A true cuckold story of Amanda and Felix

Felix and Aman­da have been hap­pi­ly mar­ried for over eight years. But late­ly Felix had to work a lot and unfor­tu­nate­ly did­n’t have much time for his wife. 

Aman­da knew that Felix is under enor­mous pro­fes­sion­al pres­sure, so she did­n’t want to put him under more pres­sure with her unsat­is­fy­ing sex life. She loves him more than any­thing, but feels that she is no longer per­ceived as a woman. 

Very many wives masturbate secretly without their husband.
Very many wives mas­tur­bate secret­ly with­out their husband.

Felix was also unhap­py with the sit­u­a­tion, but was too exhaust­ed to con­cen­trate on oth­er things out­side of work.

Aman­da liked to spend her lone­ly evenings late­ly, day­dream­ing and hav­ing sex­u­al fan­tasies with strange men. She pic­tured her­self being picked on hard and used as a sex object by sev­er­al guys dur­ing group sex.

Aman­da mas­tur­bat­ed secret­ly, watched kinky porn on her note­book and bought var­i­ous vibra­tors and dil­dos of dif­fer­ent sizes and col­ors to sat­is­fy herself. 

But still… It just could­n’t go on like this! To final­ly spend time togeth­er again, the two decid­ed to book a vaca­tion togeth­er. The cou­ple did not even begin to guess what for­bid­den sur­prise was wait­ing for them there! This vaca­tion will be the sub­ject of this cuck­old story.

Caught full while masturbating…

One Mon­day Felix came home ear­li­er than expect­ed. He found his wife in the bed­room moan­ing on the bed. She fucked her horny, soak­ing wet pussy very hard with a very thick dil­do. On her note­book was run­ning a porno, where a woman was just fucked hard by five men.

Pan­ic-strick­en, she slammed the note­book shut and was deeply fright­ened. Felix looked deep into his wife’s eyes… He had­n’t looked at Aman­da like that for a long time. Her sweaty body sparkled in the after­noon sun, her eyes were shin­ing and her face was com­plete­ly flushed.

Felix was speech­less, he did­n’t know how to react. Aman­da’s look was apolo­getic. He smiled at her and took off his pants. His cock became rock hard… It had been a long time since he was this aroused. He pulled the dil­do out of his pussy and looked at the huge, pussy-juiced dildo. 

Grin­ning, he kissed his wife, spread her thighs and plunged his penis into the slip­pery pussy. Very hard and fast, he fucked Aman­da through. Both moaned loud­ly with plea­sure, and a huge load of cum splashed into the pussy. 

Wife watches porn in the bedroom and rides a very thick dildo
Wife watch­es porn in the bed­room and rides a very thick dildo

Felix’s cum coming out

Word­less­ly, Felix knelt between Aman­da’s legs in a flash after his orgasm. He saved the run­ning creampie with his tongue and placed it on the pubic mound. Now he could lick the abun­dant­ly insem­i­nat­ed sperm pussy very thor­ough­ly clean in peace. The sweet smell and the horny taste were over­whelm­ing. Aman­da hard­ly believed what she saw.…

Felix had been very inter­est­ed in his cum since he was a teenag­er. He always liked to cum in his own mouth and liked to lick up his drops of desire. When Aman­da was­n’t home, he secret­ly enjoyed his cum at a car fel­la­tio or squirt­ed with plea­sure on cook­ies, cakes and piz­za for many years. But he was very embar­rassed about his incli­na­tion and always did not know how to tell his wife.

Husband licks his cum clean from his inseminated wife after fucking (Creampie cleanup)
Hus­band licks his cum clean from his insem­i­nat­ed wife after fuck­ing (Creampie cleanup)

But after see­ing her mas­tur­bat­ing, he did­n’t want to keep his secret either! He licked Aman­da very thor­ough­ly and per­sis­tent­ly until orgasm. When he lay down next to her, she kissed him passionately. 

Both were relieved that their sex­u­al secrets were no longer hid­den, and talked half the night about their sex­u­al fan­tasies and desires.

When Felix dared to say how horny he found cum, he was sur­prised how open-mind­ed Aman­da was. He could not believe his ears, what horny (and part­ly already extreme) fan­tasies she has with strange men. They had not heard of wife­shar­ing and cuck­old­ing at this point.

Both agreed that some­thing had to change in their sex life. They vowed not to hide any more thoughts, no mat­ter how per­verse, and firm­ly resolved to live out their horny desires and fan­tasies togeth­er.

Vacation times differently

The next day, both decid­ed at break­fast that they need­ed more time togeth­er and arranged to meet in the after­noon at the trav­el agency. They booked a four­teen-day vaca­tion to Turkey. Both were very excit­ed and full of anticipation.

While pack­ing their suit­cas­es, Felix said with a grin that Aman­da should not for­get her favorite dil­dos. When she opened her hid­den sex toy box, he was sur­prised how big her toy col­lec­tion was. He was look­ing for­ward to try­ing them out together.

Good sex toys are a MUST for cuckold couples
Good sex toys are a MUST for cuck­old couples

On the day of arrival, they were very excit­ed to see if the sex toys would catch their eye dur­ing check-in at the air­port or cus­toms in Turkey. For­tu­nate­ly, they were spared an embar­rass­ing unpack­ing and even the flight went by faster than expected.

The resort hotel was a dream. It was locat­ed right by the sea and had three pools as well as a great gar­den land­scape. The hotel room was also very com­fort­able and taste­ful­ly decorated. 

Felix’s stress lev­el dropped rapid­ly, and the cou­ple enjoyed their time away together. 

The main top­ic of con­ver­sa­tion for the two was, of course, sex. Togeth­er, they embell­ished each oth­er’s fan­tasies. Felix was per­ma­nent­ly turned on by Aman­da’s depraved thoughts and con­stant sex­u­al innuendos. 

Every morn­ing he woke up with a hard lat­te and fucked his wife hard before the exten­sive break­fast. Also dur­ing the day the cou­ple dis­ap­peared for a horny quick­ie. They did it stand­ing up in the bath­room in front of the mir­ror, on a big couch stool, on a table and on the floor. The creampie clean­ing after sex belonged in the mean­time as if it had always been com­plete­ly normal.

Great Turkey love vacation in luxury resort hotel
Great Turkey love vaca­tion in lux­u­ry resort hotel

Unconscious cuckold games

Aman­da bought a very skimpy biki­ni espe­cial­ly for the vaca­tion, where­in her horny ass and breasts were extra accen­tu­at­ed. She was fol­lowed by strange men at every step at the pool and at the bar, and often you could see their excitement. 

Wifesharing story on vacation: wife provokes in the pool with skimpy bikini
Wife­shar­ing sto­ry on vaca­tion: wife pro­vokes in the pool with skimpy bikini

When she lay on the lounger, she spread her legs extra so that the men saw her bare­ly cov­ered pussy. The bar­tender’s con­stant glances were espe­cial­ly notice­able. He fol­lowed Aman­da at every turn. 

Aman­da was aware of this and bent extra over the bar when he served her. Felix, to his sur­prise, always got very horny from this. When she “acci­den­tal­ly” touched the bar­tender, or she flirt­ed with oth­er men, Felix’s cock imme­di­ate­ly became hard, and he could hard­ly con­tain his lust.

When they sat at the bar on the last evening of the vaca­tion, Felix said – she should tell the bar­tender her room num­ber. At first, Aman­da was wide-eyed… After all, they were only fan­tasies so far… but her pussy imme­di­ate­ly became wet at the thought and a shiv­er of excite­ment twitched through her body. 

Aman­da grabbed the coast­er, wrote the cou­ple’s room num­ber on it and hand­ed it to the bar­tender before her courage would leave her.

The horny stranger fuck with the bartender on vacation

Aman­da and Felix went to their room at 11pm. Nei­ther of them knew whether the bar­tender actu­al­ly came. This one let him­self name­ly pure­ly noth­ing notice. 

A frequently implemented cuckolding story: Husband lets his wife be fucked by the hotel staff while on vacation
A fre­quent­ly imple­ment­ed cuck­old­ing sto­ry: Hus­band lets his wife be fucked by the hotel staff while on vacation

At 24 o’clock there was a knock at the door! Felix opened the door and sure enough, the bar­tender was stand­ing in front of them.

He looked at Aman­da, who was lying on the bed naked and in a seduc­tive pose. With­out much of a greet­ing, he entered our room, opened his pants and took off all his clothes. 

Aman­da looked at Felix, who smiled encour­ag­ing­ly at her. He watched excit­ed­ly from his chair. 

The strange man pre­sent­ed his horny cock to Aman­da. Word­less­ly, she caressed it until it was huge and rock hard. Final­ly, he pushed the wife on the bed, pulled her close to him and pushed her legs apart. With­out a con­dom or fore­play, he pen­e­trat­ed her hard and fast with his bla­tant­ly veined giant penis. Aman­da moaned loudly.

The bar­tender fucked the mar­i­tal mare hard and vio­lent­ly fast at an impres­sive pace as well as unimag­in­able hard­ness and stamina 

Felix came a lit­tle clos­er and held the hand of his loud­ly moan­ing wife. Lov­ing­ly he stroked her beau­ti­ful face. Aman­da looked at him with a love that was meant only for him 

In this cuckold story, the husband watches his wife in the hotel having sex with strangers while jerking off.
In this cuck­old sto­ry, the hus­band watch­es his wife in the hotel hav­ing sex with strangers while jerk­ing off.

The strange man was suck­ing hard on the stiff nip­ples of her breasts and grunt­ing with excite­ment. Their bod­ies were pressed very close together 

Felix was spell­bound! Again and again he had to jerk his hard cock fast and hard — but was care­ful not to cum to orgasm.

The mat­tress of the bed was not the best and gave way with every thrust. To be able to fuck the mar­i­tal mare even hard­er, the stranger indi­cat­ed that they should con­tin­ue fuck­ing on the floor.

The bar­tender lit­er­al­ly fucked the brains out of the hotwife on the floor! Felix has rarely seen his wife moan so loud­ly and scream so lust­ful­ly. She wrapped her sweaty body tight­ly around the bar­tender to feel him even more intensely 

Aman­da was so into it that she even had to kiss the stud wild­ly and pas­sion­ate­ly with her tongue. Felix was extreme­ly turned on and fas­ci­nat­ed to watch his wife fuck strangers 

After a good ten min­utes, the bar­tender set to his finale and mobi­lized all his forces moan­ing loud­ly! He squirt­ed his huge load of cum in sev­er­al spurts on and deep into the soak­ing wet fucked pussy of Felix’s unbri­dled wife whore 

Felix had to watch out beast­ly at the sight of the extreme­ly horny sight of the fremdbe­samten sperm cunt while jerk­ing off acci­den­tal­ly not to cum.

After the Baar­keep­er got air again, he gave Aman­da to under­stand that she should clean lick his XXL fuck cock refined with pussy juice and sperm. Reg­u­lar­ly greedy she licked the for­eign penis thor­ough­ly. Then he dressed hasti­ly, looked apolo­get­i­cal­ly at his wrist­watch sev­er­al times, said good­bye polite­ly in Eng­lish and disappeared.

Object of desire of every cuckold: The foreign inseminated cunt of his wife, or life partner
Object of desire of every cuck­old: The for­eign insem­i­nat­ed cunt of his wife, or life partner

Pure lust and horny memories of the foreign insemination

Felix and Aman­da slipped under the warm blan­ket and snug­gled close togeth­er. Both were speech­less and stunned by what they expe­ri­enced before. The horny sex scent float­ed under the blan­ket and caressed the noses of the new­ly cuck­old couple.

Fucking in the inseminated creampie pussy is the greatest happiness for wifesharers and cuckolds!
Fuck­ing in the insem­i­nat­ed creampie pussy is the great­est hap­pi­ness for wife­shar­ers and cuckolds!

Felix was the first to say how horny the sight was — watch­ing his wife get fucked so unin­hib­it­ed and hard. Aman­da was still extreme­ly aroused, fin­ger­ing and stroking her slip­pery cum pussy and beg­ging for her hus­band to fuck her 

Felix’s cock was still hard. He fucked the stranger man’s cum-filled pussy hard and pas­sion­ate­ly. With every thrust he pressed some for­eign sperm out of the horny fuck hole of his sweet wife whore. Quick­ly his cock was com­plete­ly wet­ted with the love juices of the two.

The feel­ing of hap­pi­ness, the for­eign sperm in the sore fucked pussy of his wife was sim­ply over­whelm­ing for Felix. He gave again real­ly “gas” and fucked her as fast as he could! He tried not to be infe­ri­or to the bar­tender in any­thing… and yet… he came (as always) way too ear­ly to orgasm and also squirt­ed plen­ty of cum into the stranger-insem­i­nat­ed pussy 

Aman­da did­n’t give Felix much time to recov­er. She threw him on his back and squat­ted over him. Word­less­ly she fixed his head between her thighs so he could­n’t escape. While she tight­ened her pelvic floor a bit, she held his chin like a vice.

Felix offered no resis­tance and will­ing­ly opened his mouth wide. As the mas­sive creampie spilled into his mouth, he was sur­prised to find that the for­eign sperm did­n’t both­er him at all. Skill­ful­ly and almost greed­i­ly he licked the already leak­ing horny sperm cock­tail clean.

Husband licks stranger cum cunt clean (Creampie cleanup cuckold)
Hus­band licks stranger cum cunt clean (Creampie cleanup cuckold)

Aman­da loved Felix’s pow­er­ful tongue. Moan­ing loud­ly and twitch­ing uncon­trol­lably, she watched her hus­band lick her clean and final­ly got her longed-for and well-deserved orgasm.

But Felix did not swal­low every­thing. He want­ed to sur­prise his dream girl and then spit the creampie direct­ly into Aman­da’s mouth while kiss­ing. Aman­da acknowl­edged the sperm mess with a lust­ful moan. After a seem­ing­ly end­less cum kiss, the cou­ple hap­pi­ly fell asleep arm in arm.…

As you can imag­ine, dear read­er, in the morn­ing Aman­da’s pussy smelled incred­i­bly horny after sperm and pussy juice! Felix was the first to wake up. He dived with his head between the legs of his wife and licked Aman­da to the morn­ing greet­ing until orgasm. After that he fuck you again… 

So ful­ly sprayed they drove a few hours lat­er with the shut­tle bus to the air­port and flew back home. Both were hap­py at home about the horny smelling sou­venir from the Turkey vaca­tion: A horny full cum slip with Aman­da’s pussy juice, Felix’s cum and the for­eign sperm of an unknown man…

Conclusion: Completely thrilled by the cuckolding

The cou­ple was sur­prised what an invig­o­rat­ing effect the joint stranger fuck­ing on vaca­tion had on their mar­riage. Even many weeks after the horny vaca­tion, the two still remem­bered the joint stranger-fuck­ing of the wife. Nev­er before had they had sex so fre­quent­ly, often and so exuberantly.

To quench Aman­da’s thirst for sat­is­fac­tion, sex toys, pow­er­ful vibra­tors and big dil­dos were used togeth­er every evening. Watch­ing porn togeth­er pro­vid­ed for mas­sive blos­som­ing of their already so kinky, sex­u­al fantasies 

Secret taboos had both part­ners now final­ly no more. Every wish, no mat­ter how small or big, found the ear of the oth­er and made their joint jour­ney through sex­u­al adven­tures all the more creative 

Since then, the cuck­old cou­ple goes to sex par­ties and enjoys horny sex vaca­tions on bridge days. In addi­tion, the two are plan­ning a big gang­bang for Aman­da’s for­ti­eth birth­day. But that is to be writ­ten in anoth­er story.

Have you ever had sex with strange men on vaca­tion? How was your first time with a strange man? How did you like this sex sto­ry? Write us a comment 😉

Hotwife gets fucked by bar­tender in front of the cuckold

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