Foreign Insemination: How to Get a Woman to Do That?

For most men, it would­n’t be remote­ly con­ceiv­able that their sweet­heart would fuck strange men. And yet, an incred­i­ble num­ber of guys have wild swinger, wife­shar­ing and cuck­old fan­tasies. They are look­ing for tips on how to get their wife, girl­friend, or life part­ner to get stranger fucked.

World­wide, the terms gang­bang, cuck­old, wife­shar­ing, cross-insem­i­na­tion, group sex, swingers are among the most searched key­words on Google. It is psy­cho­log­i­cal­ly unex­plored why so many men desire to have their wife fucked very hard by strange men from one orgasm to the next, insem­i­nat­ing her abun­dant­ly with sperm.…

How­ev­er, to make a hob­by whore out of a woman is absolute­ly not an easy exer­cise. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, in addi­tion to many vul­gar com­ments, you can hard­ly find use­ful tips on the internet.

There­fore, we have put togeth­er a guide for you on this guide page for men, with which strate­gies you can be suc­cess­ful. Have you made your own stranger-fuck expe­ri­ences, or do you have ques­tions and com­ments? Then please leave a com­ment. We hope that the fol­low­ing tips will help you to get your wife to have sex with strange men.

How Do You Get a Woman to Let Herself Be Inseminated?

As we already men­tioned in the intro­duc­tion, it is not easy to get a nor­mal woman to let her­self be fucked by a stranger or even insem­i­nat­ed with­out a con­dom. Before we answer the ques­tion of how to get your wife to cross-fuck you, we should first address wom­en’s fears and prejudices. 

Every aspir­ing wife­shar­er, cuck­old, and swinger should first look at col­lab­o­ra­tive cheat­ing from the female perspective.…

Creampie Cathy

Phase 1: Understand Your Wife’s Fears and Sexual Desires

Women are under incred­i­ble social pres­sure. They want to please men visu­al­ly, be suc­cess­ful pro­fes­sion­al­ly and be a good moth­er at the same time. Almost to the point of self-sac­ri­fice, they try to show their fam­i­ly and friends that they have their lives under control.

Let your wife fucking a foreign man: Perfect for starting cuckolding / wifesharing
Let your wife fuck­ing a for­eign man: Per­fect for start­ing cuck­old­ing / wifesharing

For their part­ner, most women (at least at the begin­ning of a new rela­tion­ship) want to be desir­able, pas­sion­ate and a grenade in bed. Nev­er­the­less, very many women are inhib­it­ed in the area of sex­u­al­i­ty even nowa­days. A large per­cent­age of women are inse­cure, have prej­u­dices, com­plex­es, and fears.

The linch­pin of female sex­u­al­i­ty is their upbring­ing and first sex­u­al expe­ri­ences in ado­les­cence. This pre-imprint­ing deter­mines sex­u­al exper­i­men­ta­tion through­out life. Say: One guy in ado­les­cence can mess every­thing up!!!

If a woman is sex­u­al­ly open-mind­ed, her biggest fear is that her part­ner will think she’s a slut. Being out­ed as a “slut” who has sex with many men is a wom­an’s biggest hor­ror thought. The ladies who live this lifestyle usu­al­ly do it secretly.

a) Explore their sexual fantasies

Before you can even begin to get your woman to fuck strangers, you should skill­ful­ly try to get to her sex­u­al fantasies.

Women and men have sex with strangers in their fantasies
Women and men have sex with strangers in their fantasies

All women have erot­ic thoughts, but they often keep them like a well-guard­ed trea­sure. Go tac­ti­cal­ly smart and take advan­tage of “casu­al” oppor­tune moments with­out com­ing across as crude or vulgar.

You can def­i­nite­ly talk to a woman who is open about sex­u­al­i­ty. A glass of wine and roman­tic moments will loosen her tongue quick­ly. Ask her casu­al­ly dur­ing sex­u­al pam­per­ing, fore­play and sex.

Tim­ing and empa­thy are impor­tant. You can even take advan­tage of a walk and “turn on” your wife. If it’s the wrong time, you can redi­rect the con­ver­sa­tion to anoth­er topic.

Don’t men­tion your desire to fuck a stranger yet! You are wast­ing pre­cious pow­der! Pull your­self togeth­er! Some men talk about such things at the most inap­pro­pri­ate moments and are sur­prised to get a rejec­tion “once and for all”.

Have patience! Good things take time…

b) Analyze their fears and complexes

Also explore very care­ful­ly what your part­ner is afraid of and what she does­n’t like. Most­ly these are the top­ics: Prob­lems with female fig­ure, appear­ance of vagi­na and size of breasts, “What do oth­ers think about me?”, fear of STDs, fear of not being “good enough” in bed or not reach­ing orgasm.

Sex to third: Threesome group sex
Sex to third: Three­some group sex

Lis­ten defen­sive­ly and don’t bela­bor any issues. Even if you have more ques­tions on the tip of your tongue — don’t probe deeper! 

Do not give her the oppor­tu­ni­ty to elab­o­rate on her unpleas­ant thoughts. It is enough if you just know the top­ics and appease your wife in the conversation.

Dis­likes or com­plex­es are not nec­es­sar­i­ly the “off” for your stranger-fuck­ing plans. Con­sid­er them as cliffs, which you should lat­er skill­ful­ly cir­cum­nav­i­gate. They are not obstacles!

c) Remember their prejudices

Anoth­er point is the top­ic “prej­u­dices”. They are not to be con­fused with fears or complexes.

It is very like­ly that you have already been con­front­ed by your wife sev­er­al times with deroga­to­ry prej­u­dices. Sure­ly, you have rolled your eyes inward­ly. Most­ly it is about sex­u­al prac­tices like: Facial insem­i­na­tion, porn, anal sex, cum in mouth, sex with strangers.

Don’t go fur­ther on their prej­u­dices on it from now on! No more stu­pid com­ments! No “mak­ing fun of it” and no “try­ing to per­suade”! Accept their prej­u­dices. Because here, too, it’s a mat­ter of “nav­i­gat­ing around pit­falls in the future” and pro­ceed­ing strate­gi­cal­ly and wisely.

Creampie Cathy

Phase 2: Stimulate Your Wife’s Fantasies About Cross-Insemination

d) Stimulate her imagination

After your three-step analy­sis, let’s get start­ed! Accord­ing to the mot­to “Con­stant drip­ping wears away the stone”, you should dis­creet­ly come up with your wife’s favorite top­ics over and over again. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, there is no patent rem­e­dy. There­fore, you should react flex­i­bly to the insights you have gained. It is on “knife edge” to come across too clum­sy or even to annoy!

Plan specif­i­cal­ly roman­tic evenings in which you per­form oil mas­sages with can­dle­light and qui­et music. Buy sex toys togeth­er with her and exper­i­ment with them in an unin­hib­it­ed way. Pre-select­ed (!) porn that you watch togeth­er under a blan­ket is also perfect.

Fire her fan­tasies while fuck­ing! Because she is already horny, she opens her imag­i­na­tion for your desires 🙂 A good fan­ta­sy sym­bio­sis devel­ops, which you will fur­ther embell­ish togeth­er in the fol­low­ing weeks and months.

Excel­lent is in the final stage, her in the mid­dle of her orgasm mur­mur, that you just imag­ine how she is fucked by a strange man. Or when you squirt into her, that you wish a for­eign cock would squirt into her now. With a very high prob­a­bil­i­ty, she will get real­ly wild, and a few days lat­er, you will ask her if you “real­ly” want her to have sex with anoth­er man.

Cuckold schaut zu, wie Hotwife vom BBC verwöhnt wird
Cuck­old watch­es hotwife being pam­pered by BBC
e) Come out of the closet and say that you want to have sex with strangers

If you’ve reached the cur­rent point, you’re nowhere near the fin­ish line! It begins now a cat and mouse — game, between the thoughts of the real­i­ty and the fan­ta­sy. Women get at this point quick­ly to an inner conflict.

Always give your part­ner the secu­ri­ty that you love her uncon­di­tion­al­ly. Explain to her that you would get even clos­er to her emo­tion­al­ly if a strange man fucks her. Explain to her that you are not look­ing for sex with anoth­er woman (if this is not the case, push this desire to the back!!!).

At this stage, it is imper­a­tive that you avoid the top­ics of swal­low­ing sperm, insem­i­na­tion, gang­bang, and sex with­out a condom.

Read also the con­tri­bu­tion: How do I tell my wife?

f) Deepen your cuckolding fantasies TOGETHER

Deep­en your cuck­old­ing fan­tasies fur­ther with sex toys, porn, sex sto­ries and fan­tasies. Cre­ate an account togeth­er on Joy­club, Augen­wei­de, xHam­ster or and browse for con­tri­bu­tions from like-mind­ed people.

It comes com­plete­ly auto­mat­i­cal­ly the point where you are look­ing for a BBC, a house friend or a unique sex part­ner. Con­tin­ue to pro­ceed very slow­ly and cau­tious­ly here. Get a com­mon sec­ond cell phone for sex con­tacts, do not send out pic­tures — on which your face can be seen!

Slutwife Trainig

Phase 3: Your First Date With a Strange Man

g) Find a sex partner on the Internet

Don’t look for a BBC or an extreme­ly dom­i­nant man for your “first time”. Leave group sex alone for the time being! If you have found a poten­tial sex part­ner, set as a rule that there are no secret dates and chats.

Man watching his partner having anal sex with a stranger
Man watch­ing his part­ner hav­ing anal sex with a stranger

Choose your short trip to anoth­er city. Larg­er hotels in a big city are super suit­able. Nev­er, nev­er, nev­er your pri­vate apart­ment! Nev­er! No mat­ter how nice the guy looks! 

A big advan­tage: Your wife is cleared in this way par­al­lel: There nobody knows you! Even if a date runs bad­ly — no mat­ter, you nev­er see each oth­er again.

Impor­tant should be to you to the for­eign insem­i­na­tion a health cer­tifi­cate that is pre­sent­ed to each oth­er or at least that with the first time is fucked with a condom.

h) Find a sex partner in a disco or bar

A very strong fan­ta­sy for many women is to pick up a guy in a dis­co or bar. Try it out and jump over your shadow! 

On vaca­tion or in a for­eign city, let your eyes wan­der in a loca­tion where you feel com­fort­able. Look around and see who your part­ner is look­ing at and always tell her. For exam­ple, “Look at the guy next to the bar. He’s been look­ing at you so hot the whole time”. Or: “Look, he’s already drool­ing”. This does­n’t even have to be true — but she will then look at him more often and he will of course auto­mat­i­cal­ly look back more.

It may be that she makes a com­ment like “He is not my type” or sim­i­lar. So choose anoth­er man. Repeat this with humor with­out being heavy-hand­ed. This will con­di­tion your woman, and she will sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce her shyness/advantages 😉 With so many guys keep­ing an eye on her, she will feel sexy.

Then the next step is to be bold, yet sim­ple: when she likes a guy, you strike up a con­ver­sa­tion. You then sim­ply say, “Come on, let’s par­ty a lit­tle more in the room!” With a very high prob­a­bil­i­ty you come so to a date.

Stranger fuck on vacation: Wife gets fucked in hotel room by BBC and alienated with plenty of cum
Stranger fuck on vaca­tion: Wife gets fucked in hotel room by BBC and alien­at­ed with plen­ty of cum

i) Your behavior during sex

Be clear that you are play­ing with fire. If your wife has extreme­ly horny sex with a stranger, there is no turn­ing back! She will want to have this feel­ing of hap­pi­ness again and again from now on! You open the Pan­do­ra’s box. 😉

Do not with­draw at all dur­ing sex with a stranger. Because espe­cial­ly dur­ing sex your wife needs you very closely! 

Foreign fuck: Wife lets herself be fucked and inseminated by her husband and a stranger.
For­eign fuck: Wife lets her­self be fucked and insem­i­nat­ed by her hus­band and a stranger.

Show her that you find it total­ly cool that she can be fucked so horny for­eign fuck! Hold her hand and cheer her on! Kiss her mouth greed­i­ly with your tongue and caress her body.

Knead her nip­ples hard and make her feel good all around. Spit in her mouth when she comes to orgasm and let her suck your cock. Dab / kiss her the sweat from her forehead.

Help the stranger fuck your wife as hard as you can. Hold her feet in the air in mis­sion­ary posi­tion. Spread her labia. Jerk her clit while he fucks. Hold her favorite vibra­tor to her love pearl. Drip wax on her nip­ples, use clothes­pins or what­ev­er she loves.

If you want to fuck along, take turns fuck­ing your wife bru­tal­ly with the stranger fuck­er — but pull your­self togeth­er not to come to cum orgasm yet. Save your orgasm for lat­er, when the guy is gone!

Pho­tos and videos are still taboo at the first times!

j) Your behavior after sex (Aftercare)

When the fuck­er is gone, anoth­er very impor­tant phase begins — which is even more impor­tant than dur­ing your nor­mal sex: Caress her, lick her and kiss her very exten­sive­ly and tenderly!

Look your wife deep in the eyes and tell her how awe­some that was and that you love her so much! Tell her that she is the per­fect woman for you etc.

Wife lets her husband and a stranger cum on her breasts and pussy
Wife lets her hus­band and a stranger cum on her breasts and pussy

If you haven’t cum yet, fuck your wife very, very hard. Con­tin­ue to pull your­self togeth­er with the cum very much and give extra “gas” while fuck­ing! Then insem­i­nate the same place where the fuck­er has also squirt­ed. She will play with your sperm com­plete­ly horny and grin­ning broadly.

Besides the phys­i­cal “after­care”, pro­vide a warm blan­ket or warm clothes, some­thing to drink and a snack to strength­en her.

This kind of reward goes direct­ly into her sub­con­scious and imprints itself deeply! After all, your part­ner always wants to be reward­ed by you with atten­tion and love. You will notice that the “after­care” incred­i­bly con­nects your cou­ple’s relationship.

k) NEVER show her jealousy!

Also, if you have a fun­ny feel­ing in your stom­ach, and you feel jeal­ousy, pull your­self togeth­er! Both before and after and also while she fucks with the other(s) — you must not make her a scene even once! The feel­ing goes away at the lat­est in “point j”. Just get over it.

Phase 4: Repeat Your Meetings With Several Men

If your first stranger fuck worked out well, your wife will want to repeat the event a few weeks. It is rec­om­mend­ed not to take the same guy, but anoth­er man. This way you avoid that the fuck­er can invade your pri­vate life.

The more often you fuck with strange men, the more your wife will notice that you find it real­ly horny. She knows that it is YOUR secret and that this has no neg­a­tive influ­ence on your oth­er life. You will notice this relaxation.

Very quick­ly, your wife will have a strong desire to fuck two or three oth­er men and to be insem­i­nat­ed by oth­ers. You can’t imag­ine how resilient women are when fuck­ing dur­ing group sex and in which spheres they are after a few orgasms.

But keep it like in dri­ving school or learn­ing to ride a bicy­cle and slow­ly increase the num­ber of bulls.

If you both have lost the shy­ness, the kinki­est fan­tasies will devel­op in both of you, such as cuck­old­ing, gang­bang, big dicks or blacks (BBC), and even kinky sperm games, creampie cleanup and much more. It all comes naturally.

If you then still want more and the nor­mal Wife­shar­ing stage firm­ly “sits”, you can slow­ly start with the Cuck­old sto­ry as Cuck­old role play! Begin to make this fur­ther incli­na­tions palat­able. So the hard cuck­old tour with­out sex (chasti­ty) with penis cage / chasti­ty belt and humiliations.

Threesome sex - Amateur couple has sex with a stranger. The wifesharer has his marital mare inseminated by strangers.
Three­some sex — Ama­teur cou­ple has sex with a stranger. The wife­shar­er has his mar­i­tal mare insem­i­nat­ed by strangers.

Conclusion: Wife for Foreign Insemination Inspire by Timing and Empathy

As curi­ous as it sounds, an incred­i­ble num­ber of men would love to watch a stranger or a group of men fuck their wife extreme­ly hard sev­er­al times to orgasm and fill her up with a lot of cum. 

Amateur hotwife enjoys her lover. Husband watches and takes pictures.
Ama­teur hotwife enjoys her lover. Hus­band watch­es and takes pictures.

You can be very sure that your wife, girl­friend or life part­ner also has very bizarre sex­u­al fan­tasies with strange men. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, she will not tell you about it eas­i­ly in order not to hurt you and to pre­serve her honor.

Nev­er­the­less, it is pos­si­ble to inspire her to let you insem­i­nate her! 

One of the main hur­dles that most prospec­tive cuck­olds, wife­shar­ers and swingers face is under­stand­ing their own woman sex­u­al­ly. They need to over­come the hur­dles skill­ful­ly and with empa­thy. No pain, no gain: say good­bye to 0815 sex and ensure an imag­i­na­tive and var­ied sex life.

Once you’ve man­aged to cre­ate your first pos­i­tive stranger-fuck­ing expe­ri­ences, new doors will open for an incred­i­bly diverse sex life.

Hope­ful­ly, this guide will help you to put your plans into prac­tice. What are your expe­ri­ences? How did you man­age to make your wife cross-inseminate?

More Resources on the Topic of Cross-Insemination:

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