My Slut Wife Goes Black: The BBC sexual adventures of a real housewife

I have writ­ten many a porn site review from the point of view of a wife­shar­er or cuck­old, and I have seen many com­mer­cial sites. So I was all the more sur­prised when I vis­it­ed for a review. 

On this porn site a pri­vate cuck­old cou­ple gives insights into their rela­tion­ship. The 41-year-old hotwife is a bored house­wife named Alex­ia Thomas. Creep­ing sex in her mar­riage has gone from an excit­ing begin­ning to monot­o­nous rou­tine one day. This is not for the fun-lov­ing and attrac­tive Hotwife. She wants to enjoy life and togeth­er with her hus­band decid­ed to look for a black housemate.

They found a man who has the pseu­do­nym Cli­toris­break­er (clit-break­er). The name is sure­ly due to the fact that his penis is huge.

Alex­ia and her BBC Bull meet reg­u­lar­ly in dif­fer­ent hotels for pas­sion­ate sex. As befits real cuck­old sex, her (unnamed) hus­band is always there. He pho­tographs and films the horny goings-on of the two. You can watch this cuck­old porn and pho­tos on My Slutwife Goes Black.

We got real­ly excit­ed about this top­ic and decid­ed to test this sex site for eroti­cism. You can read in the fol­low­ing review what con­tent is hid­den in the mem­bers area of MyS­lutwife­Goes­Black. As in our oth­er reviews, we com­pare the advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages and give you hints whether a mem­ber­ship is worth it.


The preview area of

The pre­view area of is sim­ple and clear­ly arranged. The cen­ter of atten­tion is a slideshow with clips from the videos 

The dreamy BBC Cock from Clitorisbreaker next to a wine bottle
The dreamy BBC Cock from Cli­toris­break­er next to a wine bottle

On them you can see Alex­ia get­ting fucked by Cli­tors­break­er in dif­fer­ent posi­tions. More­over, you can admire the impres­sive penis size of the black stud. In anoth­er slide, she sucks the cock of her black lover and her cuck­old alternately. 

Below that, under the head­ing “Lat­est Videos”, screen­shots of nine videos fol­low, show­ing clips of the porn offered. 

Five pre­view pho­tos of the lat­est pho­to gal­leries fol­low under the “Lat­est Pho­tos” paragraph. 

Final­ly, there is a “Mod­els” block, where the gigan­tic penis of “Cli­toris Break­er” can be seen next to a wine bot­tle. To the right, Alex­ia Thomas can be seen in a white fur coat. 

At the bot­tom of the home­page you will find ref­er­ences to the bonus pages that are includ­ed in the membership.

On the pos­i­tive side, you can see a 15-sec­ond clip of all the videos.

How did the husband make his wife a hotwife?

On Alex­ia Thomas’ mod­el page, the house­wife reveals how her hus­band man­aged to get her hooked on BBC Cocks and thus turn her into a hotwife.

Hotwife Alexia Thomas
Hotwife Alex­ia Thomas

The hus­band had his own method to intro­duce big black cocks to Alex­ia years ago. 

After show­ing inter­ra­cial sex movies with big black dicks from, he left her with­out sex for a week, then arranged a meet­ing with a BBC cop and booked a hotel room. 

Alex­ia could­n’t resist. The stal­lions’ Big Black Cocks looked real­ly huge and horny, and Alex­ia final­ly want­ed to get fucked. And so, it came to very pas­sion­ate sex meetings. 

This strat­e­gy, a com­plete suc­cess! Her hus­band did a great job. Alex­ia is now a total slut for BBCs, and she fucks and sucks black cocks at every opportunity. 

She loves to be mas­sive­ly insem­i­nat­ed with Black Cum (black sperm) in her pussy, mouth and face.

Facts and figures about the website went online in Novem­ber 2017. Pre­sum­ably, the Czech porn label Van­goren is the creator 

When book­ing a mem­ber­ship you get a bonus. The con­tent of the fol­low­ing sex sites is includ­ed in the price with­out any restrictions:

In my review, of course, I would like to men­tion the prices and options of the mem­ber­ship. Accord­ing to the provider, they cur­rent­ly look like this:

  • 1 month: $24.99
  • 3 months: $52.99
  • 12 months: $99.95

Pay­ments can be made with Pay­Pal or cred­it card (Visa Card, MasterCard).

Test report: Review of the member area of

Site structure, content and special features

Once you have logged into the mem­ber area of, dis­il­lu­sion­ment sets in. There are only sev­en­teen videos avail­able. Each clip is about 10 min­utes long. The last video was uploaded in August 2018.

The offer is enriched by three pho­to gal­leries, each of which con­tains around 20 images. In no web­site test have I come across an offer­ing with so few movies and pho­tos. Due to the sparse con­tent, the site is very clear­ly laid out. 

The scenes seem to be real sex filmed by the hus­band. The videos have a high­ly ama­teur char­ac­ter, which has a strong appeal to cuckolds. 

Alex­ia gets fucked hard by her Bull in a very impres­sive way. That’s exact­ly how every cuck wants it! What I am miss­ing is horny porn of a wife­shar­ing par­ty, cum kiss­ing, lick­ing cum pussy clean.

Very instructive and authentic BBC porn

Alex­ia nev­er shows her face in the porn. Either the cam­era is guid­ed so that it does not appear in the pic­ture at all or she wears a mask. It is always fucked with a con­dom. Only her mouth and face is inseminated. 

Some­times the penis from the hus­band swaps on. He is some­times allowed to join in as a reward and also fuck and even insem­i­nate his wife in front of a run­ning cam­era (with­out a condom). 

It is also notice­able that the hus­band does not have to lick sperm clean. If he does not like cum, she Alex­ia should teach him to lick cum clean as soon as pos­si­ble, since it is a basic task.

The cuck­old cou­ple shows very authen­ti­cal­ly how impor­tant it is for cou­ples to watch porn togeth­er. Almost all hotwifes had to be intro­duced to it in advance by their hus­band, life part­ner or boyfriend. Espe­cial­ly BBC porn is very good to con­vince the beloved wife.

Advantages of the sex site

The only advan­tage is the fact that it is ama­teur footage of a real cuck­old couple.

Since the hus­band films his wife hav­ing BBC sex, you can be sure that noth­ing is posed and the feel­ings shown are real.

Real cuck­old men can thus cre­ate good asso­ci­a­tions with their own wives and learn how to raise their own wives to be hotwives.

Disadvantages of the porn site

I feel it is a great pity that the site has been around for over three years and since then, only 10 videos have been uploaded. The 17 videos have been seen in one evening. What then? The 5 bonus pages are also not real­ly the roar.

On top of that, it seems that nobody has tak­en care of the web­site for more than 3 years, because there is noth­ing new.

The qual­i­ty of the videos leaves a lot to be desired. Most of the time the shots are way too dark. Some videos look like they were tak­en with a cell phone. Alex­ia and her hus­band should have invest­ed a few dol­lars in a good cam­corder and a spotlight.

Review Conclusion: Is recommendable?

All wife­shar­ers and cuck­olds have one thing in com­mon: they want to make their wives cum and watch their wives have sex with strangers. This porn site ful­fills that, but still leaves a mixed impression. 

For those who want to be inspired by the expe­ri­ences of the cuck­old cou­ple, the $25 is mon­ey well spent. It does­n’t get much more authen­tic than The good thing is that Alex­ia and her hus­band are being com­pen­sat­ed for their work and for dar­ing to let us peek into their cuck­old life.

Why the cou­ple does­n’t con­tin­ue to main­tain this sex site is in the spec­u­la­tive realm. Maybe Alex­ia ran off with a bull 😉

If you have been on oth­er porn paysites for the same price, you will be dis­ap­point­ed by the low con­tent and qual­i­ty. Then there are bet­ter cuck­old porn sites. It’s also a pity that the con­tent of the bonus pages are not the hottest.


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