Do Hotwifes Really Care That Much About Penis Size?

Pub­licly, most vanil­la women pro­fess that it’s not the “penis size” that mat­ters, but the “tech­nique”.

The fact that this state­ment is non­sense and that they are fool­ing them­selves and their part­ner in order not to offend male van­i­ty is evi­denced by count­less com­ments to the con­trary from hotwifes and sex­u­al­ly active women.

In this arti­cle, we deal with the top­ic of “penis size”. We com­pare the stim­u­la­tion effects of dif­fer­ent penis sizes and answer the ques­tion of what hotwifes real­ly think about big dicks.

What Vaginal Areas Do the Three Penis Sizes Stimulate?

The aver­age Euro­pean penis is about 14 cen­time­ters long. Any­thing over 15 cen­time­ters can be con­sid­ered large. From 19 cen­time­ters, a penis is very large.

A black giant penis provides incredibly intense orgasms compared to the normal penis
A black giant penis pro­vides incred­i­bly intense orgasms com­pared to the nor­mal penis

Sci­en­tif­ic research proves that the dif­fer­ent penis sizes dur­ing sex can also trig­ger dif­fer­ent feel­ings of plea­sure and orgasms in women. Even a small penis is quite capa­ble of sex­u­al­ly sat­is­fy­ing a woman to her climax.

A small penis rubs pri­mar­i­ly only on the G sur­face dur­ing sex in mis­sion­ary posi­tion. In addi­tion, the man thrusts rhyth­mi­cal­ly and force­ful­ly against the cli­toris, includ­ing its two cli­toral erec­tile tis­sues. He can, with some per­se­ver­ance, pro­duce a cli­toral orgasm.

An aver­age penis addi­tion­al­ly bumps against the cervix (neck of the womb), or slight­ly below it. For most women, a nor­mal­ly built penis is quite suf­fi­cient. Cer­vi­cal stim­u­la­tion can great­ly enhance a female cli­max with occa­sion­al, very pow­er­ful thrusts. The total pack­age of cli­toral, cer­vi­cal and G‑spot stim­u­la­tion can lead to a very horny orgasm dur­ing sex with a lit­tle practice.

Vagina gets maximum stimulation with big cock on G-spot, uterus and clitoris.
Vagi­na gets max­i­mum stim­u­la­tion with big cock on G‑spot, uterus and clitoris.

The big penis, on the oth­er hand, push­es the cervix aside and per­ma­nent­ly stim­u­lates the cervix with the glans. This stim­u­la­tion can trig­ger a cer­vi­cal orgasm. In addi­tion, dur­ing the in-and-out move­ment, the longer penile shaft, with a length of 2–5 cm, rubs con­sid­er­ably more against the G‑spot than a nor­mal penis.

A large penis is usu­al­ly also thick­er — This mas­sive­ly stretch­es the vagi­na dur­ing sex, which is accom­pa­nied by increased pro­duc­tion of vagi­nal flu­id and unbri­dled desire.

How­ev­er, if the penis is too long, the cli­toris may not be stim­u­lat­ed enough. This short­com­ing is made up for by cer­vi­cal stim­u­la­tion, G‑spot stim­u­la­tion and penis thickness.

Comparison: BBC vs. white cock
Com­par­i­son: BBC vs. white cock

Conclusion: Big and Small Cocks Have Their Charms

Yes, it all comes down to penis size. A big penis def­i­nite­ly has its appeal not only visu­al­ly. It stretch­es and stim­u­lates the vagi­na notice­ably. Men with big dicks also fuck dif­fer­ent­ly because they have a big ego.

Hotwifes love big dicks, that’s a fact. The penis length, penis thick­ness, and ejac­u­la­tion vol­ume are often the main argu­ments after which a cuck­ol­dress choos­es a potent bull.

Penis comparison: small vs. big
Penis com­par­i­son: small vs. big

But still, it does­n’t mean that sex with a well-hung man is always auto­mat­i­cal­ly better.

A man with a small or nor­mal penis can def­i­nite­ly please his part­ner more through more var­ied love-mak­ing techniques.

A bull can “only” fuck and cum hard. Okay, he can do that very well, but a cuck­old is con­sid­er­ably more imag­i­na­tive in stim­u­lat­ing his hotwife to orgasm.

It’s com­pa­ra­ble to eat­ing deli­cious cake: We eat “times” a piece of cake on week­ends, but not every day! A cuck­ol­dress loves the penis of her man as it is! The for­eign cocks that she enjoys from time to time are horny, deli­cious pieces of cream.

It is impor­tant that both the bull and the cuck­old know how to han­dle his cock. It is their joint task to sat­is­fy the hotwife to the max­i­mum and to insem­i­nate her abundantly.

Other Sources:

Hotwife has extremely hard orgasm with BBC Bull
Hotwife has an extreme­ly hard orgasm with BBC Bull.

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