Wife Sharing as a Midway Between Swinger and Cuckold

When hav­ing sex togeth­er with sev­er­al peo­ple, it becomes espe­cial­ly clear how mul­ti­fac­eted peo­ple’s sex­u­al­i­ty can be. At sex par­ties or gang­bangs, you see a lot of incli­na­tions, inter­ests and fetish­es of the team­mates. Accord­ing­ly, there are also var­i­ous gra­da­tions and sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tions in the cat­e­go­ry “group sex”.

If a cou­ple par­tic­i­pates in group sex, they usu­al­ly do so at a swinger par­ty or a wife­shar­ing par­ty. At a wife­shar­ing par­ty, in turn, the male part can be a wife­shar­er or a cuckold.

But what is the dif­fer­ence between a “wife­shar­ing par­ty” com­pared to a “swinger par­ty”? What dis­tin­guish­es a wife­shar­er from a cuck­old? What does a man get out of shar­ing his wife any­way? In this guide, we would like to answer these and oth­er ques­tions for you.

Is Monogamy Really the Key to Relationship Happiness?

It is illu­so­ry to believe that there are mil­lions of sin­gle ladies who have noth­ing but “men’s tails” on their minds. Most women want a sol­id and har­mo­nious part­ner­ship with a steady part­ner. It is the same with men. Con­trary to “male” claims, most gen­tle­men also want a sol­id life rela­tion­ship with a female partner.

Fröhliche Ehefrau beim Gangbang
Hap­py wife dur­ing gangbang

How­ev­er, the desire is genet­i­cal­ly pro­grammed into us humans to enjoy occa­sion­al sex with strangers.

The top­ic is moral­ly and social­ly very explo­sive. It is felt that 70% of Euro­peans are high­ly con­ser­v­a­tive and do not allow each oth­er any sex­u­al con­tact out­side the relationship.

In the course of the rela­tion­ship years, a cer­tain sex­u­al frus­tra­tion and monot­o­ny usu­al­ly occur on both sides. The desire for for­eign skin is dif­fi­cult to sup­press. At work, dur­ing sports, among friends and busi­ness part­ners… Wher­ev­er men and women meet, temp­ta­tions arise. Sex plat­forms on the Inter­net, Tin­der, and Lovoo make sex­u­al con­tacts very easy.

Final­ly, about 40% of Euro­peans cheat at least once in their lives! The num­ber of unre­port­ed cas­es is unknown. If an affair or an infi­deli­ty comes out, most­ly unpleas­ant sep­a­ra­tion sit­u­a­tions with dra­mat­ic effects on the fam­i­ly life are the consequences.

The main rea­son for cou­ples to sep­a­rate is demon­stra­bly a bor­ing sex life. There­fore, the ques­tion aris­es whether liv­ing out sex­u­al fan­tasies togeth­er can be an alternative.

Creampie Cathy

The Man as the Key Figure of the Couple’s Sexual Orientation

If a cou­ple decides to have joint sex­u­al adven­tures with strangers, the sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion of the man is key, whether it is a swinger cou­ple, a wife­shar­er cou­ple or a cuck­old couple.

All three types of men do feel plea­sure when their wife lets oth­er men fuck her to the hilt. How­ev­er, the rights, duties, needs, and ulti­mate­ly the act of hav­ing sex with mul­ti­ple peo­ple is based on what role the husband/life part­ner has tak­en in this constellation.

The Swinger:

  • The hus­band of a swinger cou­ple wants his wife to do well dur­ing sex with oth­er gen­tle­men. How­ev­er, he him­self has strong sex­u­al inter­est in the female part­ners of the oth­er swinger cou­ples or in the solo women present, with whom he then wants to have sex.
  • Con­doms are usu­al­ly manda­to­ry dur­ing part­ner swap­ping. How­ev­er, some­times the actors insem­i­nate the face, mouth or breasts of the woman. Sperm in the pussy is only desired in tight swinger groups.
  • Strik­ing are numer­ous bisex­u­al activ­i­ties among women, which a swinger man enjoys very much.
  • A gang­bang here is called a men’s sur­plus par­ty.

The Wifesharer

  • The man of a wife­shar­ing cou­ple is main­ly con­cerned with the most numer­ous, male sex­u­al part­ners of the wife. He shares his wife with oth­er men but wants to active­ly par­tic­i­pate in sex.
  • Besides many orgasms of the wife, he wants abun­dant insem­i­na­tion of her vagi­na, body(body insemi­na­tion) and face(face insemi­na­tion).
  • He would like to immor­tal­ize the incred­i­ble moments of hap­pi­ness of the woman on pho­to and video.
  • Very glad­ly he squirts into the insem­i­nat­ed pussy of his part­ner and enrich­es the creampie while push­ing the mud himself.
  • Some­times he licks up for­eign sperm and enjoys inti­mate cum kiss­es as the only one in the round.

The Cuckold

  • The man of a cuck­old cou­ple is sim­i­lar. He also wish­es his wife max­i­mum plea­sure, many vio­lent orgasms and much, much sperm.
  • A Cuc­ki behaves him­self dur­ing sex most­ly sub­mis­sive pas­sive and gets his plea­sure from watch­ing the incred­i­bly horny spec­ta­cle. He likes to mas­tur­bate while doing so, but may not cum with an orgasm. Some­times he may (with per­mis­sion) ruin his orgasm.
  • Some men enjoy the “humil­i­a­tion” of not play­ing an active role sex­u­al­ly and they even have to ser­vice the actors.
  • Usu­al­ly a cuck­old licks the cum off his face, breasts and bel­ly. He deliv­ers hot cum kiss­es with his hotwife. The per­ma­nent clean lick­ing of the pussy(lick­ing out the creampie) is his basic task.
  • With bisex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion, the Cuc­ki also blows the penis of the / the Bulls and Lover.
  • When all the men have cum in and on his wife and the wife is sat­is­fied with the cuc­ki, he may (if the hotwife allows) be the last to cum in her.
  • The expres­sion of the Cuck­old incli­na­tion is divid­ed into three Cuck­old lev­els. Rough­ly speak­ing, the C1-Cuck­old watch­es and jerks off, where­as the C2-Cuck­old has strong sub­mis­sive ten­den­cies and desires female dom­i­nance (Fem­Dom). The C3 cuck­old con­cedes sex to his wife or life part­ner in his absence and often he is not allowed to fuck her him­self (Nev­er inside).
Horny orgasm of the wife dur­ing sex in a threesome
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Why Does a Man Share His Wife During Sex?

For prob­a­bly most men in the world, it is absolute­ly incom­pre­hen­si­ble why a man “shares” his wife / part­ner with oth­er men dur­ing sex. The jeal­ousy would make them furious!

Wifesharing: Ehefrau wird geil von fremden Männern gefickt.
Wife­shar­ing: Wife is fucked horny by strange men.

But here lies the cru­cial stick­ing point: the cou­ple has decid­ed to stay firm­ly togeth­er and occa­sion­al­ly get sex­u­al sat­is­fac­tion from strange sex partners.

This deci­sion-mak­ing for group sex can take sev­er­al months to even many years to mature. Most­ly cou­ples dare this adven­ture from the age of 40, when the chil­dren are “grown up” or already out of the house.

Absolute­ly impor­tant are clear­ly defined rules on both sides, an absolute­ly open approach to sex­u­al fan­tasies, and the tol­er­ant deci­sion of a “com­mon denom­i­na­tor” at eye level.

Wife­shar­ers, cuck­olds, and swingers do not like when their woman builds an emo­tion­al bond with anoth­er man.

Secret con­tact with lovers is strict­ly for­bid­den. The “joint fling” with strange men is basi­cal­ly exclu­sive­ly about sex.

What Is a Wifesharer?

We have already sum­ma­rized the dif­fer­ence between a swinger, cuck­old and wife­shar­er above. His dri­ve and plea­sure sat­is­fac­tion is not (as with clas­sic straight men or swinger men) through sex with dif­fer­ent women, but through numer­ous men sex­u­al­ly sat­is­fy­ing his wife, life part­ner or girlfriend.

For every wife­shar­er, it is a great feel­ing dur­ing group sex or gang­bang to watch his own wife hav­ing hard sex with oth­er men. He does not feel jeal­ousy and also likes to active­ly par­tic­i­pate in the noisy goings-on.

He cheers for each of her orgasms, kiss­es her, caress­es her and, after the guests have left, does aftercare.

Why some hus­bands like to do this has not been sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly researched. But the fact is that regard­less of the cul­ture and his­tor­i­cal epoch, there is a huge amount of men who wish to do just that.

Wife­shar­ers exist in all social class­es and age groups. By no means do they have to be sub­mis­sive or have a small penis. There are even dom­i­nant gen­tle­men who occa­sion­al­ly like to slip into the role of a wife­shar­er and make their wives avail­able to a horde of rav­en­ous men.

Parkplatzsex: Gangbang auf einer deutschen Autobahnraststätte
Park­ing lot sex: gang­bang at a Ger­man high­way rest stop

The Wifesharer’s Wife

The wife of the wife­shar­er is called Hotwife. She is very open and exper­i­men­tal when it comes to sex. She has many sex­u­al fan­tasies, likes to mas­tur­bate, and likes to live out her lust freely (togeth­er with her life partner).

Hotwife trägt Ehering bei ihrer Gesichtsbesamung
Hotwife wears wed­ding ring dur­ing her facial insemination

Sex in three­somes, but also in a big­ger “men’s round” are her favorite fan­tasies. She proud­ly wears her wed­ding ring at a wife­shar­ing par­ty or gangbang.

A large part of the sex­u­al fan­tasies the hotwife devel­ops while brows­ing sex sites. She is look­ing for excep­tion­al men with an ath­let­ic physique and large penis as well as high sex­u­al sta­mi­na and great ejac­u­la­to­ry abil­i­ty. Mixed-race fan­tasies with dark-skinned men are not uncommon.

Sta­tis­ti­cal­ly, most women devel­op into hotwives between the ages of 35 to 50, after their chil­dren’s upbring­ing is rough­ly com­plete. At this stage of life, their sex­u­al life is refreshed and ful­ly devel­oped. In the course of her matur­ing process, the woman grad­u­al­ly los­es her shy­ness about sperm and her sex­u­al inhi­bi­tions com­plete­ly. Very will­ing­ly, she almost auto­mat­i­cal­ly one day com­plies with the desire of her hus­band to fuck with­out a con­dom and to be copi­ous­ly insem­i­nat­ed by sev­er­al men.

The sex­u­al devel­op­ment of a hotwife nev­er stops. Through the per­ma­nent new stim­uli of her sens­es, she takes sig­nif­i­cant influ­ence on the sex­u­al­i­ty of the cou­ple rela­tion­ship. Thus, the woman can edu­cate her man to swal­low sperm, prac­tice peg­ging (anal strap-on sex) with him or inspire him for orgasm con­trol, chasti­ty, sperm games, fist­ing, squirt­ing or anal games. A creep­ing, uncon­scious “edu­ca­tion” of their wife­shar­er into a cuck­old is not uncommon.

Planning and Realization of Wifesharing Parties

The day will come when the cou­ple will want to plan and car­ry out a wife­shar­ing par­ty in real­i­ty. On swinger por­tals like:

… you can quick­ly find like-mind­ed peo­ple. We rec­om­mend that you first look for so-called swinger men­tors who will go with you to a swinger club. There you can let the feel­ing work on you first. Through swinger spon­sors you will get in con­tact with oth­er cou­ples much faster and you can exchange their experiences.

If you pre­fer it more pri­vate and a par­ty atmos­phere is not for you, you can book a vaca­tion apart­ment or a hotel room in the future, where you invite a man. The man should be a bit more dom­i­nant — because he knows what he wants and does­n’t talk his head off. It makes sense if you see each oth­er on neu­tral ground before­hand. The man should, like you both, present a full med­ical test if he is allowed to fuck with­out a con­dom. No test = no sex!

If it is the first time sex­u­al­ly, you will be very excit­ed and maybe even want to let the meet­ing burst. This fear of the unknown is com­plete­ly nor­mal. In any case, go through with the meet­ing, because it is usu­al­ly very nice.

After a pos­i­tive key expe­ri­ence, it is then pos­si­ble to increase the num­ber of men. Be guid­ed by what you like and what you are not so com­fort­able with. After two or three meet­ings you will become more and more rou­tine and relaxed — until final­ly you can live out and real­ize your fan­tasies with­out restraint.

Creampie Cathy

Conclusion: Wifesharing Enriches the Relationship of Man and Woman

If you have under­stood the prin­ci­ple of wife­shar­ing and the dis­tinc­tion between swinger and cuck­old, you will real­ize that this lifestyle can sig­nif­i­cant­ly inspire the love and rela­tion­ship life.

The hotwife’s hus­band, or life part­ner, explic­it­ly encour­ages and desires con­sen­su­al sex with strange men and reaps an incred­i­bly mul­ti-faceted sex­u­al­i­ty that goes far beyond stranger fuck­ing at sex parties.

A very close, emo­tion­al bond — cou­pled with var­ied and imag­i­na­tive sex give the rela­tion­ship a cer­tain spice that many vanil­la straight cou­ples will nev­er achieve.

The many kinky shenani­gans also ensure the per­ma­nent devel­op­ment and sex­u­al matu­ri­ty of the Wife­shar­er. He will also do sex­u­al things with plea­sure in this form of rela­tion­ship that nor­mal men will meet with mas­sive rejec­tion. A win-win sit­u­a­tion for both partners. 😉

Further Sources:

  • Guest at a Wife­shar­ing Party

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