Why Are So Many Men Into Candaulism

Itโ€™s hard to believe, but a very big male fanยญtaยญsy is to watch โ€” when anothยญer man or even a group of men fuck their own (wife) hard. This sex with strangers is called Canยญdaulism in techยญniยญcal language.

The term Canยญdaulism dates back to 600 AD and states that a man virยญtuยญalยญly โ€œborยญrowsโ€ his wife and watchยญes othยญer men have sexยญuยญal fun with her. Canยญdaulists, then, are hapยญpy to be cuckolded.

One of the key quesยญtions is what do men get out of engagยญing in this game of fire? Why is sexยญuยญal play so prevaยญlent around the world? And why do docยญuยญmenยญtaยญtions of wife swapยญping and cuckยญoldยญing go way back to ancient times?

We want to deal with these quesยญtions in this artiยญcle. We very much invite you to post your quesยญtions, thoughts, theยญoยญries and remarks as comments.

The Difference Between Wifesharing, Cuckolding, and Swingers

In order to underยญstand what driยญves men to โ€œshareโ€ their partยญners durยญing sex with strangers, we need to divide men into three groups of peoยญple: wifeยญsharยญers, cuckยญoldยญers, and swingers.

All three groups of men have one main goal: the forยญeign insemยญiยญnaยญtion or forยญeign fuckยญing of their own wife, life partยญner or girlยญfriend. And yet their backยญgrounds, sexยญuยญal desires, and life cirยญcumยญstances are different:


1. Swinger: Both Partners Have Sex With Strange Women and Men

Swinger couยญples are charยญacยญterยญized by sponยญtaยญneous sexยญuยญal activยญiยญty with many difยญferยญent sexยญuยญal partยญners. In swingers clubs, bars or priยญvate apartยญments they usuยญalยญly celยญeยญbrate frivยญoยญlous sex parยญties in an exuยญberยญant atmosยญphere with music and bufยญfet. Often there are theme parยญties. The prinยญciยญple of โ€œsee and be seenโ€ is very proยญnounced here.

Passionate swinger sex. Husband is watching!
Pasยญsionยญate swinger sex. Her Husยญband is watching!

Most swinger couยญples let themยญselves be surยญprised, which results in corยญreยญspondยญing swinger evenings. Husยญband and wife are usuยญalยญly equal and are allowed to have sex with any parยญty participants.

They have sex with strangers togethยญer, but go home togethยญer โ€œhand in handโ€ at night. Swinger relaยญtionยญships, despite the eterยญnal tempยญtaยญtion, can still be described as very staยญble. There are couยญples who celยญeยญbratยญed their silยญver wedยญding anniverยญsary in a swingers club. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Without Rules No Swinger Sex Works

Many swinger couยญples have imposed indiยญvidยญual rules on themยญselves. For examยญple, kissยญing, stayยญing alone with a potenยญtial sex partยญner or exchangยญing phone numยญbers may be forยญbidยญden. The only taboo is โ€œsneakยญing aroundโ€.

In so-called menโ€™s surยญplus parยญties, the wife / life partยญner / girlยญfriend is allowed to get fucked by a horde of men. Mostยญly, the man is present, masยญturยญbate extenยญsiveยญly and / or activeยญly participates.

Bisexยญuยญal conยญtacts between women are comยญmon among swingers. Bisexยญuยญal men more rarely.

In most casยญes, swinger sex takes place with a conยญdom. Thereยญfore, sperm insemยญiยญnaยญtions here often take place on breasts, in the face or in the mouth of the woman. Mostยญly you see sperm kissยญing and cleanยญing only among women. Men watch excitedly.

2. Wifesharing: Only the Wife Has Sex With Her Husband + Strange Men

Wifeยญsharยญing couยญples are conยญsidยญerยญably more focused on each othยญer and lead very firm and espeยญcialยญly intiยญmate couยญple relaยญtionยญships. Comยญpared to noisy and restยญless swingersโ€™ parยญties, they appreยญciยญate the priยญvate quiยญet in hotel rooms or at home. The attracยญtion here is to โ€œshareโ€ the wife, life partยญner or girlยญfriend with othยญer men.

Wifesharing - Wife is fucked to orgasm
Wifeยญsharยญing โ€” wife is fucked to orgasm

Sex with anothยญer man is called a โ€œthreeยญsomeโ€. Since the woman is in conยญtrol of the sitยญuยญaยญtion, she can give herยญself to the secยญond man in a comยญpleteยญly relaxed and disยญinยญhibยญitยญed way. Sex in threeยญsomes is thus often very emoยญtionยญal and pleasยญant at the same time.

It is not uncomยญmon for a woman to be satยญisยญfied (at least for a while) with a houseยญmate. Expeยญriยญenced wifeยญsharยญing women are very hapยญpy to fulยญfill their fanยญtasies with sevยญerยญal men.

In conยญtrast to swinger menโ€™s surยญplus parยญties, the couยญple choosยญes the teamยญmates for group sex, or gangยญbang on approยญpriยญate Interยญnet porยญtals togethยญer. This aspect calms and excites the woman very much.

The Satisfaction of the Hotwifeโ€™s Desire Is the Main Focus for All Participants

Since the women of Wifeยญsharยญern are mostยญly very imagยญiยญnaยญtive and perยญmisยญsive, you expeยญriยญence espeยญcialยญly at gangยญbangs, thanks to vioยญlent psyยญchoยญlogยญiยญcal and physยญiยญcal stimยญuli, incredยญiยญbly pasยญsionยญate and unforยญgetยญtable love evenings.

The corยญreยญspondยญing husยญbands / life partยญners it gives great pleaยญsure and joy to watch their wives havยญing unreยญstrained sex with othยญer men.

Wife and husband (cuckold) enjoy wifesharing
Wife and husยญband (cuckยญold) enjoy wifesharing

Through conยญsenยญsuยญal rules, the men do not feel jealยญousy in the process and also enjoy parยญticยญiยญpatยญing themselves.

Wifeยญsharยญers enthuยญsiยญasยญtiยญcalยญly docยญuยญment the impresยญsions with a video camยญera or smartยญphone to recall the breathยญtakยญing expeยญriยญences durยญing a joint video evening.

Wifeยญsharยญing women develยญop very many fanยญtasies, incliยญnaยญtions and fetishยญes in the course of weeks, months and years. Things that were not even remoteยญly conยญceivยญable in their younger years, they enjoy to the fullest one day.

If wifeยญsharยญing couยญples have found harยญmoยญnious lovers for pleasยญant sex evenings, they like to meet repeatยญedยญly. Due to the trust that builds up, and medยญical tests are perยญformed, they usuยญalยญly enjoy sex withยญout conยญdoms. Wifeยญsharยญing couยญples like to play depraved sperm games, snowยญballing and sperm kissยญing are tolยญerยญatยญed by the man.

Many wifeยญsharยญing women also admit their husยญbands to sex with a strange woman every now and then. The conยญdiยญtion is usuยญalยญly that she activeยญly witยญnessยญes the specยญtaยญcle. Dependยญing on the sexยญuยญal incliยญnaยญtion, bisexยญuยญal activยญiยญties between men and women (sex in fours) are also not uncomยญmon in familยญiar surroundings.

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3. Cuckold: Wife Has Sex With Strange Men. Husband Just Watches

Cuckยญolds are relatยญed to wifeยญsharยญers, but still difยญferยญent in many ways.

Cuckold watches wife having sex
Cuckยญold watchยญes wife havยญing sex

For a Cuckยญold, the love for his wife is even more in the foreยญground. Erotiยญcism takes place on a conยญsidยญerยญably more emoยญtionยญal and imagยญiยญnaยญtive levยญel for them. Sexยญuยญalยญiยญty is much more spread over everyยญday life and not too focused on the actuยญal sex.

The cuckยญold loves his wife so much that he indulges her in sex with a lover who is betยญter built, more perยญsisยญtent and stronger. It excites him greatยญly to watch her have pasยญsionยญate sex.

Cuckolds Are Very Imaginative

A cuckยญold doesยญnโ€™t even begin to think about getยญting involved with othยญer women. Cuckยญold relaยญtionยญships are conยญsidยญered very hapยญpy partยญnerยญships, despite the conยญtroยญverยญsial sex, if both partยญners deal with the issue in harmony.

The cenยญtral eleยญment is that the cuckยญold relinยญquishยญes his self-deterยญmiยญnaยญtion over ejacยญuยญlaยญtion and masยญturยญbaยญtion to his hotwife. Self-authoยญrized ejacยญuยญlaยญtions are forยญbidยญden in the spirยญit of chastity.

Through the accuยญmuยญlaยญtion of pleaยญsure, a cuckยญold becomes, so to speak, obeยญdiยญent, grateยญful and very respectยญful and attenยญtive towards his life partยญner. The hotwife likes to stimยญuยญlate / penยญeยญtrate her cuck analยญly and milk the prostate. In addiยญtion, she likes to punยญish him for misยญsteps and makes him swalยญlow his own preยญcum or cum withยญout excepยญtion. Snowยญballing and cum kissยญing are part of the stanยญdard repertoire.

Three Cuckold Levels: C1, C2 and C3 โ€” The Difference Lies in the Cuckโ€™s Submissiveness

Cuckยญolds are dividยญed into three catยญeยญgories. With the C1 clasยญsiยญfiยญcaยญtion, they are, in a sense, โ€œextendยญed wifeยญsharยญersโ€. They like to be slightยญly subยญmisยญsive in loveยญmakยญing, enjoyยญing watchยญing Bull and Hotwife have sex while masยญturยญbatยญing very vigยญorยญousยญly. With a camยญera, he capยญtures the horniยญest moments for watchยญing and fanยญtaยญsizยญing togethยญer. Often he is also responยญsiยญble for the pleaยญsurยญable clean-up the creampie. He may like to fuck his hotwife.

Cuckold masturbates during stranger fuck from his wife
Cuckยญold masยญturยญbates durยญing stranger fuck from his wife

In a Cuckยญold C2 โ€” levยญel, the wife (called Cuckยญolยญdress or Hotwife) may even develยญop a deepยญer affecยญtion for the othยญer man. A C2 and C3 Cucky loves to โ€œserveโ€. He always has to swalยญlow the forยญeign sperm and is humilยญiยญatยญed by Bull and Hotwife. Hotwife and Bull enjoy themยญselves even withยญout the cuckold.

The risk and danยญger that his wife or girlยญfriend might feel more for the Bull increase the attracยญtion. Often the Cuckยญold is forยญbidยญden to fuck his wife.

Most C2 and C3 โ€” Cuckยญold relaยญtionยญships are pure triยญanยญguยญlar relaยญtionยญships with always the same Bull. Thereยญfore, in most casยญes, sex takes place withยญout a condom.

To satยญisยญfy the Hotwife comยญpleteยญly, Bull and Hotwife occaยญsionยญalยญly plan gangยญbangs. The cuckยญold is allowed to attend this specยญtaยญcle, but has to surยญrenยญder to the domยญiยญnant games of the two. For examยญple, he has to lick the forยญeign sperm clean or suck forยญeign penisยญes. Howยญevยญer, a C2 / C3 Cuckยญold likes to do the latter.

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Conclusion: Sex With Strangers โ€” But the Woman Is the Center of Attention.

BBC fucks a hotwife to orgasm
BBC fucks a hotwife to orgasm

If you have read the preยญviยญous lines careยญfulยญly, you have learned that sex with strangers, group sex and gangยญbangs are not even remoteยญly about oppressยญing or sexยญuยญalยญly exploitยญing women!

On the conยญtrary, the winยญners in wife-swapยญping are the ladies themยญselves. In many women, a supยญpressed sexยญuยญal driยญve lies dorยญmant, which is ignored and conยญcealed by many women. If the woman has overยญcome her shame barยญriยญer, she lives out the livestyle very conยญfiยญdentยญly and with great pleasure.

Men in harยญmoยญnious partยญnerยญships and marยญriages love to make their wife hapยญpy. They love to fuck their wife and my sex in the sevยญenth heaven. 

But someยญtimes a man just wants to enjoy and watch his wife in her ecstasies, her laughยญter, and her pasยญsionยญate moaning.

Cuckoldress and Cuckold Are Strongly Connected Emotionally

With increasยญing libido, a lot of men feel a great desire to let their wife, girlยญfriend, or life partยญner be fucked realยญly hard by strange men. It excites them when these men are difยญferยญent: difยญferยญent skin colยญor, bigยญger dicks, more musยญcles, domยญiยญnant appearยญance, etc.

As crazy as it sounds, the wife does expeยญriยญence strong satยญisยญfacยญtion durยญing hard sex and expeยญriยญences horny orgasms โ€” but at the same time, she feels a very intiยญmate conยญnecยญtion with her husยญband.

The partยญnerยญship bond is extremeยญly strengthยญened by this proof of trust on both sides. After the guys are gone, the overยญjoyed wife thanks her husยญband for the nice wifeยญsharยญing evening. Then intiยญmate caressยญes are exchanged, and mostยญly very horny fucks between the partยญners folยญlow even days later.

Why this is so, is psyยญchoยญlogยญiยญcalยญly not clarยญiยญfied. The pheยญnomยญeยญnon is wideยญspread throughยญout the world and in all walks of life. And that to all epochs of our human history.

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