Cuckold Penis Size: Curse or Blessing?

One of the biggest myths in cuckยญoldยญing is that only men with small penis sizes live this lifestyle. By the defยญiยญnยญiยญtion of cuckยญold, one would assume that all, or at least most cuckยญolds, have small penises.

But is it true that cuckยญolds in genยญerยญal, have small penisยญes? We looked into the topยญic and researched whether there are any reliยญable studยญies on the subยญject of penis size in cuckยญolds. In fact, we found one. ๐Ÿ˜‰

In this cuckยญold guide, we have colยญlectยญed excitยญing inforยญmaยญtion for you. We were interยญestยญed in the extent to which penis size influยญences the cuckยญoldยญing lifestyle of hotwives and cuckยญolds. We explain to you why a big BBC penis kicks them so much and whether cuckยญolds genยญerยญalยญly have small penisยญes. Feel free to leave your own opinยญions and comยญments below this post.

Most Cuckolds Have an Average Sized Penis

Cock comparison: penis vs. big cock
Cock comยญparยญiยญson: penis vs. big cock

Surยญprisยญingยญly, cuckยญoldยญing is not an excluยญsive domain for less well-built men.

D. Angela Lewis, an Ausยญtralian researcher, anaยญlyzed surยญvey data from 486 cuckยญolds, 680 cuckยญold fanยญtaยญsizยญers (men who fanยญtaยญsize about being cuckยญoldยญed) and 229 cuckยญolยญdressยญes (wives of cuckยญolds), and the results of her four-year study are fascinating.

Defined were small penisยญes (under 12.5 cm), averยญage penisยญes (12.5โ€“17.8 cm) and large penisยญes (over 17.8 cm).

As a conยญcluยญsion of her evalยญuยญaยญtion on penis size, Dr. Lewis conยญcludes in 2011:

Most cuckยญolds have an averยญage-sized penis. In cuckยญoldยญing, itโ€™s priยญmarยญiยญly a โ€œhead thing.โ€ It is a very large โ€œcomยญmon denomยญiยญnaยญtorโ€ that men want their wives to have sex with largยญer endowed men. And likeยญwise, cuckยญolยญdressยญes preยญfer such men with largยญer penisยญes than their husยญbandsโ€™.

The researcher also found that 71% of interยญviewed cuckยญolds like to be remindยญed that your wifeโ€™s loverโ€™s penis is bigยญger than their own.

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Cuckold Coupleโ€™s Pleasure Kick From the Look of the Bull

In pracยญtice, a well-built, largยญer-than-averยญage penis exerts a very strong visuยญal appeal on the cuckยญold couยญple. Giant dick wearยญers also tend to have a strong ego, as alpha males are often very athยญletยญic and musยญcuยญlar as well.

Demonยญstraยญbly, a big penis is imporยญtant to both Bull, Hotwife โ€” and the Cuck alike. In most casยญes, the Bulยญlโ€™s penis is 3 โ€” 5 cm largยญer than the Cuckieโ€™s 

Cock comparison
Cock comยญparยญiยญson

A brown, huge, masยญsiveยญly veined as well as cirยญcumยญcised BBC (Big black cock) is conยญsidยญered โ€œtheโ€ object of desire by very many women worldยญwide. They find dark brown penisยญes wetยญted with oil, pussy juice or sperm espeยญcialยญly breathtaking.

Countยญless hotwifes worldยญwide are so excitยญed by the look that they litยญerยญalยญly crave for the giant penis and its masยญsive, white sperm load and have to masยญturยญbate at the very thought. The marยญket for thick, brown dilยญdos is booming.

The cuckยญold immeยญdiยญateยญly feels โ€œsmallโ€ physยญiยญcalยญly and menยญtalยญly at the sight of the bull. The beta role erotiยญcizes most cuckยญolds. They know that he is inherยญentยญly infeยญriยญor to the Bull. Howยญevยญer, this comยญpetยญiยญtive sitยญuยญaยญtion creยญates a conยญtroยญverยญsial pleaยญsure kick an enorยญmous increase in his own sperm quanยญtiยญty. The so-called sperm comยญpeยญtiยญtion is also observed in the aniยญmal kingยญdom. Cuckยญolds, nevยญerยญtheยญless likeยญwise very much like to look at big cocks and their tremenยญdous sperm splashยญes and treat them to their spouse.

Grandiose Sex Due to Penis Thickness and Dominance

But not only the optics has its charm. Women always enthuยญsiยญasยญtiยญcalยญly describe how a large penis feels in the hand. The warmth, the hardยญness and the powยญer it radiยญates. Only with effort can the womยญanโ€™s hand embrace the penis. Often the hotwife even has to use two hands to jerk off. Oral sex is often posยญsiยญble only with effort.

Incredibly intense orgasm due to large penis
Incredยญiยญbly intense orgasm due to large penis

Durยญing sex, itโ€™s mainยญly the girth that matยญters and not necยญesยญsarยญiยญly the length. Howยญevยญer, the fact is that a large penis stimยญuยญlates places that a norยญmal penis can not reach. The cock fills the pussy comยญpleteยญly. In the vast majorยญiยญty of casยญes, the pussy reacts very, very posยญiยญtiveยญly to a bigยญger cock.

Men with bigยญger cocks also fuck difยญferยญentยญly than norยญmal men. For a woman, there is nothยญing like havยญing sex with an alpha male who is aggresยญsive, domยญiยญnant, conยญfiยญdent, and has a long, thick cock. The love life will change seriยญousยญly once the wife gets more than the husยญband can offer.

Alpha males also have an increased testosยญterone balยญance, which is accomยญpaยญnied by a sigยญnifยญiยญcantยญly highยญer sperm quanยญtiยญty. While norยญmal women reject sperm in disยญgust, the hotwife loves the bulยญlโ€™s vioยญlent, wide-sprayยญing and abunยญdant cum squirts.

Insemยญiยญnaยญtion of the pussy is as excitยญing for her as snow-white splashยญes on breasts and belยญly. Even a masยญsive facial (facial insemยญiยญnaยญtion) or cum in the mouth are described by hotwifes as highยญly arousing.

Cuckold Cock Size: Penis size is very crucial for Cuckold and Cuckoldress
Cuckยญold Cock Size: Penis size is very cruยญcial for Cuckยญold and Cuckoldress

Where Can You Find Well-Hung Men?

There are webยญsites for peoยญple who are specifยญiยญcalยญly lookยญing for well-endowed partners.

BBC - Big Black Cock
BBC โ€” Big Black Cock

Very popยญuยญlar in Gerยญman-speakยญing counยญtries are the ads on The ad site with hetยญeroยญsexยญuยญal women lookยญing for well-endowed hetยญeroยญsexยญuยญal men curยญrentยญly conยญtains over 600 ads (as of sumยญmer 2020).

Surยญprisยญingยญly, more than half of the ads (57%) were placed by marยญried women over the age of 40โ€“50.

Mostยญly it is explicยญitยญly forยญmuยญlatยญed that it should be a one-time meetยญing, and disยญcreยญtion is mandaยญtoยญry. It is almost always excluยญsiveยญly about secret, but hard sex.

From this, you can see that women espeยญcialยญly in midยญdle age, when the kids are out of the house, and the husยญband is at work, feel a lot of desire again. The fanยญtaยญsy of horny giant cocks accomยญpaยญnies many women all their lives, of course, no one learns about this secret.

Othยญer good sources to find bulls are:, and


Summary: The Penis Size Is Crucial After All!

Itโ€™s just the way it isโ€ฆ Most men have mainยญly averยญage penis meaยญsureยญments with 12 โ€” 15 cm length and a diamยญeยญter of 3.5 cm. In cuckยญoldยญing, a large penis extremeยญly stimยญuยญlates the imagยญiยญnaยญtion of the cuckยญold and cuckยญolยญdress. A cuck explicยญitยญly wishยญes his wife a bigยญger penis than he has.

Horny inseminated pussy by giant penis
Horny insemยญiยญnatยญed pussy by giant penis

Although not all women share the โ€œbigยญger-is-betยญterโ€ phiยญlosยญoยญphy, it is obviยญous that most women aged 30โ€“40 and oldยญer do anyway.

Women should not be shocked when a cuckยญold husยญband asks her for an honยญest answer about how she finds XXL cocks. In his fanยญtaยญsy, he is more than hapยญpy to encourยญage his wife to share it.

Realยญly every cuck begrudges his wife a masยญsive cock and the hard, reckยญless sex. Their resultยญing orgasms, which are not infreยญquentยญly accomยญpaยญnied by a squirt orgasm, extremeยญly excite the cuckยญold of all levยญels.

To reasยญsure men, in most casยญes the cuckยญolยญdress does not desire an alpha male in norยญmal life. A giant penis is and should remain a speยญcialยญty. An object of desire. The bull is only a โ€œmeans to an endโ€ for pleaยญsure satยญisยญfacยญtion. He should often even leave the bed after insemination.

For romance, cudยญdling and warmth of heart her beloved Cucยญki always remains the numยญber 1. Andโ€ฆ to lick clean. That is so and will always remain so!

Other Sources:

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