This Is How I Made a Virtue Out of Necessity: I Learned to Swallow My Own Sperm

My name is Carsten, I’m now 56 and I live in Low­er Sax­ony with my love­ly wife Kath­leen. I would like to tell you in my sto­ry how I became a sperm swal­low­er, how my wife picked up my biggest secret and how I became a cuckold.

In a way, I would describe myself as a mas­tur­ba­tion ear­ly bloomer and a rela­tion­ship late bloomer. My par­ents had not enlight­ened me. One day (when I was about 12 or 13) I was total­ly shocked by the white stuff com­ing out and pan­icked, think­ing that some­thing was wrong with me… 

I did­n’t find the smell and con­sis­ten­cy so hot at the time that I felt the desire to lick the sperm off my fingers.

I Learned and Loved to Masturbate

I lived in the vil­lage in a small farm­house. I only had a very small room with slop­ing ceil­ings and a skylight. 

A huge prob­lem was that the house had count­less, annoy­ing­ly creaky wood­en floor­boards. It was vir­tu­al­ly impos­si­ble to sneak silent­ly down the stairs to the first floor after mas­tur­ba­tion to wash my sperm off my hands and penis!

In the after­noon, the risk of my old­er sis­ter catch­ing me was too great and in the evening or at night, I did­n’t want to cross my par­ents’ path with my sperm!

I liked to fan­ta­size and my libido was run­ning at full speed my entire puberty.

make him cuckold

Problem Number 1: What to Do With the Sperm After Masturbating?

Eigenes Sperma auf dem Bauch - Wie kann man es diskret entsorgen?
My own sperm on my stom­ach — how can I dis­pose of it discreetly?

How­ev­er, sperm dis­pos­al was and remained high­ly prob­lem­at­ic until after my 19th birth­day! Year after year… And mas­tur­ba­tion after mas­tur­ba­tion the prob­lem: where to put the sperm?

The paper tis­sues in the garbage can in my small room exud­ed the smell of semen. As some of the ejac­u­la­tions were very intense, sperm splash­es land­ed on my sweater, shirt, panties and trousers despite the hand­ker­chief. After cum­ming, my under­pants smelled of sperm — shit!

Espe­cial­ly in the evening and at night when lying on my back, I imme­di­ate­ly got tired after ejac­u­lat­ing and was afraid of soil­ing my bed linen with sperm. Espe­cial­ly when I squirt­ed all over my stomach.

My moth­er had very like­ly noticed some­thing sev­er­al times when doing the laun­dry and enter­ing my room. For­tu­nate­ly, she nev­er men­tioned it to me.

Sperma entsorgen: Wohin mit dem Sperma nach Masturbation?
Dis­pos­ing of sperm: where to put the sperm after masturbation?

I was con­stant­ly look­ing for a con­ve­nient and dis­creet way to dis­pose of semen with­out attract­ing atten­tion and cre­at­ing semen odor. I thought about a vari­ety of ideas (socks, wipes, jars, tow­els, deodor­ant spray, etc.), but kept com­ing back to the idea of swal­low­ing my own sperm. 

The thoughts turned into a firm desire! Sev­er­al times I seri­ous­ly con­sid­ered ejac­u­lat­ing into my hand and sim­ply lick­ing it clean. But eas­i­er said than done! Each time I had the prob­lem that I imme­di­ate­ly lost inter­est in swal­low­ing my semen after every orgasm.

Disposing of Semen — Necessity Is the Mother of Invention! How I Learned to Swallow My Sperm…

Strategy A: Ejaculate Onto a Plate of Food

I still remem­ber the day (3 days after my 19th birth­day) when I indulged myself again. I had been horny as hell for sev­er­al hours and my eyes fell on a plate of Nutel­la bread. I stood in front of the desk and squirt­ed very pow­er­ful, breath­tak­ing and long jizz all over the plate, bread and tabletop. 

Sperma auf Nutella Brot
Cum on Nutel­la bread

As I squirt­ed on the bread, I noticed how excit­ing it looked when the penis was final­ly allowed to ejac­u­late “freely” with­out hold­ing any­thing out. 

I also real­ly liked the con­trast between the choco­latey Nutel­la and the snow-white semen. The dry dough imme­di­ate­ly soaked up the cum squirt­ed next to it and the cum looked quite aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing. With some ini­tial resis­tance, I could / had to eat the bread. I could­n’t bring it back to the kitchen SO inseminated!

I tried this strat­e­gy sev­er­al times with great suc­cess. It took a few weeks, but the resis­tance to my own sperm was notice­ably reduced. I tried insem­i­nat­ing dif­fer­ent foods(cum food). Some exper­i­ments were good and oth­ers not so tasty. I par­tic­u­lar­ly enjoyed insem­i­nat­ing cook­ies.

In the end, one day I was even able to lick the plate clean with­out any resis­tance and with slight plea­sure. I still love squirt­ing semen into food today!


Strategy B: Squirting Sperm Into a Glass

Anoth­er idea was to steal a small shot glass from the liv­ing room cupboard. 🙂

Sperma auffangen mit Schnapsglas
Col­lect­ing sperm with a shot glass

I used this count­less times over many years to ejac­u­late into it in a con­trolled and tar­get­ed man­ner. This strat­e­gy was also very effective.

Although I could­n’t ejac­u­late quite as “freely” as on a plate, my clothes, briefs and stom­ach final­ly stayed com­plete­ly clean. I hid the filled glass and when the air was “clean”, I could eas­i­ly wash it out in the bathroom.

The small jar was great for col­lect­ing and trans­port­ing sperm. This tip is real­ly worth its weight in gold for many men! In my opin­ion, this small, incon­spic­u­ous jar of sperm had a mas­sive impact on my sperm fetish.

When I told my friend Kath­leen about it many years lat­er, she was keen to have a look. She was imme­di­ate­ly hooked! She liked the idea so much that we still occa­sion­al­ly use shot glass­es today.

How­ev­er, we no longer wash the cream away these days. We use small cups, con­tain­ers and bowls to col­lect creampie and sperm to use the hot cum for horny sperm games. You can put them in the freez­er and squirt them in sev­er­al times.


Strategy C: Ejaculate Into My Mouth Myself (Autofellatio, Self Sucking)

When I had over­come my resis­tance to sperm, I thought — what would it be like if I did­n’t have to col­lect my sperm at all? So I came up with the idea of ejac­u­lat­ing it direct­ly into my mouth. 

I put my legs over my head, slid my ass against the wall, braced myself against the slop­ing roof above my bed, jerked off my penis and ejac­u­lat­ed direct­ly into my mouth.

Eigenes Sperma schlucken: Autofellatio - Selbstbesamung
Swal­low­ing my own sperm: Aut­ofel­la­tio — self insemination

The first time, I was com­plete­ly over­whelmed by the large amount of ejac­u­late, the tem­per­a­ture and con­sis­ten­cy and ran down to the sink to emp­ty my mouth and rinse it out. But after three or four times, I got the hang of it: Don’t think about it, swal­low it straight away.

When I was wank­ing again, I decid­ed to ALWAYS swal­low the “evi­dence” from then on.

For many years, the aut­ofel­la­tio was my favorite solu­tion for sperm recy­cling! Semen extrac­tion and swal­low­ing was quick and prac­ti­cal! Clothes and bed­ding stayed clean. The sperm could squirt “freely” from the penis. I no longer had to hold any­thing in front of the penis glans in a pan­ic and no longer had to wipe any­thing up. I no longer had to go down to the bath­room at night. And I could final­ly cum spon­ta­neous­ly when I was horny and final­ly need­ed to discharge.

Sich selbst einen blasen
Giv­ing myself a blowjob

The “Pact” With Myself: Never Waste Sperm Again!

The male brain floods the body with dopamine dur­ing orgasm. The more ejac­u­la­tion I swal­lowed, the more I asso­ci­at­ed the taste of semen with plea­sure. Even at an ear­ly age, my brain asso­ci­at­ed “orgas­mic mouth­ful of semen” with pleasure.

Self facial - Autofellatio
Self facial — autofellatio

I almost uncon­scious­ly cre­at­ed a pos­i­tive feed­back loop that auto­mat­i­cal­ly increased my mas­tur­ba­tion fre­quen­cy. I increas­ing­ly looked for­ward not only to the “wank­ing in advance” and the orgasm, but also to my own sperm in my mouth.

Since the age of 20, swal­low­ing semen had become so habit­u­al that I wast­ed semen less and less often. Eat­ing my ejac­u­late dur­ing orgasm became more and more normal. 

In the end, I made a pact with myself: nev­er to dis­pose of sperm in a tis­sue again! But I was only able to put this pact into prac­tice with my then girl­friend and now wife Kath­leen. But more on that later.

My Wife Reacted Unexpectedly Positively to My Sperm Fetish

I did­n’t meet my wife until I was 22. As I said: I was a late bloomer. Before that, I did­n’t have a girl­friend and lived in my sis­ter’s room with my par­ents for so long. After many years of wank­ing, drink­ing sperm, cum food and sperm games, it was an extreme change for me to fuck a woman.

Muschi sauberlecken: Eigenes Sperma schlucken
Lick­ing my pussy clean became my duty — swal­low­ing my own sperm my passion

I desired my girl­friend at the time so much that I almost always ejac­u­lat­ed into her uncon­trol­lably at first. 

How­ev­er, I did­n’t dare con­fess my sperm fetish to her for sev­er­al months and was dis­ap­point­ed to see how my cum end­ed up in paper tis­sues. Kath­leen unfor­tu­nate­ly had two neg­a­tive expe­ri­ences with her ex-boyfriends and always metic­u­lous­ly wiped it away.

So one day, with­out warn­ing, I licked our hot creampie out of her and made her oral­ly orgasm vio­lent­ly. This opened the door for me to dare to clean the creampie more and more often, or to insem­i­nate her body and lick the sperm blobs clean.

Cuckold facial cumshot: Frau unterstützt ihren Mann bei der Selbstbesamung
Cuck­old facial cumshot: Wife sup­ports her hus­band dur­ing self-insemination

My wife became down­right infat­u­at­ed with my dirty clean­ing games and mas­tur­bat­ed vio­lent­ly as she watched me lick her body clean. 

She liked to wank my penis in the ass-in-the-air posi­tion to squirt my own cum into my mouth and face.

The mess­es increased month after month… So much so that we were lit­er­al­ly fight­ing over the drops of sperm, cum blobs and threads of semen and kiss­ing pas­sion­ate­ly with our love juices.

Hus­band rounds off his orgasm and milks pre­cum on pussy. Then he fucks her again and insem­i­nates her pussy a sec­ond time.

What About Cum Swallowing Today?

I hit the jack­pot with Kath­leen. I don’t have to sup­press my cum fetish, but can live it out open­ly with her as a true cum swal­low­er. Even after more than 30 years of mar­riage, we still have a won­der­ful and incred­i­bly var­ied sex life. 

After Kath­leen also had her sperm com­ing out one day, both of us are now com­plete­ly unin­hib­it­ed and love it very wet, very play­ful, very hard and very dirty. We have set up a sex room in our son’s for­mer nurs­ery — in the style of Shades of Grey. 🙂

Cuckold muss eigenes Sperma essen
Cuck­old has to eat his own sperm

We both have equal­ly pro­nounced cuck­old, gang­bang and wife­shar­ing fan­tasies, but we only live them out as a cou­ple with our many sex toys and porn. We don’t yet know whether we will one day dare to enjoy sex with oth­er men and whether I will swal­low oth­er peo­ple’s sperm. But we would be tempted…

Kath­leen and I now both have a very pro­nounced sperm fetish. We like cum­food, cum kiss­es, cum games and col­lect my cum in the freez­er to reen­act gang­bangs. We even bake and cook with cum. We also use fake sperm (arti­fi­cial semen) to get slight­ly larg­er quantities.

Kath­leen likes huge penis­es of young men (young bulls / young stal­lions) who can ejac­u­late pow­er­ful­ly. We have numer­ous XXL dil­dos, a fist dil­do, a fuck­ing machine and all kinds of inflat­able and suck­ing uten­sils that we use with thawed semen as a lubricant. 

My job is to thor­ough­ly clean the hot love juices, pussy juice, squirt and fresh sperm as well as the soaked sex toys. Some­times I get a vig­or­ous prostate mas­sage, some­times I have to wear a penis cage and some­times I get a forced desem­i­na­tion (I get milked to the last drop) or a strap-on in the ass. Typ­i­cal cuckold…

Hotwife Fremdbesamung
Hotwife insem­i­na­tion: Stranger fuck and insem­i­na­tion of a wife by a strange man

My Tips for You to Learn to Swallow Your Own Sperm: Autofellatio, Honey, Pineapple, Orgasm Control and More

Final­ly, I would like to give you some tips and sug­ges­tions from Kath­leen and myself:

  • I don’t know how many men have tried their own sperm, but I bet it’s a lot more than you think.
    How­ev­er, I assume that unfor­tu­nate­ly only a few of these men do it reg­u­lar­ly. Most guys fail due to the prob­lem that the urge for their own sperm sud­den­ly sub­sides after orgasm. This time win­dow needs to be tricked! You should get your cock over your mouth by lean­ing against a wall. Try to shoot your cum load direct­ly into your mouth. 
  • Your sperm will taste much, much bet­ter if you eat fresh pineap­ple, drink pineap­ple juice and gen­er­al­ly drink lots of water for three days before the autofellatio. 
  • Before you spit out semen, you can put a jar of hon­ey next to you. After oral insem­i­na­tion, quick­ly put a spoon­ful of hon­ey in your mouth. This works one hun­dred percent.
  • Before you give up, you should set your­self the goal of try­ing at least 10 times! Prac­tice swal­low­ing sperm sev­er­al times, over and over again. Your resis­tance will get weak­er each time.
  • Work on ruin­ing orgasms and orgasm con­trol. The pre­cum nec­tar you pro­duce will taste much bet­ter than a full load of semen.
  • If you are an advanced cum swal­low­er, be sure to try cum food (cum-laced cakes and cook­ies, piz­za, burg­ers, ice cream, pudding). 
  • A very good expe­ri­ence is a vibra­tor in the ass! If you stim­u­late the prostate, the orgasm and the amount of ejac­u­la­tion will increase many times over. 🙂 
  • Lick the creampie clean after sex with your wife.
  • Always have a glass, plate, fun­nel, spoon or bowl to hand in case you need to col­lect sperm.
  • If you like sperm games, you should freeze and col­lect sperm in the freez­er.
  • Your per­son­al goal one day should be to lick every one of your wife’s creamp­ies clean.
Man ejac­u­lates vig­or­ous­ly on his wife’s pussy and licks the sperm clean

Further Sources on the Topic of Cum Swallowing:

Hus­band licks insem­i­nat­ed pussy clean and comes a sec­ond time. Female orgasm in close-up.

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