What Is a Ruined Orgasm?

Ruined orgasm
Ruined orgasm

Ruined orgasm is a pro­longed stim­u­la­tion of the penis on the verge of orgasm.

In this case, the cock is repeat­ed­ly brought to the “point of no return” sev­er­al times with­out reach­ing the redeem­ing cum orgasm.

“Ruined orgasms” are com­plete­ly unsat­is­fy­ing for the man. Although the abort­ed orgasms are a real tor­ture, men still report heav­en­ly feel­ings and extreme pleasure.

In this guide, we will intro­duce you to the favorite tech­nique “ruin­ing orgasm” in more detail and give you prac­ti­cal tips on which tech­niques you can use to excite the penis and destroy its orgasm.

How to Ruin the Orgasm?

The stim­u­la­tion method is called “orgasm ruin” in Eng­lish lan­guage. The syn­onyms “Milk­ing”, “Orgasm con­trol” or “Tease & Denial” are also used. Some­times it is also referred to as Carez­za or Karezza.

Tease and Denial: Cock stimulation is interrupted
Tease and Denial: Cock stim­u­la­tion is interrupted

The man him­self, his wife, part­ner or girl­friend can cause unimag­in­ably vio­lent feel­ings of plea­sure by “ruin­ing the orgasm”.

It is true that a man with appro­pri­ate self-dis­ci­pline can also break off his orgasms him­self — but he will (want to) cre­ate a max­i­mum of only two ruina­tions. It is bet­ter if the part­ner con­sis­tent­ly takes over the orgasm control!

Pri­mar­i­ly one stim­u­lates the penis with the whole hand as well as thumb, index and mid­dle fin­ger. How­ev­er, you can also use a mas­tur­ba­tor, a penis vibra­tor, a mas­sager or your part­ner’s mouth. How­ev­er, you should not use the vagi­na for stim­u­la­tion because self-con­trol suf­fers significantly!

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Orgasm ruining: Fun for both partners
Orgasm ruin­ing: Fun for both partners

In the ini­tial phase, close coop­er­a­tion between the two part­ners is nec­es­sary. The traf­fic light prin­ci­ple has proven itself. The man uses the col­ors green, yel­low and red to indi­cate how close he is to orgasm. In addi­tion, the man shouts loud­ly “STOP!!!” when the “point of no return” (PNR) sets in. The woman imme­di­ate­ly stops stim­u­lat­ing the penis and takes both hands off the penis.

With advanced expe­ri­ence, the milk­er can rec­og­nize the “point of no return” her­self. She stops abrupt­ly each time before the point at which the penis begins to twitch or leak. She can usu­al­ly also often tell the impend­ing orgasm by the hard­ness of the penis, the sheen of the penile glans, or the size of the ure­thral opening.

After each short break (once con­trol of the des­per­ate cock is regained), the pro­ce­dure is repeat­ed over and over again.

Edging - orgasm curve by 6x repeated orgasm ruining
Edg­ing — orgasm curve by 6x repeat­ed orgasm ruining

An Unimaginable, Horny Pleasure Pain While Orgasm Ruining

Due to the fact that the stim­u­la­tion for the redeem­ing cum orgasm is miss­ing, the squirt­ing cock expe­ri­ences the real hell on earth! It will scream with plea­sure, throb, jerk vio­lent­ly, bounce up-and-down hard, and may even twist side­ways stir­ring! The glans is fiery red, the veins pro­trude strong­ly! In uncir­cum­cised men, the fore­skin stretch­es tight­ly around the glans, expos­ing it with­out pro­tec­tion. The man moans loud­ly and writhes in plea­sure and lust pain.

It runs out dur­ing the ruina­tion most­ly clear, sweet nec­tar (pre­cum, pre-sperm) or horny, snow-white, fresh sperm. Dur­ing the first ruina­tion can (depend­ing on chasti­ty and state of arousal) even a vio­lent sperm foun­tain up to a meter(!!!) squirt out of the vio­lent­ly charged fuck tail with­out orgasm!

Violent sperm jam due to hours of jerking off
Vio­lent sperm jam due to hours of jerk­ing off

For the woman every ruined orgasm is a visu­al treat and high­ly excit­ing! She will glad­ly sit back and enjoy the unimag­in­able, breath­tak­ing sight of man and penis with a big grin.

A few sec­onds after ruin­ing, the milk­er con­tin­ues to stim­u­late the penis again. The man calms down again, but the penis remains rock hard. After each dis­charge, the cock is lov­ing­ly cleaned with a spoon, fin­gers or mouth.

For the man, the ruina­tion is inde­scrib­ably intense-awe­some and yet com­plete­ly unsat­is­fy­ing-depress­ing at the same time. The bulging eggs final­ly want to ful­ly dis­charge — but can not! The man remains on the verge of orgasm and feels the urge to want to “come” again. The man’s desire remains very, very high!

It has been proven to lead to a bla­tant libido increase if the penis is kept on the edge of orgasm at least three times this way. Such a ses­sion lasts about an hour. Set your­self a smart­phone timer, for example.

“Edging” Means Pure Happiness for the Man… And for the Woman!

The man will be extreme­ly aroused! His dopamine lev­els(hap­py hor­mones) will peak at the time of ruination.

Pure concentration! Orgasm perfectly ruined.
Pure con­cen­tra­tion! Orgasm per­fect­ly ruined. Source: MayasHand­Jobs

He is absolute­ly unin­hib­it­ed and almost pain­less. The woman can enjoy a fab­u­lous love­mak­ing thanks to his vio­lent arousal. This stage is per­fect for cuck­old education.

She can do with her man fac­tu­al­ly what she wants and should not miss to mas­tur­bate over his face and to be licked greedily.

She can hurt the man’s nip­ples, pun­ish him for his horni­ness with wax and blows, insult him, spit in his mouth or force him to sniff worn under­wear of hers.

Dom­i­nant women and hotwifes should take advan­tage of his lust to tease his prostate with fin­gers, prostate stim­u­la­tors, and dil­do or fuck his ass very hard with a strap-on. (Put a plate under his cock!)

The term milk­ing is relat­ed to the some­times large dis­charge of pre­cum (pre-sperm). By the way, the cum from ruined orgasms is very sweet and pleas­ant to lick up. Many women teach their hus­bands to swal­low their own sperm.


The Dry Orgasm Afterwards

After 1–3 hours, the cock can then be stim­u­lat­ed to an unbear­ably vio­lent, painful dry orgasm.

It should be up to the woman to decide if and when the tail may final­ly come to the redeem­ing orgasm after the ruina­tion. The man should have already earned the orgasm. 😉

Cum catching / cum harvesting: When edging, sperm should always be collected!
Cum catch­ing / cum har­vest­ing: When edg­ing, sperm should always be collected!

If the man may “come”, the orgasm has it hell­ish­ly “in itself”!!! It is again con­sid­er­ably more intense than the ruina­tion before! The man will scream, moan, sob and writhe, but he is hornier than ever before. He will want to live this expe­ri­ence again and again!

Some­times the penis is so con­fused that it remains hard despite orgasm. If the milk­er is par­tic­u­lar­ly sadis­tic, she can try to cre­ate anoth­er dry orgasm!

Horny Tips:

  • Impose a 7 or 14 day cum ban before the ruin­ing ses­sion. The prostate and balls are then filled to the brim with horny cum. Zinc tablets also increase the amount of sperm.
  • So that the cum tastes ful­ly horny, the man should eat 5 days before dai­ly a quar­ter pineap­ple and also drink pineap­ple juice.
  • Do not waste love juice! Always keep a glass, plate, spoon or oth­er con­tain­er handy. This allows the man to always prac­tice swal­low­ing his own cum. If he refus­es, the woman should threat­en to stop milking.
  • Instead of “just” bring­ing the cock to the Point Of No Return (PNR), the stim­u­la­tion thresh­old can be care­ful­ly exceed­ed. This is where the “One-Two-Three-Four-STOP” count­ing method is very help­ful when jerk­ing off. This edg­ing method brings the man even clos­er to orgasm.
  • It may sound sadis­tic, but five ruina­tions spread over 2 to 3 hours is opti­mal. Make it a game with kiss­ing, lick­ing and joint/counter mas­tur­ba­tion. Watch some var­ied porn while you’re at it.
  • You can extend the ruina­tion games with an orgasm ban to sev­er­al days!
  • Ruin­ing should not be done exclu­sive­ly in the supine posi­tion. Much more horny squirts the tail on the floor / bed kneel­ing or sit­ting on a chair. It should not be for­got­ten to put a plate under the tail.

Conclusion: “Orgasm Ruining” Is a Win/Win Situation!

Orgasm ruin­ing involves stim­u­lat­ing the penis to the point of orgasm. Any stim­u­la­tion must be abrupt­ly stopped imme­di­ate­ly as soon as the penis twitch­es even min­i­mal­ly or secretes the small­est amount of sperm.

When milk­ing, edg­ing, or ruin­ing orgasm, the part­ner opti­mal­ly takes con­trol of the penis. She decides if and when the redeem­ing orgasm will occur. Since this com­plete­ly con­tra­dicts the “typ­i­cal sex­u­al behav­ior of men”, only a few peo­ple know this sex­u­al game.

The cock at the maximum limit through orgasm control!
The cock at the max­i­mum lim­it through orgasm control!

The tech­nique allows them to keep their men extreme­ly horny for hours or days. As a woman, it is breath­tak­ing and high­ly arous­ing to watch the man uncon­trol­lably moan­ing loud­ly and when the pre-sperm (pre­cum) runs out of the cock.

By repeat­ed­ly break­ing off the orgasm, men expe­ri­ence a nev­er before expe­ri­enced plea­sure in incred­i­bly vio­lent spheres. The man will moan and beg for orgasm. He will writhe with each ruina­tion. Not infre­quent­ly will beg for anal stim­u­la­tion to milk a few more sperm drops out of him after all, which he will greed­i­ly swal­low himself.

Get into the habit of always catch­ing the horny milked fuck juice! For this, read the arti­cle: Col­lect­ing sperm with plates or bowls.

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