Cuckold Penis Size: Curse or Blessing?

One of the biggest myths in cuck­old­ing is that only men with small penis sizes live this lifestyle. By the def­i­n­i­tion of cuck­old, one would assume that all, or at least most cuck­olds, have small penises.

But is it true that cuck­olds in gen­er­al, have small penis­es? We looked into the top­ic and researched whether there are any reli­able stud­ies on the sub­ject of penis size in cuck­olds. In fact, we found one. 😉

In this cuck­old guide, we have col­lect­ed excit­ing infor­ma­tion for you. We were inter­est­ed in the extent to which penis size influ­ences the cuck­old­ing lifestyle of hotwives and cuck­olds. We explain to you why a big BBC penis kicks them so much and whether cuck­olds gen­er­al­ly have small penis­es. Feel free to leave your own opin­ions and com­ments below this post.

Most Cuckolds Have an Average Sized Penis

Cock comparison: penis vs. big cock
Cock com­par­i­son: penis vs. big cock

Sur­pris­ing­ly, cuck­old­ing is not an exclu­sive domain for less well-built men.

D. Angela Lewis, an Aus­tralian researcher, ana­lyzed sur­vey data from 486 cuck­olds, 680 cuck­old fan­ta­siz­ers (men who fan­ta­size about being cuck­old­ed) and 229 cuck­ol­dress­es (wives of cuck­olds), and the results of her four-year study are fascinating.

Defined were small penis­es (under 12.5 cm), aver­age penis­es (12.5–17.8 cm) and large penis­es (over 17.8 cm).

As a con­clu­sion of her eval­u­a­tion on penis size, Dr. Lewis con­cludes in 2011:

Most cuck­olds have an aver­age-sized penis. In cuck­old­ing, it’s pri­mar­i­ly a “head thing.” It is a very large “com­mon denom­i­na­tor” that men want their wives to have sex with larg­er endowed men. And like­wise, cuck­ol­dress­es pre­fer such men with larg­er penis­es than their hus­bands’.

The researcher also found that 71% of inter­viewed cuck­olds like to be remind­ed that your wife’s lover’s penis is big­ger than their own.


Cuckold Couple’s Pleasure Kick From the Look of the Bull

In prac­tice, a well-built, larg­er-than-aver­age penis exerts a very strong visu­al appeal on the cuck­old cou­ple. Giant dick wear­ers also tend to have a strong ego, as alpha males are often very ath­let­ic and mus­cu­lar as well.

Demon­stra­bly, a big penis is impor­tant to both Bull, Hotwife — and the Cuck alike. In most cas­es, the Bul­l’s penis is 3 — 5 cm larg­er than the Cuckie’s 

Cock comparison
Cock com­par­i­son

A brown, huge, mas­sive­ly veined as well as cir­cum­cised BBC (Big black cock) is con­sid­ered “the” object of desire by very many women world­wide. They find dark brown penis­es wet­ted with oil, pussy juice or sperm espe­cial­ly breathtaking.

Count­less hotwifes world­wide are so excit­ed by the look that they lit­er­al­ly crave for the giant penis and its mas­sive, white sperm load and have to mas­tur­bate at the very thought. The mar­ket for thick, brown dil­dos is booming.

The cuck­old imme­di­ate­ly feels “small” phys­i­cal­ly and men­tal­ly at the sight of the bull. The beta role eroti­cizes most cuck­olds. They know that he is inher­ent­ly infe­ri­or to the Bull. How­ev­er, this com­pet­i­tive sit­u­a­tion cre­ates a con­tro­ver­sial plea­sure kick an enor­mous increase in his own sperm quan­ti­ty. The so-called sperm com­pe­ti­tion is also observed in the ani­mal king­dom. Cuck­olds, nev­er­the­less like­wise very much like to look at big cocks and their tremen­dous sperm splash­es and treat them to their spouse.

Grandiose Sex Due to Penis Thickness and Dominance

But not only the optics has its charm. Women always enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly describe how a large penis feels in the hand. The warmth, the hard­ness and the pow­er it radi­ates. Only with effort can the wom­an’s hand embrace the penis. Often the hotwife even has to use two hands to jerk off. Oral sex is often pos­si­ble only with effort.

Incredibly intense orgasm due to large penis
Incred­i­bly intense orgasm due to large penis

Dur­ing sex, it’s main­ly the girth that mat­ters and not nec­es­sar­i­ly the length. How­ev­er, the fact is that a large penis stim­u­lates places that a nor­mal penis can not reach. The cock fills the pussy com­plete­ly. In the vast major­i­ty of cas­es, the pussy reacts very, very pos­i­tive­ly to a big­ger cock.

Men with big­ger cocks also fuck dif­fer­ent­ly than nor­mal men. For a woman, there is noth­ing like hav­ing sex with an alpha male who is aggres­sive, dom­i­nant, con­fi­dent, and has a long, thick cock. The love life will change seri­ous­ly once the wife gets more than the hus­band can offer.

Alpha males also have an increased testos­terone bal­ance, which is accom­pa­nied by a sig­nif­i­cant­ly high­er sperm quan­ti­ty. While nor­mal women reject sperm in dis­gust, the hotwife loves the bul­l’s vio­lent, wide-spray­ing and abun­dant cum squirts.

Insem­i­na­tion of the pussy is as excit­ing for her as snow-white splash­es on breasts and bel­ly. Even a mas­sive facial (facial insem­i­na­tion) or cum in the mouth are described by hotwifes as high­ly arousing.

Cuckold Cock Size: Penis size is very crucial for Cuckold and Cuckoldress
Cuck­old Cock Size: Penis size is very cru­cial for Cuck­old and Cuckoldress

Where Can You Find Well-Hung Men?

There are web­sites for peo­ple who are specif­i­cal­ly look­ing for well-endowed partners.

BBC - Big Black Cock
BBC — Big Black Cock

Very pop­u­lar in Ger­man-speak­ing coun­tries are the ads on The ad site with het­ero­sex­u­al women look­ing for well-endowed het­ero­sex­u­al men cur­rent­ly con­tains over 600 ads (as of sum­mer 2020).

Sur­pris­ing­ly, more than half of the ads (57%) were placed by mar­ried women over the age of 40–50.

Most­ly it is explic­it­ly for­mu­lat­ed that it should be a one-time meet­ing, and dis­cre­tion is manda­to­ry. It is almost always exclu­sive­ly about secret, but hard sex.

From this, you can see that women espe­cial­ly in mid­dle age, when the kids are out of the house, and the hus­band is at work, feel a lot of desire again. The fan­ta­sy of horny giant cocks accom­pa­nies many women all their lives, of course, no one learns about this secret.

Oth­er good sources to find bulls are:, and

Selfcum: Self cum - Review

Summary: The Penis Size Is Crucial After All!

It’s just the way it is… Most men have main­ly aver­age penis mea­sure­ments with 12 — 15 cm length and a diam­e­ter of 3.5 cm. In cuck­old­ing, a large penis extreme­ly stim­u­lates the imag­i­na­tion of the cuck­old and cuck­ol­dress. A cuck explic­it­ly wish­es his wife a big­ger penis than he has.

Horny inseminated pussy by giant penis
Horny insem­i­nat­ed pussy by giant penis

Although not all women share the “big­ger-is-bet­ter” phi­los­o­phy, it is obvi­ous that most women aged 30–40 and old­er do anyway.

Women should not be shocked when a cuck­old hus­band asks her for an hon­est answer about how she finds XXL cocks. In his fan­ta­sy, he is more than hap­py to encour­age his wife to share it.

Real­ly every cuck begrudges his wife a mas­sive cock and the hard, reck­less sex. Their result­ing orgasms, which are not infre­quent­ly accom­pa­nied by a squirt orgasm, extreme­ly excite the cuck­old of all lev­els.

To reas­sure men, in most cas­es the cuck­ol­dress does not desire an alpha male in nor­mal life. A giant penis is and should remain a spe­cial­ty. An object of desire. The bull is only a “means to an end” for plea­sure sat­is­fac­tion. He should often even leave the bed after insemination.

For romance, cud­dling and warmth of heart her beloved Cuc­ki always remains the num­ber 1. And… to lick clean. That is so and will always remain so!

Other Sources:

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