoy only Dirk and Harun. On Sunยญday evening four forยญeign men should come as well as, Harun and Dirk 

The Horny Fuck Friday โ€” Susanne Is Inseminated Several Times

Susanne was totalยญly out of her mind with joy when finalยญly Friยญday was and we unpacked the suitยญcasยญes in the vacaยญtion apartยญment. To our great joy, none of the sevยญen men canยญceled, so Susanne was lookยญing forยญward to ten horny cocks. As always, Harun and Dirk came on time at 7 pm. The othยญer men also arrived one by one 

All put their medยญical tests on the table and we small-talked slightยญly tense with some chamยญpagne. We agreed with the parยญticยญiยญpants that only I would be allowed to phoยญtoยญgraph and film. I would put a black bar on all faces.

Susanne slowยญly dropped her clothes like a stripยญper. Under her outยญerยญwear, she wore a corยญsage that left her tits exposed as well as a susยญpender belt, red fishยญnet stockยญings and a red thong.

She beckยญoned Harun closยญer. The huge black man grinned, took Susanne in his arms and kissed her. He masยญsaged Susanยญneโ€™s nipยญples until they became stiff. Susanne moaned in pain, which Harun enjoyed.

The First Fuck Belongs to Our BBC Cop

He opened his pants, took out his huge, semi-stiff BBC cock and ordered Susanne to suck it. In his strong arms, he carยญried Susanne to the bed as if she were a Barยญbie doll 

Susanne lay on her back and spread her legs. Her eyes sparkled expecยญtantยญly. She was lookยญing forยญward to the huge cock and was not disยญapยญpointยญed. Harun penยญeยญtratยญed her to the hilt. You could read in her face that the giant black penis was already a chalยญlenge. After a few slow thrusts, the pussy was stretched. Harun fucked my wife with vioยญlent thrusts so that the bed groaned 

With each thrust, Susanne emitยญted high-pitched cries of pleaยญsure. The othยญer guys watched devoutยญly and jerked their cocks stiffly. One stood up and put his stiff penis into her loudยญly moanยญing mouth 

The whole thing lastยญed only two or three minยญutes โ€” thatโ€™s when Harun startยญed moanยญing and filled the soakยญing-wet pleaยญsure cleft with a huge porยญtion of semen. A huge sperm creampie ran out of her cunt. Susanne, howยญevยญer, was not angry. After all, there were more men around. Besides, she knew that Harun would soon be ready for action again.

While I filmed the BBC sex scene, I waved Dirk over. His task was clearยญly defined: After each forยญeign insemยญiยญnaยญtion he had to clean up the creampie.

The Gangbang, Including Mass-Insemination Began

The othยญer men were meanยญwhile undressed and surยญroundยญed Susanne. They stretched their stiff cocks towards Susanne to let her suck and jerk them. Susanne worked as fast as she could.

As my wife-sharยญing birthยญday present, I had orgaยญnized a young cock for Susanne to fuck secยญond. He was 19 years old and despite his slenยญder figยญure also had a conยญsidยญerยญable 17 cm long, very gnarled, strongยญly curved penis. Susanne loved young men and spread her thighs in anticยญiยญpaยญtion. The boy pushed Susanne on the bed and wantยญed to show us all what he could do! 

He fucked my wife rapidยญly and extremeยญly hard. Her pussy was still filled with Harunโ€™s cum and smacked loudยญly with each thrust. His penis proยญduced a frothy sperm giant mess. This made the young stud so horny that he also needยญed bareยญly 3 minยญutes to cum.

Then it went a good half hour always in turnโ€ฆ Each guy wantยญed to show what he had on the box and hamยญmered his penis in breathยญtakยญing volยญleys in Susanยญneโ€™s soakยญing wet cum cunt. Five guys had themยญselves well under conยญtrol and stopped fuckยญing when their orgasm approached. Like clockยญwork, the next one took over fuckยญing the guy in front. Susanne orgasmed twice durยญing the mega fuck and greedยญiยญly licked the cum dicks clean!

The Group Sex Got Out of Control

The iniยญtial, inhibยญitยญed mood gave way to an aniยญmalยญisยญtic mood in which all parยญticยญiยญpants forยญgot about my camยญera. One guy came to orgasm while watchยญing and jerkยญing off and splashed Susanne horny in the face. The facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion made the curยญrent fuckยญer so horny that he squirtยญed in Susanยญneโ€™s pussy shortยญly afterward.

Anothยญer man lay backยญward on the bed and ordered Susanne to ride him. She obeyed and rode the horny penis, whoopยญing. He turned her on her back so he could penยญeยญtrate her ass. Anothยญer lover took advanยญtage of the freed pussy to fuck her at the same time.

At first Susanne screamed in pain, but quickยญly got used to the douยญble penยญeยญtraยญtion Since the pleaยญsure was too great, the man lying under Susanne in her ass came to, orgasm. Almost simulยญtaยญneยญousยญly, the guy squirtยญed in the pussy.

In the meanยญtime, Harun had recovยญered. His cock was already stiff again. He pushed his powยญerยญful cock into the insemยญiยญnatยญed crack ass of my wife 

Durยญing an incredยญiยญble wifeยญsharยญing cumshot finale that stayed with us all for a long time, Susanยญneโ€™s body was shakยญen by a vioยญlent squirtยญing orgasm. Enthuยญsiยญasยญtiยญcalยญly, I squirtยญed into Susanยญneโ€™s mouth. The bed was splatยญtered all over with squirt. Sperm shone on Susanยญneโ€™s skin and ran out of her pussy and off her face in massยญes to Dirkโ€™s delight.

As Dirk finยญished his cleanยญing duties, the men got dressed. With enthuยญsiยญasยญtic and vulยญgar sayยญings they patยญted each othยญer on the shoulยญders. All of them did not let themยญselves down and threw some bills on the table as a conยญtriยญbuยญtion to expenses.

Susanne lay motionยญless on the bed and enjoyed the caressยญes of Dirk and Harun. We decidยญed to fall asleep quickly.

Saturday: City Tour and Sperm Games

Since Susanne was vioยญlentยญly sore-fucked, your plan โ€œto fuck all day on Satยญurยญdayโ€ unforยญtuยญnateยญly didยญnโ€™t work out. In the mornยญing, the pussy was to the great disยญapยญpointยญment of the genยญtleยญmen restrictยญed area.

Instead, we visยญitยญed the city after an extenยญsive brunch with Harun and Dirk. Dirk was a good tour guide. Susanne wore no underยญwear under her sexy dress durยญing our excursion.

In the evening Susanยญneโ€™s pussy still needยญed rest and so she came up with the idea to jerk, blow and make our three cocks squirt. Susanne made funยญny games, who could stand her blowยญing and jerkยญing the longest 

  • Harun squirtยญed (as always) vioยญlent sperm founยญtains! Susanยญneโ€™s facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion looked impresยญsiveยญly horny! She swalยญlowed the giganยญtic amounts of sperm and Dirk helped her clean lickยญing her body and the blaยญtant Big Black Cock. Dirk and I had to jerk off hard while watching.
  • Susanne then came to me and gave me a horny blowjob. When I now came to orgasm, she grabbed a drinkยญing glass and let my penis squirt in there. Also, my load were also not to be despised โ€” It had accuยญmuยญlatยญed a lot of horniยญness. Susanne made (to the delight of Dirk) very nasty sperm games before she swalยญlowed everything.
  • Dirk should now last inject himยญself into the mouth. He had already shown Susanne his autยญofelยญlaยญtio skills a few times in front of the webยญcam โ€” but Susanne took out her favorite vibraยญtor and came with him almost simulยญtaยญneยญousยญly to orgasm.

In the evening we went to a cool bar and spent a nice evening.

Pentecost Sunday: Another Foreign Insemination of My Wife

The day startยญed out disยญapยญpointยญing at first. Of the four men, two canยญceled. Even Dirk had to disยญapยญpoint us. He was invitยญed to a famยญiยญly dinยญner and didยญnโ€™t know if he would make it to our sex party 

In the end, howยญevยญer, everyยญthing turned out fine. Susanne sponยญtaยญneousยญly called the guys she fucked on Friยญday and asked if they could come again on Sunยญday. Susanne could look forยญward includยญing me and Harun again to 5 guys who would fuck her at the evening wife-sharยญing party.

At 7 pm the bell rang again, and the mood was conยญsidยญerยญably less tense than on Friยญday. Susanne wore a tiny miniskirt of black wet-look that only half covยญered her ass cheeks and pussy. In addiยญtion, she had black overknees on, which almost reached her crotch. A tight top, also made of black wet-look comยญpletยญed her outfit 

Harun was now times the alpha man in our round. It was clear to everyยญone that he was the first to fuck Susanne again. The dark brown musยญcle play durยญing sex was an impresยญsive. All the men jerked off again with some admiยญraยญtion and awe. His huge cock made Susanne squirtโ€ฆ. But Susanne did not get a break 

He fucked like a machine and finalยญly, he came gruntยญing to orgasm! His sperm splashed all over her body in huge spurts up to Susanยญneโ€™s chin. Greedยญiยญly she rubbed the cum on her skin and licked her finยญgers clean 

All Five Penises Were Served by Susanne at the Same Time!

As soon as the black bull was done, the othยญer men took turns to fuck Susanne. They fucked and insemยญiยญnatยญed my wife like Friยญday like out of their minds. She had a cock in pussy and ass at the same time, while she blew a third and jerked two penisยญes with her hand.

This made me so horny that I could not stand it any longer and absoluteยญly had to fuck my wife in between.

After some time Susanยญneโ€™s skin was again glazed over and over with sperm. Even the hair was plastered 

Sunday Evening and Monday for Us Alone

Frankly, we were glad when the last guests had left and Harun also went home. We fell into bed exhaustยญed. It was only good that Monยญday was anothยญer holยญiยญday and we could sleep in.

Susanne comยญplied with Harunโ€™s order that she not take a showยญer. She smelled wonยญderยญful of forยญeign sperm, squirt and pheromones. We both loved it.

Once I woke up from the horny scent under our blanยญket and fucked Susanne again nice and hard and squirtยญed fresh cum in her slipยญpery, fraยญgrant cum cunt. When Susanne rubbed the creampie on her pussy, finยญgered herยญself moanยญing, and licked her finยญgers, she murยญmured with pleaยญsure smackยญing: โ€œToo bad that Dirk is not thereโ€.

We then slept most of the day and headยญed home in the late afterยญnoon, exhaustยญed but happy 

Our wifeยญsharยญing weekยญend was a comยญplete sucยญcess. Susanne was comยญpleteยญly satยญisยญfied and I was also very hapยญpy. We were already lookยญing forยญward to the next sex parยญty and to seeยญing Harun and Dirk again.

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