My Evolution From Husband to Cuckold, Sissy and Shemale

Allow me to intro­duce myself to you briefly: My name is Alessa. With a body length of 1.80 m, I bring a weight of 61 kilo­grams on the scale. Where­by, my pro­por­tions (120–68-98 cm) are very fem­i­nine. In addi­tion, my DD tits and my tight ass, of which I am proud, are a real eye-catch­er, as well as a wet dream for each of the genus bag carrier.

Long blond hair (admit­ted­ly dyed), which reach up to my ass, flat­ter my fem­i­nine fea­tures, which are dom­i­nat­ed by my slight­ly splashed plump red lips. An eye-catch­er are cer­tain­ly my long, for some guys in the sky reach­ing legs, which I under­line with sus­penders, fish­net stock­ings and high heels especially.

In gen­er­al, I love my “work clothes”, I mean my var­i­ous lin­gerie with a pen­chant for pink. No mat­ter if they are made of leather, latex or fine lace, they help me to show my true female iden­ti­ty and by the way I feel very com­fort­able in them. Of course, make-up has also become more and more impor­tant to me, after all, it is some­thing that makes a woman and brings out her nat­ur­al beauty.

Thus, for a long time I have arrived com­plete­ly in my true gen­der. I feel and think as a woman. A decid­ed­ly horny woman who loves to spoil cocks of all kinds, with her lips. Or to be fucked by them prop­er­ly until an orgasm shakes me. Yes, as a slut, as a sub­mis­sive plea­sure object I have real­ly found my call­ing. Only one thing makes me just still a spe­cial woman. My some­what over­sized clit and my now emp­ty pouch. Attrib­ut­es of a past long behind me.

Education to a Cuckold 8 Years Ago

But let’s turn back the wheel of time. 8 years, to be exact. At that time, I was still called Rolf, was 20 years old and fresh­ly mar­ried to the beau­ti­ful Jana, who was 19 years young. We had met and fall­en in love just 3 months ago. Had moved into my inher­it­ed cot­tage togeth­er and had imme­di­ate­ly spon­ta­neous­ly filed the mar­riage vows.

No, at that time noth­ing was fore­see­able of my lat­er career. Even though I had always been said to have rather fem­i­nine fea­tures and my beard growth was actu­al­ly non-existent.

I liked women, espe­cial­ly Jana, and so we spent the begin­ning of our mar­riage main­ly in bed. Where­by I was anx­ious to sat­is­fy Jana, with my not exact­ly large penis (12x4cm). I freely admit, how­ev­er, that I was rarely able to do so with my small cock.

For­tu­nate­ly, under the guid­ance of Jana, I devel­oped into a vir­tu­oso in the mat­ter of cun­nilin­gus, which com­pen­sat­ed for my cock deficit to some extent. In gen­er­al, it was now more and more Jana who took the reins in her hands and deter­mined our sex life. She showed a dom­i­nant way, which let my sub­mis­sive vein flash for the first time.

The Dominance of My Mother-In-Law

This hap­py phase last­ed for about half a year, dur­ing which we indulged in our mar­ried life in inti­mate togeth­er­ness. Then I met my moth­er-in-law Juliane, who vis­it­ed us, or rather moved in with us. In her tow her col­ored Stech­er, dif­fer­ent­ly I would not like to call the type. A mus­cle-bound black man who, apart from his stal­lion tail, which I should still get to know, did not real­ly have any­thing to offer

Juliane, on the oth­er hand, fas­ci­nat­ed me from the start. She was in her mid-40s, a feast for the eyes of a self-con­fi­dent woman who breathed her nat­ur­al dom­i­nance from every pore of her body. That she earned her liv­ing as a dom­i­na­trix, I did not know at that time.

How­ev­er, it was indica­tive of every­thing that was to come from now on. The fol­low­ing nights Jana and I spent more or less sleep­less. No, it was not our sex that kept us awake. Rather, my moth­er-in-law let her stud fuck her all night long and moaned out her mul­ti­ple orgasms.

Since I was still work­ing nor­mal­ly at that time and had to get up ear­ly, this noc­tur­nal dis­tur­bance of the peace was slow­ly but sure­ly affect­ing my abil­i­ty to per­form. Yes, I could not even stand my ground in bed and Jana (already frus­trat­ed by this fact), changed on top of that because of the influ­ence of her mother.

But what could I have done? The best would prob­a­bly have been to throw Juliane out of the house togeth­er with her stab­ber. How­ev­er, it was already much too late for that and besides I was with my sub­mis­sive vein of my dom­i­nant moth­er-in-law, as well as her stab­ber, in no way equal.

Apart from that and from today’s point of view, I eval­u­ate the events and their fur­ther course quite differently.

The Beginning of My Creeping Education to a Cuckold

But at first and also the fol­low­ing days it became more than unpleas­ant for me. Humil­i­a­tions and open insin­u­a­tions that I was not a real man were the order of the day. We’re pre­sent­ed by my moth­er-in-law more and more clear­ly, and what hurt me espe­cial­ly. Even Jana began to toot the same horn.

Now what came then I from today’s view only as log­i­cal regard. It was a Tues­day and as always, I came around 16 o’clock from the work. Even as I unlocked the house, I heard the typ­i­cal moan­ing of a woman who was expe­ri­enc­ing an orgasm, or at least was about to. Noth­ing real­ly new, this kind of nois­es from my moth­er-in-law had already almost set­tled in the house.

But this time it was dif­fer­ent — very dif­fer­ent. Because just as I want­ed to go bored and annoyed in the kitchen, Juliane came to meet me. But was this (night­mare) dream crea­ture real­ly my moth­er-in-law. No, a god­dess in stud­ded leather stood before me, who instant­ly forced me to my knees and offered me the sole of her lace-up boots to lick clean.

Every­thing, real­ly every­thing, also the back­ground noise, stepped for me at this moment into the back­ground. There was for me only my (future) mis­tress and my task. I could only think some­what clear­ly again when the pok­er boots, includ­ing brine, shone and my mis­tress praised me for my services.

That I was naked in the mean­time, wore a dog leash and my tail / sack tight­ly tied, I just took note. With­out being able to remem­ber how it had come to this.

Then I heard again the clear moan, which auto­mat­i­cal­ly gave me a sting, with­out know­ing why at first.

To Be Continued…

So with it I want to leave it for the time being, final­ly I must also earn still a lit­tle mon­ey. Will say, I may still indulge in my lust and free a few tales in my very own way of their sperm.

How it went on with me, I advanced to the Cuck­old, trained to the Sis­sy and final­ly matured to the (She­male) woman, all this in a detailed horny continuation.


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